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Masked Man of Mystery

Movies that everyone loves that you cannot get the love for

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Re: Napoleon Dynamite

Ehhh...it has its charm. It's really a movie you'd need to watch over and over again to actually find funny, since it's hyped up as hilarious when it's really just sorta...not. It's mostly stuff you can sit back and quote with a few of your friends while drunk. Me and my girlfriend still randomly go "the defect in that one is bleach" whenever something tastes bad.

Oh, and don't rag on Lenna for not liking. Sure, she's a stuck-up bitch. Sure, Napoleon Dynamite makes fun of stuck-up people. Well, actually, it DOESN'T, it just has a few stuck-up characters, but all of the jokes are at the expense of the losers (Pedro, Napoleon himself, Napoleon's middle-aged brother, that chick that does the photography, etc.). Only scene I actually laughed out loud at the first time I saw it was when Pedro's cousins (the two or three guys in the low rider) pulled up next to the school when the bully was stealing the nerd's bike, and just shook their head and the bully ran away. For some reason I laughed my ass off at it.


Re: 40-Year-Old Virgin

I loved it. A lot. I didn't think the length hurt it at all, as the jokes progressed, and each character was pretty well portrayed. As stupid as it is, Steve Carrel himself summed it up best as a "coming of middle-age" story. Again, a lot of the jokes between the supporting characters (particularly the "you know how I know you're gay" scene) seems like stuff you'd say to your friends, and Paul Rudd's character is fucking hilarious when he's wasted and talking to his ex via the camcorder. I laughed so hard at that scene.

Plus...this is the dawning of the age of aquarius, man.

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I think one important thing needs to be said about Scarface that hasn't been said: It's an inferior, overlong remake. The original 1932 film packs just as much (or more) intensity and killing into 90 mins., whereas the Pacino film is nearly 3 hours. Also, the over the top aspect of Tony's incestuous feelings for his sister hurts it a lot....in the original this is an under the surface subplot never explicitly mentioned.


Tony is also a much more engaging character in the original. He's certainly violent when necessary, but isn't such a prick that you can't see why women would like him, or why he commands respect from the gang.

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I guess my biggest problem with the Crow is that there is no suspense at all as there is no chance that the main character can be hurt until very late in the picture. Most of the movie is an invincible guy killing normal people. Plus, I have an instant aversion to anything "goth". Don't know why, no good reason, I just do.


12 Monkeys made me think that the end of the movie might matter. By the time the credits roll, nothing has changed, nothing has been made better or worse, nothing happens. In the grand scheme of things, there is no reason for that movie to exist.

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I had the reverse effect with Dynamite, it was pretty funny the first time I saw it and then just plain boring the second time. I don't even want to imagine what would happen a third time.

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12 Monkeys is a very cynical film, and your reaction to the ultra downbeat, bleak ending depends on if you enjoy cynical entertainment. The ending of 12 Monkeys also pays off several things that had been building throughout the movie.

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Wow, most you people really have no taste in movies at all. It seems like its trendy to hate good movies.


Poster A: I hate this movie


Poster B: I like it, but I want to be established...I hate this movie too.


Poster C: I agree.

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Zombi 2 has some good stuff in it (I think the eye impaling scene is REALLY well done), it's one of the better of those type movies. However, I cannot fucking STAND The Beyond. If these people who seem to love this movie would just admit that it's a nigh-plotless gorefest then I wouldn't mind it so much, but it's all these people who argue that it's a deep movie that I just didn't "get" or that I probably watched the edited version who piss me off. Guess what; my problems with the movie would definately not be helped by there being MORE of the movie. Bad acting, bad dialogue, bad effects, nothing made any sense at all, there is just nothing about the movie that is deep or intelligent.


I also couldn't stand Napoleon Dynamite. I remember there was one part I thought was kinda funny, but I can't remember what it was.

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And once again, a thread here proves that there is truly no such thing as subjectively "good" or "bad" art. You can say that you didn't like a movie, but to say that it's a bad movie is blindly dismissing the opinions of all the countless people who disagree with you.


Oh, and put me down as another one who didn't get the appeal of Devil's Rejects, Gladiator, Napoleon Dynamite,, and anything Terry Gilliam ever directed.

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I thought that film was okay, but like 99% of all movies that have been hyped (especially on the web), it wasn't nearly as good as people said it was.

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And I share the Kingdom of Heaven dislike. Not sure if it's 'loved' by many, but it was just a mess. Jeremy Irons was wasted in his role.
That movie was apparently completely ruined by the studio cut. The directors cut is supposedly great.


In order to be great, it'd have to cut out all of the fucking "Muslims were the REAL noble, humble freedom fighters!" bullshit that infected that fucking film.

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And I share the Kingdom of Heaven dislike. Not sure if it's 'loved' by many, but it was just a mess. Jeremy Irons was wasted in his role.
That movie was apparently completely ruined by the studio cut. The directors cut is supposedly great.


In order to be great, it'd have to cut out all of the fucking "Muslims were the REAL noble, humble freedom fighters!" bullshit that infected that fucking film.

