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Matt Young

Crucifixio Jones?

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Why does Leena have Meryl Streep in her av?


Fuck KKKeena.


she's not racist


Have you not seen her post?


yes...yes I have.


last I talked to CJ (maybe a month or two ago), he said he wouldn't come back anyway, so there ya go...of course I don't believe that, but whatever.


his PORNFAQ persona was better anyway.

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Why does Leena have Meryl Streep in her av?


Fuck KKKeena.


she's not racist


Have you not seen her post?


She's not racist. She just doesn't like nigger cock.


Will Crucifixio Jones accept my Myspace friend invitation? Stay tuned to find out.

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I was his first MySpace friend, other than Tom. I actually have 2 voice mail messages from him still in my saved messages.

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where does the nickname "Spoon" come from for Kotz?


His name, Patrick Spoon.


That description on OKCupid is really weird, I can't get through it. Kotz do you still look like you did in those pics? I can't imagine that guy getting down on the dancefloor, that's like the opposite of how I would have pictured you looking.

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interesting last name...but I have seen the last name Spooneybarger, so Spoon is better.


when I first saw the pics, way back when, I was like nah this has to be kotz like fuckin around or something.


I mean if that's really his everyday look, hey right on, it's just not at all how I pictured him.

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I'm glad you said, that, BL, because I was hesitant to come right out and call him a goofy looking motherfucker in an awful plaid shirt.

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I've been looking for a while, and I can't find the thread.


It all kicked off in September 2003, if anyone wants to look.

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I've been looking for a while, and I can't find the thread.


It all kicked off in September 2003, if anyone wants to look.

If memory serves, it went down in one of those "what do you look like?" threads.

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