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What does everyone think of the list so far ?


Not as interesting as your other lists. There is so many things I disagree with you about the list. HHH/Angle, Benoit/Angle,Rock/Jericho. These feuds is not really memorable too me to be that high on the list. I know they produce good matches but the storylines/drama behind it was not as strong.

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It's too disjointed to me. There's no real reason as to why certain feuds are where they are. Some of that may be only seeing half the list, but feuds that had TONS of lasting impact (Savage/Warrior and Savage/Steamboat, as I've mentioned) are right around with feuds that didn't really nearly the same impact (Piper/Rude popped immediately to mind).

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What does everyone think of the list so far ?


Not as interesting as your other lists. There ARE so many things I disagree with you about the list. HHH/Angle, Benoit/Angle,Rock/Jericho. These feuds ARE not really memorable to me IN ORDER to be that high on the list. I know they produce good matches but the storylines AND drama behind it WERE not as strong.



grammatical errors corrected.


MY GOD man, how old are you? i know 2nd graders that are better writers than you!

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It's a shame people are going to remember lawler for his awful announcing on raw the last few years.He used to be a great heel.He made his impression quickly when he attacked bret hart at kotr 93.These two feuded off and on for years.While they didn't produce great matches,their feud always had heat.I did like the summerslam match even though half of it was against doink.




The best heel work of hbk's career.This started when he cost undertaker the belt at summerslam.Of course it was suppose to be an accident but shawn turned heel right afterwards.This feud was important for several reasons.It started the dx faction.It gave us the first hell in a cell match.And it almost signaled the end of shawn michaels career.Lets backtrack quickly.After summerslam,hbk formed dx with hhh,chyna,and briefly rick rude.It wasn't called degeneration x from the start but it is when the faction formed.It led to a good match at iyh the next month.A good match that is almost totally forgotten about.Because of interference from dx,they planned a rematch in the first hell in a cell match.After the hiac match,cage matches were popular again.It showed how patchetic the cages with the blue bars were.It would end at the royal rumble in a casket match.The casket match was decent but is remembered for a different reason.In the match,hbk hurt his back legit and almost had to retire.He didn't wrestle again for 4 years and it was a question if he could wrestle again at all.This was a feud to remember.




This originally started back in 97.Austin was back from his neck injury and the rock had just turned heel.We got a cool moment of austin throwing the ic title in the river.At this point austin was barely able to wrestle because of injury and the rock was not even close to being a good wrestler yet.Still,everything austin did around this time was gold.


Fast forward to 1999.The rock was the champion and austin was challenging for the belt at wrestlemania.The matches this time were much better than 97 but the rock was still improving and austin was still limited in the ring.What had changed was the rock was incredibly over as a heel and his charisma had grown leaps and bounds since their 97 feud.


Fast forward again to 2001.Austin is in the best wrestling shape since before his injury.Because he took a year off,his popularity was once again at its peak,after getting stale in mid 99.The rock had improved to the point of being a very good worker and his charisma was unmatched at this point.As far as the most over babyface in the company went,Austin and Rock were 1 and 1a.One unique thing was they got over the importance of the match in a sit down interview with the two.As far as the match goes,it was my #3 match which says it all.I think this feud shows how both wrestlers,especially the rock,evolved over the years.




The feud that made the rock a main eventer.It was also when foley was elevated to main event status.It started at survivor series where both made the finals of the title tournament.The rock turned heel and won the belt.The rock became incredible over as a heel in this feud.Foley went from being comedy babyface to serious main eventer.A huge mark out moment was when foley beat rock for the belt on the first raw of 1999.It doesn't seem like a big deal now,but at the time,nobody thought they would ever see mankind win the world title.It led to an i quit match at the royal rumble.We all know what happened in this match.Foley took a bunch of the stiffest chairshots you will ever see.The rock won the belt back when foley was passed out and they played a recording to make it look like he was quitting.They had another match on heat during halftime of the superbowl that year.It drew a monster rating which showed how much people cared about the feud.




One of my favorites.Dibiase always treated virgil like his slave and nobody cared.It went on for years.Virgil would interfere in dibiase's matches and then get beat up by the babyface.He was like dibiase's whipping boy.Because this went on for so long,the payoff seemed that much greater.In 1990,while feuding with the rhodes family,they pushed the fact that virgil was being embarassed even more.At the 91 rumble,there was a tag match with dibiase/virgil vs the rhodes family.After the match,dibiase wanted to make an example out of virgil yet again.He ordered virgil to put the million dollar belt around his waist.Instead,virgil nailed him with the belt and left.While they had a forgetable match at wrestlemania,they had a good match at summerslam where dibiase put the million dollar belt on the line.Dibiase controlled much of the match.At one point sherri got involved and they decided to let the match continue instead of dq dibiase.Virgil won the match and the belt.Of course he lost it back a few months later but this was the highlight of a great feud.

