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Anyone got any crazy Autograph Signing stories?

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So I decided on a whim to drive out to the mall this morning before work to go see John Cena at the autograph signing he was doing. He was supposed ot be there from 9-11, and I figured there'd probobly be a long line, so I got there maybe 45 minutes early. Man was I right, even at 8:15 the line wrapped around the mall and started heading towards the back exit, there had to have been over a thousand people there. Supposedly the people at the front started the line outside at 4am, which is completely insane in my book. From the looks of it, the line eventually wrapped outside into the parking lot, clearly way more people then they would have time for, with no sign of them cutting off the line.


So I wait in line for at least a little over 2 hours, and once I get to the front, it turns out that THAT'S when the conveniently tell you that it costs 25 dollars to even get in there to get an autograph, on top of 5 more for an 8X10 photo for him to sign, and another 20 if you wanted a polaroid photo with him. So since I had stood in line for so long, I shelled out my money, and what do I get for my 30 dollars? A 2 second handshake, an autographed color 8X10 Photo, and an asshole promoter cursing in front of children at every person who wanted to take a picture with a personal camera. It was a pretty big waste, but Cena at least seemed interested in being there and glad to meet all his fans, it's just the asshat promoters that want to push as many people through as quickly as possible so they can nickle and dime as many as they can in the alotted time that ruin it.


This was actually the first signing I had been to since I went to see Bret Hart at an auto dealership, where the autographs were free, despite having to wait 2 hours in the freezing cold. So does anyone have any stories of being at crazy autograph signing like this one?

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Not really. Back in '98 Mick Foley was doing a one shot indy appearance in Milwaukee as Cactus Jack (which was neat because this was like, a week after he did that promo on RAW renouncing the Cactus Jack gimmick). Before the show started, my friend came back to our seats with a signed pic from Foley. I went and found him. No line at all. He was actually just set up with a table at the top of a stairwell, basically. I said "Hey, Cactus!" He said "Hey man, how's it going?" and I paid him five bucks to sign a glossy photo. I tried to tell him how to spell my name, but I don't think he got it, as he just kind of scribbled something. True story.

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I met JYD in the early 90s at a local indy show. His opponent that night was Bob Orton.


I was ten years old, and was so amazed that I was shaking hands and having a full blown conversation with someone famous. The only thing that stands out about the conversation though was "Are you scared?" and he chuckled "Man, I am too old to be scared."


Anytime I hear stories about wrestlers being dicks, I think of JYD, and I have bittersweet emotions. I know that there are good ones out there, sadly, they are the ones that we lose too soon.

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I picked a fight with Batista before he signed my autograph.


This was at the WWE RAW press confrence in Calgary last year. It was just before Wrestlemania, and Batista and Benoit were there to announce the upcoming RAW coming to Calgary.


So anyway, there was a question aire part where the fans get to ask the wrestlers questions. I got to asked a question, and being the asshole I was, I asked...


Hey Batista whats it going to be like at Wrestlemania when HHH kicks your ass!!!!!!!!


His reply:


Whats it going to be like in 10 miniutes when I kick your ass in the parking lot!


It was pretty tight, everyone got a laugh out of it. Afterwards when the autograph part started, Batista saw me and smiled and shook my hand. Good guy with a good sense of humor.

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I'm a big pay-per-view poster collector and I try to get those signed when I can.


Last year I met Brad Armstrong at a convention and asked him to sign my Great American Bash 91 poster (Luger / Flair with a big picture of Missy Hyatt at the bottom). He asked if he could draw an arrow pointing to Missy's crotch and write "I was there". After a big laugh, he said he was just joking and was one of the few who weren't there. Former NWA referee Tommy Young was sitting right next to Brad and didn't even know who Missy was.


Speaking of Missy, I met her last year in Charlotte and had her sign a Beach Blast 92 poster of mine. She signed it "Graham, Breast Wishes - Missy" If that's not priceless than I don't know what is. :)


Met Tully Blanchard at the Tribute to Starrcade event last November in Spartanburg, SC (memorable for the "It's still real to me!" Guy). I had him sign my Survivor Series 89 poster which has photos on it of everyone scheduled for the card. Even Barry Windham, Akeem, and Tully Blanchard are on the poster even though they didn't make the card. In Tully's case he was fired beforehand. So he's sitting next to JJ Dillon at the table looking at the poster and he turns to JJ and asks "Hey JJ, why did you let them fire me?" He and I joked that Vince should have paid him for the show since they used his image to promote it.


