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Max Kellerman has a podcast on the ESPN page now! Finally! =)

I always liked Kellerman on Friday Night Fights w/ Brian Kenny and Around The Horn never seems the same w/o Him...

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Guest Smues
I always liked Kellerman on Friday Night Fights w/ Brian Kenny and Around The Horn never seems the same w/o Him...


Yeah, it's better.

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Guest My Pal, the Tortoise

You can't delete a thread of this size, Al. There's too much history. Just close it and let it fall gracefully to the bottom of the folder, like a withered petal fluttering to the ground below.

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I remember Adam Carolla telling a story about him meeting Max Kellerman at a movie festival. Adam had a movie, The Hammer, about a boxer with that nickname. He started talking to Max about it, and Max, ever so politely, declined to watch the movie. I think it was then that Adam remembered that Max is the only person on the planet whose brother was killed by a boxer with a hammer as a weapon.


Only in a thread like this will I deliver a coincidence like that.

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If Max Kellerman is back on ESPN they need put him back on ATH. Cause that Reali guy don't know what he's doing. He just gives points for people making statements not the backup. Then somebody wins who shouldn't have and the guy who gave actual backup gets eliminated.

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If Max Kellerman is back on ESPN they need put him back on ATH. Cause that Reali guy don't know what he's doing. He just gives points for people making statements not the backup. Then somebody wins who shouldn't have and the guy who gave actual backup gets eliminated.


You take that show seriously? It gives Bill Plaschke a vehicle to spew his dumbass opinions.

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Well if Max Kellerman were still there you better believe Plashcke would never win. Kellerman never let the inmates run the asylum on that show. He'd scream at em and tell em how dumb they were and he actually knew what he was talking about. Plaschke would leave in the first round every day under Kellerman. But Reali don't know anything he's just a STAT BOY!! He was only supposed to be a substitute but for some reason they put him in there long term and he has no charisma whatsoever!! So that's why you replace him back with Kellerman who was more like a taskmaster.


Look at it now you have them all just acting crazy instead giving opinions with real backup. Kellerman would MUTE someone didn't give backup or said something dumb. Reali just mutes on principle cause he don't really know what he's saying. Around the Horn is a show for journalists not statisticians.

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Well, expecting an entertainment show/channel to assign points to sportswriters fairly certainly takes the cake, doesn't it?


I've seen the light. This thread doesn't suck. In fact, it is the greatest thread ever to hit the Sports forum in my entire reign as moderator. A thread like this can not afford to languish in obscurity any longer. It must continue on to CLASSICS~!, where its greatness can be fully appreciated.


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It doesn't have to be fair 100% of the time. But they should at least try make it fair, that way the best information and opinion given gets his face time and the ones undeserving don't. Right now it's whoever acts craziest gets on there or whoever makes the most "shocking" statement gets on there. So they need get somebody knows his shit hosting that show like Max Kellerman and who has more of an authoritarian personality. Reali is just easy-going and doesn't slap those guys around like he should.


Another thing about ATH I don't like is it's not different enough from PTI. It's just PTI with 4 guys. What they should do with ATH is bring in more guys from more areas, like what about Mike Preston from the Baltimore SUn on there now and then? Or from other newspapers around the country. Bring in new fresh faces so I don't have to see the same old people over and over again. Those people can still be on there and when they're on there they're fresh. And not only that, you can have different guys talk about a topic if they have their own information to present.


Also they need to CANCEL that Jim Rome is Burning show. He don't offer any opinions other than scream and yell about em just like they do on ATH.


ATH can't get it right 100% of the time but they can have a guy who knows how to manage a situation better than what they have.

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Saying that Plaschke would never make it out of the first round is insane, because the winner is pre-determined. The odd scoring happens because they know ahead of time who gets the face-time that day. If you need evidence of this, look to the show where Woody got to 200 wins and Mariotti got to break the all-time scoring record the same day.


Max Kellerman was a bad host for the show because he tried to be a star. He's not the star. Reali is just there to keep shit moving.


We all know that the real star of the show is Tim Cowlishaw, anyway, so let's just all come to terms with that and be done with it.

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Well if it's fixed then they only started fixing it because Reali couldn't manage the show worth a damn. It definitely wasn't fixed when Kellerman was in there because he was nasty with the participants and made sure they were embarrassed for making a dumb statement.


You had to have Kellerman as the star because if you let the 4 journalists take over then it's just PTI with four guys. The host has to be the dominant figure in that show otherwise why not just have PTI run a full hour?


Of course sometimes they determine who the winner is gonna be beforehand. They know when Woody is approaching 200 and when Jay Mariotti gonna get 50 points. They just knew somebody was gonna get to 200 that day so they set it up to mess with one of em. You're have to show me more proof than just one show that it's fixed. Of course they are going to set up special occasions.


And I like Tim Cowlishaw he is a good participant.

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One of the many things I dislike about ATH is in the showdown when both people agree, but it's a blatantly obvious question that has only one real answer. If you answer the same as the first guy you get "I liked it better the first time around" and lose the point, if you answer differently it's "You can't seriously believe *stupid second answer that's as bad as the joke answers on that millionaire show*, can you?" and lose the point.

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Ok here is what I am going to do. I will watch this next ATH show and I will give you specific examples of what I'm talking about.