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While everyone knows about the wm3 classic,they had a bunch of good matches leading up to the ppv.This was setup when savage gave steamboat a double axe handle on the floor,injuring steamboats throat.Steamboat would be out for a while but returned to challenge for the title at wm3.In his shoot interview,steamboat said that while hogan/andre sold the show,he and savage planned to steal the show.They did just that.A match that still holds up today and I can't imagine how great this seemed at the time.


That was only part of it... Savage using the ring bell on Steamboat's throat was what caused the "injury".

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Ted Dibiase vs. Virgil is above everything else you've listed so far?


It's like you just picked this order out of a hat.

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This feud had so much heat that it could have been the co main event for wrestlemania.Savage had better things ahead however,so it ended early.After winning the ic title from steamboat,honky talked about being the greatest ic champ ever.Savage did not agree with him.While that is what started the feud,the big angle for this was on snme.Savage got a shot at honky for the ic title.Savage won by dq.The match wasn't anything special but what followed is the important thing.Post match beatdown by honky and the hart foundation.Honky wants to nail savage with the guitar.Elizabeth gets in front of savage to prevent it.Honky decides to throw elizabeth out of the way and nail savage with the guitar anyway.This was major stuff for the time.Anyone who saw this at the time knows what I mean.While the heels pound on savage,elizabeth runs to the dressing room and brings out hogan.Hogan of course cleans house and saves savage.Then we get the famous handshake.The feud would continueSavage would get his rematch at the main event show.We all know the story here.Savage wins by dq even though he was suppose to win the belt.It worked out better that he didn't win the belt but we will get to that later.




This one got interesting after canadian stampede even though austin was feuding with the entire hart foundation just for being associated with bret.Every member of the hart foundation save neidhart would be in a match at summerslam.They all added stipulations to their matches.Austin decided his match with owen would be a kiss my ass match.This was before vince made his own club.Anything involving austin and the hart foundation in 97 was gold.When it comes to the match,it was decent but that is not the story.Austin suffers nearly a career ending neck injury and is paralyzed during the match.He wins the match and the ic belt anyway.Even though austin couldn't wrestle after that,things got really interesting because of it.They showed interviews with austin where he became bitter over being crippled by owen and he decided that even though he couldn't wrestle,he would interfere in all of owens matches.Btw,all of those get well cards had the same handwriting on them.Those were classic.Anyway,austin had to forfeit the ic and tag titles.He also would take out his frustrations by stunning jim ross,lawler,slaughter,and yes,vince mcmahan.Owen won the ic title in a tournament.He also had his own knew tshirt saying "Owen 3:16 says I just broke your neck".He also got the riot squad to protect him from austin.It didn't work obviously.Austin would get his shot at owen and the ic title at survivor series but not before signing a waiver in case he further injures himself.He signed the waiver and then gave vince his first ever stunner.We will talk more about that later.Austin beat owen for the belt in a 4 minute squash match.Since he really couldn't wrestle,it was about the only way they could book it.Classic feud.




When mankind entered the wwf he immediately started feuding with undertaker.He also beat him several times earning instant credibility.They feuded off and on for 2+ years.Even paul bearer turned heel and sided with mankind.Their matches were hit and miss.They had tons.Obviously,the most famous was the hiac match that will always be remembered.Foley got over so quickly in this feud that he got a world title match within 6 months of entering the company.He would have gotten over anyway but undertaker got him over automatically.




This started when the newly turned heel jake crashed savage and elizabeths wedding reception.This was jake at his best.Savage was in retirement after his wm loss to the warrior.It didn't stop jake from getting savage to interfere in one of his matches on superstars.Jake had a plan though.Jake got the upperhand in the fight and tied savage in the ropes.Then in what was a shocking angle for the time,had his snake biting savage while he was in the ropes.That may sound like a comedy angle now but it was very serious stuff in 91.Roddy piper went down to help and jake left.Then elizabeth ran out.Then they brought out the stretcher.Vince was on commentary talking about it being a poisonous snake and about how much trouble savage was in because of it."This is not suppose to happen" is what vince kept saying.Savage was kept off the survivor series ppv and jake was off it too to make it even.They made a match for the following week on the tuesday in texas ppv.The match was short but effective.It was a decent brawl but the important thing was after the match.Jake was giving savage a post match beat down when elizabeth got in the way.Sound familiar ? Jake decided to take it one step further than honky did in previous years.He hit elizabeth in the face.It was the weakest punch you could possibly throw but it didn't matter.You wouldn't think jake could get more over as a heel after the snake incident but he did after that.I was surprised they didn't have the blowoff to this at wrestlemania because it was a big enough feud with tons of heat.




