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What type of wrestling fans annoy you?

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What kind of fans "annoy" me? Simple, "fans" whose purpose is only to put themselfs over. This has been a staple of any wrestling promotion.


I agree with Hawk. And it's not just wrestling fans, I hate fans that are more concerned about being the entertainment & putting themselves over, rather than letting the match, game, whatever be the show.

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I agree regarding the TNA fans' annoyance; now there is a sociological experiment. If one watched since TNA's inception, the crowd did not always start off that way. When was the breaking point to cause them to become such pricks?

A lot of people will openly blame the Heel Section, and its collapse, for the annoying chants your average TNA crowd produces. But no. The original clever chants in TNA all came from the Heel Section, and here's the thing: it was for whoever they felt had TALENT. "Hail Sabin" started via the Heel Section. All of the anti-Jarrett chants started via the Heel Section (and caught on shortly after Destiny). And when the Heel Section collapsed, smaller sections soon took their place...and we basically got a chanting gang war.

Blame the Orlando crowds, mostly. They're the ones that do it. The Nashville fans? Just a few small groups of people would do clever/annoying (depends on your opinion of the chants) chants, and most of the crowd would cheer for their favorites (some of which were heels, some of which were faces, most of which were X-Division workers). The Orlando fans feel they must liven up the product, but when you think about the product since the placing of D'Amore to the head of booking until now, and then think of Dutch's reign as booker in late '03/most of '04, there's not much they need to really liven up. Sure, the guys are over as HELL in Orlando...but why chant for every single wrestler when most of them don't really deserve chants beyond some appreciate applause for a well-done spot or chain sequence? I understand "Joe's gonna kill you." I understand the small group of fans that do the Bentley Bounce (since Bentley has grown leaps and bounds since the teaming with Kazarian, and can actually cut a halfway decent promo now that he doesn't yell all the time). I understand chanting "BORING" at Jeff Jarrett (though I dislike AND like it at the same time, which is both awkward and hypocritical). I don't understand the consistency of dual chanting, creating rhymes and songs for every single wrestler on the roster, and yelling "THIS MATCH RULES" for every halfway decent bout (on the other hand, yelling for Sabin/Joe and Styles/Joe was ENTIRELY acceptable, as those matches did rule). Pick and choose your chants, people.

Also, which crowd of fans is/was the most annoying? TNA's current crowd , RoH's 2002 crowd, or ECW's 1999 crowd? Each fanbase during one point or another annoyed the hell out of me, but which one deserves the crown for most annoying?

The current TNA crowd, IMO. The early ROHbots were overly smarky and holier-than-thou, but also very entertaining. The Mutants were, up until the last year or so, a vital part of the show, as they were the first to let the boys and Paul E know what was working and what wasn't working (and then came the abundance of newcomer fans who thought that any MINOR slip-up required the accompanying "YOU FUCKED UP" chant; sorry, but if Corino has been working on Lynn's leg the whole match, and then Lynn goes to jump off of the top rope and slips a bit? That's not a blown spot, that's psychology, so shut the fuck up). The Orlando TNA fans are just annoying as shit. It's similar to this group of three or so fans at every Framingham NECW show: they'll constantly chant overly smarky bullshit during the matches (and that's just wrong considering NECW presents itself as a pretty old-school product; that, and the majority of its fanbase are young children and senior citizens, neither of which want to know about all of the inner-workings).

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The fans who go to ROH shows and then go on the message board and whine and whine about people in the crowd who pissed them off.


If someone is really bothering you that much, either let it go and just enjoy the show, or tell them to shut the fuck up.


Too many ROH fans don't seem to get that some people enjoy going to the shows and interacting with the wrestlers and taunting them.

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This is more of a message board thing but...


The fans who go into a ppv/show thread while it's happening and go on about some unrelated topic, quoting each other back and forth in some great debate, all while you're trying to find out whats going on during the show.


On a related note, people trying to "win the RAW thread" and posting what they think is really funny, and the 3 other people who found it funny trying to top it.

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The fans who go to ROH shows and then go on the message board and whine and whine about people in the crowd who pissed them off.


If someone is really bothering you that much, either let it go and just enjoy the show, or tell them to shut the fuck up.


Too many ROH fans don't seem to get that some people enjoy going to the shows and interacting with the wrestlers and taunting them.


While I agree with you to an certain extent, especially about the people who complain and don't do anything about it (It's not hard to point them to security if they are being legit disruptive). In Cleveland on the 1/28 show, there were 2 well known "fans" who are local and they have only the intention of putting themselfs over and shitting on the wrestlers, the valets and other fans.


If you get that show, you'll see the two fat pigs in suits in the front row who hassled (including hateful terms towards Allison Danger and Prince Nana) completely disregarding everyone else who was trying to watch the show...


What happened? prior to the main event, they were forced out by a vocal crowd and they couldn't take it anymore and went to the back of the venue in the GA section and remained quiet.


That's all it takes to shut up any rude and disruptive fans, not waiting to get to the board and bitching about it and claiming "I'll beat them up if they do it next time".


Should fans be allowed to have fun? Taunt the wrestlers and play along with the show? Of course, that is main reason to go to any wrestling show and it's one of the main reasons to attend ROH or any other indy show, is for that close fan-wrestler rapport.


There is a line that comes with it though, intentionally shitting on a match or a series of matches or going to unneccesary lengths to get attention and heat, isn't appropriate and can ruin a crowds enjoyment factor. Just because you paid a ticket to attend the show doesn't give you the right to turn yourself into the show.


However complaining on a message board doesn't solve anything. I have seen a few ROH fans vocally or physically confront the disruptions, it usually works.

