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Dangerous A

TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

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You are right, the Suns aren't done yet. It's not Wednesday.



LA vs LA will be intriguing because both teams share the same arena. There'll probrably be a TV piece or two about how the arena is different for the other team because blah blah blah. There is no difference.


Lakers beat the Clippers in 5. I'm calling it.

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I'll be so glad when the Wizards knock out the Cavs so that the Lebron James crap ends.

It's never going to end. The way he's playing now is the way Kobe played at the beginning of the year, which doesn't work in the playoffs.

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I think the Nuggets-Clippers series is a good example of what Suns-Lakers would be if Kobe played like he did in the regular season. Carmelo can't carry a team in any other way than shooting the ball every time, and it's not working for him, and that series is probably over tonight.

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The Clipper/Nugget series was over in the 4th quarter of game 4 when the Nuggets, Carmelo in particular, stopped competing and packed it in.


I'm happy for the Clippers advancing. They're toast in the second round, but you gotta take baby steps. I like how Dunleavy is giving Livingston some good minutes even though he is still learning how to properly run an NBA offense. This will help his growth as a player tremendously.

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I want the Clippers to succeed. It's good for LA basketball, even though I don't know how long they'll be hanging around in LA.


This is a Laker town and it always will be. The Clippers will never truly be able to tap into the possible fanbase, it'll just be a cult type thing. Before this season, it was hard to even know that the Clippers existed unless you made an effort to know.

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Refs beat the Clippers in 5. I'm calling it.


edited for accuracy



Seriously, your the biggest whiner on this board. You got to learn to shut the fuck up and stop complaining.



I think the Cavs/Wiz series is going to go a full 7. I really want the Wiz to win, because I'm a huge Arenas fan.


Hopefully Sac-Town can knock off the Spurs, that will truely be a great moment. This has been the best playoffs in years, mainly because there are so many sleeper picks.

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One of the better analagies I've heard is the Clippers come off like a franchise whereas the Lakers are a brand. A brand is much easier to sell and market. The Clippers are pretty much just there. The Lakers have a brand identity.



About the refs favoring the Lakers/LeBron/Stars: It's still about the scoreboard in the end. Yes, calls may or may not go your way, but if you're team really is the better team, they wouldn't be in a position to have a ref determine the outcome of the game. You have to credit the Lakers or whoever for putting themselves in the situation for the game to even be close. I've heard, well calls don't go a certain team's way in the fourth at home and yada yada, but if you're the better team, you play through that shit and find a way. Simple as that. You can say refs help home teams/Lakers in the 4th, but if your team is up by a wide enough margin, then the refs don't mean a thing.

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Why the Clippers decided to come here, when they knew the Lakers were so stable, I have no idea.

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Have any of you actually sprained your ankle before? It's not exactly like stubbing your toe or hitting your funny bone.


Exactly. Even if its a minor sprain, it hurts like fucking hell for a time. Back in 1993 while playing basketball, I came down on someone's foot and sprained my ankle very badly (you know, the kind where you feel and hear a loud POP when it happens). I couldn;t walk for almost a week and was limping around for about two months. I have always had weak ankles ever since I was a kid, and it doesn;t take much to sprain them, sometimes even just stepping wrong. I felt sympathy for Chandler when it happened, because I know what that's like. Making millions of dollars and being a pro athlete doesn't automatically mean that you become more or less of a man because of it. Different people react differently to pain. Some can suck it up, some can't. Whatever.

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Yeah, ankle sprains can be something. Remeber that Tyson is a 7 foot 200 something lb guy that landed all of his body weight on the side of his foot. That is fucking hell. I dislocated my ankle and it didn't hurt as bad as a couple of the sprains I have had. Each injury is different.


And yes I am still pissed about Sunday. I will only say that I still believe the Suns will win the series. (seriously).


And the suspensions will probably keep flying today. Evans and Rip Hamilton should be suspended for what they did the other night. Hamilton elbow to the head of Redd and Evans pulling a Sin City on Chris Kaman.

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Shaq and Kobe became fathers again on the same day


Both their wives gave birth today

Both their wives keep churning out kids.


I think Reggie Evans is a fucking queer, and he got what he deserved (the shove). If someone would have did that to me, there probably would have been a brawl. That was some gay shit, and there's no excuse for that in the league.


It was still funny.

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That's a pretty big if considering that the Lakers played like complete ass down the stretch and still won.


Phoenix is done, as DA said, they're the walking dead. D'Antoni hasn't done shit to counter Jackson's gameplan.