This started all the way back in 97 when they met in the kotr finals.Hhh would have matches against mankind,dude love and cactus jack that year.The last being the most famous.On an episode of raw,foley debut his cactus jack persona and had a street fight with hhh.Fast forward now to the start of 2000.Foley brings back cactus jack to challenge hhh for the belt at the rumble in a street fight.It is a favorite of mine.They put on a very wild brawl and got hhh over as a credible champ in the process.Fans weren't really buying into hhh before this.He was a legit main eventer afterwards.It also started hhh's reign at the top of the company.Hhh won the street fight so they would have a rematch.Title vs career in a hiac match.The hiac match was not too shabby either though I think it is a notch below the street fight.Hhh won that match too.He put one of the top babyfaces into retirement.Unfortunately foley came back for wm in a meaningless return.It didn't matter.The goal was to get hhh over as a top guy and it was successful.

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I'm going to assume Hogan-Andre is #1, but I really need to see how the rest of this list fleshes out.

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This started when flair told savage that elizabeth was with him long before she was with savage.He had pictures made showing elizabeth with him.Obviously that drove savage crazy since he was a control freak when it came to her.The match was awesome and made my top 10.Flair promised to show a centerfold of liz for the entire arena to see.Unfortunately,he didn't.After the match flair started screaming at liz and savage snapped and a post match brawl started.I will add that both guys gave awesome post match interviews and made everyone want to see a rematch right after intermission.We didn't get the rematch for months unfortunately.Flair won the title back in september.This one had a great start to the feud and a bad ending.OK,I'll admit,I don't know what I was thinking when I put this at #10.




This was all about austins journey to the world title and it was suppose to be hbks last match.While the wwf had been gaining momentum for a few months,this put them back in the mainstream.The night after the rumble,Vince introduced guest ref mike tyson.Austin was not impressed so he came out to confront tyson.Imo,that was one of the most important moments in wwf history. A few weeks later,michaels decided he was going to challenge tyson as well.When the time came he ripped tysons shirt off to show him wearing a dx shirt.Everyone knew austin was walking out of wrestlemania with the belt but it didn't matter because everyone wanted to see it.Wm 14 got a huge buyrate mostly because of this match.As far as the match goes,it wasn't bad for two crippled guys who shouldn't have been wrestling.




This started when owen was the only hart member eliminated at survivor series 93.He then started complaining about bret being jelous and trying to hold him down.They did get back together though and challenged for the tag belts at rumble 94.Bret injured his leg in the match and couldn't continue.After the match,owen threw a tantrum in the ring telling bret he should have tagged him in.Bret was trying to get up so owen kicked him in the leg to knock him back down.Own proved to be a great heel.The match was set for wrestlemania even though bret didn't want to fight family.Owen won the match which was crucial to this feud.It made owen a legit contender.As we know,the match was one of the best in company history.Bret won the belt later in the night.Everyone came out to congratulate him except for owen.


Fast forward to kotr.Bret is defending his belt against deisel.During the match,neidhart comes in and gets bret dq'd.This was neidharts return to the wwf.Later in the night,owen was in the kotr finals against ramon.Neidhart comes in and nails razor and owen gets the win.So now owen is king of the ring.Owen decides that he will now be called the king of harts.That got him a title shot at bret at summerslam in a cage.Another great match between the two.Davey boy smith is in the audience with the rest of the hart family.After the match,owen and the anvil give bret a post match beat down.Everyone from the hart family tries to climb the cage to help bret.Owen and neidhart fight them all off.


Fast forward now to survivor series.Bret is defending his belt against backlund.Both guys have davey boy and owen in their corners to be the towel men.After 30 minutes of a great match,backlund gets bret in the chickenwing.Bret is in the hold a long time.Davey boy was knocked out earlier in the match so there is no one to throw the towel in.Owen looks like he is worried about bret so he tries to get his parents to throw the towel in to end the match.It worked and the mother throws in the towel.Bret loses the belt.Owen runs off with the towel cheering because he tricked everyone.Owen was awesome here and got even more heel heat.This feud never had an official end unless you want to count when bret got the hart foundation back together.I don't think anyone will argue this one.It deserves it's place in the top 10

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This one had a great start to the feud and a bad ending.OK,I'll admit,I don't know what I was thinking when I put this at #10.

