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ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

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Max's radio show is awesome:


1) He's full of himself, and it turns people off, but when you actually listen in you can tell most of the stuff he says in self-depricating in nature as well as tongue in cheek.


2) He's got Brian Kenny as a co-host


3) They make fun of "retarded monkey sportswriters" and "Rawr Rawr Typical Football Analyst Guy" while providing actual insight themselves


4) It's a great break from most (all) of the other dopes on the two 24-hour sports talk stations we have in New York. Max and Kenny are the only show that doesn't say that the Chargers aren't "gritty enough" like the Colts are for five hours straight and that they don't "know how to win." (Hello, Chris Russo) Because all the other hosts are lazy assholes, whereas these guys do their homework.

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And the producer Robin Lundberg is like Showkiller except if he were funny, talked more, and did skits. Lundberg's probably the best part of the show, as good as Kellerman and Kenny are.

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Guest Smues

Edit: nevermind it's back, or I was being stupid. Could be either.



We will fight them in the beaches, in the air, on the land, in the bottom of the forum!

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Around the Horn is a stupid show consisting of a panel of assholes spouting off nonsense which they later ignore (not unlike most of ESPN).


Reali > Kellerman in that particular role.


People forget that the original "voice" of ATH went on to MSNBC and Tucker Carlson's (of all people) show, and Kellerman was on there too.


Worked out great.


He wanted to be a star, but was replaced by a dude who shuts the fuck up and throws crunched up paper at a camera.



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And here goes Reali again. He's trying to be more of a badass and slap around the journalists like I suggested. But alll he can do is say the same thing over and over again and mute em for it. He said "well you've all criticized Norv Turner all year so I should mute you". And he did that about three times. Why doesn't he do his job and find more things to critcize them for?

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Guest Cock Ring Warehouse
And here goes Reali again. He's trying to be more of a badass and slap around the journalists like I suggested.

I guess he read this thread.


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And here goes Reali again. He's trying to be more of a badass and slap around the journalists like I suggested. But alll he can do is say the same thing over and over again and mute em for it. He said "well you've all criticized Norv Turner all year so I should mute you". And he did that about three times. Why doesn't he do his job and find more things to critcize them for?

I don't know. If the show sucks, why do you keep watching it?


God, this bullshit is now the fifth longest thread in the history of the Sports forum. Do any of you realize how ridiculous that is? If you don't like the network, DON'T F'N WATCH IT.

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I am sorry, I'm not trying to be obnoxious. I don't even hate ESPN nether. I just like to complain about things that I don't like. I like the format of Around the Horn I just don't like what it's become since Reali took over. I was just starting to get into the show when all of a sudden Max Kellerman stopped showing up for work mysteriosly, then they took his face off the gold medal award. That's when I knew he was gone for good and this idiot replacement was going to be there for good. I gave him a chance, I wanted him to mature into the role but he just could not do it. And now I am frustrated with ESPN for not replacing him with someone better or maybe Kellerman again so the show can reach its full potential.


Another thing I wish ESPN would do is in the evening hours, replay ATH and PTI. Like inbetween late night sportscenters.


I just enjoy criticizing and complaining sometimes. It's all in good fun :) .

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Guest Cock Ring Warehouse
I don't even hate ESPN nether.

Is that their Dutch affiliate?

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God I wish that Mike and Mike roast. Apparently most of the people bombed with there jokes. Ed Scott got loaded and had to be thrown off stage. But that's not as bad as what happened to Dana Jacobson. She got drunk and started dropping F bombs with Mike and Mike looking totally embarassed. I missed Monday's show but Did they mention this at all.

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They air a UWF PPV...skipping the Terry Gordy/Johnny Ace 'street fight' and jumping to the Killer Bees against "The Power Twins".


Slightly made up for by hearing John Tolos audibly tell a fan to "Shut up an' siddown, you pieceashit!"

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And speaking of good podcasts, Dave Dameshek's show is cool. He's part of the circle with Bill Simmons, Carolla, and the like. Maybe he's too silly for most people; the show really isn't very serious, but doesn't try too hard with the comedy, either.

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I am sorry, I'm not trying to be obnoxious. I don't even hate ESPN nether. I just like to complain about things that I don't like. I like the format of Around the Horn I just don't like what it's become since Reali took over. I was just starting to get into the show when all of a sudden Max Kellerman stopped showing up for work mysteriosly, then they took his face off the gold medal award. That's when I knew he was gone for good and this idiot replacement was going to be there for good. I gave him a chance, I wanted him to mature into the role but he just could not do it. And now I am frustrated with ESPN for not replacing him with someone better or maybe Kellerman again so the show can reach its full potential.


Another thing I wish ESPN would do is in the evening hours, replay ATH and PTI. Like inbetween late night sportscenters.


