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RVD vs. Shelton at Backlash

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Guest Timmer

Big fan of ECW Rob Van Dam here but do you guys REALLY think that Vince is going to put the WWE heavyweight belt on an ECW guy at a ECW PPV?




Now the World Title...I could see but not the WWE belt


Believe I'm hope I'm wrong

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Why does everybody think that Haas will debut exactly at Backlash and exactly in this match?


Because his indy obligations are ending and because it's a natural place for him to return as Shelton has become the watered down TO character and Haas, being the former partner and best friend would have something to say about that. It's basically because otherwise, WWE is in another booking corner and Haas is an escape.

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Guest Princess Leena
I can't imagine RVD jobbing at an ECW PPV. If he did job they'd have to promise him something really big, like main eventing WM 23 in front of his home Michigan crowd. And even then it wouldn't be worth it, since after he jobbed at the ECW show he'd have zero credibility.


It's RVD. WWE has shown they don't give a fuck about pissing him off.


Van Dam jobbing at ONS just kills so much stuff it's not funny. It'd kill his career, it'd wreck future ECW PPVs or DVD releases, it'd even render the past few months completely pointless. Oh, and it'd also render the MITB useless in the future. He flat out has to win the title there even if it's just for a little while.


Stop overexaggerating.

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Oh man, this match is gonna have a lot of botched spots and sloppiness.


That being said, RVD doesn't need the IC belt and Shelton can't win the contract...he just can't, so I don't see the point. It's silly.


I'm looking forward to the match!

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With RVD and Shelton it'll either be an exciting fast paced spot match which isn't bad sometimes and makes for an enjoyable match on PPV. Or it will be an error filled mess that drags down the show.


Hopefully it won't be the second one.

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Some of these wrestlers wouldn't be so sloppy with their spots if they were actually given the chance to perform some of them, you know, instead of working 3 minute matches on RAW.

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Leena, I don't think I'm exaggerating. If they job RVD at the ECW PPV they might as well cancel it for next year, since nobody would buy it at all. It's about more than them fucking with Van Dam this time...they would actively be costing themselves money by jobbing him.


I remember on the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD Vince remarked on that HHH/Tazz match from 2000 (WWF champ vs. ECW champ) and how bad of an idea it was that he simply jobbed Tazz out there. RVD winning at ONS helps a lot of stuff and doesn't hurt anyone. RVD jobbing at ONS helps no one and actively would hurt business.


As far as RVD/Shelton goes, I think this will be a good match. If they would let them go all out in a crazy no DQ spotfest it'd be really great.

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To make ONS II a big success then RVD must win the WWE title, no ifs or buts. WWE wants to milk ECW dry and it will be very counterproductive to do something stupid like jobbing Rob to Cena/Edge/HHH @ ONS, and if they do the ECW crowd will probably riot the Hammerstein ballroom.

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To make ONS II a big success then RVD must win the WWE title, no ifs or buts. WWE wants to milk ECW dry and it will be very counterproductive to do something stupid like jobbing Rob to Cena/Edge/HHH @ ONS, and if they do the ECW crowd will probably riot the Hammerstein ballroom.


And either way the WWE can sell it and it doesn't make them look bad. They can just claim "what are you going to do? ECW fans are uncultured fools who are an embarassment to wrestling" and the fans will have made them right. At the end of the day, Vince can do whatever he wants and he knows it. ECW fans will buy anything with the word "ECW" on it and Vince can have the main event be Umaga vs Kamala and it would still sell out.

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2Gold, I don't really think so. If they job Van Dam out that would pretty much be the death knell on ECW as even a nostalgia act. If they job out Van Dam there and some sort of riot ensues, there would likely end up being lawsuits and all sorts of bad press. Even if that didn't happen, why risk it to book something that essentially no one wants to see?

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2Gold, I don't really think so. If they job Van Dam out that would pretty much be the death knell on ECW as even a nostalgia act. If they job out Van Dam there and some sort of riot ensues, there would likely end up being lawsuits and all sorts of bad press. Even if that didn't happen, why risk it to book something that essentially no one wants to see?


