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You can actually determine the type of person I am because I -prefer- someone to cheat on their wife than to 'beat the shit out of someone he thought that person threw a bottle at him'


I'm not rationalizing it. I just don't care that he did it. I've never cheated on anyone in my life. I thought about it, but I made the decision to inform the person rather than not. I can understand his motives. Perhaps not the EXTENT of his cheating, but his reasons. I CANNOT understand, I CANNOT condone anyone ever assaulting someone for something as trivial as a plastic cup full of beer being thrown on him.


Lets examine what this says about you. You insinuate that you AGREE with Ron Artest that in his decision to assault someone for a cup of beer. So you're saying if we were in a bar and you jumped up and laid on the bar (the equivalent of Artest laying on the announcers table) and I tossed a cup of water on you (since i don't drink when I'm out) that not only would you attack me, you'd feel JUSTIFIED in your attack? You'd feel like you were CORRECT to attack me?


Smashing a video camera is a violent act of aggression on someone elses property. Once again...cheating on your wife IS NOT A VIOLENT ACT. It's not. It's a vaguely immoral (by SOME standards, not even all) action that most people don't like. But it doesn't violate someone elses property rights, someone elses physical well-being.



Can you even comprehend the raw brutishness of favoring violence but being down on wife-cheating. That's such a classical christian viewpoint that it's disgusting. Up with violence, down on making a mockery of marriage.


Lets put it like this.


Violence kills people.


Cheating on your wife makes more babies



violence = Death


Cheating = Life


Life > Death


Cheating > Violence.




Oh and as for ROn Artest's 'charity'...money isn't what I was talking about when I mentioned charitable contributions. Magic Johnson has set up programs, facilities, businesses in urban areas. He's a businessman who tries to imnprove the lives of those less fortunate...not just hand money out to a city/neighborhood for them to screw it back up.

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Ron Artest shouldn't attack fans...fans shouldn't act like morons and throw shit at players...the NBA needs to make sure fans no longer do that shit...the end.


EDIT: jweeper, if you threw a cup of water or whatever on me for no reason, we'd be fighting.


Oh and cheating on his wife is killing him and could have potentially killed his family...

Edited by Black Lushus

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Artest hasn't come close to killing anyone. Magic on the other hand...


I can't believe you're arguing this. You make it sound like Artest is a serial killer. If someone threw a bottle at me, yes I would attack them back. Why would someone throw a bottle at anyone? Who are they to do that?


But cheating on your wife is okay, because hey, it doesn't hurt me. And if he brings a disease back with him, more power to him!

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Have you ever asked yourself why you don't like Adultery?


Why it bothers you.




Why you find it 'unacceptable'?






Is Magic Johnson's family dead. Does his wife have HIV? I don't believe so, so why is that even an issue. It's pretty obvious he didn't have sex with her after he got HIV, so why are you even bringing that up. He didn't 'endanger her life'


Why do you CARE about someone throwing a plastic cup at you. You act like it endangers you. You, and everyone else in this lame-ass world cares too much about what OTHER people do and not enough about their own behaviours, responses, and actions.





Is that what goes through your head? I receive at least one death threat a week where I work due to the nature of my clients, if I had the immediate violence response that most people seem to have, I'd probably have killed 50 people by now.




And why isn't adultery acceptable?


There are sure as hell worse things that go on that ARE acceptable.

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A better question, has Ron Artest hurt anybody? When someone throws something at you, it's quite natural to feel a little pissed. And when people have been taunting you all game, and you're tired as fuck, and someone thinks its cool to throw something at you, gee, I wonder how i'll react. Just because you recieve death threats every week doesn't make you any better of a person. They aren't throwing things at you. They aren't screaming at you for 2 hours a day. I'm not saying is right, but compared to something that is a choice you made without having someone seriously provoke you is stupid. You decided to have CHILDREN with this women, and you go out and have sex with a shitload of other women. Add to the fact that you got a virus, endangering your life, and the life of your family because hey, you might die. Screwing up the life of people around you is worse than attacking some guy who decided to throw something at you, or smashing a freaking camera.

