Kurt Angle Mark 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 By Dave Meltzer "A report in today's Palm Beach Post said a tanning booth attendent in Tanzabar tanning salon in Boca Raton lists Vince McMahon as having groped her. The story claims the police report on the incident would be made public this week. McMahon lives in Boca Raton at The Excelsior, and couldn't be reached for comments. His life, Linda, called the report "totally bizarre," and Stephanie confirmed her dad goes to that tanning salon, but was not aware of anything happening. The complete story is at www.palmbeachpost.com/celebrities/content/entertainment/celebrities/lambiet/0201jose.html. It is not in the main story this link takes you do, but in a sidebar story. " Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2GOLD 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 IF it's true, I wouldn't be shocked. But you can bet we will now see a tanning booth scene on RAW with either Candice or Torrie coming onto Vince and him getting his horny old man grin. Here comes the "comedy" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CBright7831 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dangerous A 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 Hey, my post was a minute before yours. Mods, we need consolidation! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BUTT 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 I wonder if WWE will make fun of this like they did with Flair's legal troubles. Bet...........not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 Hey, my post was a minute before yours. Mods, we need consolidation! and yours had a better title. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuffbox 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 Vince looks creepier every time I see him on tv...this is no surprise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 Oh god, that's disgraceful. Considering Vince McMahon a celebrity, that just ends up hurting real celebrities like Brad Pitt, Paris Hilton, and K-Fed. The whole "newsbit", if not already posted... ----------- Tanning attendant cries foul A booth attendant at a Boca tanning salon has told cops that she was groped by someone she identified as World Wrestling Entertainment boss Vince McMahon, according to two Boca Raton police sources. In a report expected to be made public this week, an attendant at Tanzabar on North Federal Highway claims McMahon, 60, came in for a routine tanning session late Sunday night. But things got a little weird. "The alleged victim says Mr. McMahon first showed pictures of himself naked on his cellphone," said one source, who saw the report. "Then she says he made unwelcome advances and finally cornered her in a tanning booth and groped her." Calls left for Tanzabar owner Amy Murray were not returned. An attendant at the salon said she couldn't comment on the incident. McMahon, who starred in a wrestling show Monday night, has been a longtime Boca resident. He lives with wife Linda at The Excelsior on South Ocean Boulevard. Apartments there fetch in the $6 million range. McMahon couldn't be reached. But, at home in Boca, Linda called the allegations "totally bizarre." His daughter, Stephanie, also a star of wrestling specials, confirmed her dad goes to Tanzabar. "Yeah, he was there the other night," she said. "I'm not aware something happened." The tanning attendant's name is being withheld until police investigate further and classify the nature of the alleged incident. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 That there are naked pictures on Vinces cell phone does not surprise me. That Vince has and knows how to use a cell phone does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Fook Report post Posted February 1, 2006 I so hope she sues him for tonnes of dough and cites the many segments on WWE tv over the years in which he was groping women as evidence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ISportsFan 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 Vince is taking it back to the good ol days of drugs, sex, and rock and roll. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 Do you think Vince made his ass do tricks? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Art Sandusky 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 This is probably the least shocking thing about Vince I've ever heard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 IF it's true, I wouldn't be shocked. But you can bet we will now see a tanning booth scene on RAW with either Candice or Torrie coming onto Vince and him getting his horny old man grin. Here comes the "comedy" Anybody in the company used the Issiac Maserati gimmick yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Amazing Rando 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 To me, I don't think Linda McMahon really knows what the word "bizarre" means. I think she thinks it means "honest". So to Linda I say... Bizarrely, your husband has gone out of his fucking mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
10 Pounds 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 Since Bischoff is gone, we need to have the photo of Vince between the "The power is back" and the opening of Raw. Or maybe we'll see just a glimpse of his photo during a PPV in a "did I just saw that?" moment, just like in Fight Club. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord of The Curry 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 Vince should take this oppurtunity to move Kid Kash to RAW and cast him as a seedy owner of a Rub and Tug who gets physical with his ladies when they won't get physical with the customers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Downhome 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 From PWInsider: We have a follow up story on the allegations made against Vince McMahon by a tanning salon attendant. This past Sunday, the day of the supposed incident, the Royal Rumble took place in Miami, FL. We knew that Vince was in town until at least 11 p.m. that night, as he was seen talking with Joey Styles after the show as soon as Styles came through the curtain (which we discussed on our Tuesday Hot News Hotline in the Elite section). Boca Raton is roughly 47 miles from Miami, which would mean that Vince would have had to practically run out of the building and gone directly to the salon in order to tan, which was hard to believe on its own. Then, in talking to a high placed WWE source, I found out that Vince was not in Boca Raton at all that day (or night). On top of that, when we called "Tanzabar", where the attendant alleged the incident happened, they told us that they were closed on Sunday, making the story even more suspect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GCWPatrick 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 I have the mental image of Vince walking into the courtroom, seeing twelve jurors all wearing "Victim Of The Crossface" T-shirts, and doing his trademark "big gulp" reaction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Amazing Rando 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 Dammit. It must have been some other muscle-bound senior citizen... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuffbox 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 I knew Vince was innocent. If the hand dont fit the tit you must acquit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 "He was trying out new ways to further develop the McMahon character." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gary Floyd 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2006 I wonder if he made the woman get on her knees and bark like a dog. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scroby 0 Report post Posted February 2, 2006 Not really all that surprising to anyone, but I demand video tape footage of this happening! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest netslob Report post Posted February 2, 2006 this makes his middle name all the more appropos. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarvinisaLunatic 0 Report post Posted February 2, 2006 Next week, Vinces Bitche...er..Angels will all be at a tanning salon and Vince will come in... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest InuYasha Report post Posted February 2, 2006 Vince is taking it back to the good ol days of drugs, sex, and rock and roll. As soon as I saw this post, the first thought that went through my head was "work;" and it seems I was half right. So, you think it was the tabloids trying to move some papers based on Vince's recent "character revamps"? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Downhome 0 Report post Posted February 2, 2006 More from PWInsider: More details on the Vince McMahon Tanning Salon incident have come out, including comments from a customer who was in the tanning salon the same time as McMahon. According to an article by Chrystian Tegedor in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, the alleged incident took place at the Tanzabar Tanning Salon in Boca Raton on Saturday (not Sunday, which had previously been reported, and as noted on this website earlier, Tanzabar is closed Sundays). The article goes over the police report items that have already been covered, however what makes the Sun-Sentinel article interesting is comments from Kelly McMahon (no relation to Vince), who was also a customer at Tanzabar on Saturday and claims McMahon was there. Kelly McMahon was quoted as saying, "He was nothing but a gentleman. He shook my hand three times." Kelly claims her and Vince were engaged in a conversation about their shared last name. She also stated that "He showed no signs of coming on to [the employee]. He was talking to me. She was trying to interrupt our conversation." Kelly also states in the article that she didn't realize Vince was famous until she later spoke to her husband. The article also quotes WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt, who states that Boca Raton Police told him the alleged incident happened on Sunday, and that McDevitt had pointed out to them that Vince McMahon was not in town that day (Sunday). McDevitt did confirm to the Sun-Sentinel that Vince was in town Saturday, and has been a Tanzabar customer in the past. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/sou...-home-headlines Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Art Sandusky 0 Report post Posted February 2, 2006 Vince went from beast to quite nice with that new information. Now let's sit back and wait for the day when he's really nailed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites