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Why is Rey getting booed?

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It comes down to respect. Guys like Kurt Angle, Triple H, Undertaker, Chris Benoit & Shawn Michaels are seen by a portion of the fanbase to be 'legitimate' wrestlers. It is odd in HBK's case in particular, because this was the same group that couldn't wait to boo him 10 years ago when they saw him as a pretty boy stuntman. Rey due to his size and mask (the lousy booking hasn't helped) seems more of a gimmick than the above guys (yes, for some reason Undertaker seems more real to a lot of these people, probably because of longevity). Even so, unless it happens again with Misterio in the near future, it seemed to be more of a cheering for Angle moment than cheering against Misterio. Rey got the heaviest boos when he would come to Orton's rescue when Angle was about to beat him.


The one exception to this would be the Women's Match, where Trish is pretty much in a league of her own talent-wise. But she has been on top for well over a year, and the fans possibly just want fresh blood. Either that or they hate women's wrestling in general and was cheering against its most visible star.


Just some theories.



I think Trish got the reaction she did against Mickie because of the portrayal of her character and the way the audience is sort of conditioned to view women. In WWE world, hot women are supposed to like other hot women. It's the hot lesbian dynamic. Mickie is down. Trish is not. In WWE world, that's heelish. Even in the past with gals like Sable and Torrie, they had them kiss and make out and it babyfaced them to the crowd because there is a dynamic there. There is something in our society that thinks it's the ultimate cool thing if 2 hot chicks want to make out. Trish turned that down, so she must be the heel because she is depriving us of that. Mickie not only wants to make out with Trish, she is very, very enthusiastic about it. Once Mickie licked her fingers after sticking them in Trish's crotch, I don't think there is a crowd in NA that wouldn't have cheered her. Just a theory though.

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It comes down to respect. Guys like Kurt Angle, Triple H, Undertaker, Chris Benoit & Shawn Michaels are seen by a portion of the fanbase to be 'legitimate' wrestlers. It is odd in HBK's case in particular, because this was the same group that couldn't wait to boo him 10 years ago when they saw him as a pretty boy stuntman. Rey due to his size and mask (the lousy booking hasn't helped) seems more of a gimmick than the above guys (yes, for some reason Undertaker seems more real to a lot of these people, probably because of longevity). Even so, unless it happens again with Misterio in the near future, it seemed to be more of a cheering for Angle moment than cheering against Misterio. Rey got the heaviest boos when he would come to Orton's rescue when Angle was about to beat him.


The one exception to this would be the Women's Match, where Trish is pretty much in a league of her own talent-wise. But she has been on top for well over a year, and the fans possibly just want fresh blood. Either that or they hate women's wrestling in general and was cheering against its most visible star.


Just some theories.

I'm a Trish mark, but ignoring Victoria's talent is just silly.


As far as Rey goes- my problem is the way he's been booked. He looked like an idiot, then like a pussy, then like a charity case. And I agree that the 619/Springboard is the lamest excuse for a finisher ever.

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Conventional wisdom was that Kurt Angle is simply more popular than Rey Mysterio


In this case, conventional wisdom is right, IMO. Angle is as over as you can get and the fans only began booing Rey recently.On top of that, the crowds are still fuelling the Eddie divine inspiration crap. So Mysterio is still popular, just not as much as Angle.

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the only defense I can think of for the 629/WCP pin combo for Rey is that it makes for a lightning quick, catch em off gaurd pinfall...what other move is he going to do on guys twice his size to legitimately knock them out long enough for a pin or inflict enough pain on them long enough for a submission? Sure, there are other quick pin moves he can go for, but does it really matter?

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This thread is retarded, Rey is not "getting booed". Bloody hell, he was briefly booed against KURT ANGLE for one night, and people are discussing why the fans hate him? They weren't booing him before this, it has nothing to do with him, and everything to do with Angle. The fans don't hate him, there were 619 chants in the match, for fucks sakes. If he continues to get booed, I'll take this back, but if not, you're all dumbasses.


