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Guest Snitskymark

Backstage news on CM Punk

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He would be squashed repeatedly to prove WWE's superiority over the indies.


It's be like having a wrestler represent WCW in WWE a few years back.

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Snitskymark, Scherer's operatives are about to track your IP and cancel your account... unless you just took this from somewhere else.


Ask spman, he can tell you all about their copyright news policy.

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Guest Snitskymark
Snitskymark, Scherer's operatives are about to track your IP and cancel your account... unless you just took this from somewhere else.


Ask spman, he can tell you all about their copyright news policy.


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The way I see it happening is Punk goes on a lengthy losing streak just to prove that the "King of the Indies" isn't up to par with anyone in the WWE. It seems like the stupid shit the McMahons would try, so I could see it happening.

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Can anyone here confirm this? The fact that this was Snitskymark's first post, combined with the fact that this probably has a -10% chance of ever happening, makes me a bit skeptical.

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Snitskymark, you are totally wrong. Alrighty, here we go...


PwInsider's Elite radio is reporting that Stephanie McMahon Helmsley has been voicing a few idea's for Punk to join the main roster.


The above is not true. That is not what they were saying at all. I have no idea how you got that out of what they said, unless you just weren't listening at all hardly:


Her new nickname for him would be CM Punk "King of the Indy's" this is interesting for Indy fans and certainly says a lot about his presence in the WWE.


That part is true, they did report that in one of their latest audio shows. However, here is what they went on to say:


They were talking about why CM Punk is not on the main roster yet, and it went like this:


-WWE creative have been coming up with a ton of ides for CM Punk to make him a part of the main WWE roster, however...


-Stephanie's nickname for CM Punk is "King of the Indies". That is her attitude towards him.


-She has given him that nickname, because she doesn't think that he is on the WWE level right now, and that he is not ready for the main roster.


-She wants to keep him down where he is now, until he can fit in with the WWE style.


I'm listening to it right now, once again, just to confirm what I'm saying is true.

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I can sorta see where Steph's coming from here. Punk IS an indy wrestler...it's just the problem is that all of the best young talents are also indy wrestlers. WWE wants punch/kick, which Punk can do...but he also likes to fly and work the mat a lot and do long matches, two things that WWE aren't too high on (the flying and working long matches).

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Guest PejaVu

Actually, it looks to me like Edge loses weight on a weekly basis. I think someone needs to check him for ringworm or something.


And all Ive seen of CM Punk has been from the weekly OVW TV show. He seems to have a lot of character, but his size will definantly limit him in the WWE, the same way it has Carlito . He's about somewhere between Carlito and HBks size, right? I'm guessing around 5'10" 220 lb., is that about right?


CM Punk's ceiling is IC/US title level in my opinion.

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Actually, it looks to me like Edge loses weight on a weekly basis. I think someone needs to check him for ringworm or something.


And all Ive seen of CM Punk has been from the weekly OVW TV show. He seems to have a lot of character, but his size will definantly limit him in the WWE, the same way it has Carlito . He's about somewhere between Carlito and HBks size, right? I'm guessing around 5'10" 220 lb., is that about right?


CM Punk's ceiling is IC/US title level in my opinion.


Punk is a legit 6' . Unlike Carlito, Punk has great skill inside the ring and he can out-promo pretty much the entire WWE roster. Of course that doesn't matter in WWE.


Everyone loves Punk, he has been praised by Steamboat, Race, Heyman, Cornette but as long as Triple H and Shawn see him as threat, Stephanie will make sure he doesn't go anywhere.

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Everyone loves Punk, he has been praised by Steamboat, Race, Heyman, Cornette but as long as Triple H and Shawn see him as threat, Stephanie will make sure he doesn't go anywhere.

Threat to what? I sound like such a mark, I think that part is a little vague.

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Everyone loves Punk, he has been praised by Steamboat, Race, Heyman, Cornette but as long as Triple H and Shawn see him as threat, Stephanie will make sure he doesn't go anywhere.

Threat to what? I sound like such a mark, I think that part is a little vague.

Geez, we all know that Punk will bang Steph one day.

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This "threat" shit it just that, shit. There is no such thing (at least in the WWE) as threat to a top spot. Bottom line is that if they want you to be a star, you will be. If not, you won't.

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This "threat" shit it just that, shit. There is no such thing (at least in the WWE) as threat to a top spot. Bottom line is that if they want you to be a star, you will be. If not, you won't.

Paranoia and fear can make people see threats that aren't really there. All it takes is a quiet word from one of these people, and suddenly 'they' don't want you to be a star anymore.

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If this is even marginally true, I'm going to have a good laugh once he finally debuts, after learning the 'WWE style'. Hope all you Punk fans have as many of his indy matches as you can on tape, because once he's mastered the WWE style you'll never see in anything as good as those matches again.

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It's called nipping a problem in the bud before it even starts.


I'm not even sure it's a conscious effort on HHH or HBK. It may just be an instinctive defense mechanism. ;)

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Why, exactly? I guess HHH wanted all those 12 year old girls cheering for him instead.

Jeff Hardy, for whatever reason, was being called the next Shawn Michaels. I guess some people really took that talk seriously. Like I said, if you're right at the top and are scared of losing your spot, or don't want to share that spot even if you have zero chance of losing it, then you'll see threats that might not even be there.

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