I just enjoy criticizing and complaining sometimes. It's all in good fun :) .


This all happened, what, 3 years ago? I think it's time to let it go.

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Alright, Sportscenter, I know this is an 1 1/2 Hour edition, but that doesn't justify showing me the same football clips and analysis for 50 minutes of it.

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Guest Smues
Nearly 10 days ago, Sports Scope told you about the seemingly lame Mike & Mike roast in which ESPN's Dana Jacobson apparently had too much to drink and vulgar mouth to go with it. One report said Jacobson was drinking straight from a bottle of the high-end vodka Belvedere. (Jacobson photo courtesy of ESPN)


Jacobson is paying for actions. She has been suspended one week for her behavior, according to the Chicago Tribune.


ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz told the Tribune: "Her actions and comments were inappropriate and we've dealt with it." However, Krulewitz did not confirm or deny the suspension.


The Catholic League put out a press release detailing some of Jacobson's alleged anti-Notre Dame comments.


In a statement, Jacobson said, "My actions at the roast were inappropriate and in no way represent who I am. I won't make excuses for my behavior, but I do hope I can be forgiven for such a poor lack of judgment."


Of course, as one wise man pointed out, the question of why Mike Golic Mike Greenberg deserved a roast continues to go unanswered.


I really hope someone taped this roast and the video surfaces soon.

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I tried to make it through Jayson Stark's chat today comparing Ryan Howard and Prince Fielder. I nearly shot myself after reading roughly 50 different Stark replies that somehow concluded that Fielder was better because he doesn't strike out as much, despite the fact that Howard has a better career AVG and OBP.

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I read about that Dana Jacobson thing. Apparently she ranted about Notre Dame saying "Fuck Notre Dame! Fuck Touchdown Jesus! Oh, and fuck Jesus."


And yes, I really hope there's a tape of this that surfaces.

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I tried to make it through Jayson Stark's chat today comparing Ryan Howard and Prince Fielder. I nearly shot myself after reading roughly 50 different Stark replies that somehow concluded that Fielder was better because he doesn't strike out as much, despite the fact that Howard has a better career AVG and OBP.

When Ryan Howard was Fielder's age, he hit 23 home runs in the Florida State League. Fielder was better last year as well; Howard's totals are fueled by his 2006 campaign, which he may not touch again. I would take Fielder over Howard.

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I tried to make it through Jayson Stark's chat today comparing Ryan Howard and Prince Fielder. I nearly shot myself after reading roughly 50 different Stark replies that somehow concluded that Fielder was better because he doesn't strike out as much, despite the fact that Howard has a better career AVG and OBP.

When Ryan Howard was Fielder's age, he hit 23 home runs in the Florida State League. Fielder was better last year as well; Howard's totals are fueled by his 2006 campaign, which he may not touch again. I would take Fielder over Howard.


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but if you read the chat it seemed as though Stark only preferred Fielder because he struck out less. Almost every response included something to the effect of "Fielder makes more contact", "Fielder strikes out less", "Fielder moves runners along" and "Fielder's a better pure hitter." It got really nauseating after a while.

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I didn't read the chat. To be honest I find the whole concept really boring. Gallardo or Lincecum? Who cares, they're both great young talents.

Consider yourself lucky. I've been killing time today because work's been a little slow. The whole argument basically came down to "Fielder is really fat, but he doesn't strike out as miuch as Howard." Really... that was the crux of the whole thing.

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Seriously is nothing going on in the sports world that they have to cover a fucking boot? God I would hate to watch that network if something like a Football strike happened.


I hope someone has video from yesterday's NFL live of Mike Golic singing "These boots are made for walking" with Marcellus Wiley.

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Seriously is nothing going on in the sports world that they have to cover a fucking boot? God I would hate to watch that network if something like a Football strike happened.


I hope someone has video from yesterday's NFL live of Mike Golic singing "These boots are made for walking" with Marcellus Wiley.

If only there was a way to elect not to watch the channel. Say, a button that might magically turn off your television. Or better yet, a button that would give you access to hundreds of other channels! That would be nice.

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100 Channels? Basic Cable only has 80. Silly old Al.


And I guess Dana Jacobson got suspended for a week for what happened at the Roast. She won't last the year after the super bowl parties next weekend.

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The real question is, will the Jacobsen situation be brought up on Mike & Mike tomorrow (doubtful as ESPN is trying to be as hush-hush about it as possible).



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They did mention it on First Take briefly, but didn't really go into specifics. It was likely just a drunken Michigan alum rant on Notre Dame that got out of hand. It really depends on the context, so I hope there's video somewhere.

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I know this is a bit late, but did anyone see Jeremy Schaap's story on Bobby Fischer a couple days ago when he died? It was actually really interesting.

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