Stop making sense please. Sense has no place here.


Conventional wisdom says that Rey gets booed. He couldn't have got 619 chants. That's impossible. They hate him because of Eddie.

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Rey isn't getting Cena type reactions at the moment, but he really needs to move away from this Eddie exploitation before it does start to get bad. With Eddie's death I had in mind something like Benoit winning the title at WM and dedicating it to Eddie. Something more low key and believable than Rey's incessant Eddie pimping, Orton's antics, and the like. Also, Benoit is simply viewed as a more credible threat than Rey.


The longer Rey holds the belt and does a James Bond act to retain, and says stuff like Eddie is helping him win....the worse it's going to get.

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I think Trish got the reaction she did against Mickie because of the portrayal of her character and the way the audience is sort of conditioned to view women. In WWE world, hot women are supposed to like other hot women. It's the hot lesbian dynamic. Mickie is down. Trish is not. In WWE world, that's heelish. Even in the past with gals like Sable and Torrie, they had them kiss and make out and it babyfaced them to the crowd because there is a dynamic there. There is something in our society that thinks it's the ultimate cool thing if 2 hot chicks want to make out. Trish turned that down, so she must be the heel because she is depriving us of that. Mickie not only wants to make out with Trish, she is very, very enthusiastic about it. Once Mickie licked her fingers after sticking them in Trish's crotch, I don't think there is a crowd in NA that wouldn't have cheered her. Just a theory though.


That is certainly possible.

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This thread is retarded, Rey is not "getting booed". Bloody hell, he was briefly booed against KURT ANGLE for one night, and people are discussing why the fans hate him? They weren't booing him before this, it has nothing to do with him, and everything to do with Angle. The fans don't hate him, there were 619 chants in the match, for fucks sakes. If he continues to get booed, I'll take this back, but if not, you're all dumbasses.


I was basing this on some of the spoiler reports I've read. Don't be a dick about it.

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This thread is retarded, Rey is not "getting booed". Bloody hell, he was briefly booed against KURT ANGLE for one night, and people are discussing why the fans hate him? They weren't booing him before this, it has nothing to do with him, and everything to do with Angle. The fans don't hate him, there were 619 chants in the match, for fucks sakes. If he continues to get booed, I'll take this back, but if not, you're all dumbasses.


I was basing this on some of the spoiler reports I've read. Don't be a dick about it.


Me too. The idea of me watching WWE programming? Laughable!

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Guest Coffey
If he continues to get booed, I'll take this back, but if not, you're all dumbasses.

How's that work? So, if other people are wrong, they're all "dumbasses" but if you're wrong, you'll "take it back?" Doesn't seem to be fair, just you covering your ass.


How about if Mysterio gets booed again, you're a dumbass? At least then everyone is on the same playing field.


Like I said in my previous post, it's a wait-and-see basis right now, however speculation never hurt anything.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel
I was basing this on some of the spoiler reports I've read. Don't be a dick about it.

Sorry, I don't read spoilers, thought you were just basing it on WM and I get really pissed sometimes at the Rey hate that seems to be around here. Trouble is, you can only really trust PPV's to judge crowd reaction, spoiler reports can't hear the whole crowd, and you sure as hell can't trust Smackdown on TV.

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Considering Rey is on SD how do we really know what his reactions are like? They can easily pump in the canned crowd heat on the taped show. The better way to know is to read the spoilers and house show reports and if several mention "Rey is getting booed" then it's very likely that is the case.

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Considering Rey is on SD how do we really know what his reactions are like? They can easily pump in the canned crowd heat on the taped show. The better way to know is to read the spoilers and house show reports and if several mention "Rey is getting booed" then it's very likely that is the case.


That's easy: either just ignore the sound or put the TV on mute, and watch the crowd instead. There's no way that even the WWE's magic editing machines can concoct a shot of all the people in the background standing up and cheering during a match.


