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WWE needs to keep the title on John Cena

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I just came to this realization about one second ago, but Cena truely gets the hottest crowd reactions on RAW. Whether people are booing or cheering him, nearly every match he has is awesome because the crowd is SO into it.


I mean shit, Shelton Benjamin got the biggest crowd reaction of his entire career last week, just because he was wrestling John Cena. And I think we all heard how hot the crowd was tonight for the Angle-Cena match, and it's been like that since Cena was feuding with Jericho.

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Guest Nathan

If it wasn't for the fact that his workrate is shit, then I would agree. Although, there aren't really any guys on Raw who I would center my promotion around anyway, so it's really a lose-lose situation.

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Guest Rrrsh

Pick any random year that Hogan was champ and he had about the ratio of good matches that Cena has had this past year. Neither are great or anything, but have certian qualities that make it easy for good workers to have solid matches with them.


And contray to what most people on this board think, when Austin was making huge money as champ, he was having SHIT macthes.


Workrate and sucsess as champ are two very irrelevant things. So justifying Cena's reign in relation to his in-ring ability lacks logic

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I think he could be an awesome top level heel for WWE and the slower they are in realising it, the better it is. He can continue with his gay jokes and tired routine and it'll kind of be like the Rougeau Brothers where they play to the crowd like they are faces despite they are being soundly booed.


I hope when they do eventually turn him heel (I'm convinced they will) that they don't go the corporate champion route. But regardless of what happens, there will be a goddam huge pop when he drops the title.

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And contray to what most people on this board think, when Austin was making huge money as champ, he was having SHIT macthes.


Kind of unfair to say that since his neck was fucked up.

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And contray to what most people on this board think, when Austin was making huge money as champ, he was having SHIT macthes.


Kind of unfair to say that since his neck was fucked up.


Kurt Angle won the gold medal with a BROKEN FREAKIN' NECK... and yet Austin couldn't carry Undertaker to a five-star match with a messed up neck himself?


I'm shocked.

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And contray to what most people on this board think, when Austin was making huge money as champ, he was having SHIT macthes.


Kind of unfair to say that since his neck was fucked up.

I didn't read it as being a knock against Austin the worker or Austin the person ... just an example that a champ doesn't have to be putting on ****+ matches each night to have a moneymaking or successful title reign.

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Guest Doombiscuit
I think he could be an awesome top level heel for WWE and the slower they are in realising it, the better it is. He can continue with his gay jokes and tired routine and it'll kind of be like the Rougeau Brothers where they play to the crowd like they are faces despite they are being soundly booed.


I hope when they do eventually turn him heel (I'm convinced they will) that they don't go the corporate champion route. But regardless of what happens, there will be a goddam huge pop when he drops the title.


That's a good point. Cena would certainly make a better heel as the crowd seems to really hate him. Problem is won't the pop he gets when he finally drops the title just be the worst kind of heat - Jeff Jarret heat!

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Guest Fook

Undertaker in 2002 won the undesputed title as a heel, turned tweener in the next few weeks, and was basically a face when he lost it.

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Keep the belt on him as long as they turn him heel, a babyface champion that gets booed out of the building all the time is not going to do any wonders for his career. The hatred Cena is getting from the fans right now might turn into X-Pac heat, just ask Hunter about that.

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Guest Rrrsh

And contray to what most people on this board think, when Austin was making huge money as champ, he was having SHIT macthes.


Kind of unfair to say that since his neck was fucked up.

I didn't read it as being a knock against Austin the worker or Austin the person ... just an example that a champ doesn't have to be putting on ****+ matches each night to have a moneymaking or successful title reign.


Pretty much.

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loaded glove knows as much about wrestling as he does about rap music


Your suggestion for champion is much better, I can't believe I didn't think of that.


Thanks for the input!

Edited by Loaded Glove

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loaded glove knows as much about wrestling as he does about rap music


Your suggestion for champion is much better, I can't believe I didn't think of that.


Thanks for the input!


oh no, burn. a wrestling burn. i could care less who is champion. your logic just seemed sorta silly.

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loaded glove knows as much about wrestling as he does about rap music


Your suggestion for champion is much better, I can't believe I didn't think of that.


Thanks for the input!


oh no, burn. a wrestling burn. i could care less who is champion. your logic just seemed sorta silly.


I suggested the guy who's getting the hottest crowd reactions and has the crowd totally involved in his matches should remain champion.


What is so silly about that?

