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-There was a recent altercation between Edge and a fan at an Iowa house show where the fan threw a soda that hit Edge, who responded by going into the crowd and grabbing the guy by the shirt, shaking him around as the guy went limp. Security broke it up within seconds and escorted the fan away, while Edge walked off angrily.


Edge is trying to be Ron Artest? :boxing:

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-Stevie Richards assisted Shane McMahon in some in-ring training and warm-ups before SNME.




Remember this, WWE, when it comes time to decide who's on the next list of layoffs. Stevie's still useful!

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Guest Princess Leena
Would it be that fucking hard to give Rey his belt at Mania?


If it would be about Rey winning the title, then I would love it.

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To me, they have sucked out every bit of excitement that was surrounding the possibility of Rey winning the title at WM.


On the way to the Rumble, he was getting his ass kicked every week by Mark Henry, but then he won the Rumble, and was set to take on Kurt Angle in a great match. But no, they then do all of that shit with Orton talking about Eddie Guerrero, then they have Orton beat Rey to take his WM shot, then Teddy Long just goes ahead and allows Rey to be in the WM match anyway. Then since all of that happened he has been beaten and abused by people almost every week, including jobbing to Finlay!


Has Rey Mysterio even done shit the entire month of March other than be made to look like a douche? The last time I remember him looking good at all was the last SD in February where he picked up a pinfall over JBL in a tag match.


They better be doing something fucking huge with Rey on this coming SD for them to help him get back to where he should be going into this WM match.


And don't get me wrong here - I would still get excited and be very happy if Rey won at WM. There just isn't that excitement surrounding him as there once was. By this point they might as well just be doing Angle/Orton for the SD title match. That's pretty much what it feels like anyway by this point.

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Don't forget about the neutering they gave the champ.


Angle is pretty much beat by Taker when Henry interferes during the SD rematch of the No Way Out ME. That was a key point in killing Angle. Taker had his arms crossed and there was no indication Angle was going to get up. They could've had Henry interfere at a different point in the match where Angle wasn't so vulnerable so he is protected. But no. Then last week Angle jobs to Henry. Angle is very much the paper champion Orton said he was going into Mania this weekend and whoever wins this title off him may not be the better for it.

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Then last week Angle jobs to Henry.

And when that happened, it meant that all three guys in the Smackdown main event had been beaten within six days, just over a week before the event. Someone explain how that makes any kind of sense and makes the match in any way more important or special?

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Dangerous A, you are exactly right about that also, it's just pathetic.


Just for fun, here is a list of everything Mysterio has done this year. I'll put in bold everything that made him look like a twat, as well as the times that he lost a match:


January 6, 2006 - Smackdown!: MNM (Mercury & Nitro) defeated Batista & Rey Mysterio in a Cage to retain the Tag Team titles!

January 13, 2006 - Smackdown!: Rey Mysterio participated in a 20-Man Battle Royal for the World title (won by Kurt Angle)..

January 20, 2006 - Smackdown!: #1 CONTENDERS MATCH: Mark Henry w/Melina Perez vs Rey Mysterio..

Mark Henry pinned Rey Mysterio to secure a World title shot at Royal Rumble (Angle has his work cut out!)

January 21, 2006--WWE Live Event: Rey Mysterio participated in a special "Tribute to Eddie Guerrero" show in Monterrey, Mexico..

January 27, 2006 - Smackdown!: Mark Henry w/Daivari defeated Rey Mysterio in a rematch..

~~~Rey Mysterio also dedicated his predicted 'victory' in the Royal Rumble to the memory of Eddie Guerrero..

January 29, 2006 - Royal Rumble: Rey Mysterio entered at #2 and miraculously won the Royal Rumble match!!!!

February 3, 2006 - SD!: Randy Orton made tasteless comments about Eddie Guerrero and challenged Rey to put up his title shot..

~~~MAIN EVENT: Mark Henry & Randy Orton beat Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle (Rey accepted Orton's challenge for No Way Out..

February 10, 2006 - Smackdown!: Randy Orton spoke negatively of Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio attacked Orton again!

February 17, 2006 - Smackdown!: Rey Mysterio beat Sylvan (Randy Orton cut a promo saying Rey will never main event a WM)..

February 19, 2006 - No Way Out: Randy Orton defeated Rey Mysterio to win Rey's title shot at WrestleMania 22..

February 24, 2006 - Smackdown!: GM Long decided to add Rey Mysterio to the WWE title match at WM22 making it a 3-WAY!

~~~MAIN EVENT: Chris Benoit & Rey Mysterio & Bobby Lashley defeated Randy Orton & John Bradshaw Layfield & Fit Finlay..

March 10, 2006 - SmackDown!: Kurt Angle & Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton & Mark Henry w/Daivari ended in a No Contest..

March 17, 2006 - SmackDown!: Kurt Angle & Rey Mysterio & Randy Orton defeated Mark Henry & MNM (Mercury & Nitro)..

March 18, 2006 - Saturday Night's Main Event: RAW (Triple H & John Cena) beat SD! (Kurt Angle & Rey Mysterio & Randy Orton)..

March 24, 2006 - SmackDown!: Fit Finlay defeated Rey Mysterio with help from Randy Orton RKOing Rey Mysterio!