And judging by the massively positive response Rey got on the show tonight, I'd say this whole thread is a moot issue.

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Guest treecelightning

Considering Rey is on SD how do we really know what his reactions are like? They can easily pump in the canned crowd heat on the taped show. The better way to know is to read the spoilers and house show reports and if several mention "Rey is getting booed" then it's very likely that is the case.


That's easy: either just ignore the sound or put the TV on mute, and watch the crowd instead. There's no way that even the WWE's magic editing machines can concoct a shot of all the people in the background standing up and cheering during a match.


And judging by the massively positive response Rey got on the show tonight, I'd say this whole thread is a moot issue.


As a side note: Did anyone else notice that the subject of Eddie barely seemed to come up? The announce team sort of brought it up a couple of times, but they always seemed forced. For instance Taz mentioned Rey "pointing towards the heavens", but it just looked like a pause in his pounding of the turn buckles to me. Also of note: Rey only had one arm band on tonight and it was in the original black and white rather then color cooridnated to his tights. Rey never made an overt reference to Eddie. Biggest Eddie reference was the CROWD chanting Eddie's name. It was only one show, but it made me hopeful that Rey's actual run with the belt may "stand on it's own merits" as it were rather then being a glorified Eddie Memorial Tour.

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Considering Rey is on SD how do we really know what his reactions are like? They can easily pump in the canned crowd heat on the taped show. The better way to know is to read the spoilers and house show reports and if several mention "Rey is getting booed" then it's very likely that is the case.


That's easy: either just ignore the sound or put the TV on mute, and watch the crowd instead. There's no way that even the WWE's magic editing machines can concoct a shot of all the people in the background standing up and cheering during a match.


And judging by the massively positive response Rey got on the show tonight, I'd say this whole thread is a moot issue.


As a side note: Did anyone else notice that the subject of Eddie barely seemed to come up? The announce team sort of brought it up a couple of times, but they always seemed forced. For instance Taz mentioned Rey "pointing towards the heavens", but it just looked like a pause in his pounding of the turn buckles to me. Also of note: Rey only had one arm band on tonight and it was in the original black and white rather then color cooridnated to his tights. Rey never made an overt reference to Eddie. Biggest Eddie reference was the CROWD chanting Eddie's name. It was only one show, but it made me hopeful that Rey's actual run with the belt may "stand on it's own merits" as it were rather then being a glorified Eddie Memorial Tour.


I noticed that as well. Hopefully you're right.

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Why don't they promote Rey as a guy who has, you know, all the tools needed to beat anybody?


Whacky idea but I think it has legs.


I never realised why they just didn't promote Rey as a 17 year vet who could kick you or spike you on your head from any angle causing concussions or knocking you right out, instead of an underdog who gets his ass kicked by everyone under the sun.

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Considering Rey is on SD how do we really know what his reactions are like? They can easily pump in the canned crowd heat on the taped show. The better way to know is to read the spoilers and house show reports and if several mention "Rey is getting booed" then it's very likely that is the case.


That's easy: either just ignore the sound or put the TV on mute, and watch the crowd instead. There's no way that even the WWE's magic editing machines can concoct a shot of all the people in the background standing up and cheering during a match.


And judging by the massively positive response Rey got on the show tonight, I'd say this whole thread is a moot issue.


It could just be a case where Rey is getting booed by such a small minority that you have to be in the arena to hear it, or the WWE just doesn't put people on TV unless they're cheering (easy to do if Rey's only getting booed by a minority of people).


I honestly don't believe that Angle is so popular that fans would boo Rey Mysterio for him.

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Well let's face it, last night wasn't a real good show to judge Rey's reactions. Going against Orton he was obviously going to be cheered, though I did see about 10 goofs in the 4th row or so that were cheering Orton.


Much like with Kevin Nash in 1995, they'll put Rey in matches where he can't help but be cheered. Who would cheer for Mark Henry?

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