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TSM Fantasy Baseball 2006

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1. Head to Head or Rotisserie?

Head to Head


2. Max on player aquisitions/trades for season? (if yes, how many?)



3. Time managers have to protest pending trades? (No or yes and # of days)



4. Trade deadline? (if yes, use July 30, Aug 6, Aug 13, Aug 20 or Aug 27?)

July 30


5. Time players are on waivers (days or no waivers)

Three days


6. Use "can't cut list"?



7. Trades reviews by commisioner or league votes?



8. After draft, all unclaimed players free agents or waivers?



9. Minimum innings pitched per week? (if yes how many)



10. Roster changes weekly or daily?


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1. Head to Head or Rotisserie? H2H.


2. Max on player aquisitions/trades for season? No for trades. Yes for FA's. 50.


3. Protest? Yes, three days.


4. Trade deadline? July 30.


5. Waiver? Two days.


6. Can't Cut List? No difference.


7. Trades reviews by commisioner or league votes? League votes.


8. After draft, all unclaimed players free agents or waivers? Waivers.


9. Minimum innings? Yes, anything 25-28.


10. Roster changes weekly or daily? Weekly.

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OK, deadline has come and gone. We got 18/20 teams to respond so that should be enough to consider this what the league wants. Some blowouts, some close ones.


1. Head to Head or Rotisserie?


We will be playing a Head to Head League as it was a shutout 17-0 (with 1 no preference).


2. Max on player aquisitions/trades for season? (if yes, how many?)


There will be no max. on player moves, another shutout 18-0 (with 2 for max on free agents)


3. Time managers have to protest pending trades? (No or yes and # of days)


Managers will have 2 days to protest trades. This got 11 votes, with 3 votes for 3 days and 4 for no protests.


4. Trade deadline? (if yes, use July 30, Aug 6, Aug 13, Aug 20 or Aug 27?)


This one had some contention to it. 7/30 won the plurality with 6 votes, but 4 abstained from giving a preference, 3 for 8/6, 2 for 8/20, 2 for 8/27 and 1 for 8/13.


If you guys want we could do a run-off between 7/30 and 8/6 or just leave it as is.


5. Time players are on waivers (days or no waivers)


Players will be on waivers for 2 days. This got 10 votes with 4 votes for 1 day, 3 votes for 3 days and 1 vote for none.


6. Use "can't cut list"?


We will not use the "can't cut list". 13 no, 4 yes, 1 no preference.


7. Trades reviews by commisioner or league votes?


In a razor sharp vote, you elected trades to be reviewed by your humble commisioner 9 votes to 8 with 1 no preference.


8. After draft, all unclaimed players free agents or waivers?


Players will be put on waivers, 15 votes to 3.


9. Minimum innings pitched per week? (if yes how many)


This one was all over the board since there weren't set options, but the plurality went to about 28 innings with 7 votes. 4 votes for 30 innings, 3 votes for 24 innings and 1 each for none, 20, 35 and 1 no preference vote. We'll go with 28 innings unless enough people want to elect a run-off number.


10. Roster changes weekly or daily?


We will do weekly roster changes, 13-5.


Thanks to all who voted.


Next order of business is what stats to use. Again, I'm looking for concensus, so I'll just post all the stats avaliable and you all can select the ones you'd like to use. Whichever ones get majorities (of the total number of teams that elect to vote, deadline to be determined), we'll use in the league. Sound good?


Ok, get to it!


Games Played (GP)

Games Started (GS)

At Bats (AB)

Runs ®

Hits (H)

Singles (1B)

Doubles (2B)

Triples (3B)

Home Runs (HR)

Runs Batted In (RBI)

Sacrifice Hits (SH)

Sacrifice Flys (SF)

Stolen Bases (SB)

Caught Stealing (CS)

Walks (BB)

Intentional Walks (IBB)

Hit By Pitch (HBP)

Strikeouts (K)

Ground Into Double Play (GIDP)

Total Bases (TB)

Putouts (PO)

Assists (A)

Errors (E)

Fielding Percentage (FPCT)

Batting Average (AVG)

On-base Percentage (OBP)

Slugging Percentage (SLG)

On-base + Slugging Percentage (OPS)


Pitching Appearances (APP)

Games Started (GS)

Innings Pitched (IP)

Wins (W)

Losses (L)

Complete Games (CG)

Shutouts (SHO)

Saves (SV)

Outs (OUT)

Hits (H)

Total Batters Faced (TBF)

Runs ®

Earned Runs (ER)

Home Runs (HR)

Walks (BB)

Intentional Walks (IBB)

Hit Batters (HBP)

Strikeouts (K)

Wild Pitches (WP)

Balks (BLK)

Stolen Bases Allowed (SB)

Batters Grounded Into Double Plays (GIDP)

Save Chances (SVOP)

Holds (HLD)

Total Bases Allowed (TB)

Earned Run Average (ERA)

(Walks + Hits)/ Innings Pitched (WHIP)

Strikeouts per Walk Ratio (K/BB)

Strikeouts per Nine Innings (K/9)

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Here are mine:


Runs ®

Hits (H)

Home Runs (HR)

Runs Batted In (RBI)

Stolen Bases (SB)

Walks (BB)

Batting Average (AVG)

On-base Percentage (OBP)


Wins (W)

Saves (SV)

Strikeouts (K)

Holds (HLD)

Total Bases Allowed (TB)

Earned Run Average (ERA)

Strikeouts per Walk Ratio (K/BB)

Strikeouts per Nine Innings (K/9)

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Runs ®

Home Runs (HR)

Runs Batted In (RBI)

Stolen Bases (SB)

Batting Average (AVG)

On-base + Slugging Percentage (OPS)


Wins (W)

Saves (SV)

Strikeouts (K)

Holds (HLD)

Earned Run Average (ERA)

(Walks + Hits)/ Innings Pitched (WHIP)


As an aside, I've never done weekly rosters. Is there a certain day that you make your roster moves?

