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Guest netslob

Canada (if there really is such a thing) did give us Neil Young (and, though Ive seen him perform live, that might not be proof enough that he was real) and that cancels everything else out.

Neil Young cancels himself out. The music is awesome, but unfortuanately, it has to come with Neil Young.



not to mention Canada gave us Labatt's, The Kids in the Hall and Shatner.


Canada's cool with me.

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Guest Desperate Housewife

I'd like proof. Real proof.


And not just"OMG - he squashed so and so - he's got stroke" I want physical proof.



And I don't buy Meltzer as a source either


Surprised it's been this long and no one's said it, but..


On the Canadian television show Off The Record, both Triple H and Vince McMahon have guested at seperate times. Both admitted that Triple H is indeed part of creative. Vince said that Triple H and Stephanie would be next in line to take control of WWE after him, whenever that might be. Triple H meanwhile talked candidly about his role as part of creative, admitted it was hard to be on both sides of the fence (a wrestler and a booker), and finished by saying that the people commenting on the internet don't know what they're talking about.


When it comes straight from the horse's mouth, that's proof. Now, back to your regularly scheduled arguments.



Big Deal. It's already been stated that workers are invited to sit in on production meetings, suggest ideas for their characters, etc, etc

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I'd like proof. Real proof.


And not just"OMG - he squashed so and so - he's got stroke" I want physical proof.



And I don't buy Meltzer as a source either


Surprised it's been this long and no one's said it, but..


On the Canadian television show Off The Record, both Triple H and Vince McMahon have guested at seperate times. Both admitted that Triple H is indeed part of creative. Vince said that Triple H and Stephanie would be next in line to take control of WWE after him, whenever that might be. Triple H meanwhile talked candidly about his role as part of creative, admitted it was hard to be on both sides of the fence (a wrestler and a booker), and finished by saying that the people commenting on the internet don't know what they're talking about.


When it comes straight from the horse's mouth, that's proof. Now, back to your regularly scheduled arguments.



Big Deal. It's already been stated that workers are invited to sit in on production meetings, suggest ideas for their characters, etc, etc


He doesn't just sit in on meetings, he's a BOOKER. He's a MEMBER, not a spectator, of the creative team. You can add understanding the written language to things you can't do.

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Guest Desperate Housewife

Flair was a booker in WCW and no one had a problem with that - even if he was accused of "holding down talent" aswell, a concept i find absurd to begin with

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Flair was a booker in WCW and no one had a problem with that - even if he was accused of "holding down talent" aswell, a concept i find absurd to begin with


So are you finally accepting the fact that Triple H not only has backstage power in WWE, but creative control over other wrestlers? That's a start.

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I'd like proof. Real proof.


And not just"OMG - he squashed so and so - he's got stroke" I want physical proof.



And I don't buy Meltzer as a source either


Surprised it's been this long and no one's said it, but..


On the Canadian television show Off The Record, both Triple H and Vince McMahon have guested at seperate times. Both admitted that Triple H is indeed part of creative. Vince said that Triple H and Stephanie would be next in line to take control of WWE after him, whenever that might be. Triple H meanwhile talked candidly about his role as part of creative, admitted it was hard to be on both sides of the fence (a wrestler and a booker), and finished by saying that the people commenting on the internet don't know what they're talking about.


When it comes straight from the horse's mouth, that's proof. Now, back to your regularly scheduled arguments.



Big Deal. It's already been stated that workers are invited to sit in on production meetings, suggest ideas for their characters, etc, etc

You harp on, page after page, about wanting proof and when you get some you simply dismiss it.


Triple H is a part of creative, he's not just pitching ideas for this charater.


You have proof, now fuck off.

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Sorry to interrupt this little debate/new inside joke here, but can someone please enlighten me on why Edge is so deserving of the current sympathy he is receiving? This has nothing to do with the whole Matt Hardy issue, but what has he done in the last 3 months that makes his supposed burial worse than say that of RVD and Booker T who were actually over and showing signs of life before encountering the force that is HHH?

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Because with Edge as champ, the RAW rating consistently went back up to levels that they hadn't reached consistently since 2001. The casual crowd seemed to dig Edge as champ. That alone is enough for me to feel sorry for the guy. He could have been the most successful heel in WWE in a long time. But alas, we can't have a bigger heel than HHH.

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Because after working 7.5 years in the company, (and actually being a good / decent wrestler) Edge finally became the WWE Champion and deserved a longer run with the title than with what he actually got plus just about everybody accepted the fact that Edge > Cena, including me.


