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Today was a Mother F

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So I wake up...alarm is going off at 6:20. I snooze it over and over until like 7:00. FUCK. I get outta bed, all my clothes are technically dirty. They aren't filthy, but have been worn cuz I don't have a washer & dryer anymore. So I grab some dirty draws and head to the bathroom. I'm filling up the tub, cuz i take baths, ya i said it, BATHS. well the drain will not close...the water just keeps going down. And i'm flipping the fucking thing up and down so much my hand got a blister from it. So I have to take a shower. and there are 2 reasons why i don't shower in this apartment, 1. The shower is short as fuck. it hits me in the boobs, so i gotta bend down to wash my hair. 2. the shower curtain I have is like as thin as a condom. fucking flaps around all the time like it's the windy city in my bathroom. Done with the shower i get out and my boxers i grabbed are soaked(rocawear, btw, HOV), just from sitting on the fucking floor...all the way on the other side of the room. Fuck it, i grab some other undies, and get dressed. I go to grab a mountain dew and the fridge is fucking warm, it's broke. to top all this off, i'm late for work, by 1 fucking minute, but my time nazi boss will give an attendence point for it, and i'm running outta points, about 2 get the AX!!! FUCK.



I feel better now.

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I take baths too, sometimes. Like the HOV comment too, and that was just funny all around. I like you a lot more than I did in the past, sorry for hassling you.

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Guest Princess Leena

Attendance point? Is this high school? I would have fired you on the spot.


And I have to do the same thing with my shitty shower. But, it feels good.

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Attendance point? Is this high school? I would have fired you on the spot.


And I have to do the same thing with my shitty shower. But, it feels good.


You'd have fired them for being sixty seconds late? I hope to God wherever you work you aren't given any kind of power.

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Actually I'm balling outta control, rent is cheap as fuck here. $400 a month and I make a couple grand a month. Which is a lot for me.


Attendence point, yes. You get fired if you reach a certain level, which I'm very close to. Being late will get you points as well as calling in sick.


King, I hold no grudge about anything, Czech was the biggest CarnivalizComing hater, and I love him! If was on his dick any harder I'd be his nutsack.

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well you live in Cali, cost of living is a bitch.


Nebraska is cheap as fuck, but we also get paid less as a result.

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Guest Vitamin X

Trust me, it does make a difference, though. The difference in salaries isn't even close to nearly as much as in housing costs.


Miami's getting pretty bad, too.. California type living expenses for Montana wages!

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Guest Princess Leena
You'd have fired them for being sixty seconds late? I hope to God wherever you work you aren't given any kind of power.


We're all afraid of that. Including me.

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Treat yourself to a $20 new shower curtain from Linens and Things. You've earned it.


Speaking of rent, how 'bout those northern Virginia rates? I'm going to have to live in Popick's basement or something next year.

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On a related note, I'm off to check out an efficiency-type place soon. While I'd normally shoot for a regular apartment or whatever, it's literally right on the beach, and we've only got a couple more months until it's suitable to hit the waves. I'll return with a report, TSM faithful!

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Guest Princess Leena
On a related note, I'm off to check out an efficiency-type place soon. While I'd normally shoot for a regular apartment or whatever, it's literally right on the beach, and we've only got a couple more months until it's suitable to hit the waves. I'll return with a report, TSM faithful!



Thanks! Can't wait!

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So I was takling to Czech and told him my cousin was on TSM, and he asked who it was.


Then he said "Please tell me it's Edwin MacPhisto!"


Why? I don't know.

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