What the fuck? Did you even see that movie? The climax was them laying waste to Jerusalem and slaughtering everybody over petty disagreements. No 'Noble freedom fighter' bullshit. The theme was that the people in charge of both sides were dumbasses who kept fighting over a pretty worthless piece of land over and over again.

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What the fuck? Did you even see that movie? The climax was them laying waste to Jerusalem and slaughtering everybody over petty disagreements. No 'Noble freedom fighter' bullshit. The theme was that the people in charge of both sides were dumbasses who kept fighting over a pretty worthless piece of land over and over again.


Agreed, and EVERYONE was a religious fanatic back then. Including this in this list is just trying to stir some shit, though, since I'm the only person I know who's seen the movie, thought it was only OK, and it was a huge flop.


And I really didn't like Boondock Saints. I found it incredibly pretentious and morally repulsive. "Arrr! Alcohol is good, but pornographers should die! Arrr!" It did have a lot of style, Willem Defoe with some great lines, and a couple OK action scenes. I have a friend who calls this his favorite movie ever, though, that blows my mind.


Of course everything here is opinion. That goes without saying. I don't think Scarface is a BAD movie at all, the chainsaw scene is fucking crazy, and DeNiro and Razor are great in it, I just didn't think it compared to most of the great gangster movies.


The only well-loved movie I would call bad (since humour is SO subjective) is Equilibrium. I really love Christian Bale, but anyone who read Brave New World, or has half a brain, knows exactly where this movie is going, from the opening two scenes. And you WAIT and WAIT and WAIT, and Christian Bale's jaw twitches, and then you're treated to some really terrible fight scenes. Superb. The closing scene where he swings his arms wildly while dispatching monitots is fucking hilarious. OOOH So STYLISH! U RAPPING COOL!

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I guess I have horrible taste in movies since I liked Equilibrium, Boondock Saints, and Scarface. And Gladiator. And Return of the King.


However, I will pile on Napoleon Dynamite. I've tried watching it a couple of times and just can't. The furthest I got through it was about 45 minutes and I didn't laugh once. I'm hoping Nacho Libre is funnier.


Also hated The Thin Red Line. I guess coming on the heels of Saving Private Ryan and what with all the commercials portraying it as a prototypical "war movie", the last think I expected was a bunch of homogenized American soldiers staring at leaves while contemplating their own existence, and Nick Nolte fantasizing about his wife. I mean come on guys, it's World War II, there must be SOMETHING you could be doing!


Finally, Memento. I thought it was OK, but I didn't see the "brilliance" everyone else saw. Maybe it's just me.


And just to throw some more fuel on the "Kingdom of Heaven" fire, does the movie EVER show the Muslim persecution of non-Muslims under their domain. The humiliations they frequetly subjected Jews and Christians too, including the "dhimmi"? Not that I remember. What I remember is the religiously fanatical Templars (pre-being sold out by thier own people) preying upon poor Muslim caravans, and the ever stoic and noble Saladin being forced into war against the oppresive Christian occupiers.


Again, just my opinion.

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That goes without saying. I don't think Scarface is a BAD movie at all, the chainsaw scene is fucking crazy, and DeNiro and Razor are great in it, I just didn't think it compared to most of the great gangster movies.


De Niro?


Anyway, Reservoir Dogs and Saving Private Ryan are both average movies. The first: interesting but sloppily made, the second: dull but well made. I "get" why they're loved, but I don't share it.


And the Scarface remake is okay, but one of the most over-the-top unrealistic movies I've ever seen.

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Tony Montana should never ever ever be compared to Hamlet.


i used to feel bile rise up in my throat at the mention of 'apocalypse now' until i caught about half of it on bravo a year or two ago. narratively it's still overblown and terrible, but it looks really good. i can at least sit back and look at the pretty pictures.


i loathe 'breaking the waves'. i think critical opinion has turned around on this movie a little, now that everybody knows the trick to lars von trier's movies (i.e., make the woman as pathetic as possible then torture her), but holy shit did this movie get a lot of love back in the day. i saw it on all sorts of 'best films of the 90s' lists, and it's a manipulative, sadistic piece of shit parading as "sincere" and "cathartic." i will never understand how von trier gets such talented women to subject themselves to such horrible things. they sure as fuck can't be attracted to the script, cause he writes terrible female characters. the only redeeming thing about this movie is emily watson.

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Von Trier is a preachy, xenophobic, manipulative, misogynistic fuckwad. Now granted, he can make some great stuff (Kingdom comes to mind) but the whole Dogme 95 movement was one of the most pretentious things I've ever heard of.

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I'll add to the pile: Memoirs of a Geisha. Watched fifteen minutes of it, and was bored as hell. The picture is too dark, the shots too distorted/moving to make any sense at all, and add to that it starts off with a foreign language sans subtitles. Yeah, way to go.


Both mum and I were bored -- so we put in Brokeback Mountain. Now, since I'm not watching this film in a theater of a stupid crowd that laughs at most all the dramatic moments, nor am I dealing with an upset stomach, I can actually focus more on the movie. I still think it's dull, and it's meant to be; it focuses more on real life than style. It's definetly one of those movies you have to stop half-way through and take a break from. I can see where it might not be to everyone's taste, and that's not just because of the "gay cowboy" bit. It's main drive is repression, about things unsaid -- the argument that Jack turned Ennis gay doesn't really hold.