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Have you ever asked yourself why you don't like Adultery?


Why it bothers you.




Why you find it 'unacceptable'?


you end up hurting someone because either you're not man/woman enough to end things clean or you're too selfish, thinking about getting your rocks off...think of the psychological damage you could do to your significant other if they found out, people have killed their spouses as well as themselves over it...there's the potential of bringing something dangerous home, which we've covered over and over already...there's a chance of bringing a child into this world who will have a shitty, fucked up life becuase he was born out of wedlock via infedelity...






Is Magic Johnson's family dead. Does his wife have HIV? I don't believe so, so why is that even an issue. It's pretty obvious he didn't have sex with her after he got HIV, so why are you even bringing that up. He didn't 'endanger her life'


I'm here to tell you, as a married man, if you don't plug it to your wife often, the marriage will hit the rocks quickly...we don't know what's going on in that household, but I can gaurantee that if they're not fucking, she's only there for the money or to keep the family together...she's not happy...any married WOMAN will tell you that...


Why do you CARE about someone throwing a plastic cup at you. You act like it endangers you. You, and everyone else in this lame-ass world cares too much about what OTHER people do and not enough about their own behaviours, responses, and actions.




so if someone, unprovoked, threw shit at you, a bottle no less (a plastic bottle right in the eye could have ended his career), you'd be OK with this and let it slide? Bullshit, man...



Is that what goes through your head? I receive at least one death threat a week where I work due to the nature of my clients, if I had the immediate violence response that most people seem to have, I'd probably have killed 50 people by now.


responding to death threats should be handled differently than an immediate physical threat...with death threats, you call the cops, you brush it off, whatever works for you...when someone is throwing something at you out of pure spite and hatred, you may not have to fight them, but you need to figure SOMETHING out right away to settle the situation...




And why isn't adultery acceptable?


There are sure as hell worse things that go on that ARE acceptable.


I hope your significant other cheats and brings something home to you...talk to me then and tell me why adultery is ok...

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you end up hurting someone because either you're not man/woman enough to end things clean or you're too selfish, thinking about getting your rocks off...think of the psychological damage you could do to your significant other if they found out, people have killed their spouses as well as themselves over it...there's the potential of bringing something dangerous home, which we've covered over and over already...there's a chance of bringing a child into this world who will have a shitty, fucked up life becuase he was born out of wedlock via infedelity...



I was born out of wedlock via infidelity and I'm immensely succesful at this stage of my life in addition having an amazingly wonderful childhood. So that's not impossible. And I grew up half my life poor, so don't say it was because my mother had money. It has to do with her strength of character. My strength of character. You know nothing about being born out of wedlock apparently, because it DOESN'T fuck your life.


Just makes me a bastard in truth :)




Depends on the age of the couple, at a younger age, YES not having regular sex will severely hurt a relationship (I've had it happen in one of my relationships). But what I'm just saying i don't believe he ever put his wife or family in a position to contract HIV.




so if someone, unprovoked, threw shit at you, a bottle no less (a plastic bottle right in the eye could have ended his career), you'd be OK with this and let it slide? Bullshit, man...



responding to death threats should be handled differently than an immediate physical threat...with death threats, you call the cops, you brush it off, whatever works for you...when someone is throwing something at you out of pure spite and hatred, you may not have to fight them, but you need to figure SOMETHING out right away to settle the situation...



Spite and hatred? Artest had a bottle/cup thrown at him as a joke/jab. An ATTEMPt to rile him up. when someone attempts to get you angry enough to attack them, and you attack them...they win. When their efforts fail THEY get angry and YOU win. It's a game man...but death threats from clinically mentally unstable people AREN'T a game...especially when you don't have metal detectors at your office.