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Wrestling fans (it seems like mostly women but men are guilty of this as well) who allow their hormones to dictate their fave wrestlers. Teenage girls have been notorious for this (Hardys, younger HBK, etc) but the older women do this also with Batista, Cena, etc.


Meanwhile...men who swear by Trish, Victoria, etc...because they're gorgeous and they think they have a shot at scoring in bed wrestling with them. Take a cold shower, would you please? :bonk:

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The only time me and my friends were probably jackasses was when we decided that Roderick Strong looks like a varsity football quarterback and spent the whole match doing chants based around that.


We even got a thread at the ROH board complaining about it!

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The only time me and my friends were probably jackasses was when we decided that Roderick Strong looks like a varsity football quarterback and spent the whole match doing chants based around that.


We even got a thread at the ROH board complaining about it!




He looks like varsity QB? If you have a short bulky QB like that, you likely aren't winning alot of games.

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The "What" chants used to kill me. I swear I almost got in a fight at the last WWF show I went to they were pissing me off so bad.


I also hate people who think "smark" first, fan second. For example, someone who'll look at the HBK/Bret Hart feud circa 97 and say it sucked because both guys were heel.


"Oh but the fans won't know who to cheer or boo!"


Shut the fuck up!

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You had to be there to appreciate the varsity QB thing. It only lasted one show because we realised aside from us, it wasn't funny.


I remember people getting upset when we would taunt Punk during his matches last summer. He's a heel though, you're supposed to hate on him!


I remember some idiot at the ROH board getting on the fans who don't back down from the wrestlers at the barricade. That one made me laugh.


We (The barricade people) try not to put ourselves over. We taunt the heels, but we also know when to shut up.


And I think the fact that I mark out for anything Nigel adds to a match.

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I hate fans who can't accept that each fan has their own opinion. I laugh at fans for getting mad at a fan because he thinks TNA is the best promotion in the world or ever. I see it everytime on here.


But I will admit, those WHAT chants and WHOO chants is repetitive. Do they do the whoo chants in Japan or Mexico?

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Guest CookieMueller

I, literally, stopped watching wrestling during the era of "What". I can't imagine one SINGLE action that a fan could do to make them MORE annoying. It must have sucked to be a wrestler during the heighth of Whatmania.



Teenage girls have been notorious for this (Hardys, younger HBK, etc)


Playgirl-era HBK was during my teen years and I hated him so much. I really wanted Vader to win the belt at Summerslam. I was such a mark for Camp Cornette. The only wrestler I thought was "hot" was Chris Candido...what's wrong with me??? :lol:

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I hate myself for trying to be too smarky and hurting my enjoyment of wrestling, and for letting other peoples' opinions affect mine.


This mostly comes from reading DVDVR too much.

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Guest Coffey

I know I said some dumb shit at the last ROH show that I went to. If it makes the DVD, it'll be even worse. Sometimes, I just get caught up in the moment and yell something without thinking about it first...and it comes off as...really, really bad/lame.


It's like, it almost makes me want to not say anything, which at an ROH show wouldn't be that bad because the crowd is usually pretty lively. However, at like a WWE house show or some shit, I don't want the entire crowd to be dead and if I'm no vocal, I'm contributing to the problem.


I hate how when you get down to it, there's really only two types of "smart marks." There's the negative ones, whom are usually overly negative and don't see a lot of positive in anything, especially WWE, yet they're the most vocal group. Then there's the people that just kinda watch but don't care. They won't blow a gasket when Orton says Eddie is in hell or McMahon pulls a hand out of JR's ass. There's a lot of people in between too like the people that are negative but will admit when something doesn't suck and the people that are usually way too positive and get ragged on all the time by the negative people because of it.

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I hate how when you get down to it, there's really only two types of "smart marks." There's the negative ones, whom are usually overly negative and don't see a lot of positive in anything, especially WWE, yet they're the most vocal group. Then there's the people that just kinda watch but don't care. They won't blow a gasket when Orton says Eddie is in hell or McMahon pulls a hand out of JR's ass. There's a lot of people in between too like the people that are negative but will admit when something doesn't suck and the people that are usually way too positive and get ragged on all the time by the negative people because of it.


I think that the main problem with the people deemed "too negative" is that the majority of them realize that quite simply put, the product could be a lot better if they just paid attention to the audience. As far as the WWE is concerned, fans have not reacted that strongly to Orton for years now yet they are determined to "make him a star". On the flip side, the fans have been rabid for RVD since he got there, and yet that doesn't matter. RVD might suck ass as a champ, but we'll never find out because the WWE will never cater to their fans unless it's in their gameplan. What's the point of caring about a product when the people in charge don't really give a shit what anyone outside of their offices think? If most people honestly felt that the WWE was doing the best they could, I don't think the heavy criticism would be there.


But for years now, they've had some of the best rosters they possibly could and yet we still get guys like Orton, JBL, Masters et al at or near the top of the cards despite the fact that no one outside of Stamford really wanted them there. In the '80s when they had a bunch of big interchangeable slugs, it was fine if that's all they could think to promote, but clearly most modern fans want something different every now and then, and as long as they watch WWE programming they won't get it. When the "top face" in the company gets booed by 50% of the crowd for months at a time, and the heel they're grooming to be their future doesn't get booed by 50% of the crowd most nights, it's pretty clear that something is wrong, but the WWE just don't want to fix it.

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I hate myself for trying to be too smarky and hurting my enjoyment of wrestling, and for letting other peoples' opinions affect mine.


This mostly comes from reading DVDVR too much.


I hate that site too.

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