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Von Trier is a preachy, xenophobic, manipulative, misogynistic fuckwad. Now granted, he can make some great stuff (Kingdom comes to mind) but the whole Dogme 95 movement was one of the most pretentious things I've ever heard of.


I didn't particularly care for Dogville, but I thought The Five Obstructions was fantastic

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Von Trier is a preachy, xenophobic, manipulative, misogynistic fuckwad. Now granted, he can make some great stuff (Kingdom comes to mind) but the whole Dogme 95 movement was one of the most pretentious things I've ever heard of.

Is that the thing with no music beside what is being naturally produced on the site, no extra lighting, and no formal sets? Like Italian for Beginners?

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Oh, and don't rag on Lenna for not liking. Sure, she's a stuck-up bitch. Sure, Napoleon Dynamite makes fun of stuck-up people. Well, actually, it DOESN'T, it just has a few stuck-up characters, but all of the jokes are at the expense of the losers (Pedro, Napoleon himself, Napoleon's middle-aged brother, that chick that does the photography, etc.). Only scene I actually laughed out loud at the first time I saw it was when Pedro's cousins (the two or three guys in the low rider) pulled up next to the school when the bully was stealing the nerd's bike, and just shook their head and the bully ran away. For some reason I laughed my ass off at it.


Ultimately, though, all the geeks win in the end, and the "cool kid" loses. I think the charm of a story like that gets lost on a lot of people. I'm not saying everyone should like a movie like that, but its not surprising when certain people don't.

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And I share the Kingdom of Heaven dislike. Not sure if it's 'loved' by many, but it was just a mess. Jeremy Irons was wasted in his role.
That movie was apparently completely ruined by the studio cut. The directors cut is supposedly great.


In order to be great, it'd have to cut out all of the fucking "Muslims were the REAL noble, humble freedom fighters!" bullshit that infected that fucking film.

What the fuck? Did you even see that movie? The climax was them laying waste to Jerusalem and slaughtering everybody over petty disagreements. No 'Noble freedom fighter' bullshit. The theme was that the people in charge of both sides were dumbasses who kept fighting over a pretty worthless piece of land over and over again.


Bullfuckingshit. Yes, I saw the movie, and the Muslims weren't portrayed nearly as poorly as you're stating here. Saladin was portrayed as a wise, noble leader / warrior, who treated his enemies with respect, when in reality Saladin was a brutal warlord known for slaughtering Christians even after they peacefully surrendered to him. His right-hand man, Nasir, was portrayed as a good man at heart who always treated Balian kindly and with justice. Overall, the Muslims were presented as, essentially, freedom fighters, rising up against the oppression of the Templars / Christians.


Who were presented as the real villains of the film? The Christians. Guy and Reynald - both Christians - were portrayed as evil to the core, eagerly willing to slaughter innocent women, as they did with Saladin's sister. They disrespected the Jews, they oppressed the Muslims, they were presented as little more than civilized savages. It was no small thing that the hero of the whole fucking movie - Balian - was a Christian who essentially stood up at the end of the film and REJECTED his faith.


That was the whole fucking movie. It had some good battle scenes, but in between them there was a lot of politically correct bullshit that spared Muslims any serious criticism while presenting the Christians as the real villains. All I expected from that movie was a somewhat LOTR-esque version of the Crusades, I didn't expect 2 1/2 hours of agenda-driven political bullshit.

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Not sure if it's been mentioned, and I'm sure I'll get a lot of opposition on this one...STAR WARS.


I don't get the massive love for this entire series.

The entire series doesn't deserve massive love.

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There is indeed a certain charm in a movie where the "cool" kids lose, but Napoleon Dynamite didn't really do it that well.


And yeah, I get it that Brokeback was more realistic in that the fantastic didn't happen...but how am I supposed to like EITHER of the main characters when there's nothing to like about them? I initially liked Ennis, somebody who succumbed to his repressed homosexual desires and then repressed them again to be back with his wife and raise his daughters, but after Jack came back into his life he became a complete fucking asshole. Forgot about his wife, forgot about his daughters, and left everything to be with Jack...who he had known for a few weeks, if even, before not seeing him for at least three years.

And Jack...he was just a fucking slut. The guy was all about getting off, no matter with who. First Ennis, then his wife (favorite scene of the movie has Anne Hathaway showing her tits), and then via male prostitutes in Mexico. Neither man had any real sense of loyalty to anybody but each other, and even then: Jack didn't exactly seem very loyal to Ennis, and vice versa.

Unlikeable characters? Check. Poor editing? Check. Hollywood hooplah and GLAAD sponsorship because a movie decided to have gay characters that weren't portrayed as queens? Check. These three things lead to my dislike of the movie, particularly the fact that the only characters I did like were Ennis' daughters and his wife (since they were just caught up in everything) and Jack's wife and that EVERY SINGLE CUT BETWEEN SCENES WAS A FUCKING FADE.

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