Maybe I just have a different way of handling other people. I don't understand the purpose of anger directed towards people....now me, I get angry at inanimate objects all the time. When i spill things, when a dvd won't work, when my computer goes down, when my glasses break (my number one irritant)...THAT upsets me...why?


It's out of my control...with people, you can control their behaviours if you just act accordingly.





I hope your significant other cheats and brings something home to you...talk to me then and tell me why adultery is ok...



I've been cheated on...it sucks, I was angry...but at the same time I'd rather be cheated on then attacked violently.





The reality of this argument, is I find unprovoked violence more reprehensible than adultery because I think unprovoked violence is the most serious flaw with the human race. I hate it. It's the crutch that will leads to us blowing up the world in 20-30 years, because we get ANGRY instead of rational.


Plus I think Ron Artest is a lunatic who IS going to kill someone someday.

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Unprovoked violence? He was provoked.


Violently attacking? He didn't even punch the guy. You make it sound like he left him all bloody and shit. Lets get the facts straight. He jumped over the scorer's table, pushed the guy down, and then everyone else came in. On the court some guy tried to fight him, so what else would he do but fight back? And you're saying that's a violent attack?


Magic on the other hand had sex parties, sex with a shitload of women, got aids, but it's all good because he didn't hurt your adultery loving ass.

Edited by Cena's Writer

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Here's a question... (more curious than anything)


Now most people agree that cheating is bad (Everyone here says it's worse than the artest situation, and even my one friend said that)



Most people don't care much about violent responses to situations that don't really require it.



Why is violence a crime, and cheating not?


Should that be changed.


Do you think cheating should be criminally prosecutable? Even if it's just a girlfriend?




Would that change your viewpoint on it if it were outlawed.


would that change the way people look at that uber-popular show desperate housewives (a show that makes it money glorifying cheating)?



I know this is incredibly off-topic, but I just got curious.




(I have to ammend this whole previous argument...I don't totally disagree with you guys. What Magic Johnson did is a total douchebag thing to do and not something I condone...but I just can't fathom comparing it to violence. I just don't understand anyone who answers conflicts with violence when another resolution is presentable or the violence isn't necessary. )

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Ron. Artest. Did. Not. Hurt. Anyone. That. Didn't. Provoke. Him.


He didn't just start fighting for no reason.


Even the guy he wrongfully accused was jumping up and down like a jackass.

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regardless of whether it was right or wrong, Artest didn't choose to have abottle chucked at him...again it could have ended his career had it hit his eye or something...Magic chose to fuck around on his wife and is now paying for it...reacting to an act of violence against you isn't as bad as actively choosing to do something completely wrong...i don't mean to sound like I'm justifying Artest's actions, but I can see the cause of him reacting that way. It's not like he's pursuing fans and randomly punching them...Magic was pursuing chicks and randomly fucking them...

Edited by Black Lushus

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Unprovoked violence? He was provoked.





I don't love adultery. That was a douchebag statement.




My problem with your take CW...is that you honestly believe that Artest had the right to go after this guy. What happened to...calling the security guards/the police. Or ignoring him. Does no one teach people how to resolve situations without violence in this world?



WHY do you approve of this. Where did you get your unflinching support of violence as an immediate solution to problems?


I like violence. As a sport. As a fantasy. Even as an answer to problems that have no other (Like if someone is trying to inflict violence on me).



But I like self-control also...why do you think Ron Artest shouldn't have had self-control.

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I'm not saying he couldn't have done anything else, and it was his last resort, but I could UNDERSTAND why he would do this, and i'm sure that if I was in the same situation, maybe 5 times out of 10, I would do the same thing Ron did.


Now, I can't say the same thing for Magic. He wasn't provoked, and I can't understand or rationalize what he did.

Edited by Cena's Writer

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My opinion is that what Artest did gave NBA a black eye. What Magic did, didn't. However, Artest is correct in his assessment that if Magic got a second chance with his family, Artest should too with HIS family, aka the NBA.