~~~Randy Orton interfered later in Kurt Angle's match, bring Rey down to help, but Rey accidentally hit Angle, causing problems..

March 31, 2006 - Smackdown!: Kurt Anlge defeated Rey Mysterio perfectly clean, Rey tapped out. After the match Randy Orton got in the ring and gave Rey the RKO, leaving him laying outside of the ring as Kurt and Orton went at it.


So, he won the Rumble, beat fucking Sylvan, and was on the winning team in two different tag matches, and in one of those Randy Orton made him look like a total moron. I also put in bold where it talks about Teddy Long putting Rey in the match, just because it was such a cheap way to do things, and made it look like Rey didn't really deserve it...but they went ahead and just let him because they felt sorry for the guy.


Now that I look at all of this "on paper", I'm not sure where any excitement even came from in the first place. They have treated him like shit all year except for that Rumble win, and even there they didn't let it be the main event.


And all of this is just about Rey. What they've done to Kurt Angle is a totally different story.




The March 3, 2006 Smackdown isn't listed above because he isn't listed as even being on that show, the show right after he actually beat someone (JBL, tag).




I just edited the above to add what happened at Smackdown tonight. :lol:

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Don't get me wrong, I like Mysterio, but he doesn't deserve to be world champion if they're just going to hotshot it to him (he hasn't even gotten a chance to fool around in the mid-card divison!!!) especially if its a sympathy push plus most likely he'll have a short reign anyway, which does nobody any good. The only reason I've gotten comfortable with the match being Triple Threat because this way Orton is protected as it shows he needed Rey's help to beat Angle instead of convincingly beating the guy who beat the Undertaker (that Orton couldn't beat). Also with Orton, it'll be a nice change (I'm getting kind of sick of the whole happy WM ending tradition) and this time around I hope he gets a longer run with the title. A run even longer than JBLs.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees


Also with Orton, it'll be a nice change (I'm getting kind of sick of the whole happy WM ending tradition) and this time around I hope he gets a longer run with the title. A run even longer than JBLs.

It'd be much quicker to just say you want to see the company go under.

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I disagree, JBL had the title for 9 months and the company survived. Orton was never given a fair shot so I'll be fine with him getting the belt.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
I disagree, JBL had the title for 9 months and the company survived. Orton was never given a fair shot so I'll be fine with him getting the belt.

JBL's reign is widely considered a disaster. And JBL was over, something Orton isnt.

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I disagree, JBL had the title for 9 months and the company survived. Orton was never given a fair shot so I'll be fine with him getting the belt.

JBL's reign is widely considered a disaster. And JBL was over, something Orton isnt.


Also, JBL could change his character accordingly to each person's best suit. Orton, has one bland character and can't alter that character. So each program would be the exact same thing.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel
Don't get me wrong, I like Mysterio, but he doesn't deserve to be world champion if they're just going to hotshot it to him


This way Orton is protected as it shows he needed Rey's help to beat Angle instead of convincingly beating the guy who beat the Undertaker

And Orton deserves to be champion more than Rey? And how does that situation protect Orton rather than making him look like a complete pansy? Do me a favour, next time you've written a reply, before you post it, don't.


As for the notes, Mysterio's fucked, I feel sorry for Styles, Triple H is an ass, but I hate Cena anyway, McMahon is an jackass, Edge is awesome, Stevie Richards?!

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I disagree, JBL had the title for 9 months and the company survived. Orton was never given a fair shot so I'll be fine with him getting the belt.

JBL's reign is widely considered a disaster. And JBL was over, something Orton isnt.


I really don't see how it's a disaster. Smackdown wasn't doing much better before him and Cena, Batista and Angle haven't produced much better numbers.

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Guest burth179

I don't know why people criticize Orton so much on the net...


I don't think he should be in the main event, but these comments such as: "he can't cut promos", "He's not over", blah blah blah..., it's just not true..


I must be watching a different Smackdown than the rest of you...

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Orton is no where near as over as he should be for all the time and money that has been put into his character over the last few (long) years.

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And Orton deserves to be champion more than Rey?


Yes, because Angle's fucked up right now and I'm not buying little Rey Rey as world fucking champion especially when he wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place. Mysterio being in the main event of Wrestlemania is okay with me, but not winning it,


Besides, Orton had a great run as Intercontinental Champion and wasn't given a real run with the world title, I think he could pull it off of course this is if he went back to being booked like he should be.


