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The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

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So if Edge became champion again would he change the spinner belt into a giant vibrator or some sex toy for Lita to play with.

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So if Edge became champion again would he change the spinner belt into a giant vibrator or some sex toy for Lita to play with.

After tonight, PLEASE don't give WWE any ideas.

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Blah....Cena wins.

Y'know...I wonder why they're willing to be flexible on who faces who at Wrestlemania and such, like Batista instead of Orton, but they continue to try to make Cena seem unbeatable, unless they're just going to have RVD kill the man at ONS

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So if Edge became champion again would he change the spinner belt into a giant vibrator or some sex toy for Lita to play with.

After tonight, PLEASE don't give WWE any ideas.

Edge & Lita could steal Cena's chains and melt it down to make a sex toy.....you know like how Kama Mustafa stole the urn from Undertaker and made it into dookie braid chains!

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I think this is the longest time since his first title that Triple H has NOT had a WWE or World Heavyweight Championship belt.


yeah and its not like he went out strong at the end either *sarcasm*

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how about melting it down for matching rings for edge and lita lol


the world heavyweight clit and prince albert rings

The bling bling from the jewel encrusted W should be made into anal beads.

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Holy shit that was a good main. I could watch those retards beat each other up all month.


Highlight of the night was Lita dropping a chair on her head and then being unintentionally spinebustered onto the unfolded chair.

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Star ratings for the matches?


Carlito vs. Masters: *1/2

Trish vs. Mickie: * (weird ending killed what was on the way to being a decent match)

Ric Flair vs. Umaga: 1/4*

Big Show vs. Kane: Dud

RVD vs. Shelton: ***1/2

Shawn Michaels vs. Vince and Shane: **1/2

Cena vs. HHH vs. Edge: ****

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I might as well do star ratings for the first time in ages (even though nobody does them anymore):


I didn't pay much attention to Carlito vs. Masters and Big Show vs. Kane but they both looked like shit anyway.


Trish vs. Mickie: 1/2*- Really good beginning, they didn't wrestle but rather Trish started beating the shit out of her, bad finish however. Really a shame Trish got hurt, could have been good.

Ric Flair vs. Umaga: 1/4*, Umaga looked like shit but at least they tried to put him over

RVD vs. Shelton: ***, cool spots and all but there wasn't much heat; RVD's back was injured and subsequently ignored-- I thought they could have done more with that

Shawn Michaels vs. Vince and Shane: **1/4; entertaining crap. I can't believe these old goofs are still doing crazy spots. Shitty finish. "Father, son, holy Spirit Squad" is creative.

Cena vs. HHH vs. Edge: ***3/4 approx, probably will hold up much better than the Backlash 2004 triple threat. John Cena impressed. Good stuff.

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Carlito is gold. He sells like a champ. The match with Masters was average. Masters BOTCHING A KICKOUT was horrible.


Shame the Women's Title match got f'd over, it was going well.


Flair looked horrible in appearence and wrestling-wise. Squashed by Umaga, jeez...I thought the loss to Rico the Stylist in '02 was bad.


Kane/Big Show was beyond horrible.


Striker's classroom was filler, but Striker's amazingly comfortable and entertaining on the stick. Not offended.


RVD/Shelton went SOOOOO SLOWWWW for 15 minutes. I was predicting a 30-minute draw by the 20 minute mark (or so my friend claimed was 20 minutes in...might be wrong). Got better, though. These two just always look OFF when they face each other. The 5 star was awesome. Shelton looked like a great champ, oh well.


McMahon backstage skits went from lame to funny.


HBK Handicap Match was pretty average, with a horrible ending. Michaels and Shane's bumps made it watchable.


Main Event kicked ass. Liked it a lot. Everyone looked like a star, but Edge was bullied and "thrown out of the ring for minutes..." way too much. Triple H'd blade job was awesome. The end was great. Looking forward to a double-FU sometime.


Methink D-Generation X Vs. The Spirit Squad is coming soon after Vince "punishes" Triple H tomorrow for his actions at the end of the match.


Carlito Vs. Masters - * 1/2

Women's Title - *

McMahons Vs. HBK - **

Kane Vs. Big Show - *

Flair Vs. Umaga - 1/2 *

RVD Vs. Shelton - ** 1/2

Three-Way Main Event - *** 1/2

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Wow, this was by far and beyond the worst show in recent memory. The Mcmahon Michaels match was not only boring and offensive, but lacked all internal logic and heat. Vince Russo on his worst day could not have written such an overbooked, bloated, awful match. This ranks amongst The Doomsday Cage as far as bad main event matches goes. Kane vs Big Show was indescribably bad, I can't even begin to fathom what they were thinking there. Even RVD vs Shelton was totally paint by numbers. RVDs best days are long past, it was extremely notciable tonight that he was having a hard time keeping up with Shelton.

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Definitely a bad show tonight. Nothing was exceptionally good, and lots of things were exceptionally bad.


Trish/Mickie could've been MOTN again, but Trish got hurt, and this time there was no good cover job to be made. That one fell apart in a hurry. While I could buy Mickie taking the cheap way out from a storyline perspective, I can't buy her taking the cheap way out when Trish was clearly hurt. Oh well.


McMahons/Michaels had a good finishing spot, but damn did it draw out forever before that. Never mind all the sense it doesn't make.


The 3-way and RVD/Shelton were the only passable matches, but both had flaws.


Umaga/Flair and Kane/Show were both actively bad.


Carlito/Masters was ok, but Masters totally screwed up a two count somewhere in there.


I pray to god that "You love poop" does not catch on as a chant. Why is the Eugene gimmick still going?

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Wow, this was by far and beyond the worst show in recent memory.


Royal Rumble was much worse, it didn't even feature a match better than RVD/Shelton. And I didn't even see NYR or Taboo Tuesday but heard bad things.

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At least the Rumble had the feel good moment with Rey winning it.


But you're right... The rest was as bad as or worse than Backlash. Mickie/Trish cut short with a weak improv finish is still better than watching Mickie struggle to get anything remotely resembling a coherent match out of Ashley. And the 3 way tonight was better than Cena sucking the life out of the title by beating Edge too soon, and freaking Mark Henry in the main event.

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At least Royal Rumble had The Rumble. That Michaels vs Vince and Shane match tonight was just so bad on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin. It didn't tell any coherent story at all, there was almost zero action, a bunch of weak spots which were recycled from 1998 Mick Foley matches, almost no heat at all, way too much stalling and stumbling around both inside and outside the ring, a schmoz finish where no one was put over at all. Add in the fact that just when you thought the match was over, IT KEPT GOING FOR ANOTHER 10 MINUTES! Throw in how rediculously offensive this angle was to anyone with even an ounce of sense, and you have what is in my opinion at least, the worst storyline and PPV match WWE has done, ever. Katie Vick was stupid, and in poor taste, but it wasn't nescessarily offensive to any large group of people, and it didn't lead to any high profile PPV matches which they asked you to pay 35 dollars for. I truely pity anyone who paid money to seen this mess.

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