No he's not. The fans couldn't care less. That's not a hot heel. Booker T is a much stronger heel than Randy Orton at this point. And for Christ sakes, you have Kurt fucking Angle on the show. If they insist on doing heel vs. face (which certainly is not an absolute), let Angle play the heel and have the top face beat him.




A.) Booker T is injured and in the span of 3 years with Booker only getting 4 chances IIRC, WWE proved they could give 2 shits about Booker T becoming a 6 time world champion.


B.) It would be too much like WM XIX with Angle once again playing the arrogant champion.


C.) Orton sucks complete ass as a face.




D.) They tried keep Angle heel as long as they could, but fans kept no selling it.

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Guest Dr Stupid
Sorry to interrupt this little debate/new inside joke here, but can someone please enlighten me on why Edge is so deserving of the current sympathy he is receiving? This has nothing to do with the whole Matt Hardy issue, but what has he done in the last 3 months that makes his supposed burial worse than say that of RVD and Booker T who were actually over and showing signs of life before encountering the force that is HHH?


For me, he was a new addition to the title scene, and he deserved some time to prove himself as a heel champion. Back at WM21, wwe must have seen some potential there to give him the MITB.

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Guest Desperate Housewife

Flair was a booker in WCW and no one had a problem with that - even if he was accused of "holding down talent" aswell, a concept i find absurd to begin with


So are you finally accepting the fact that Triple H not only has backstage power in WWE, but creative control over other wrestlers? That's a start.


No - I find the entire concept of one worker "holding down" another absurd.


Do they wake up and go, "Man, that John Cena is so over, I must try and get Creative to destroy his career!"



I don't think so

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Guest Dr Stupid

Flair was a booker in WCW and no one had a problem with that - even if he was accused of "holding down talent" aswell, a concept i find absurd to begin with


So are you finally accepting the fact that Triple H not only has backstage power in WWE, but creative control over other wrestlers? That's a start.


No - I find the entire concept of one worker "holding down" another absurd.


Do they wake up and go, "Man, that John Cena is so over, I must try and get Creative to destroy his career!"



I don't think so


What's so hard to understand? It's human ego. It's the same as when someone sees another worker in the office doing well and being praised and recognised, he/she tries to destroy the other worker so he/she can do well instead.

The point here is, if someone is a booker and worker, plus an ego problem, then they will want to book themselves over other talent, which can mean burying other talent that is already over.


Man, this dumbass gimick is getting old now. There can only be one dumbass, and that's Dr Stupid!

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Guest Desperate Housewife

So who are these massive crews of workers who HHH has allegedly buried?



And by the way - HHH would, if he had any political power - be nuts to go after Cena. Steph protects Cena because he was her first major success as booker

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Guest Dr Stupid
Where is your proof that Stephanie protects Cena because he was her first success?

I thought her first major success as a booker was being a Macmahon


EDIT: For that matter, where is the proof that Stephanie is actually a booker

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Flair was a booker in WCW and no one had a problem with that - even if he was accused of "holding down talent" aswell, a concept i find absurd to begin with


So...Nobody had a problem with that...BUT he was accused of holding down talent.


Um, yeah. :rolleyes:

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Where is your proof that Stephanie protects Cena because he was her first success?


I honestly think this is a good question. Once you open the Pandora's Box of "We need solid proof proof PROOF. No speculation allowed here", you need to back up each and every statement that might contain a shred of doubt with rock-solid fact. To throw out statements like this with no evidence behind it is careless.


Housewife, you've asked the people in this thread to provide their proof. To be fair, you should have to do the same.

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Guest Hass of Pain
Steph protects Cena because he was her first major success as booker


With all due respect, that is an absolutely baseless and ridiculous thing to say.

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I think the only person who ever accused Ric Flair of holding them down was Shane Douglas.



Weren't there accusations that Flair also held Austin down?

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Nope. Austin never had an issue with Flair. In fact, Flair was going to book Austin to win the WCW Title from him in 1994 before Hulkamania ran wild.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Ric Flair never held Foley down. The sad truth is that not everyone can be at the top of the card at once. If Flair would have seen something in Foley and made sure that he didn't recieve a push, maybe then he would have been holding him down. Flair didn't see a lot in Foley at the time (neither did I honestly) so he didn't give him a huge main event push. That's not holding someone down, it's simply choosing to build your booking around other guys. If Foley has sour grapes, that's his problem.

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I never understood Foley's gripes. He was a tag champion and arguably a top 5 face in 1994. He was always portrayed as double tough and had a chance to win every match he was in. It'd be like Bubba Dudley moaning about being held down . . . he may be doing that now for all I know.

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