I don't think RVD is losing anyway but to say Vince wouldn't consider it isn't smart. Vince will consider anything and he knows he can still do something insulting to ECW and it's fans and they will still buy ECW DVDs. Plus really, a riot? This is wrestling, not a soccer match.


RVD losing would be bad because it ends up killing the meaning of the Money in the Bank match, it once again slams RVD back down and makes the fans once again just feel ho-hum to him, and eliminates the chance to have the top face on RAW capture the title. I still think winning the belt at ONS is a stupid idea as he's going to get the crowd reaction anywhere and I'd rather see him get a big arena reaction.

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I still think winning the belt at ONS is a stupid idea as he's going to get the crowd reaction anywhere and I'd rather see him get a big arena reaction.


Exactly. This whole idea of RVD winning the title in front of his "true fans" is stupid. He is one of the most over wrestlers in WWE, so I'd bet that if he won the the title at a WWE PPV, he'd get as loud a pop as he ever did in ECW.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel
Exactly. This whole idea of RVD winning the title in front of his "true fans" is stupid. He is one of the most over wrestlers in WWE, so I'd bet that if he won the the title at a WWE PPV, he'd get as loud a pop as he ever did in ECW.

On the contrary, it's the best idea ever. Van Dam got big in ECW and just before he was about to face the World champion, he got put out of action. Fast forward and Van Dam has never even got a one-on-one shot at a world title in WWE, if memory serves. Having him return to a place like the Hammerstein ballroom and win the World Title in front of the ECW crowd, who made him a star, would be the moment of a lifetime.

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I can see Rob winning the title to end ONS II... and then the following night on RAW... Vince can strip Rob of the title, and say something like, "you cannot win a WWE Tilte at an ECW EVENT!!!"

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For the record, RVD also lost a WWE Title match to the Undertaker via Dusty finish, and had an undisputed title match with Jericho finish in a no-contest when face referee Ric Flair decided that putting the figure four on Vince McMahon was more important than RVD winning the World title.


Oh, and as for the thought that ECW fans will cause a riot; to Vince, that would be a great argument for having Cena/HHH retain. If you don't think he's that publicity hungry, then look at the desperate church skit he ran this Monday during Holy Week.


Still, since RVD's the most over face on their roster and they're spending months building him up, I'm thinking that he'll get a title win where he'll get a maximum pop (at the ECW PPV). If they learned anything from Goldberg, it's that a face can't have a big hyped PPV loss precede their first title win.

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I don't see how any good publicity can come from irate fans rioting. The riot aspect isn't as important as the loss of future money from the ECW name.


As far as Vince stripping RVD of the belt, hell it's the Money in the Bank. He can cash it in wherever he wants.


Van Dam is different from Goldberg. Goldberg was always built as a superhuman type that never loses. Van Dam can take a loss here and there and remain over. Hell, if GB was booked the way RVD has been the past 3 years do you think he'd still be over? RVD could job to Shelton at Backlash, cash in the MITB and win, then beat Shelton in a WWE title match when it really matters, and it's all good.

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I'm not saying he can't take a loss here and there. I'm just saying that if he gets jerked around any more when it really matters, the fans are going to give up on him.


He was red hot in 2001. They gave him a loss in the Triple Threat at No Mercy, and then teased a program with Jericho for RR before shunting him back into the midcard. After that, he never had the nuclear level heat again, but was still very over with the fans.


Then in the summer of 2002, they let the fans think he won the title in the Dusty finish match, and they erupted, but it turned out to be all for naught. They made it look like they were building to a title win at Unforgiven, which also turned out to be a loss, and then gave him a loss in the EC before sending him back to the tag ranks. After this, he lost a ton of overness. The fans got sick of caring, and he basically lost the ability to be a true main eventer.