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Changes need to be done by Sunday night before midnight. As for the stats...all I ask is that it is different than the other leagues have at least 2 stats that are not in the default settings. Like pitching Losses (L) or Doubles (2B)

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Here it is.


Hits (H)

Runs ®

Home Runs (HR)

Runs Batted In (RBI)

Stolen Bases (SB)

Batting Average (AVG)




Wins (W)

Saves (SV)

Strikeouts (K)

Holds (HLD)

Earned Run Average (ERA)

(Walks + Hits)/ Innings Pitched (WHIP)



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Hitting categories




Total bases



HRs and average both fit nicely into the other categories and are nowhere near special enough to deserve their own categories. Total bases or slugging percentage is a necessity to fairly judge a batter as their whole goal is to get around as many bases as possible. I'll admit that stolen bases are kind of random, but you need a fifth category and at least they're something different.


Pitching categories






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Guest Rrrsh

If anyone is looking to join a keeper Roto league, here is the info for a TSM league.





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Stop spamming. ;)


We'll make the deadline for this one Friday at midnight if you have not turned in your stats nominations. Raza, that means you too since your post didn't count.

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9 by 9 stat cat (offense, pitching)




Runs ®

Hits (H)

Home Runs (HR)

Runs Batted In (RBI)

Walks (BB)

Strikeouts (K)

Total Bases (TB)

Fielding Percentage (FPCT)

On-base + Slugging Percentage (OPS)




Wins (W)

Losses (L)

Complete Games (CG)

Saves (SV)

Walks (BB)

Strikeouts (K)

Holds (HLD)

Earned Run Average (ERA)

(Walks + Hits)/ Innings Pitched (WHIP)

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Well, turnout for this one wasn't quite as plentiful. Just 9 responses. But, I'm happy to report that using the majority votes rule we've got our 6 offensive stats:


Runs 9/9


Hits 5/9


Home Runs 8/9


RBIs 9/9


Stolen Bases 7/9


On-base Percentage 5/9


As for pitching, we got 5 stats in the majority:


Wins 9/9


Saves 9/9


Strikeouts 9/9


WHIP 9/9


Earned Run Average (ERA) 9/9 (EDIT: Forgot to add it for some reason the first time).


Now, to make things even I'm going to make an executive decision and add


Holds 4/9


which was one vote away from a majority.


So, those will be the stats we use, hopefully no one is too offended.

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Oh god we're gonna have to pick middle relievers? I should have voted. Holds is about as bullshit a stat as there is.


And ya throw ERA in there.

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Oh shit, I forgot about ERA! That got 9/9 too. Thanks for noticing. I'll make sure to edit the post.


Also, considering we have TWENTY teams being picked, you might not have much choice but to draft a middle reliever or two. Using holds actually makes having them on your roster relavent.

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Why not use innings pitched as the sixth stat? It would discourage players from limiting pitching use like the strategy that Smell the Ratings used a few years ago.


Al, we've got a 28 inning minimum on pitching with a weekly roster edit setup, so I think we should be ok in that regard. Holds was the only other stat to get more than 1 vote (with 4) and I think it will be a useful incentive to draft relievers.


Anyway, the next order of business is a draft day and time. I scheduled it for Mon. March 20 at 8:30, figuring most of us should be around for Monday nights being RAW is on. If this is a flawed way of thinking, please let me know. I wouldn't mind moving up the draft date if you all want to as well. So do reply and let me know if the scheduled date and time is alright and if it's not please suggest an alternative.

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No, you must decide on how to do the keepers before drafting. That affects how people draft.


General keeper rules


You cannot keep a 1st or 2nd round pick.


You can keep 1 from rounds 3-5

1 from rounds 6-14

1 from roudns 15+


there ya go.

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I don't like the last suggestion. I mean there's a reason you should want to take a Jake Peavy type ahead of a Roger Clemens. I say we just go with any four keepers on your roster at the end of the season.

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The 1st and 2nd round picks are pretty consistent, from one year to the next. Therefore, if you give them keeper status, then you bias the league next year and force those people who didn't get a lucky draft order more hardship to find a great sleeper.


I've never been apart of a keeper league that allowed 1st rounders to be kept.

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How about you can keep whoever you want, but forfeit that draft pick (ex. keep your first round pick from 2006, they are your first rounder in 2007)? Put a bit of risk into keeping a player, not just keeping whoever you want. Sure people who get Arod or Pujols this year would be willing to give up the 1st rounder for them next, but they aren't keeping Arod and adding another top pick next year.


I'd also throw on a one year keeper limit, this would keep fresh talent available.

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