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WON News and Notes

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Here is the report from PWInsider:


CJ sent word that Ohio Valley Wrestling sent out this email this morning to its monthly TV tape buying customers:


We regret to inform you that after you receive the April 2006 OVW video, you will not be receiving anymore monthly videos after that.

WWE has acquired the complete OVW library and upon doing so we will no longer be offering any OVW products.


Your subscription would normally not end until June 2006 (2 months left) so we are offering three options to satisfy your investment:

I) refund by check for the remaining videos

2) we will offer you 3 DVDs of your choice from whatever is listed in DVD form on our website.

3) will will offer you 4 VHS of your choice from whatever is listed in VHS form on our website.


The shipping expenses are paid by OVW Internet Sales of course.


You must let me know asap what you would like to do as this must be taken care of promptly. You just need to respond back from this e-mail to me and I can get finish out your account.


I am sorry for any inconvenience.

OVW has always appreciated your support and patronage!



OVW Online Sales


I knew that WWE was in talks with OVW owners Danny Davis and Jim Cornette to get the rights to the footage. Now they have.

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This is why I don't see the ECW promotion working out because the second it starts to get better reaction than the WWE product Stephanie will throw a hissy fit and they'll either abort the project or make it look like crap (which they might do at the outset if they make them wrestle WWE style and force the promotion to use WWE production values).

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I'm still curious as to what they're going to do with the United States Title when JBL beats Mysterio. Another tournament? A Battle Royal?


I'd have Booker win KOTR by cheating, JBL brags about being double champion on Smackdown, Lashley comes out and challenges him, Long says that Bradshaw has to defend the U.S. title, Lasley wins thanks to possible Mysterio interference.


You can do a rematch with Booker and make King vs. U.S. Champion and continue the stuff with Rey and JBL until whenever Batista comes back.


I really hate that idea...


Booker winning the KOTR not do anything for his career, atleast with Lashley it will boost him to the main event scene.

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Will the aquisition of OVW's tapes mean we'll see more "Before they were superstars" and "Future Superstars" type things, you think?

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"It's believed wrestlers under contract but not being used would be sent to ECW, as well as talent that isn't getting over, with the idea Heyman can repackage them and get them over."


Here's hoping Doug Basham is sent to ECW.

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I'm hoping both Doug and Damaja get to go to ECW.

I LOVED Damaja's character in OVW and he was very good when allowed to bust loose. Him and Doug would actually make me consider watching Shotgun ECW a little more.

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The internet only thing is fucking stupid. They need this to air on TV.


Also the whole "we have to tone it down for later matches" is riduclous. Does this also mean the new "ECW" won't be allowed to have Cruisers who actually work like Cruisers?

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I'm hoping both Doug and Damaja get to go to ECW.

I LOVED Damaja's character in OVW and he was very good when allowed to bust loose. Him and Doug would actually make me consider watching Shotgun ECW a little more.


"Sawed Off" Shotgun ECW is a better name...given it already appears to be having it's legs cut out on it's taping and airing schedule

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They have GOT to have ECW taped AFTER.


It will be later, some of the kids can leave, the seriorest wrestlers can leave, and the diehards who want to see some raucous shit can move up, they dim the lights, switch the aprons... badda boom.


Don't have ECW talent on all house shows so that they can sleep in I guess...

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The internet only thing is fucking stupid. They need this to air on TV.


Also the whole "we have to tone it down for later matches" is riduclous. Does this also mean the new "ECW" won't be allowed to have Cruisers who actually work like Cruisers?


It means the new "ECW" will more or less be the same in the ring as the standard WWE product, just with more trashcans and road signs.

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The bookers will be Heyman and Dreamer but Dave says Tommy proved to be one of the worst bookers in recent history when given a chance in OVW.


Was he bad in the eyes of the smarks? Or bad in the eyes of management? Because it'd be almost impossible to turn both groups off.


Well, sounds like Dave was making his own opinion there on Dreamer's weakness as a booker.


Remember Tommy was kicked out of the booker's office in almost record time a couple years ago.


Yeah and I bet it was for something really stupid knowing Tommy like trying to put common sense into the booking. Can't have that.

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The bookers will be Heyman and Dreamer but Dave says Tommy proved to be one of the worst bookers in recent history when given a chance in OVW.


Was he bad in the eyes of the smarks? Or bad in the eyes of management? Because it'd be almost impossible to turn both groups off.


Well, sounds like Dave was making his own opinion there on Dreamer's weakness as a booker.


Remember Tommy was kicked out of the booker's office in almost record time a couple years ago.


Yeah and I bet it was for something really stupid knowing Tommy like trying to put common sense into the booking. Can't have that.


Actually, IIRC it was for acknowledging continuity errors. So yeah, basically. Wouldn't want the core fanbase to think paying attention is important.

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The internet only thing is fucking stupid. They need this to air on TV.


Also the whole "we have to tone it down for later matches" is riduclous. Does this also mean the new "ECW" won't be allowed to have Cruisers who actually work like Cruisers?


It means the new "ECW" will more or less be the same in the ring as the standard WWE product, just with more trashcans and road signs.


quotin' dis

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