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they shouldn't invest their time into a good guy champion who the crowd seems to hate. its not proper logic. people don't boo babyface world champions to be cool. they do it because they are tired of him always winning & being champion. notice how they boo whenever he wins? they will cheer when he loses. thats a natural reaction. i think thats quite obvious, isn't it? do i need to teach wrestling 101 to you guys?

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He's still selling merchandise, he's still getting people to come to the shows, and the TV ratings have been fine under his title reign.


Obviously, fans enjoy his matches one way or the other, whether it's because they want to see him lose or they want to see him win, people clearly tune into see him do SOMETHING and are extremely vocal during his matches. If a guy can get that kind of reaction on a weekly basis, there's no reason to take the title off him.

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He's still selling merchandise, he's still getting people to come to the shows, and the ratings aren't going down at all.


Obviously, fans enjoy his matches one way or the other, whether it's because they want to see him lose or they want to see him win, people clearly tune into see him do SOMETHING and are extremely vocal during his matches. If a guy can get that kind of reaction on a weekly basis, there's no reason to take the title off him.


if he keeps winning people will get tired of him & stop watching. with your logic, ratings will plummet. apathy, my friend, apathy. but i refuse to argue furhter as i could care less about the entire situation.

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Well yes at some point the ratings will drop, but the crowd has been reacting to him like that since his feud with Chris Jericho way back during Summerslam and things are still working.


The only guy really worth dropping it to now anyway is Kurt Angle, and there's no face on RAW for him to defend it against besides Shawn Michaels, and I doubt they'll start feuding again. Cena could hold the title at least a little past Wrestlemania, IMO.

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I suggested the guy who's getting the hottest crowd reactions and has the crowd totally involved in his matches should remain champion.


What is so silly about that?


Mmm... So... When Eugene returns lets turn him Champ. Damn, I hate his f'n gimmick, but at least he can get an entertaining match with almost everyone... and use more wrestling moves than Mr. Thuganomics or whatever he calls his Mic Work.

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man, if Cena keeps the title past WM, he'll have the longest reign since Hogan's 1st reign.

Jesus, that's quite scary. To think that the talent pool is that shallow when it comes to top guys that they have to keep the belt on guy who is being booed out of the building every week.

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Mmm... So... When Eugene returns lets turn him Champ. Damn, I hate his f'n gimmick, but at least he can get an entertaining match with almost everyone... and use more wrestling moves than Mr. Thuganomics or whatever he calls his Mic Work.

I really hope you aren't serious because damn near none of the heat Eugene's ever gotten comes close to what Cena gets week in and week out.

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So many people are quick to say that Cena generates the most amount of heat of anyone on the roster and call it something possitive. I don't see it that way. I see it as another failed experiment by VKM. I know, it's childish, but I like seeing what vince will do if something he does backfires (keep in mind that I haven't watched much from 2001-2005).


Part of me gets excited to see RAW simply b/c I want Cena to cut a promo/win a match/get on the mic and when the fans start crapping on everything he says, acts confused, starts winging it, turning heel on his own or simply walk away discusted.


I think a lot of people watch RAW b/c something unscripted could happen.


Anyway, Cena retaining and NOT turning heel will simply turn into JJ/X-pac heat.


Turn him heel. If fans boo him, that probably means his merchandise isn't selling as it once was. Besides, him being a heel champ shouldn't affect how his movie does.

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Oh it's inevitable that his movie is going to tank. First, it probably won't be any good anyway. Second, it's obvious his popularity is rapidly fading which won't = $$ at the box office either. Hell, I bet Kane's movie does better.


It's not hard to see why fans are turning on him. He's simply had the belt way too long and there's really no justification for it. I mean shit, just job him for the hell of it and have him regain, at least that keeps a guy fresh. This is not 1984-88 anymore...you can't just keep belts on guys forever.

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Guest Leelee
If fans boo him, that probably means his merchandise isn't selling as it once was.


I don't have the stats on me... but, I believe Cena's merchandise is selling better than ever. Then again, he wasn't the true big star last Xmas.


Cena still has the drop the belt, though, very soon. And quickly follow that up with a heel turn. Right now, it's just the kiddies who still think Cena is cool... and eventually they're going to catch on with what other fans think.


Besides, if Cena keeps the belt... the probable match with HHH doesn't look promising. If this was still EVIL HHH who never put anyone over... maybe WWE could trick fans into cheering Cena for a while longer... but, not anymore.

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