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I guess it's just impossible for me to buy Artest's situation as provocation to violence. I'd be more sympathetic if the guy had shouted a racial slur, that would be more provocation to me (More than enough to be honest).


You're right Magic wasn't 'provoked' and there's no way to rationalize or excuse his actions. But at least I actually believe he's apologetic for his behaviour. I don't even think Ron Artest really is.



I mean look at Jermaine O'neal. He outright slugged a guy in the face...with good reason because the stupid fool ran onto the court to engage the players in an aggressive way. He was IN THE RIGHT...and got suspended for it. But he still maintains an apologetic attitude for the situation and admits his fault in the situation, even though he was in the right.



I just don't like Artest's attitude, it rubs me the wrong way. I can't buy anything he says, because he only believes it while he's saying it. You just need to watch his eyes to see how off-kilter he really is. He's a bit goofy, looks just like some of the clients that come into my office, just odd enough to realize something isn't right in their head. And that scares me.

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I just don't like Artest's attitude, it rubs me the wrong way. I can't buy anything he says, because he only believes it while he's saying it. You just need to watch his eyes to see how off-kilter he really is. He's a bit goofy, looks just like some of the clients that come into my office, just odd enough to realize something isn't right in their head. And that scares me.


So I should expect to tune in Current Affairs and see Tracy McGrady going on a killer spree with a wild look in his eyes?

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So I should expect to tune in Current Affairs and see Tracy McGrady going on a killer spree with a wild look in his eyes?



No, T-Mac isn't goofy looking like that, he's just sleepy looking. Always looks ready to take a nap. But you did make me laugh out loud :)



This one girl who was here the other day was like 5'6" and 110 lbs but I was scared as shit of her because of that odd look in her eyes, and the way she would stop mid-sentence and like get a twitch in her neck. Scary that stuff.

Edited by jwpeer

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I'd say putting your wife at risk after cheating on her with like a hundred women is worse than assaulting some jackass fans.
Everything that I've ever read on the subject indicates that Magic discovered that he had HIV during a life insurance physical, and also supports the position that he contracted the virus before he married Cookie. He just didn't know about it until afterwards.

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Guest Vitamin X
My opinion is that what Artest did gave NBA a black eye. What Magic did, didn't. However, Artest is correct in his assessment that if Magic got a second chance with his family, Artest should too with HIS family, aka the NBA.


Agreed. What I find worst about what Artest said, isn't so much what he did, but that he felt inclined to personally attack Magic Johnson for something completely unrelated to what he did, rather than defend himself and not be a little bitch about some criticism. It's just like T.O..

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I guess it's just impossible for me to buy Artest's situation as provocation to violence. I'd be more sympathetic if the guy had shouted a racial slur, that would be more provocation to me (More than enough to be honest).


So getting hit in the face with a bottle wouldn't be enough but "hey nigger" would be?

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Guest Leelee
you end up hurting someone because either you're not man/woman enough to end things clean or you're too selfish, thinking about getting your rocks off...think of the psychological damage you could do to your significant other if they found out, people have killed their spouses as well as themselves over it...there's the potential of bringing something dangerous home, which we've covered over and over already...there's a chance of bringing a child into this world who will have a shitty, fucked up life becuase he was born out of wedlock via infedelity...


All of which, I understand. Except the psychological damage... because if you're seriously going to kill anyone over someone else's actions like that, then you had major issues before that.


But, you're basically saying that myself, and a vast majority of this world, are horrible people for having sex earlier in our lives... and are putting people at danger by further having sexual relations. BOTH parties involved in any sexual situations are taking risks. You also take those risks if you marry someone.


Not that I'm defending Magic's actions... but, as far as we know, he wasn't fucking chicks knowing he had AIDS.


so if someone, unprovoked, threw shit at you, a bottle no less (a plastic bottle right in the eye could have ended his career), you'd be OK with this and let it slide? Bullshit, man...


