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Gary Floyd

"Snakes on a Plane" Teaser up

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What is this movie about?

I think there's a clue in the title.


Anyway: here's the offical logo for the film:


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Now honestly, who doesn't want to see this movie after seeing footage of Sam Jackson whipping a snake and this logo?

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Now when your at the movies seeing this movie, make sure you sit behind someone. Even if its just you and another person in the movie, sit behind this person and when a snake is about to strike, reach down under the person's seat and pinch their ankle with one of those "snakebite" pincy moves. Watch as that person jumps up and gets scared.

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Here it is mutha fuckers:




That is fantastic, just fantastic. Here is more great mutha fuckin' news from snakes on a blog:


And here’s our mini-spoiler/plot element. A New Line source told me this morning that they’ve added, for one example,

a shot of “a guy being bitten by a snake on his Johnson.” How does that happen exactly? “He’s taking a leak or…? Mile-High Club,”

he answered.

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...I've been able to figure out that this film will be a parable for the power of aviation in war. We know that snakes can symbolically mean evil, or even represent the devil himself. Generally many people consider their enemies to be devils.


The Year of the Snake on the Japanese calendar was, get this, Janurary 27, 1941 to February 14, 1942.


What happened on December 7th 1941, which happens to fall between the year of the snake? Pearl Harbor.


What did the Japanese use to attack pearl harbor with? Planes. Planes, which had been use for transporting people and other trade goods were now being used for evil purpose, for death. They had become a devil.


How does Snakes on a Plane relate to this? The snakes in Snakes on a Plane are a symbol for the Japanese's evil use of aviation to destroy Pearl Harbor. In essence, this plane in the film, will be filled with Snakes. Without the Snakes the plane is just a harmless tool, but with snakes on it becomes a dangerous weapon. So you might say the snakes represent the possibility of turning aviation into a dangerous weapon. The snakes represent that possibility, they represent the Japanese during WWII. Once the "devils" aka Snakes infest the plane, it becomes a weapon that can harm.


And get this. You know what the element of that particular year of the snake was? Metal. What is made of metal? Planes.


But how does this connect to history, is it a simple parable of the attack on Pearl Harbor. No, it goes much deeper. Just like before Pearl Harbor, nobody in the US thought the Japanese were a problem for the country, but we recognized their problem for the entire world. Just like snake attacks aren't a big problem in the United States, but in other African countries they are. The snakes (Japanese), weren't a problem until they attacked our plane (The United States). So one can see the metaphor not only makes comments on the power of turning aviation into a weapon, but comments on the global politics of WWII.


But the things is, snakes aren't inherently evil. There are good snakes and bad snakes, venomous and harmless. But before 1941 many looked down upon the Japanese people as all evil. We interned thousands of innocent people. Just like snakes of all venoms and sizes are kept in zoo's across the US. Now we have corrected that, now we just fear the violent and evil people of a particular group, not the entire people. Do you think all of the snakes on Snakes on a Plane will be evil? I doubt it, but everyone will treat them like that...




It goes on...

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The new news is the movie will go from PG-13 to R after the buzz on the internet made the studio decide to do addition gore and nudity filled reshots.


The article from IMDB.com


Samuel L. Jackson's new mile-high thriller Snakes On A Plane has created such a buzz among internet film fans, movie bosses have called for re-shoots - to give the film a tougher rating. The film, which stars Jackson as an FBI agent trying to keep a federal witness alive onboard a plane full of snakes, wrapped last September - but went back before the cameras earlier this month for five days of additional shooting. Film bosses at distributor New Line Cinema opted to add new scenes to the film to take the movie from PG-13 into R-rated territory, according to industry magazine The Hollywood Reporter. They claim the second round of filming became necessary after intense and growing fan interest in the film, which is scheduled to be released this summer. Among the reported additions to the film is a foul-mouthed rant from Jackson in which his agent character bellows, "I want these motherf**king snakes off the motherf**king plane!" The line is expected to take on cult status. The film-makers have reportedly added more gore, more deaths, more nudity and more snakes to the finished product.


That line is going to be awesome. Pure awesome.

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That line is going to be awesome. Pure awesome.




Someone on DVDTalk posted this:


I'd love for the ending to have Jackson being put on trial for animal cruelty, and yelling out "YES THEY DESERVED TO DIE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!"


They might as well just spoof every single famous Jackson quote in this movie.


I'd love to see that also. :lol:

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Black Snake Moan


The plot involves a white nymphomaniac who must be "cured" of her disorder by an older black blues man.




Samuel L. Jackson .... Lazarus

Christina Ricci .... Rae

John Cothran Jr. .... R.L.

Justin Timberlake .... Ronnie


It's from the writer/director of "Hustle & Flow" - Craig Brewer

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Black Snake Moan


The plot involves a white nymphomaniac who must be "cured" of her disorder by an older black blues man.




Samuel L. Jackson .... Lazarus

Christina Ricci .... Rae

John Cothran Jr. .... R.L.

Justin Timberlake .... Ronnie


It's from the writer/director of "Hustle & Flow" - Craig Brewer


Man if this keeps up, Samuel L is going to be in Anacondas III.

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My God I'm loving this SOAP "movement". Here is the latest post from snakesonablog:


A few days I posted about nootropic describing his calls to a few airlines to find out if he could bring Snakes on a Plane. I lamented at the time that he didn’t record his phone calls… I assumed they’d be funny. Well, it seems as though Philip had the same idea that I had. Here we go:


Southwest Airlines


American Airlines


Continental Airlines


Continental Airlines 2


Jet Blue

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