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The OAO RAW thread for April 10, 2006

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Guest Boobie

20 min promo,


10 min tag title match


Kane heal turn


Mickie and Maria on screen together


Vince acting like HHH and spraying holy water in a church,


and the Promo of 2006.

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Just tuning in....what did I miss?


Cena/HHH/Edge trade shoot comments, set up Cena/HHH Vs Edge

Mickie and Maria look hot, set up match for later tonight

Kane's new movie is previewed...

Kane walks in the back as his voices are back, repeating "may 19th, they will find out"

Kane turns on TBS in 10 minute shit-fest with SS and choke-slams him (more like he pushed him down)

Vince and Shane go to church, a couple humor spots include Vince spitting holy water ala Triple H and Vince threatens God to strike him dead and Shane, instantly sidesteps.

Umaga with new hair-do squashes Colt Cabana.

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Man, Raw sucks tonight. When the most entertaining thing on a show is a man committing 29392 acts of blasphemy in a row, that's not so good.


Holy SHIT that chairshot was the nicest offense Carlito's ever thrown.

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Guest Boobie

Is there any other character who gets to be made more like a fuckin moron than Masters?

Now that Shawn Stasiak is gone, no.



You mean they are not the same person?

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Man, Raw sucks tonight. When the most entertaining thing on a show is a man committing 29392 acts of blasphemy in a row, that's not so good.


No, it's very good. And Raw has been alright. Stop your bitching.

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Man, Raw sucks tonight. When the most entertaining thing on a show is a man committing 29392 acts of blasphemy in a row, that's not so good.


No, it's very good. And Raw has been alright. Stop your bitching.


Not really. The opening promo was the usual smarky shoot orientated promo that had very little storyline advancement. The tag match was crap, setting up to the 200th TBS/Kane feud that no one wants. The McMahons go to Church thing had two little comedy spots going for it and more of that shitty Umgaga.


The lone highlight is two good looking chicks on screen together.

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Mickie James is one of the major reasons why I watch Raw now. She is just filled with so much energy, and is absolutley breath taking.

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