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Things That Annoy Us About John Cena

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41. He stole Black Scorpion's 1990 Starrcade "Space ship" entrance for the Rumble but managed to make it "Not cool"


42. He screetches like a money to show that he's "fired up"


43. John Cena "Street Fighter"... my ass

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36. Spelling "clique" on new shirts "CLICK", promoting incorrect spelling AND pronunciation of the word.



Main Entry: 1click

Pronunciation: 'klik



Main Entry: clique

Pronunciation: 'klEk, 'klik


Emphasis added.


44. His belts spin.

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45. The way he moves inside the ring. He has his legs bent deep almost at all times. Running, clotheslines, Irish whips, etc. I think his wrestling (what little skill he has) would look more aesthetic if he didn't squat down like that at all times. Of course, he needs to be a heel so he can slow down and incorporate heel tactics into his moveset to give it more depth than the thimble-full he has right now.

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I hate him for not being my play-thing.


Buffy hates him because his body isn't covered with thick patches of curly hair.

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50. He's a worthless chav


51. England hates you Cena


52. Cena is receiving the push that RVD should have been given in 2001.


53. He's not tr00 kvlt

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57. The countless threads about why everyone hates Cena.


58. The way it makes Vince more stubborn to prove everyone wrong.


59. I bet in the future people will forget how this is really all going down and praise John Cena. HHH=1999 I'm looking at you!

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60. How people who complain about criticism of Cena never seem to be able to actually explain why the criticism isn't valid.

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I think he means people who take to people who criticize Cena without actually admitting that the critics of Cena have valid reasons to be critical. Or that's what it seems like.


I'll give you the answer!




Cena is not that much different than when he was gunning for the title last year at this time.


HHH was getting all kinds of hate in 2000 for going over at Mania and so on. Now, it's looked back on as this great glorious year.


Fans were complaining that HBK shouldn't go over the newer talent and now that he's up against Mcmahon they are wasting his talent.


Do you see what I'm getting at?

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61. The way people keep comparing Cena today to other wrestlers in years past, as if he actually has anything in common with them other than holding the belt.

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62. Funny, who else are the wrestlers of today are suppose to be compared to? The stars of 2030 :9mm:


Ironically, he is being compared to past champions simply because he's holding the belt B-)

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63. John Cena can't be favorably evaluated on his own merits.


Seriously, if you want to compare Cena to a past wrestler, compare him to a past wrestler he actually has something in common with. Not just someone also just happen to be a world champion. The logic of the "this is what you guys said about HHH in 2000 argument" is that HHH in 2000 didn't have nearly as many flaws as Cena. Sorry that's so fucking hard to understand.

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63. John Cena can't be favorably evaluated on his own merits.


He can if you count '02 & '03.

Today's date is February 7, 2006. And John Cena sucks.

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63. John Cena can't be favorably evaluated on his own merits.


He can if you count '02 & '03.

Today's date is February 7, 2006. And John Cena sucks.



Cena has the repertoire as he has shown in the OVW and his early WWE days, but was probably informed to wrestle a more formulated style because the WWE thinks the fans like faces that do the same repeated spots in the ring. I believe his recent wrestling style is a product of the WWE believing they know what they audience wants and this is the real problem.



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Cena has the repertoire as he has shown in the OVW and his early WWE days, but was probably informed to wrestle a more formulated style because the WWE thinks the fans like faces that do the same repeated spots in the ring. I believe his recent wrestling style is a product of the WWE believing they know what they audience wants and this is the real problem.




Have you read a single fucking post in this thread?


You honestly think we only dislike Cena because of his workrate?


1. Claiming Thuganomics was worthy of a graduate school program.

2. That seizure he has when he makes a save and rips off his shirt.

3. Constantly imitating Will Smith's voice.

4. He's the top face, and he still tries to get cheap heat by wearing local sports jerseys.

5. That Stacker 2 commerical where he rhymed the word "man" with itself 15 times.


11. Stealing Snoop's "Deez Nuts" joke 13 years later.


13. His fans.


18. The WWE Championship spinner belt.


19. The US Championship spinner belt.


21. Ever see his "before they were superstars" segment?


23. The Five Knuckle Shuffle, in fact, only uses four knuckles.


56. He seems to know 101 ways to invite another man to perform oral sex on him.

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63. John Cena can't be favorably evaluated on his own merits.


Seriously, if you want to compare Cena to a past wrestler, compare him to a past wrestler he actually has something in common with. Not just someone also just happen to be a world champion. The logic of the "this is what you guys said about HHH in 2000 argument" is that HHH in 2000 didn't have nearly as many flaws as Cena. Sorry that's so fucking hard to understand.


Read my post again. I did not compare HHH of 2000 to John Cena of 2006 in terms of their ringwork or persona. I was comparing the fickleness of the fans. Sorry that's so fucking hard to understand. Fans are fickle. You seemed to leave out the fickle fans of HBK too. One minute he shouldn't be going over younger wrestlers like Benjamin and then when he's put into feuds with guys he wouldn't hurt long term like Vince Mcmahon it becomes "a waste of his talent". I'm not even saying anyone here particular, but in general. Some people on the net want HHH to become champion again and win at Mania. Regardless of the situation that was not even a joke to be said in 2003 or 2004 showing how fickle fans are including myself. It's like the wwe taking itself so seriously to be so delusional that they aren't apart of the problem of fans turning on the product.


All I'm saying is that there comes a time when the fans just get sick of a wrestler and turn on him. It could be anything related to the wrestler that turns the fans on them. That is why I brought up past wrestlers.

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He had the title for nearly the same length of time as Batista (by what, two days less?) and yet, I loved seeing Batista as WHC still, while I couldn't wait to see Cena drop the belt.


Pimptista = money... John Cena = boring since he turned face in late 2003


Oh... and:


65: He ended Edge's first WWE Championship reign after only three weeks, when his first reign was what, 9 months?

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Batista also was only a babyface for less than a year as well in his current role. As you said Cena has been face since late 2003. It just proves my point. Once the wwe does a major change in his character the essence of Cena's charisma will draw fans to him again. Look at the HHH babyface pop scenario I'm bringing up. It's because he is not the same dull character hogging the spotlight as he put over Benoit in 2004 and then Batista more than once in 2005. He hasn't worn the belt since Mania last year and the dread of him being champ is not as great as before. The fans turn on everybody or show less enthusiasm towards the wrestler. It's just the way it is.

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Cena has the repertoire as he has shown in the OVW and his early WWE days, but was probably informed to wrestle a more formulated style because the WWE thinks the fans like faces that do the same repeated spots in the ring. I believe his recent wrestling style is a product of the WWE believing they know what they audience wants and this is the real problem.




Have you read a single fucking post in this thread?


You honestly think we only dislike Cena because of his workrate?


1. Claiming Thuganomics was worthy of a graduate school program.

2. That seizure he has when he makes a save and rips off his shirt.

3. Constantly imitating Will Smith's voice.

4. He's the top face, and he still tries to get cheap heat by wearing local sports jerseys.

5. That Stacker 2 commerical where he rhymed the word "man" with itself 15 times.


11. Stealing Snoop's "Deez Nuts" joke 13 years later.


13. His fans.


18. The WWE Championship spinner belt.


19. The US Championship spinner belt.


21. Ever see his "before they were superstars" segment?


23. The Five Knuckle Shuffle, in fact, only uses four knuckles.


56. He seems to know 101 ways to invite another man to perform oral sex on him.



85% of that is shit that WWE is MAKING him do. The other 15% is petty bullshit drummed up by bias & fickleness. If Chris Benoit did some of the stuff on that list you wouldn't say SHIT.

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