I met Gary Michael Cappetta at a convention a couple years ago and had him sign a copy of his book. Also hung out with him at the hotel bar for an hour later that night as Bill Apter sang karaoke. :D

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I've only been to one autograph signing since there rarely are any around here. Nova & Danny Doring had one at a GameStop in the mall right after the Hardcore Revolution game came out in 2000. Signings were free. As you can imagine, not a long line at all, just about maybe 10 people just gathered around their table talking and asking questions. When I came in, it was too crowded, so I went over to the PSX that had the game on to play. Nova got up and decided to have a match. Me (Justin Credible) vs. him (Big Sal) in a regular match. We were both really confused on how to pick up weapons, and he ended up just trashing the game, saying how bad everything was.

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I picked a fight with Batista before he signed my autograph.


This was at the WWE RAW press confrence in Calgary last year. It was just before Wrestlemania, and Batista and Benoit were there to announce the upcoming RAW coming to Calgary.


So anyway, there was a question aire part where the fans get to ask the wrestlers questions. I got to asked a question, and being the asshole I was, I asked...


Hey Batista whats it going to be like at Wrestlemania when HHH kicks your ass!!!!!!!!


His reply:


Whats it going to be like in 10 miniutes when I kick your ass in the parking lot!


It was pretty tight, everyone got a laugh out of it. Afterwards when the autograph part started, Batista saw me and smiled and shook my hand. Good guy with a good sense of humor.


You've got nothing on that guy that asked Batista to marry him.

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Well, right before SummerSlam 2003 was to start, I waited in the arena parking lot to try meet anybody. Molly Holly, John Cena, Kanyon, and Rico were all heels at the time and they all broke character and came over and took pictures and signed stuff for us. It was so awesome.


The day of Survivor Series 2003, me and my buddies went to the hotel the wrestlers were staying at and of course the front of the hotel was packed with so many fans, it was unbelievable. And here comes HHH, of course blowing everybody off, but there were these two handicapped children in wheelchairs present and HHH stopped and went over to them, signed their stuff, and took a picture with them before he got into the limo. It just blew me away to see somebody like him to do that.



Other reason I became a Rico fan:


At my first RAW house show, pretty much any wrestler that wanted to be nice in the arena parking lot, would come over to the fence and reach over and sign stuff, but Rico was the only guyt who actually came around the fence and made sure to get everybody that was there.


And the SD show where Rico got injured (him and Haas lost the tag titles to the Dudleys), after the show even though he had just torn his quad (IIRC I think thats what the injury was), he still stopped and made sure to get everybody before he left to go to the hospital according to a fan of mine in Chicago who attended that show.

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I picked a fight with Batista before he signed my autograph.


This was at the WWE RAW press confrence in Calgary last year. It was just before Wrestlemania, and Batista and Benoit were there to announce the upcoming RAW coming to Calgary.


So anyway, there was a question aire part where the fans get to ask the wrestlers questions. I got to asked a question, and being the asshole I was, I asked...


Hey Batista whats it going to be like at Wrestlemania when HHH kicks your ass!!!!!!!!


His reply:


Whats it going to be like in 10 miniutes when I kick your ass in the parking lot!


It was pretty tight, everyone got a laugh out of it. Afterwards when the autograph part started, Batista saw me and smiled and shook my hand. Good guy with a good sense of humor.


You've got nothing on that guy that asked Batista to marry him.


Oddly enough, both questions garnered the same response

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Balls Mahoney hit on my mother at a meet and greet. We got tickets out of it.




Oh yeah!? Well he bled on me at a house show in 98 or so! :wub: (along with Bubba Rae, D-Von, and Spike at one point or another during the crowd brawl)



I'd have to imagine the malls that host these signings have to not like it. The people there are only there for the autograph, not to shop. They have a mile long line, blocking stores and make it hell for people to get to those stores. I would venture to guess part of the reason it's so high for an autograph is because the host location gets a cut of the till.


I know Rena Mero/Sable came to my local mall once and it was so staggering to see that many people in one place with one purpose, and smart money is on a lot of them being turned away.

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All I have is a story of waiting for Raven and Faarooq (when the APA were still over as GOD) to come to opening tickets sales day for a house show to sign autographs. After a 45-minute wait, only Raven ever showed up. There was a box of 8X10's of Faarooq, but Raven only brought "The Official WWF Autograph Mat" to sign. He was nice enough to sign an old WCW figure of him that I found. This was one of the really shitty San Francisco Toymakers figures, with POWER PUNCH ACTION. I handed it to Raven and asked if he would sign, once he got a good look at the figure, he looked me square in the eys and asked, "What the fuck is this?". Apparently he had no idea that those figures were ever made. Anyways, after a short chat, I walked away with my figure autographed by some guy named "RIVEN".


Surprisingly Raven is a pretty small guy in person, and was wearing what I can best describe as librarian glasses.

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Yeah. He's barely 6', I think.


