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Gary Floyd

"Silent Hill" trailer now online

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I don't think you can say "better than Resident Evil 2" and with that proclaim that it's anything good. Better than Resident Evil 2 only means that it's not the absolute worst movie of the year

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Honestly. I think it's probably the best videogame movie I've seen (that I can recall off the top of my head) second only to the first RE movie. Sure, the dialogue was suspect at times, but what were people expecting? Othello??

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I'm getting the impression it's a love or hate style of movie. A group of my friends went and they came back with 50-50 reviews of great and utter crap.

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I have accquaintances who're acting like that too. The worst is that they actually get offended that you say you like it. Like it's hurting their livelyhood that you might enjoy something that they didn't. :P

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well, I, uh, loved it. easily the best videogame movie ever made, of course that isn't saying much but it still is the first one to actually be in the good to great range. It got the perfect blend and synergy down as to what a game-movie should be. and if you didn't play the games (and like the games) there's no way you would have enjoyed this movie the way it was meant to be enjoyed.


and yeah it had some shitty dialogue.

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For those who played the game and saw the movie, how do you feel about the supposed-to-be dead wife taking over Harry's role?


- Q

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For those who played the game and saw the movie, how do you feel about the supposed-to-be dead wife taking over Harry's role?


- Q


I didn't have a problem with it because it didn't destory the story. It was a mild change, the problem I had was the movie was pretty and just there. I hate when a movie is loaded with potential and it just doesn't do anything.

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For those who played the game and saw the movie, how do you feel about the supposed-to-be dead wife taking over Harry's role?


- Q


I liked it. I'm all for using the premise of a game for a movie. I'd think it would be boring to have a carbon copy of the game's story since I'd know exactly what was going to happen and when. That's why I never understood why people were all up in arms about the Resident Evil movie having nothing to do with the original games storyline. Big whoop. :P

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Not the best movie of the year or scariest by any means (although Clive Barker fans would be proud at certain scenes), but it's a good time.


I recommend having a beer or two _BEFORE_ you watch it. There's this theater out here in Cali where you can drink beers during the movie.

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I thought it was...ok. I don't regret seeing it and it did a really good job looking like the game but it just wasn't scary. There was hardly any suspense. They just kind of showed the monsters and that isn't enough. The CGI monsters looked cool but it never came close to really disturbing me.


One of the things I liked was when

she pulled the clue out of the dead janitors mouth

. That was straight out of a survival horror game! I can totally see your character walking up, asking you if you want to do it then then watching that little cutscene. That was one of the few times I was actually somewhat worried about what would happen next.


And the only thing that got to me was

Cybil burning.

. I did not expect to happen and I was shocked they showed the whole thing.

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One of the things I liked was when

she pulled the clue out of the dead janitors mouth

. That was straight out of a survival horror game!


Indeed, there was also the notion of an inventory... like when she gets that knife, uses it to get through the painting, then drops it [this item is no longer needed...drop it?]. She dropped it by accident, but still, it was a little wink wink to the gamers in the audience.

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Saw this with my girlfriend last night. I have no problems with the movie. I don't quite understand the ending (anyone care to explain it?), but the rest was great. Good gore and creature effects, and some chilling music. I've never played the games, but taken just as a horror movie, this was a good one. I'll be eagerly awaiting the DVD.

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One of the things I liked was when

she pulled the clue out of the dead janitors mouth

. That was straight out of a survival horror game!


Indeed, there was also the notion of an inventory... like when she gets that knife, uses it to get through the painting, then drops it [this item is no longer needed...drop it?]. She dropped it by accident, but still, it was a little wink wink to the gamers in the audience.



That's for keys.


She should have tossed it in a magic inventory box and pulled it out later.


Or given it to a guy in riot gear.

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Guest Smues

I've never played the game. The movie had it's moments but overall I thought was pretty bad. 3/10 or so I'd say. Not the worst video game movie ever but certainly in the lower tier. Me, and most of the audience, got a lot of unintentional laughs out of the movie, and I surely wasn't the only one who got annoyed at the endless SHARON! SHARON! I thought I was watching the Osborns for a minute.


I think there was a fire!

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Watched this last night. It was okay. I didn't walk in expecting much, and I got more than what I had thought I would.


Rose, Cybil, and Sharon were all dead, correct ? They died in the crash ? I'm kind of confused by the ending, and when Rose was in the school, her husband was in the same place, but could not see her.

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I'm pretty sure Silent Hill existed on another plane of existance, and all three were somehow sucked in when they arrived in the abandoned town. They just couldn't escape at the end, for whatever reason.

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Guest Smues
Watched this last night. It was okay. I didn't walk in expecting much, and I got more than what I had thought I would.


Rose, Cybil, and Sharon were all dead, correct ? They died in the crash ? I'm kind of confused by the ending, and when Rose was in the school, her husband was in the same place, but could not see her.


I have no idea if they were dead, or in another dimension, or if they just have to suffer massive head trama to get out like they did to get in or what. The fact that the cell phone sorta kinda worked makes me think other dimension type place and not death. I was hoping to see Rose crack her skull against the coffee table and hope to wake up in the real world.

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Watched this last night. It was okay. I didn't walk in expecting much, and I got more than what I had thought I would.


Rose, Cybil, and Sharon were all dead, correct ? They died in the crash ? I'm kind of confused by the ending, and when Rose was in the school, her husband was in the same place, but could not see her.


If they died in the crash then the police would've found their bodies, no?


Silent Hill was in a "hell dimension" and Rose was stupid enough to trust the demon (at the end) in order to get her daughter back. I'm guessing in that second-to-last scene in the church where the demon comes up to Rose and Sharon, is when they're "actually" killed and their souls are damned (similar to the townsfolk).

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I read it as Alessa is not yet satiated, and is trying to expand her 'dark world

The one unfrortunate thing about the SH video games is besides 3 (has an ending) 2(isn't really realted but has the most tragic stopry ever), they rarely hve a definite ending.



I really, really liked the movie either way. How was I not going to with Pyramid Head? He's eadily in the top 10 video game villains, and

When he ripped Anna's skin off it was bad enough, throwing it on the church doors and splattering the onlookers... that was a hell of a scene.

The gamed are far scarier and more atmospheric than the movie, but I would still give the movei an OK grade.

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I dug the hell out of this movie.


I've barely played the game, so when I first saw the exicutioner dude with the triangle mask or whatever, I marked the fuck out.


I smoked a joint in the parking lot and snorted a couple of Vicodens before the movie, so that might have added to my enjoyment of it.


I dunno, I liked it. Alot.

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