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Guest wildpegasus

Better wrestler?

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Guest Hass of Pain

The arguments as to why someone like Mark Henry is a better wrestler than Michaels or Angle are just silly and pretentious. It was cute like two months ago, but now it just seems like some kind of a vehicle to prove who the wisest sage is when it comes to painfully analyzing wrestling as being about nothing but transitions and psychology. It's 2006. If Lou Thesz and Jim Cornette think that Kurt Angle is one of the greatest wrestlers that they have ever seen, I'll take their word for it.


You can pick apart every little thing Angle and Michaels do in the ring and a lot of what they do might not make a lot of sense, but performers sell tickets for the last two decades, bland guys who can string together a logical progression in the ring don't.


If people want to jerk eachother off for being clever enough to say Mark Henry is a better wrestler than Shawn Michaels because of this, good for them I guess.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

I'm not a fan of either, but I guess I like Henry better...I mean, Michaels in all about talkin' trash and being flashy. Mark Henry gets in there and gets the fucking job done. He took out Batista. Legit.

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Well, you can't say Mark isn't a team player so he holds that advantage over Shawn. Hell, he holds that advantage over almost every veteran on the roster.

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Anyone who used to be down with the Brown of the D'Lo variety is better than HBK automatically.

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I'm having a blast trying to figure out the meaning of this thread.


On HBK: I've never gotten why he's made out to be this great wrestler in the first place. Is he a great technical wrestler? No. Is he a great brawler? No. Is he a great flyer? No. Is he a great seller? No. (Don't fight me on this...he did a kip up at Summerslam 2002 where the story of the match was his back injury...after TWENTY MINUTES of his back being destroyed) Is he a great bumper? He's alright. Is he a great talker? Snore. Is he a good storyteller? Name me ONE HBK match that told a story that worked. ONE. EVER. EVER.


He's basically got the talent of a WWF Superstars jobber that was pushed as something special...and everyone just forgot to stop believing it.


On Henry: I don't watch Smackdown.

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Guest Thrashist

Wow, I'm speechless. Are some of you real? I can't tell if this thread is serious or not. I think half the people here need to realize that wrestling is a work, and that everything that happens in the business, from workers or promoters saying one wrestler is better than the other to which wrestler gets the world title is part of the grand work that is professional wrestling. To even compare the workrates of HBK and Mark Henry is a reflection of how clueless wrestling fans are and how gullible they are to promotion. For example, just because Wrestler X is pushed a lot more than Wrestler Y in a given period of time, it doesn't mean they're even close in the ring. Sure, one can make the case that Michaels is superior in terms of aerial moves, but in almost every other category, they're not even close.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

I agree that Angle puts on better matches, but Big Shows matches are more realistic

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Michaels is a better athlete than Henry, thus making him more entertaining to me.


Henry, when they play to his strengths, can be entertaining.


But I've paid to see HBK. I can't say I ever bought a ticket because Mark Henry was on the card.


Shawn wins.

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I agree that Angle puts on better matches, but Big Shows matches are more realistic


Now see, that goes out the window when Show throws his first punch. A punch from Big Show should automatically kill you.

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Wow, I'm speechless. Are some of you real? I can't tell if this thread is serious or not. I think half the people here need to realize that wrestling is a work, and that everything that happens in the business, from workers or promoters saying one wrestler is better than the other to which wrestler gets the world title is part of the grand work that is professional wrestling.


:o *wig splits*

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Mark Henry has always been the better wrestler. Its just that his contract is soon to expire so he has to prove he's worth keeping on for another 10 years. Once he gets it, he'll go back into hibernation.

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Once he gets it, he'll go back into hibernation.

As any other grizzly bear would.


It's been well documented that Mark Henry is a very lazy, but very smart. He does just enough to fly under the radar for 10 years, gets loads of time off, and makes loads of money. He's only on TV for reasons Sideburnious mentioned, he's gonna blow everyone's minds with his skills for the remainder of his contract so he gets resigned for more money. Then it's chill time again.

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Why do people take wildpegasus seriously. Not just here. Ever.


Because what I say is true. I am a truther.


Here are a couple of the threads I was talking about http://board.deathvalleydriver.com/index.php?showtopic=8862







Why do you take DVDR seriously? What the fuck is wrong with you?

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Guest jm29195

Slightly off topic but can anyone post pictures of Henry from his 00/02/04, and present runs, I'm sue he was looking positively skinny when he first came back in 02, was then injured and came back significantly heavier in Autumn 2002.....

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Guest cacheton
Mark Henry is the World's Strongest Man and Shawn Michaels is just a stripper or something, of course Henry is the better wrestler he's bigger meaner and stronger.


:lol: I second that. I'd rather see a badass former Olympian than a 40 year old with a receding hairline wearing a dominatrix outfit.

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If I needed a prom date, Mark Henry would gladly accompany and even let me lead on the dance floor. HBK wouldn't.


So, Mark > Michaels.

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Shawn Michaels needs the Power of Christ and a Kip-Up to survive in his matches. All Mark Henry has to do is lift your ass up and just fall forward on top of you and crush you. Now which one is better?

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