Only wrestler I've ever met was Mikey Whipwreck when I was down in Florida with my folks and my buddy Jason. I guess ECW were doing shows down there (October 2000), and I saw a guy wearing an ECW shirt walking by. Was about to just tap the guy on the shoulder and go "EC-F'N-W," but then I saw he had his folks (I'm guessing, since they were much older than he was) and a little girl (somewhere between the ages of 9 and 11). I look up to the guy's face, and see it's Mikey. I just stared in shock as he walks by (we were all in line for the Muppet 4D thing), going "that's...that's Mikey..." until my dad and Jason looked at me and shook me to snap me out of it. Was pretty cool as the three of us forced our way back in the line to find him, then I asked if me and Jason could get our picture taken with him and he was like "yeah, man."

I still have that picture framed above my living room TV, and his folks were smiling incredibly wide. I need to crop and scan the picture so I can upload it somewhere. I love that pic.

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ROH, 11/6/04. I'm waiting on line in front of the Liger table for about half an hour, studying what everyone else is doing so I don't make an ass of myself. They seem to be shaking his hand once before getting the autograph, muttering a greeting, waiting for him to sign it, then thanking him and shaking his hand again. Seems simple enough.


It's my turn. I shake his hand and tell him that he's my hero (I know, I know. But he is!) and he says "oh," clearly not understanding. That's alright, though. I just shook hands with Jushin Thunder Liger. I give him the slightly bent, fingerprint-covered photograph that I've been clutching like a trillion-dollar bill all night. The one I picked shows him posing in front of an ugly brick wall - it's less pleasing to the eye, but the signature will show up better. And it does, all black and shiny and illegible. This is beyond ridiculous. LIGER. Here, right in front of my, signing his picture for ME and nobody else. Well, actually dozens of other people, but right now they're all invisible. It's just me and Liger. Oh yes.


He finishes signing it and I thank him. He must have understood that much, right? I mean, he's only heard it five hundred times tonight. I take the picture and walk toward the exit, feeling quite satisfied with myself. I'm so pleased with myself that I don't realize, until a few seconds later, what has just happened. It couldn't be. I couldn't. I didn't. No way.


But I did. I certainly made an ass out of myself, but I did something much worse: I disrespected Jushin Liger. You see, as I was walking away from the table, Liger offered me his hand a second time, as he did for all of the others. Except... I didn't notice it, not until it was too late. I just walked past him, oblivious to his friendly gesture. Everyone watching kind of groans sadly as I turn around and realize what I've done. My heart sinks so deep I nearly shit it out. By now, though, I've walked too far, and there are other people in line. Liger lowers his hand, and he really does look sad. What the fuck did I just do? The night had been so awesome, almost surreal, and I'd just ruined it all beyond imagination. The worst wrestling fan ever.


I look over my shoulder mournfully. Too much time has passed - I can't go back. Security is looking at me, waiting for me to leave, but I'm frozen in place. This just can't be happening. Still in a daze, I manage to take a few more steps, until I'm right in front of the door. My mom is waiting in the car, has been for over an hour. I can't stay, nor can I force myself to go. Behind me, I hear the guards.


"Is he still there?"



I'm just crushed. Getting so emotional about wrestling is silly, but this is Liger. I had my chance to meet him, something I could never have dreamed of two weeks earlier, and I blew it. God did I ever...


Without thinking, I'm walking again. Not toward the parking lot, but the other way. Back to the table. Now I'm past the guards and standing next to Liger. I offer him my hand. He's in the middle of autographing another picture, though, and doesn't see my until someone points. Then he turns around. I'm standing there, pale and trembling. I feel very small.


He looks up and shakes my hand. In that moment, I go from stunned horror to speechless elation. Liger just... forgave me. It's beyond wonderful.


And then Liger does something else.


He laughs.


It's more like a chuckle, but I can hear it clearly and I can see him smiling, and everyone around the table is doing the same thing. I smile too, and I keep smiling all the way to the car and all the way home. I'm probably smiling in my sleep, because tonight I did something that no American teenager may ever have done.


I made Jushin Liger laugh.

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Hood, we'll call it a draw. But I like your Bam Bam avatar, so we have a leader.


My buddy deliberately got Bret Hart riled up when he met him by saying "Wow, it's a thrill to meet you. I'd still like to meet Ric Flair".


It took me a week before I talked to him again.

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I was a huge ECW mark in college. Being from Seattle, I knew I had about zero chance to see an ECW show live, unless I was to catch one in N.O. (where my university was) There's a TNN taping my freshman year (to put it in context, Dudleys had just left for WWF, Raven was back.)


