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Guest Hadley

The Super pre-SNME Thread

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
And with it being network television, Shane won't be able to take the crazy bumps he has to cover for his lack of any real ability.

So they'll do the Kane Survivor Series formula, where Shane dominates, and rather than beat himself with a silly bump, the other guy hits one fluke move for the win.

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You know, the more I think about it, the less and less sense the main event is making. And it didn't even make much sense to begin with. I mean, what is the point of this match? Logically, neither of the teams have any reason to co-exist (except for maybe Angle and Rey) and there's really no way to get around certain guys looking horrible going into the WM main events. Naturally, the 3-man team should dominate, but that wouldn't showcase the Raw guy's "abilities" to the casual fan which this show is presumably designed to attract. If the 2-man team with one terrible wrestler according to WWE gets any sort of sustained momentum against the SD guys, SD looks like a damn joke. If there is a winner, or likely winner before a run-in/DQ, one brand looks inferior.


Talk about booking yourself into a corner.

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They should've kept it in SNL's time slot. SNL has a lot of repeats throughout the season.


They should've filmed it from a smaller New York venue like Hammerstein Ballroom to give the show a totally different look and feel from other WWE programming.


It should've been "live from New York, it's Saturday Nights Main Event"


For one night, they should just forget about brands and feature a lot of Smackdown vs. Raw matches.


They should've paid Jesse Ventura to do color with Stone Cold Steve Austin and Jim Ross.


They should've had a SNME Legends Battle Royal recycling famous names from SNME's past. A lot of people watching SNME for clear nostalgia purposes would get a kick out of that.

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Guest Coffey

As soon as the show was announced, with the current product, the question was already answered. It's a no brainer. Now WWE will try to "pull out all the stops" so to speak and they'll just embarass themselves on a bigger level.


It'll get good ratings but it'll do more damage than good...but WWE won't see past the numbers.

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The whole point of the main event is to see how long the two teams coexist with each other until they both finally decide to say "fuck this" and attack each other. They'll play up the brand rivalries, which no one buys, in hopes of trying to convince the viewers that the match might not end in a no contest. However, unless they have Teddy Long outright say "If any of you attack the other, you will be out of the Wrestlemania match", then it won't make any sense to have Rey stand there by Orton on the apron after all the shit Orton said about Eddie.

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I have a feeling it will get better ratings than people think.


There are probably a lot of people who haven't watched wrestling in 20 years who would remember SNME and might happen to either by accident find it or hear about it and go "WWF's back on NBC?".


The only problem is going to be getting them interested again in the current product. I dont see that happening.

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I have a feeling it will get better ratings than people think.


There are probably a lot of people who haven't watched wrestling in 20 years who would remember SNME and might happen to either by accident find it or hear about it and go "WWF's back on NBC?".


The only problem is going to be getting them interested again in the current product. I dont see that happening.


Let me just play devil's advocate and ask why someone who hasn't watched wrestling for 20 years and likely has cable or digital TV, a DVR and access to the internet would watch SNME simply because wrestling's back on channel 4 in NYC for example? Why is Saturday night on NBC any different than Thursday/Friday night on UPN or Mondays on USA/Spike TV over the last decade or so?

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Has Rey ever really worked heel before?


In WCW, he was a heel for about 2 months but aside from his character(part of the F.A) and his image(meaning camo pants and devil horns)...he didn't really change to much.

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What do you think will happen with the commentary team? A mix of a Raw and a Smackdown guy or will they have seperate teams for each brands matches and then a clusterfuck for the main event like at Survivor Series?

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Well, due to SNME coming back, wwe.com posted Hogan/Race from the 3/88 SNME (which I've never seen) on Heat so considering I probably won't be watching the return, SNME has already exceeded my expectations.


FYI --- Heat also has the 20-Man Battle Royal from 3/87, Rockers/Hart Foundation from 4/90, and Bulldogs/Harts from 5/87. Also has skits/interviews from SNME. Definitely worth a watch.

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Guys, why are you so negative?