Yeah, it was only Feud of the Year for 1992. What were you thinking?


You missed the whole "Whose corner is Mr. Perfect in?" angle that was part of that feud as well.

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The final seven should be:










If that's right, then Hogan/Perfect got left off, which is a travesty.

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This whole list seems pretty haphazard. Like you just listed 50 good WWF/E feuds in no particular order.


Austin/Rock should definitely be top 5. The two biggest icons of the attitude era squaring off in two of the biggest title matches of that era? The Austin heel turn after a great match at WM 17? The whole "Can the Rock ever beat Austin" angle leading into WM19? The Rock finally getting a decisive win over Austin after years of trying? While the feud was based around sports-entertainment legends and embodied the attitude era, at its core it was just a long lasting rivalry over who was really the best. Almost AJPW-like in that regard. When you get down to it, the feud is what wrestling should be about.


Seeing it beat out by Dibiase/Virgil, Savage/HTM, and Austin/Owen is sad.

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I appreciate all of the comments.After looking over my list,I must admit that it has really fallen apart.However,it is too late for a do over.Some of the high choices I still agree with like savage/htm but some I also agree are ridiculously high (dibiase/virgil).I don't know what list I am going to do next but it won't be for a while as I will put more thought into it.


Btw,for the person who guessed what the last 7 were,I have said several times that hogan/piper took place prior to 1986 so that would not be included.


Anyway,what are some of the choices that everyone does agree with ?

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I talked about how the rock evolved during his feuds with austin.This may be a better example of both guys evoving over the years.The rock debut as rocky maivia at survivor series 96 and hhh was on the opposing team.You never would have thought both guys would be main eventers a few years later.They wrestled each other a million times.They had a good feud in 98 where they represented dx and the nation of domination.The high point of that feud was a ladder match for the ic title at summerslam 98.It was a very good match for the time,though it doesn't really hold up today.You could tell from that match that both guys would be elevated to main event status.A year later,the rock had already had the world title and headlined wm and hhh would win his first title the night after summerslam.


Once hhh beat foley at the rumble,he was over as the main event heel.The rock was clearly the top face.With austin out for a year you would think business would decline.Instead,with these two in the main event,it was the best year for the wwf.


It was all set for wrestlemania with rock challenging hhh but then they did something stupid.They added big show and for no reason foley to the match.The match was better than most people say.It gets negative reviews for one reason imo.HHH won the match.That was unheard of for the heel champion to win the main event at wrestlemania.Prabably a bad move but I think it got him more over.A rematch was set for backlash.The match was booked the right way this time as the rock won the belt in another good match between the two.They would headline a third ppv in a row and there best match together by far.An ironman match that was way better than anyone expected.HHH won the belt back in a controversial finish.The rock won the belt back again at kotr in a 6 man tag match.They would continue to feud off and on again for a while but I think I covered most of it.





This feud had so much heat that they could have headlined wrestlemania.Orndorff was one of hogans best opponents.Everything hogan was involved in at the time drew tons of money but this was one of his best.The wwf had a house show planned for august 86 in canada.It drew 64,000 people.Because of the attendence they later named the show the big event.The match was nothing special but it didn't matter.They had another match on snme where it was a cage match.A pretty famous match for the time.Both guys hit the floor at the same time and they had to restart the match.I think it was the first time that was done in a cage match before.The feud pretty much ended there because hogan went on to a much bigger feud.I wonder how much wm3 would have drawn if they went with hogan/orndorff.




Everyone knows the story here.These two had been in matches against each other since they were still in tag matches.While their tag matches against each other didn't give us any great matches,most of there singles matches were good/great.One that I shortchanged was their match at survivor series 92.Bret had just won the world title and hbk had just won the ic title.The match is very underrated.Obviously the feud got much more important in 96.They were set for wm12 in the first televised ironman match.Everyone knew hbk was going over so they added the ironman stip to give some doubt.The match was great but I think the lack of falls hurt it a bit.Since there were no falls in the match,it went to overtime.Bret was not happy about that since there was no mention of overtime before the match started.2 minutes into overtime,hbk won the match.