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Reggie Evans was fined $10,000 and had a flagrant 2 given to him


Kaman's flagrant was downgraded to a technical


This is bull because a flagrant 2 means an ejection therefore Evans shouldn't play today

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That's a pretty big if considering that the Lakers played like complete ass down the stretch and still won.


Phoenix is done, as DA said, they're the walking dead. D'Antoni hasn't done shit to counter Jackson's gameplan.



Actually, watch the game after halftime yesterday and something finally clicked. The Lakers won, true, but it happens.


And while i haven't been THAT thrilled with D'Antoni's gameplan, all of the games have been incredibly close. Phil didn't change anything after game one because his gameplan worked. ANd honestly, D'Antoni's game plan worked yesterday...they just....came up...short...(gets angry).


Same way Rick Adelman didn't adjust his gameplan after game two even though they lost. Close games mean you got it right(according to most coaches). Getting your ass kicked means you need to change game plan. Personally I think he ought to just go at Kwame and Odems chest and get them out the game. They are far more dangerous than Kobe in this series. Yes...I am serious.

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Diaw deserved it. I think he had 3 triple doubles on the year and flirted with several more, plus he did it while playing the Center position at 6'8.

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Guest Vitamin X

The Clippers and Spurs are the two teams that have the best chance of taking out the Lakers in the West. L.A. owned the Mavs during the regular season, I don't see where this talk of them suddenly getting crushed by Allas comes from when Kobe outscored them by himself in 3 quarters a bit before the famous 81 point game.

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I, admittedly, checked out on the NBA season by the All-Star break this year and haven't been keeping up on things that the past few months. But I have a hard time believing that the Lakers are a team that can get to the Western Conference finals. The few times I watched them they were brutal, as it was the Kobe and friends show for 48 minutes. I know Phil is a fantastic coach, but has this team honestly improved that much?

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Actually, watch the game after halftime yesterday and something finally clicked. The Lakers won, true, but it happens.


And while i haven't been THAT thrilled with D'Antoni's gameplan, all of the games have been incredibly close. Phil didn't change anything after game one because his gameplan worked. ANd honestly, D'Antoni's game plan worked yesterday...they just....came up...short...(gets angry).


Same way Rick Adelman didn't adjust his gameplan after game two even though they lost. Close games mean you got it right(according to most coaches). Getting your ass kicked means you need to change game plan. Personally I think he ought to just go at Kwame and Odems chest and get them out the game. They are far more dangerous than Kobe in this series. Yes...I am serious.

They've gotten Parker and Vujacic on the block. That's one thing that they need to do every time down the court. I'm positive the series is over, but if they win tomorrow, they've got a chance. They need Lamar to disappear, which at this point isn't likely to happen. Like I said, if Amare would have played, this series would already have been over. I don't know if Amare will ever be the same, time will tell.


I know Phil is a fantastic coach, but has this team honestly improved that much?


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I thought NJ/Ind would be playing game 5 tonight, but I was wrong. That turned out to be a dandy of a series.


Wouldn't that be something if the Bucks can tie the series tonight? I doubt it, but it'd show the parity in the playoffs if both East and West favorites get locked up in 7 game wars with 8 seeds. Still, the defending EC champions get no respect with their game being put on NBA TV.


I feel for the Grizz a little bit. They gave game 3 away and what was sad was it looked like no one on Memphis wanted the ball down the stretch except Chucky Atkins and that will simply not work. I sort of hope they get a playoff win before being eliminated, at least for the mental sake of guys like Battier and Gasol.


Staples will probrably be really buzzing for the Clips for the first time ever as they go for the kill against the Nuggets. I have written off Denver judging from their body language and 4th quarter play in game 4.

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I think the Bucks are going to take the series to 7. Just a hunch.


Either that, or they're going to get their asses beat in the next two games.

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I think that the Pistons will get it done tonight, not for lack of trying by the Bucks. And then they'll get crushed at the Palace, and the Pistons can laugh while the rest of the Eastern Conference beats the shit out of each other...

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You aren't that far off, Rendclaw. The Pistons can do themselves a huge favor and go up 3-1 to end it in 5. I could very easily see the other 3 eastern conference series going 7 games.

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win or lose, Flip IS really overrated this season though. he doesn't know jack about defense (it's usually ben wallace who calls out the team when they play a stretch of bad defense), everything with him is about offense. Try asking him specifics about getting beat on something defensively and he'll find some way to twist it into a comment about offensive execution, has put very little emphasis on rebounding, and he's just BAD at rotations and has been for mostly the whole season. its all very arbitrary. He's lucky he has a veteren team who plays well together and who can on their own play defense.

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