It's the WWE we're talking about, my friend. Lots of people here want to watch it fail miserably, see Vince go bankrupt and Triple H suffer a career-ending injury. Then they'll be happy.


The way I see it, SNME used to be so loved back in the day partly because you got to see the established stars face each other, which you didn't see on TV that often, if at all. I know that when I watched the SuperStars TV show most that I got to see where jobbers being squashed. SNME meant Hogan vs a big heel. It meant Savage vs Hogan with special ref Buster Douglas. It meant Rockers vs Brainbusters. It had that big-time aura that just wasn't prevalent on any other WWF show at the time. Now we have RAW and SD! every week and we're used to seeing this kind of matches all the time. So I figure it'll be a disappointment in the sense that it won't have that big-time feeling, but if the show is good nonetheless then I'll be satisfied.

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The SD matches aren´t looking too promising. According to the spoilers, you can expect;



Booker T/Boogeyman

JBL and Stone Cold Beer drinking contest


Let´s hope they add a CW match, as well as a Benoit match. :ph34r:

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Guys, why are you so negative?


It's the WWE we're talking about, my friend. Lots of people here want to watch it fail miserably, see Vince go bankrupt and Triple H suffer a career-ending injury. Then they'll be happy.


The way I see it, SNME used to be so loved back in the day partly because you got to see the established stars face each other, which you didn't see on TV that often, if at all. I know that when I watched the SuperStars TV show most that I got to see where jobbers being squashed. SNME meant Hogan vs a big heel. It meant Savage vs Hogan with special ref Buster Douglas. It meant Rockers vs Brainbusters. It had that big-time aura that just wasn't prevalent on any other WWF show at the time. Now we have RAW and SD! every week and we're used to seeing this kind of matches all the time. So I figure it'll be a disappointment in the sense that it won't have that big-time feeling, but if the show is good nonetheless then I'll be satisfied.


Um, if you had looked at the second sentence in that post, you'd be able to tell that I was being completely facetious.

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Um, if you had looked at the second sentence in that post, you'd be able to tell that I was being completely facetious.


Sorry, Sensei. Guess I just read your question and disregarded the rest.


Still, my opinion stands. XFL failure notwhistanding.

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I think everyone got all excoted due to the name, the reason why this show meant something back in the day is cuz then, wwf didnt have shows featuring bigtime matches every week, all we got were superstars and challenge and all-american which features mostly squashes, as well as prime time which had some arena matches.



now its like no big deal

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Reading this thread really brings home how much us fans have turned on Vince and Co.

Emphasis on storyline has made the product look like shit.

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Reading this thread really brings home how much us fans have turned on Vince and Co.

Emphasis on storyline has made the product look like shit.


No, shit storylines and the WWE fuckheads refusing to listen to fans with regards to who they want to see is what has made this thread a downer and led to us shitting on SNME in this thread as a waste of time/oppertunity for Vic and co.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

The more I think of it, the more I hate this main event. You all realize that HHH and Cena are going to play face in this match, right? The fans despise Cena and Hunter isn't exactly Hogan either.


Obviously, Orton was going to be in the Mania main event all along for whatever godforsaken reason, but why not have him and Chavo have a heatless match at SNME and let Angle and Rey play face against HHH and Cena heel.


Why are they building up a feud between Orton and Chavo if they're not going to blow it off at SNME? I'm scared that all this is leading to a post Mania Orton-Chavo world title program. Imagine the buyrates for that one.

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Reading this thread really brings home how much us fans have turned on Vince and Co.

Well, they've brought it on themselves.

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I'm not starting a new thread so I'll post this in here:


From Meltzer's update:


Jim Ross returns to WWE as the announcer for Saturday Night's Main Event a week from today.


Is this good or bad?

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I'm not starting a new thread so I'll post this in here:


From Meltzer's update:


Jim Ross returns to WWE as the announcer for Saturday Night's Main Event a week from today.


Is this good or bad?


I'd say good - now if they could just do whatever it took to get Ventura to commentate with him, we'd have an interesting show from an announcing perspective.


Will be curious to see how they even work this into the Ross was fired storyline.

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