What you first need remember is that when Kellerman was the host there was actually a system for distributing the points, which they actually stuck to. They would go over this at the beginning of each show, which they don't do anymore cause Reali simply cannot do the damn job. The system was 2 points for a good argument, 3 points for a very well stated argument. The difference between the two is that Kellerman could understand what a good argument was and Reali all he hears is the statement. Remember there were NO POINTS given for a simple statement on a Kellerman show. But plenty of statements get points on a Reali run ATH, and sometimes he'll throw out 4 points for no reason at all. Kellerman stuck to the system and it was actually fun to watch cause those journalists would have to give an argument in order get points.


Funny enough to start Woody Paige says "you score the show? I didn't know that", a shot at Reali's terrible use of the system.


First topic is the Colts. Question is "Is it possible the colts flying under the radar"? Blackistone gets 4 points for saying "There's no bulls eye on them". Has 6 points for no reason now. Then actually says something good and Reali gives another point for no reason. Mariotti making arguments not getting any points. Then says the question is "is it good for Indy" BUT THAT WASNT THE QUESTION!!! He changed the question. The question was is it possible they are. Paige regurgitates other arguments, Reali actually makes a good mute when Paige going off topic. Reali handles Paige well in this instance. Reali asks nonsense questions himself to Mariotti that had no relevance to topic.


Next topic is Brady. Is he best season ever? Paige says OJ Simpson, again Reali handles it fairly well. Cowlishaw makes excellent argument didn't catch the whole thing. This is kind of a busted segment, very subjective, so I will omit the rest. Next topics coming up are Clemens, Pat Riley, and Yao Ming. I will see if any of them are worth covering not like this one and show further why Reali is not fit to host a show.


Clemens is this topic. Buy or sell. "Is this a bad thing for clemens having delay hearing". Paige says it's bad thing. Reali handles Paige well once again and mutes him for nonsense. Cowlishaw says not bad. Makes a bland argument but somehow gets 3 points. Mariotti says it's bad cause they are compiling evidence. Doesn't get any points rightfully so. Blackistone says the same thing gets points for nothing. Woody Paige with more nonsense gets muted again. Reali does handle Paige well in this show.


Pat Riley next. Will he quit buy or sell? I do not know much about NBA so I will omit the next two segments about Pat Riley and Yao Ming. But of note in Yao Ming discussion Cowlishaw given many points for no real reason. Mariotti gone. But Why? Paige made most nonsense.


Next topic about Tiger Woods comment from broadcaster. What's your take? Blackistone says got what she deserves, says words are important have meaning. Cowlishaw says she is good reporter gets 3 points hesitantly. Paige says things happen on live TV, gets two points. There was no reason for any those scores he just handed em out. Paige eliminated. Showdown next.


Cowlishaw vs Blackistone in showdown. Romo story up Cowlishaw says not important, people need get over it. Blackistone gives nonsense argument, Cowlishaw rightfully gets point. 7'7 basketball player George from UNC ashville the subject. Pro potential? Both of em trash George but Cowlishaw gets point. Blackiston'es was funnier but Cowlishaw got point. Cowlishaw sweeps. Talks about Detroit Red Wings gets laughed at. Good for him talking about sports promoting hockey.


ALl in all, not Reali's worst show but his negatives definitely shine through. Many of his point distributions are simply peppered through a guys' talking and not actually given for an argument. So often a guy is given the correct amount points, but for the wrong reason. While in Kellerman's show you'd see the points confidently distributed and made sense.


I believe Reali was kept on the show because he was popular as Stat Boy on PTI. But the reason he was funny on that show was because he was somewhat of an enigma. His only task was to correct the two guys giving opinions. And it was funny see him host ATH as a sub now and then. BUT ONLY NOW AND THEN!! He worked as an enigmatic character suited for sitting in hte back correcting others. He is a statistician in character.


So if Kellerman is back on ESPN they should consult him about returning to ATH where he can once again make it a credible show.




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Guest Smues
Brevity is key.


Reali sucks and Kellerman was better (even if he's a pompous asshole).


See how easy that was, Kawalimus?

I agree that brevity is the key, but not about Reali sucking and Kellerman being better. As others have pointed out, Kellerman tried to make the show about him, and Reali does a better job of just letting everyone else talk. If everyone who says Kellerman is so awesome actually watched I, Max it wouldn't have been cancelled in I think the 1st year of a 3 year contract.

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Brevity is key.


Reali sucks and Kellerman was better (even if he's a pompous asshole).


See how easy that was, Kawalimus?

I agree that brevity is the key, but not about Reali sucking and Kellerman being better. As others have pointed out, Kellerman tried to make the show about him, and Reali does a better job of just letting everyone else talk. If everyone who says Kellerman is so awesome actually watched I, Max it wouldn't have been cancelled in I think the 1st year of a 3 year contract.


I guess it'st just a matter of opinion. I find Kellerman to be a typical full-of-himself New Yorker, but he knows his shit and kept the show focused (even if that focus was directly on him). Reali just lets the four guys scream at each other for 30 minutes.


I don't even watch ATH anymore. I think I'm over the whole era of sportswriters making themselves the stars of sports reporting.

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I like Tony Reali. A couple friends of mine have a pretty small weekly podcast about sports, maybe 100 or so listeners, but Reali was nice enough to come on the show and do an interview. He seems like a good guy.

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Max left ATH in part because he wanted to give his opinion. In that sense ATH wasn't really the best fit for him. I, Max was cancelled once it slipped away from its original humorous format and tried to be a serious show.

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