So I take a half hour cab ride to the taping, and get like 3rd row seats. Intermission comes, Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney are signing stuff. They were a bit brisque, but not really rude. After all, it was like 20-30 minutes and the autographs were free, they just wanted to get to everyone. I get Balls to sign a photo I bought, and buy an ECW magazine.


The rest of the show finishes. (BTW, it was incredibly fun). I'm waiting for my cab after the show. The wrestlers are slowly filing out. Most sign a couple things, then take their leave. Dawn Marie comes out, she's still in her sleazy ring attire, (she's MUCH better looking in person, very pretty). She signs EVERYONE's stuff. Better yet, she takes pictures with everyone who has a camera. Not just the smile and the handshake, but doing all her classic "bimbo w/Lance Storm" poses with just a huge smile on her face. I got my magazine signed by her, (too bad I didn't have a camera). That made me a fan for life. A true class act.


My friend met Booker in Vegas, and even though Booker was gambling, my friend said he was really, really, nice. Taking time to exchange words, a handshake, and a smile with any fans that recognized him. That's really cool to do, especially when you're on your down-time.


EDIT: By far the biggest line I've ever seen was for a Bruce Campbell book signing. It was IMMENSE. Hilarious guy, and a class act as well.

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Guest hasbeen

Dawn Marie has probably been the best person I've met in wrestling, glad to see somebody else thinks along those lines.

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It was just incredible to see.


16-yo ECW mark? *sultry look, hand on chest*


Sheepish looking obese kid? *Leg up, Lance Storm bimbo smile*


I could've died laughing in admiration. She was so fucking great to the fans.


Probably why I've watched WWE once since she was fired for being pregnant.

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I met Dawn at MSG a few years ago at a SD! taping. She signed for everyone that was there and just asked people to stop shoving.


Kanyon's another class act. He was signing and talking to everyone. At one point security offered to escort him inside but he said "Not till I've signed for everyone!" We all yelled out "WHO BETTAH THEN KANYON" when he left

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I went to this little hole in the wall show around where I live and Petey Williams (originally advertised as Alex Shelley!!!), Jimmy Jacobs and Chris Sabin worked the show. (Marty Jannetty was booked, but his plane was late or something.)


After the show, I got a "TNA" poster (this was during the FSN run) and I had Sabin autograph it, and since he wasn't on the poster, I had him autograph over AJ Styles, I'm not sure if he enjoyed it or if he was like (Oh God, a Smark...). He was still glistening with sweat from his match with Jimmy Jacobs, and I asked him for a hug, which he obliged (does that make me gay?).


Then, I had to wait a long time for Petey Williams, but he was a fun time, too.


JJ never came out, but I didn't know who he was then, so I didn't think too much of it, now I wish I could say I met him. But he did accuse me of checking out his BUTT, which -was- falling out of his trunks.


On a side note, one of the "homegrowns" on the show yelled "Your mom goes to college!" at me during his match.



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I'll agree with Dawn Marie. She's a sweetheart. I've chatted with her and Simon at a couple of shows and they're both very approachable and nice to talk with.


Corino's cool. Nova was very friendly in the ECW/indy days, I imagine it's the same, he's a talker. Dreamer was cool. Mahoney was good. Delirious is the man. Jimmy Jacobs is nice...although appears to be fried from time to time.

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Jimmy Hart won't shut up if you ask him a question (and I mean that in a nice way - great guy).



Ya know, he got the moniker Mouth of the South for reasons other than his character.

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Guest Dolfan483

In March of 98 i believe it was, i went to a show at the Sandusky State Theatre here in Sandusky, Ohio. It was a indy card with all of the legends, Virgil, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Sherri Martel, And Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. Well i got all of there autographs but when i got to Jimmy Snuka, he looked like he didnt know a lick of english so when he asked for my name, i said, my name is Matt. And he said "Fat?" which about 20 people heard and immediatly start laughing, because i am a husky guy lol. Well i corrected him and told him my name was Matt and he started laughing and said "Im so sorry, here you go." and handed me a autograph AND his headband that he had around his head. I thought it was so cool. we then shaked hands and i left. Pretty nice guy.

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I was at a the GCW Third Anniversary show, and Jynx was coming out to the ring, running around the guard rails slapping fans' hands, and only semi-deliberately I pulled mine back. Later on during intermission I came up to him to get my program signed and he was like 'Oh, sure, now you want my autograph' kinda joking like. He was really nice, said he liked my Crazy MAX shirt and had thought about doing the Crazy MAX hand sign thing when he got in the ring after he'd seen it. Delirious was really nice about signing stuff to, even though it looked like he was wanting to get out of there, as was OuTtKaSt

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Rhino doesn't like to take pictures if he's not in his gear. He'll sign ten million things for you, but if he's in street clothes, he refuses to take a picture. At least that's how it was during his time with the 'E.

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