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Things That Annoy Us About John Cena

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1. Claiming Thuganomics was worthy of a graduate school program.

2. That seizure he has when he makes a save and rips off his shirt.

3. Constantly imitating Will Smith's voice.

4. He's the top face, and he still tries to get cheap heat by wearing local sports jerseys.

5. That Stacker 2 commerical where he rhymed the word "man" with itself 15 times.


Please add.

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7) 5 Knuckle Shuffle

8) The FU itself (which is a symptom of the overall contrived and limited WWE moveset.)

9) How much the WWE has done to protect the guy who they think is the future, but is still getting exposed.

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Guest PejaVu

12. He's more over than Chris Benoit, Shelton Benjamin, Chavo Guerrero, and Eddie Guerrero's "soul" put together,


13. It took him 1/5th the time in the business to win the WWE championship as it did Chris Benoit.

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Thank you for trolling my thread. Your contribution is no-sold.



12. Won, lost, and re-won the WWE title in matches totally unworthy a main eventer.

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Guest PejaVu

14. His title reign lasted longer than Eddie Guerrero and Chris "I Aint Over, Rover" Benoit's reigns combined.


15. He won the title again after > a month.

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So, um, gee smart guy...how does that annoy you exactly? Since you obviously LIKE Cena, how does his supposedly doing those things annoy you?


They do annoy you, don't they? Otherwise you should stop posting on this thread.



13. His fans.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

17. The fact that they need to attach him at the hip with Foley and Flair to get people to stop booing

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18. The WWE Championship spinner belt.


19. The US Championship spinner belt.


I'm not sure he'll come back now, seeing as how he obviously achieved his goal.

If his goal was to annoy me, he needs to find something to do with his time that is more challenging.

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22. That music video where Cena looked hardcore by play-wrestling with his friends, telling us to respect our grandparents, and drink lots of delicious and wholesome milk.

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nothing at all. That kid worked his way up from fighting on Velocity with American Dragon to winning the WWE Title. Can't hate on that. Sure he doesn't have the style of Benoit, but neither did Rock :P

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4. He's the top face, and he still tries to get cheap heat by wearing local sports jerseys.


To be fair, he hasn't done that in a long time. He's been wearing his WWE Cena jerseys for quite a while now.


24. His lame ass fisherman's suplex

25. His facial expressions in general

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29. His gay haircut.

30. The way he wears his hat.

31. His lack of acting ability.

32. His gross over-reliance on those terrible facial expressions.

33. The fact that he's still a babyface.

34. He hasn't used more than six moves in a match in the last eight months.

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15. He won the title again after > a month.


>=Greater Than

<=Less Than


For example, 5 > 4, 2 < 3.


What are you saying, is that the time it took him to win "the title again after" is more than the time in "a month."


Of course, I suppose we should expect nothing less from the guy who thought that Andre The Giant was closer to 4'7" than 7'4".

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35. Comes off really fucking lame when he tries to make fun of heels, though I'm sure the kids love it.

36. Spelling "clique" on new shirts "CLICK", promoting incorrect spelling AND pronunciation of the word.

37. Can't properly apply an STF.

38. The fact that he talks like that in all of his interviews.

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38. John Cena was a 10 foot monster who slept with all our wives! And punched us all in the face! And we loved him for it!


39. He framed Roger Rabbit.


To John Cena!

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