Shawn would go on to have a lackluster title reign.Bret decided to take time off and went home for 8 months.When bret came back he was involved in a feud with austin but would still throw little shots at michaels.Whether or not its true,the idea was that bret/shawn would headline wm13.Shawn faked an injury just before the final four ppv and forfeited the title.This was the famous "lost my smile" speech.Bret who had been playing tweener for a few weeks,turned heel for good the night after wm.He decided that it was him vs america.Bret did some of his best work in 97 because imo,he came across as being very realistic.On an episode of raw,bret decided he would call out hbk while he was in his wheelchair.He sent the hartfoundation back to the locker room.So shawn comes out and bret cuts a bitter promo pointing out everything he thinks is wrong with hbk.Raw went off the air while he was talking which caused real problems behind the scenes.Anyway,hbk superkicked bret out of his wheelchair and the hartfoundation chased him off.A match was planned for kotr but was scrapped because of brets injury.


Fast forward now to summerslam.Bret wins the title from undertaker because of hbks chairshot.Even though bret was now champ,it led to a great hbk/taker feud that would headline the shows for the next two months.Hbk was named #1 contender after winning the hiac match.It was set for survivor series in canada.Since I was basically living in a cave in 97(I didn't have the internet),I didn't know bret was leaving for wcw.With that in mind,I thought they did a great job leading up to the ppv.I had no idea who would win the match.Apparently,neither did anyone else,including the two in the match.We all know what happened here so I don't see the point in bringing it up again.Anyway,I think this was top 5 material.

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I wouldn't put Bret/Shawn in the top 10 (maybe not even top 20), let alone the top 5. There really wasn't ever much of an onscreen feud at any point in their history.


Let's look:


- They did the Survivor Series 1992 match without any real buildup.


- The WMXII match was face/face, and they were kept apart for the most part until the match.


- They were supposed to do the KOTR 1997 match until Shawn got "injured" again.


- And in late 1997, Shawn was the ref in Bret's 5th title win, but he was paired with Undertaker until the big Survivor Series 97 showdown.


Sure, there was lots of behind-the-scenes stuff going on, but not much that the fans could get into as far as a feud.


Hogan/Orndorff deserved a much better writeup, too, given that Orndorff was Hogan's beiggest feud in terms of money drawn.

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You've got me on the hogan/orndorff writeup.For whatever reason,I'm drawing a blank on much of their feud.That is why I didn't give much detail.As far as bret/shawn goes,if anything I would switch that and hogan/orndorff because of the money drawing factor but thats it.I won't give the rest until tomorrow because they will all be very detailed..I can't see anyone arguing the top 4 other than the order of them.I wish I could give all 4 the #1 spot because of how great they are but that wouldn't be any fun.

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I wouldn't put Bret/Shawn in the top 10 (maybe not even top 20), let alone the top 5. There really wasn't ever much of an onscreen feud at any point in their history.


Let's look:


- They did the Survivor Series 1992 match without any real buildup.


- The WMXII match was face/face, and they were kept apart for the most part until the match.


- They were supposed to do the KOTR 1997 match until Shawn got "injured" again.


- And in late 1997, Shawn was the ref in Bret's 5th title win, but he was paired with Undertaker until the big Survivor Series 97 showdown.


Sure, there was lots of behind-the-scenes stuff going on, but not much that the fans could get into as far as a feud.


Hogan/Orndorff deserved a much better writeup, too, given that Orndorff was Hogan's beiggest feud in terms of money drawn.


As much as I was disliking the list so far, I have to say Bret/Shawn deserves to be top 5 just for that segment where Bret called Shawn down to the ring for seemingly no reason at all, completely ripped him apart for 20 minutes, and then it just went off the air without any retribution from Shawn. That was insane. (And who can blame Shawn for being pissed off at something like that?) Every time they got together, you could tell they despised each other. And they got together a whole bunch of times. They feuded on and off for pretty much the entire year of 1997.


There was that segment I mentioned,


all of the January-February promos and build up between the two,


the promo where Bret turned heel against US fans, Shawn came out to tell Bret to get the fuck over himself, and Bret attacked Shawn's hurt leg from behind


the promo in Canada where Shawn announced he would be the special referee and if he didn't call the match right down the middle, he wouldn't be able to wrestle in the US again. So he would have to move to Canada and live next door to Bret. This also brought us one of the most classic lines of all time, "Bret, buddy, pal of mine, if you can't trust Shawn Michaels, who can ya trust?!!"


all of the buildup in October and November for Survivor Series. I'm sure there's some more I'm forgetting about.


I would put Bret/Shawn as #2 behind Bret/Austin.

