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Marvel's Civil War

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The level of delay on Ultimates 2 has almost moved into the All Star Batman and Robin level of patheticness, especially considering it's banded about as the best ongoing series out there and was pretty much Marvel's top comic.

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The level of delay on Ultimates 2 has almost moved into the All Star Batman and Robin level of patheticness, especially considering it's banded about as the best ongoing series out there and was pretty much Marvel's top comic.

I refuse to call something "best onging series" if it doesn't come out on time. I admire Millar's loyalty to Hitch, but the truth is that Hitch is a glorified Alan Davis clone (artistically, that is) so if he can't handle a monthly, dump him and get Alan Davis.


I'd actually call Nextwave the best ongoing, except that it's more or less a maxiseries, so let's give the title to X-Factor.

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So who's going to end up being the giant villian who's behind it all and brainwashing Tony? Cause when this first started it had the whole 'morally ambiguous', 'what is the right path', 'whose side are you on?' stuff going on, but now (especially with the Thunderbolts stuff) the 'Pro-Reg' side is being written as so dispiciably evil and moronicly short sighted that there's no way the writers could possibly expect anyone to take them as heroes anymore.

I think somethings up with that mother of one of the dead kids, since she keeps showing up and being manipulative.


I'll bet she's actually Onslaught (or Apocalypse), cause clearly this crossover doesn't tie in to the X-Men enough for Marvel yet.


When the mini-series started out, the big rumor being leaked was that Millar was going to make the whole thing be Adolf freaking Hitler's fault, as Millar planned on using the Marvel Universe Hitler in his Hate-Monger persona to be responsible for everything. Which in turn has led to many people believing that the delays in the mini-series are all Millar's fault in terms of him rewriting the ending to insert a new big bad (or no big bad at all, which is shaping up to be a big possibility).


That said, a slew of candidates have been fan-speculated with fan-speculated motives for being behind it all that will most definately make better sense than whatever bullshit Millar pulls out of his ass:



Doctor Doom

Sublime/That Which Endures

Set, the Seven-Headed Serpent God



The Adversary



....for instance.

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Ha, the Punisher Narration story in the photoshopped comics is awesome.


And for some reason I got a kick out of "Is that Wakandan for 'Hoo-Yeah, lets kick some ass.' Cause it better be."

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It's a good day to be a DC fan...


Just read #7 and....It sucks. And I guess the word that I've seen on a few comic book boards, that sums it up well is "Anti-Climatic" Seriously. I'm guessing not everyone's read it yet, so I won't say much about it, but if the delay was to somehow change the ending...I can't imagine what the first idea they had was.

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From what I've heard (And I'm going to download this one: I'm not going to buy this thing), I'd say that this ending would have worked had the Registration side not been the 4th Reich. I mean, it's a good way to end it, but the lead up to it was so miserable that it just undercuts what is, in reality, a really well-thoughtout ending.


Ah well. Now we have a few months before the Hulk comes back for the next huge crossover.

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My Civil War #7 recap:


FIGHT! - Cap

FIGHT! - Iron Man



YEAH, LET'S. GO FREE. - Iron Wuss





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Ah well. Now we have a few months before the Hulk comes back for the next huge crossover.


I'm actually forward to the Hulk coming back and beating the shit out of everyone. It'll be like I'm living vicariously through him and taking my aggressions out on Marvel for fucking up Civil War.

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I read Civil War 7 today, and man I was really dissapointed with the ending. It was completely Anti-climatic. The entire time I thought Civil War was going to lead to something huge and it really didn't. I mean the entire time, Civil War was leading to this huge battle between the two sides that was suppose to end in a major major way...and it didn't, all of a sudden the fight was just over and Capt. was under arrest. I feel really dissapointed after following the entire series and I'm thinking that the last Frontline is going to end up being a big dissapointment as well.

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Spoilers, of course.










Well, I really liked the issue as a stand-alone, lot's of cool moments but due to


A: The huge hype

B: the crazy actions of the registration side

C: The DELAYS. (How long did this take, 13 months?)



It did come off as underwhelming.


A couple things:


-Who is the woman with the black suit with the scorpion pattern standing next to Miss Marvel with the Avengers?


-Venom, Buklkseye, Deathstrike and Taskmaster together was awesome for me, 4 of my probably top 20 marvel villains ripping shit up.


-I know it's just for the movie, but I like the black spidey-suit the best of his costumes (The Ben/Reilly Spider-girl suit is close) so I like having it back.


-The Hercules Jack Kennedy/Clone Thor line was fucking beyond awful and cheesy. For shame.

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Ah well. Now we have a few months before the Hulk comes back for the next huge crossover.


I'm actually forward to the Hulk coming back and beating the shit out of everyone. It'll be like I'm living vicariously through him and taking my aggressions out on Marvel for fucking up Civil War.


That is easily the funniest thing I've read in a while. Anyways...


I finally read it. Honestly, this issue would have worked if the set up had been better. Making the Registration Side out to be this horrible evil was a miserable way to do things from the beginning, and it killed the momentum and any sort of logical support one could get for it. Because of this, the whole ending seems really, really surreal. I mean, it's like right out of a propaganda film, how everything suddenly worked out despite the problems. For example:





Namor's involvement made no sense, and basically did nothing for anyone. I don't understand why he was even there. Same with the Thing. Did he really need to make an appearance? And how did he just happen to show up at the exact right time?


Did anyone even SEE the Sentry fight? I mean, Christ, why didn't he just END it then and there?




The joke about "Project 42" is really, really weird. I mean, creating a hellish prison in the Negative Zone really isn't something to brag about. :huh:


Was Tony hitting on Miriam Sharpe? At that point, I was so weirded out by the entirity of the ending, I really couldn't tell.


Well, I have to say this, though: this has pretty undeniably changed Marvel. How long it lasts will be a question, yes. But it'll be interesting to see where it goes from here.

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I've also gotta ask, am I the only one who saw Reed hitting the shit out of Susan??


In the panel where he's getting hit by Spiderman (which I just noticed) I could have sworn first read it was smacking her. That's one reason I was like WTF? taking lessons from...the Man of the Year, ha. But I'm not sure.

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That's a somewhat misleading description. Cap and Iron Man are pretty much in a stalemate with each other. But anyway, you mean the original cover and not the Michael Turner one, got it.

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