As for the JBL comparison, sure Randy sucks on the mic, but he has put on better matches than JBL so in that aspect I'll take RKO in a heartbeat.


And how does that situation protect Orton rather than making him look like a complete pansy?


Because after booked like shit for the past 17 months, I'm going not to accept him being to able to defeat one of the greatest wrestlers of all time clean when he couldn't get the job done with the Undertaker and even with fucking Mysterio. Once he is champion, it'll be a fresh start and it might be able to give back the credibility he so justly lost and for once, I'd like to see a heel champion start to pick up a few clean wins. Its not that hard.

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So basically, the Wrestlemania title matches are looking like wins for Orton and HHH while HBK and Vince headline. Wow, excitement builds more and more.


As for the Edge situation, WCW really did handle that much cooler. I remember going to a Nitro and the fans were throwing everything in the ring. Giant caught a cup in the air, and drank it. The trash throwing stopped and the crowd chanted for him. Now THAT is how you handle a situation like that.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
I don't know why people criticize Orton so much on the net...


I don't think he should be in the main event, but these comments such as: "he can't cut promos", "He's not over", blah blah blah..., it's just not true..


I must be watching a different Smackdown than the rest of you...

He cuts some of the most ass boring promos this side of Hunter. And he's not over. Take out the squealing girls and he's got nothing.

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He cuts some of the most ass boring promos this side of Hunter.


Orton wishes he was half as good as Triple H on the mic and in the ring... And I'm being dead serious.

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Orton is no where near as over as he should be for all the time and money that has been put into his character over the last few (long) years.

That's a very different statement than "he's not over". But most smarks just say "he's not over" as a blanket statement, regardless of how inaccurate it is.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
Besides, Orton had a great run as Intercontinental Champion and wasn't given a real run with the world title, .

The intercontinental title reign was two years ago. Why don't we give Greg Valentine a world title run while we're at it? And he wasn't given a real run as champion because he bombed as a babyface.


As for the JBL comparison, sure Randy sucks on the mic, but he has put on better matches than JBL so in that aspect I'll take RKO in a heartbeat.


Randy has had good matches with Benoit....and Benoit....and Benoit and....Benoit. No one else besides an okay match with Undertaker at Mania and the Foley match. Anyone not named Billy Gunn can have good matches with Benoit. You need to look at the rest of his catalogue, which sucks.

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As for the JBL comparison, sure Randy sucks on the mic, but he has put on better matches than JBL so in that aspect I'll take RKO in a heartbeat.


Randy has had good matches with Benoit....and Benoit....and Benoit and....Benoit. No one else besides an okay match with Undertaker at Mania and the Foley match. Anyone not named Billy Gunn can have good matches with Benoit. You need to look at the rest of his catalogue, which sucks.


He's had good matches with RVD, Edge, Foley, Undertaker and Triple H. I'm with everybody else that doesn't get all the Orton hate around here but to each his own.

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As for the JBL comparison, sure Randy sucks on the mic, but he has put on better matches than JBL so in that aspect I'll take RKO in a heartbeat.


Randy has had good matches with Benoit....and Benoit....and Benoit and....Benoit. No one else besides an okay match with Undertaker at Mania and the Foley match. Anyone not named Billy Gunn can have good matches with Benoit. You need to look at the rest of his catalogue, which sucks.


He's had good matches with RVD, Edge, Foley, Undertaker and Triple H. I'm with everybody else that doesn't get all the Orton hate around here but to each his own.


He's an above average wrestler who can have a good match with another capable wrestler, but his character is fucking boring.

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Consider me on the "JBL is better than Orton" bandwagon. If it doesn't exist, then I'm starting it right here.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel
Yes, because Angle's fucked up right now and I'm not buying little Rey Rey as world fucking champion especially when he wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place. Mysterio being in the main event of Wrestlemania is okay with me, but not winning it,


Besides, Orton had a great run as Intercontinental Champion and wasn't given a real run with the world title, I think he could pull it off of course this is if he went back to being booked like he should be.

I suppose you don't buy Angle as champion either because he wasn't supposed to be on Smackdown? Let me see if I get this straight, Orton came in No.30 in the rumble, and lost. Rey was first in, set a new record for time lasted and won. Orton jobbed to the Undertaker about 27 times, while Rey was winning the Tag Titles with the World Champ. Orton had to cheat to beat "little Rey Rey", and you still think he's more fucking credible as the champion?!


The fact is that Mysterio is a better wrestler than Orton. Mysterio is more over than Orton. Mysterio is a bigger draw than Orton. Mysterio deserves to be champion more than Orton.

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No wrestler has less credibility in relation to his push than Orton.


No wrestler would be a less credible World Champion than Mysterio.


So naturally Angle won't leave that match with the title.

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