In this situation, he has to. Ron had no idea who threw the bottle, so he went and attacked the first guy he saw. What would Ron have done if nobody was there to stop him? Beat up everyone in that section? Nevermind that he had security that would have thrown the responsible individuals out of the arena. And, the fact that escalating a rowdy crowd against you, of at least 10k people could lead to trouble.


Ron. Artest. Did. Not. Hurt. Anyone. That. Didn't. Provoke. Him.


He didn't just start fighting for no reason.


Even the guy he wrongfully accused was jumping up and down like a jackass.


What. So, because the guy in the glasses was jumping like an idiot, that gave reason for Artest to attack him? Lolz.

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To be fair, he never hit the jumping asshole guy. He grabbed him and kept screaming was it you to him.


I said it before and I say it again, Ron Artest should have probably been suspended the entire year(I still don't think Stephen Jackson or Jermaine Oneil should have been suspended).


BUT, it is very VERY understandable what Artest did. For all the "Oh my god, this should never have ever happened" crap, Barkley spit in the stands at a guy for talking, Jerry Sloan went in the stands after a guy once as a player and once as a coach. Why? Because they saw who did the shit. Ron Artest got hit with a cup and looked up, little wuss guy is staring him in the eyes and starts dancing like he threw the cup. Its like Brian Cox said. If he SAW who was throwing the batteries at him in Buffalo, he would have went in the stands and beat the shit out of them too. These guys are human and they are going to have human reactions. And if you walk into somewhere and someone throws a cup a beer in your face, fuck all this what you would do crap, you would get pissed, you would react in a way that a pissed person does and looking back it won't be the smartest thing.


Magic opened himself up to critisizm. I think the guy is the greatest to ever play the game, but seriously, if you say a guy should be kicked out the league, expect him to say something back. And while ron did make a mean spirited point, he does have one. Don't you have to take a blood test to get a marrige liscence? I am thinking so and if so, Magic caught it while sleeping around.


No one has presented to me why Ron Artest should be kicked out of the league as long as there are teams that are interested in him. Sure, that gave the NBA a black eye, Kobe raping people and being praised for how much of a great incredible man he was by being able to play well after coming in from his RAPE TRIAL was a bigger black eye. Phil Jackson, and Isaiah Thomas's past blatant racist comments made big black eyes. Allen Houston and Charlie Ward being anti semetic was a black eye. Shaq trying to kill Brad Miller when he was a Laker was a black eye. Karl Malone nearly killing 5-6 guys was a black eye. But noone said these guys should be out the league(hell some of these were completely ignored). Artest is just as bad and somewhat worse than these guys incidents, but still, nothing that warrents kicking the guy out the league, and if you make a statement that strong, you should expect backlash from the person.

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in Nebraska, anyway, you don't need a blood test...anyway, I agree with you on this one, Rip, as you may have already read...I find it hard to believe that anyone would just walk away in a crowded bar if someone threw beer in their face...

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If someone threw beer in my face, I'd beat the hell out of them. I won't back Magic up on this one, because he knew what he was getting into when he said anything about Artest. Artest saying something like this shouldn't surprise anyone, because you know what you're going to get from Ron.

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I don't think there are very many people that agree with Magic Johnson that Artest should be kicked out of the league altogether (I certainly don't, I think his suspension last year was exactly the right punishment)



It's impossible to say what someone would do in a tense bar situation. I've gotten into a bad situation (not having beer thrown on me, but similarly aggressive) and totally ignored a drunk guy before.

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Nevermind that he had security that would have thrown the responsible individuals out of the arena.

Who could they have thrown out, though? It took them weeks of viewing tapes to figure out who threw the cup.


My thoughts are, that whether Artest was right about what he said or not, that's something you just don't bring up in the media. It's just like when (again) TO brought up Ray Lewis's murder trial.


If another team wants to give Artest another chance, have at it, I say. He doesn't deserve another chance with the Pacers, though.

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