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Where do people come up with this crap ? Seriously, this is ridiculous.


Austin / McMahon is easily number one, or very, very close to it.

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As if this wouldn't make the top 5.This was back when vince was still able to book his main events a year in advance.Hogan and savage had some matches in 86 which were very good by hogans standards.The backstory to this feud started in october 87.During the savage/htm match that I already covered,htm shoved liz down and gave savage an awesome guitar shot.Liz ran to the dressing room and brought out hogan.Hogan cleaned house and we got the hanshake.This would happen several more times.Savage would get in trouble and liz would go get hogan.They formed the megapowers.At wrestlemania 4,savage was in his 4th match of the night and was struggling against dibiase because of interference from andre.Of course liz brought out hogan.Hogan helped savage win the match and his first world title.


Savage would go on to defend his title the next few months while hogan took time off.When hogan returned he obviously got much better responses from the crowd which made savage jealous.A match was set for summerslam between the megapowers and the megabucks which the megapowers won.Then there was the survivor series match.During the match,hogan was handcuffed to the ringpost while savage had to continue the match alone.Liz got the keys off of slick and uncuffed hogan.Hogan would get the hot tag and win the match.Even though savage/hogan won the match,savage seemed paranoid over hogan/liz.Savage always played the paranoid psychotic to perfection.


Where things fell apart was at the second annual main event show where the megapowers went against the twin towers.During the match,savage is thrown into elizabeth and she is knocked out.Hogan carries liz to the back while savage is left fighting both of the twin towers.They spend a long time with hogan taking care of liz in the back.Hogan does eventually return to the ring but savage doesn't want to tag him.Instead,savage slaps hogan in the face and walks off.Hogan does win the match because its hogan and he has to win.


Once hogan goes back to the dressing room,savage goes nuts saying that hogan was trying to steal elizabeth away from him and was trying to take his title from him.Hogan denies the accusations so savage hits him with the title belt and pushes elizabeth out of the way.


THAT is how you build to a title match.I bet vince wished he booked wrestlemania in a larger arena instead of trump plazza.I have no doubt they would have sold out another 60 thousand seat arena again.


On to wrestlemania.The match was pretty standard hogan stuff.Hogan wins the belt back obviously.


After wm savage got a new valet in sherri and teamed up with zeus.For how ridiculous it was,it still drew money and they built to a tag match at summerslam with hogan/beefcake vs savage/zeus.Then to a special called no holds barred where they had another tag match in a cage.I guess the feud officially came to an end at the 3rd main event in 2/90.Obviously hogan won that too.While bringing zeus into the fold brought it down a bit,this was clearly one of the most important feuds of all time.

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The fact that Austin/Rock doesn't crack the Top 10(It's for sure Top 5 on my list, even maybe #1) doesn't make me take this list seriously.


The fued was the biggest money maker in WWE history. They've never had a bad match with each other either.

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The fact that Austin/Rock doesn't crack the Top 10(It's for sure Top 5 on my list, even maybe #1) doesn't make me take this list seriously.


The fued was the biggest money maker in WWE history. They've never had a bad match with each other either.


Not that I deny the absolute greatness of Austin/Rock, but how exactly do you figure their feud was the biggest money maker in WWE history? In terms of total money, it was Austin-McMahon. For one match, it was HHH-Batista.

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Perhaps I missed the boat on austin/rock.I always looked at rock/austin 2001 to be like hogan/warrior 1990.The top 2 babyfaces going at it at wm.I don't remember austin/rock really having a feud before wm17.I thought they just built it as the top 2 faces going against each other and that that idea would sell itself.Maybe I am wrong.I should have moved it up a few spots but I never considered it a top 5 feud.


Even though I haven't listed the top 3 yet,give some thoughts on what should have been left out of the top 10 and what should have been in the top 10.

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Perhaps I missed the boat on austin/rock.I always looked at rock/austin 2001 to be like hogan/warrior 1990.The top 2 babyfaces going at it at wm.I don't remember austin/rock really having a feud before wm17.I thought they just built it as the top 2 faces going against each other and that that idea would sell itself.Maybe I am wrong.I should have moved it up a few spots but I never considered it a top 5 feud.

There's way more than that to the feud, though. There was the awesome stuff they did in 97 over the IC title (with Rock uttering one of the five greatest lines ever heard on Raw: "The Rock thinks you should fire him, Vince"). Then there was the stuff they did around WMXV with Rock as the Corporate Champion (they main evented WM and Backlash). All of that laid the foundation for the X-7 match.

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