Anyway, he got injured, and now he's coming back with a fresh start and a strong push. The fans are ready to get behind him one more time, and the ECW PPV is the perfect venue for him to win the title. He'll be back on his home turf against the hated WWE loyalist, and he really can't get a better opportunity than this. If he loses this though, the fans are going to give up on him for good. They'll just never care about him the same way if he loses at ONS.


This is where the Goldberg comparison comes in. In the elimination chamber, Goldberg absolutely destroyed the main event roster inside the best gimmick match the WWE had, totally regained all of his monster aura, got a monster pop and then............................. lost to HHH.


After that, it didn't matter what he did, he could never top that moment, and the fans never felt the same about him again. When he won the title at Unforgiven, it was completely anticlimactic, and his reign was doomed to failure.


If RVD jobs at ONS, they might as well release him, because he'll never be a top face in the WWE again, and he won't draw a dime the rest of his days.

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Guest burth179
See I didn't get that impression. I thought RVD flat out said "The MITB is not on the line, I'm not putting it up for grabs." I think he just said he'd give Shelton till next week to answer his IC challenge.


If this actually does end up being MITB vs. IC title then it has to be a DQ. What else can you do?


You are 100% correct, he said he wasn't putting MITB on the line and that he would give Shelton until next week to answer...


It probably will end up being for both things for "Why the hell would they bring it up in the 1st place if they didn't end up doing it?" type of reasons...


This probably won't happen, but it would be a hell of a plan to have RVD win the IC belt, have him win the WWE title at ECW, and throw both belts in the garbage and declare himself as the ECW champion....


That sets up all kinds of crazy stories for the next few months...

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See I didn't get that impression. I thought RVD flat out said "The MITB is not on the line, I'm not putting it up for grabs." I think he just said he'd give Shelton till next week to answer his IC challenge.


If this actually does end up being MITB vs. IC title then it has to be a DQ. What else can you do?


You are 100% correct, he said he wasn't putting MITB on the line and that he would give Shelton until next week to answer...


It probably will end up being for both things for "Why the hell would they bring it up in the 1st place if they didn't end up doing it?" type of reasons...


This probably won't happen, but it would be a hell of a plan to have RVD win the IC belt, have him win the WWE title at ECW, and throw both belts in the garbage and declare himself as the ECW champion....


That sets up all kinds of crazy stories for the next few months...


That would be awesome, with history repeating itself....however, it wouldn't happen, as there just aren't enough ECW guys around to run a separate promotion for any length of time(and it'd probably be a bastardized version anyways). It would set up an interesting dynamic in terms of RVD's persona though: the renegade champ .


He or some other person should really bring back a Tazz /FTW champion sort of thing that's only recognized by the person wearing it, but somehow becomes important that other people want it (kind of like the million dollar belt). That's just gold there.

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As I said earlier, the better idea would be for Shelton to say "Ok Rob, you don't want to put the MITB on the line. That's cool. But I want something in return. If you win the WWE title after cashing in the MITB, then I want the first title shot."

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Exactly. This whole idea of RVD winning the title in front of his "true fans" is stupid. He is one of the most over wrestlers in WWE, so I'd bet that if he won the the title at a WWE PPV, he'd get as loud a pop as he ever did in ECW.

On the contrary, it's the best idea ever. Van Dam got big in ECW and just before he was about to face the World champion, he got put out of action. Fast forward and Van Dam has never even got a one-on-one shot at a world title in WWE, if memory serves. Having him return to a place like the Hammerstein ballroom and win the World Title in front of the ECW crowd, who made him a star, would be the moment of a lifetime.


RVD has had two one on one World Title matches


(1) vs. HHH at Unforgiven 2002

(2) vs. Shawn Michaels on a Nov. 2002 RAW

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As I said earlier, the better idea would be for Shelton to say "Ok Rob, you don't want to put the MITB on the line. That's cool. But I want something in return. If you win the WWE title after cashing in the MITB, then I want the first title shot."


In a sense, that'd be stupid. That'd be depending on RVD to actually win the title. Why would Shelton invest in something that's not certain?

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