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The Shield, season 5, official thread

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Guest Brian

Man, I want to cry. I wanted Vic to get some good shots at Kavanaugh. I wanted Lem to get to Mexico. I wanted some sort of pay-off. And I still loved it.


By the way, how about Dutch going pimp. Dutch with power and battling Claudette should be interesting. I wonder if he goes serial killer with all that power they've been teasing him with and then denying him.


And Acevada is all kinds of fucked up. He cost a cop his life.


And how about that look what's her name gave Vic after she took her informant money. There's going to be something there I figure.

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one thing i don get is how they found him so quick? Did they find him at the place where shane killed him? Wasnt that some auto shop or something, i vaguelly remember shane telling Lem to follow him there. if they can track that location to the strike team its an obvious tie.


I really hope Dutch isn't duped out somehow. I want his ace detective skills to break it wide open.


Also, the Kavanaugh story felt really oddly unfulfilled, like they needed one last scene with him as a sort of epilogue. I'm assuming Forest isn't coming back, but I hope he does.


1. I assume that the explosion must of gotten someone's attention and led to the police showing up. Either that or Shane secretly called in the explosion to the police, knowing they'd find Lem's body in order to speed up the discovery of the body, which would explain why he insisted the three stay put so that he'd have an alibi.


2. Rumor has it that Whittaker signed on for 13 episodes and that FX is pushing producers to move heaven and earth to ensure they get their two remaining episodes out of Whittaker. So Kav will most definately be back next season.

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he was destroyed from the waist down and he was still trying to breathe and oh my god...


This has been quite a month for cliffhangers.


So whats the next F/X drama? Thief? When does Rescue Me come back?

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I knew Shane was going to kill Lem when Ronnie and Vic were obviously occupied...but not like that. I just sat there in total silence watching it. Vic was able to kill a cop and stay a favorite by looking out for the team. I'm sure in Shane's eyes he was doing the same thing, but I don't think I can ever like the character again after that.


Kav's storyline fell flat at the end, but it was still an amazing lead up.


Theif starts next week. Then I imagine Rescue Me will start as soon as it's over. Then Nip/Tuck when that's over. Dunno how the Shield will work back in with a half or full or whatever season.



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I wonder what they'll have Kav doing next season? He'll prolly have him walk all over Dutch's investigation. And you know it's only a matter of time before it gets back to Shane, what is he gonna do? Man the shit just keeps hitting the fan.

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I wonder what they'll have Kav doing next season? He'll prolly have him walk all over Dutch's investigation. And you know it's only a matter of time before it gets back to Shane, what is he gonna do? Man the shit just keeps hitting the fan.


Most likely Kav will be sidelined for the time being by TPTB and/or Claudette, who probably figures that Dutch would be a safer bet to run any future investigations involving Lem's death/the ST. Dutch is less likely to fuck things up even worse and I can definately see the writers playing up the notion that Kavanaugh will be emotionally fucked up inside over his role in Lem's death and would step aside while he deals with his guilt.


As for Shane, I'm thinking he might just kill himself if push came to shove. Better for his family it may be, since if Shane dies, then his wife and child/children won't have to suffer through Shane going on trial/going to prison and dying there and the public scandal.


Kavanaugh better be back next year.


It's been heavily rumored that FW will be back for a minimum of two episodes next season and that he might be back for the full season if FX has it's way.

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I can't believe that they killed off Lem. I knew that Shane would off him when he asked him about the food but it was still stunning to actually see it happen. Anyway, this was a hell of a season and the next part cannot come soon enough.

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Guest Brian

You know, after the last two seasons, I wasn't sure if we were going to end up seeing Shane vs. Vic, but here we are. You guys wanna keep this thread for the next half/next season?

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Vic Vs. Shane is going to be intensed next season. You knew this was bound to happen since season 1!


Kavanaugh has to return next season, he's given new legs to the show! If Forrest doesn't get an emmy for this, then the Emmy's are truly rigged.

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I haven't even seen anything of this season because I'm never around when they show it and I'm too lazy to dl.


But I still have this really weird feeling like somebody I've "kinda known" is gone. Lem was one of my favourite characters on the show and probably the guy who most embodied the term "Strike Team".


Let's hope that Lem is in TV heaven playing with his shotgun right now. He'll be reunited with that chicken he wanted to keep as a pet in season one.

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Guest adamsummers

Holy freaking crap! Just watched the final show... totally shocked! I knew something was up, but I never would have guessed Shane would have killed Lem... especially in the manor he did. Best Season of the Shield IMO.


Kavanaugh was my least favorite in this season... I felt Forrest's acting was too over the top... but now as I look back, maybe that's just how Kavanaugh was suppose to be. In that case, FW did a GREAT job. I agree with a previous statement that in the next season, he will feel shame for Lem's death, and I am sure Vic will rub that in.


That final scene with Vic saying "We're going to find out who did this and we're going to kill them." then ending with the shot of Shane... WOW! I still am just in awe by it all.


Amazing season, can't wait for the next one.

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I can't remember feeling so much tension watching any show before but from the moment Lem and Shane met at that abandoned shop, my breathing got harder and harder. I had a strong feeling it was going to happen but was still hoping for a swerve that never came.


I think Shane was trying to justify it by telling Lem about his wife being pregnant, about how he and his wife put up $5000 and how they would take care of him if he went to Mexico.


Great season.

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Guest Brian

I can't make it through the replays of that episode. I keep on hoping that Shane isn't going to drop the grenade, and I'm in complete denial.

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Overall, a great season, much better than Season 4, IMO.


Glen Close was great, but her character was more 'OMG celebrity on cult show!', in that she didn't really mean anything in the long run. And none of the main characters grew as a result of her geting so much screen time.


Much different this time around. Kavenaugh was the driving force behind the plot, so his scenes didn't seem wasted. The Strike Team finally imploded, and we finally have real tension between Dutch and Caludette.

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Guest El Satanico

As fucked up as it was, Lem did bring it down on himself. He was becoming a loose cannon that would end up taking everyone down.


The one thing I didn't like was the "Becca knows the truth about Terry" stuff. Lem doesn't know shit about Terry, and why would supposed info from a desperate man be enough for her to jump to that conclusion.

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Canadians: Looks like CH might be replaying the fifth season. The premiere is on tonight at 10.


I did manage to see the finale on the day after, and man, that was some tension. You sensed something was going down, almost like the S3 finale, only it actually happened this time. I was surprised that Vic didn't know about it.


I can't say I remember the first two seasons real well, but this was definitely my favourite of the last three.

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