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Dr. Zaius

The OAO Sean Hannity Thread

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We need an "OAO Sean Hannity is a Dirtbag" thread.


Not quite, but I'm hoping someone tries to defend him. As unlikely as that is...


Fun Hannity Links:





Its really hard to find pages devoted to defending Sean Hannity. Most people who like him resort to "you just don't like him because he's a conservative" without backing up why he should be treated as anything other than a partisan joke.


Scorpius, Scorpius. Posting links to far left smear websites to besmirch the good name of Mr. Hannity?


Fie on thee, sir. Fie, I say.

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I used to get a lot of flak from my friends at work when I'd listen to Rush Limbaugh during weekday day shifts. I don't listen to that stuff to get pissed off, it's more of an attempt to try to know the enemy and its methods more. Like when his solution for high heating bills (this was in October I think) was "put on a sweater," completely ignoring that there's a hell of a lot more that goes into it than people not dressing in layers. After a while it wasn't fun anymore and the same tactics were used over and over again. You can only hear "see, this is what the Left tries to do" so many times before you realize that anyone who listens to that crap isn't worth your time.

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Chelsea, that could be the Howard Stern syndrome you have, except it's towards right wing talk radio. There was a poll done awhile ago that showed that more of Howard Stern's listeners hated him than liked him. It was figured that there is something to listening to something you hate to get a reaction out of yourself. Like a drug or adrenaline junkie. I think quite a bit of the right wing talk radio listenership suffers from what you do, chelsea.

On that note, I caught about 15 seconds of Mancow this morning and just about wrecked my car in anger. I did regain my sanity long enough to change the channel, though.

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On that note, I caught about 15 seconds of Mancow this morning and just about wrecked my car in anger. I did regain my sanity long enough to change the channel, though.


You deserved to wreck your care for listening to Mancow in the first place. Awful.

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Like when his solution for high heating bills (this was in October I think) was "put on a sweater," completely ignoring that there's a hell of a lot more that goes into it than people not dressing in layers.

Are you sure that wasn't a dig at Jimmy Carter?

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Scorpius, Scorpius. Posting links to far left smear websites to besmirch the good name of Mr. Hannity?


Fie on thee, sir. Fie, I say.


All that came up when I did a Google search for serious discussion of Hannity's program or career. Therefore, Google must be run by liberals.

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Like when his solution for high heating bills (this was in October I think) was "put on a sweater," completely ignoring that there's a hell of a lot more that goes into it than people not dressing in layers.

Are you sure that wasn't a dig at Jimmy Carter?

If it was, it sure flew over my head.

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Nothing to do with Hannity, but on the heating thing. My energy bill in the spring/summer/fall is around 45-60 dollars with ac running. Electrical runs 20-35 all year, and gas for cooking/heating etc runs between 10-35 pending on summer/winter. In the winter months, though my electric/gas totals about 50-55$, looking at the bill my service charge goes up to 85$ a month in winter.So I end up with a bill of 150+ give or take a few dollars. I could shut the heat off if I could survive it, and due to the service fee being raised in winter Id still have to pay well over double what I do in the summer. Extra sweater my ass.

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I wouldn't put it past Rush to seriously offer that (I can also hear LessonInMachismo saying it after how he says $3 gas is great), but I know Carter suggested it during the energy crisis of his presidency.

He did repeat it a few times with different variations, so maybe he was serious. He may be well-read and educated, but the dude ain't smart.

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Neither do I. So much of his stuff is wild conjecture. It's why he never EVER has anyone who can debate him (even disagreeing callers) on the show. He very cleverly found a niche that was totally unexplored, and filled it with gusto. Come on, he wasn't even registered to vote until he was like in his mid-30's. Dude can't care about politics that much.


Although he did to go put a bone in their nose early on in his career.

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I wouldn't put it past Rush to seriously offer that (I can also hear LessonInMachismo saying it after how he says $3 gas is great), but I know Carter suggested it during the energy crisis of his presidency.

He did repeat it a few times with different variations, so maybe he was serious. He may be well-read and educated, but the dude ain't smart.

WHO is well-read and educated? Limbaugh the freshman year of college drop-out?

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There doesn't have to be a correlation between how well-read and educated you are, and how many years of college you've logged. Look how many meatheads there are with college degrees. Rush may be smarter than we think. He obviously did something right; he has a legion of Americans eating out of his hand.

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There doesn't have to be a correlation between how well-read and educated you are, and how many years of college you've logged. Look how many meatheads there are with college degrees. Rush may be smarter than we think. He obviously did something right; he has a legion of Americans eating out of his hand.

I'd make the obvious comparison to another right-wing pudgy white guy who failed at everything in life until he was able to persuade millions of people to do his bidding through scapegoating and half-truths, but we all know how that goes around here.


Sufficed to say, his accomplishments do not impress me in the slightest.

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I listen to alot of right-wing radio. I don't know why, but I try to think it is because I want to hear what "the other side" has to say. What is their point? Why do they NOT think as I do? All it does is confuse me and piss me off.


It does however make it easier to point fingers of racism and nazism at the right. Which isn't as much fun as it used to be.






There's clearly more right-wing radio than left-wing. Here it's Rush, Hannity, Glenn Beck, Savage, Michael Medved...don't have any liberals here.


The best out there is clearly O'Reilly....at least he will club both sides. Hannity is cleary a Republican cheerleader, ditto with Rush.

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Hannity was on O&A over on XM yesterday discussing the Club Soda Kenny situation..



I felt bad for the guy and I dont really care one way or the other about his standup material, but he should have known that it could get him in some trouble and it did. I dont think all the "FREEDOM OF SPEECH! FREEDOM OF SPEECH" arguments in the world can save his job although it should.

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Sean Hannity will debate Jerry Springer on Feb 28th at the Grand Victoria Hotel & Casino in Indiana


I just think everyone should know this

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I think the thinking is that Hannity's definitely deepest in the pockets of the RNC, whereas O'Reilly seems to be more of a conservative maverick who says whatever he wants.


Limbaugh, in my opinion, is the most entertaining just because he's got the best sense of humor of the bunch.

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