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Guest Human Highlight Reel
No, you've got it wrong. Rey is not a small, talented worker to me. He's a stale, overrated, slightly taller midget who exposes the business every time he beats a 250+ pound man with a swinging kick to the "face", then jumps from a few feet away and gently caresses their chest with his 150 pound senton, or better yet does a 'rana where the opponent has to lift his legs in the air like a pornstar so little Rey can hook them.

The impression I'm getting is that you just hate Rey because he's small. He doesn't expose the business anymore then when Triple H puts someone between his legs and then lets go as a devastating finisher, or when Cena does the same five moves over and over and nobody sees it coming, or, hell, when one person does 4 or 5 clotheslines in a match and the opponent gets straight up, and then JBL does one and gets a three count. Hell, Hogan only ever used a boot and a legdrop, the difference being Mysterio does other stuff in the match. Is it less business exposing then the "Five Knuckle Shuffle" or The People's Elbow? Even using business exposing as an argument is weak, because everyone knows wrestling is staged, it's not a bloody secret to anyone anymore.

And if you really believe that stuff about Mickie James and the Boogeyman, you're just a jackass.

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To be honest, I wouldn't mind Booker getting the title. He would be someone new to the title, and he's been a good heel so far. I think he deverses a chance to atleast hold the title, after the many times WWE screwed him over(Espically at WM19).

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The impression I'm getting is that you just hate Rey because he's small. He doesn't expose the business anymore then when Triple H puts someone between his legs and then lets go as a devastating finisher, or when Cena does the same five moves over and over and nobody sees it coming, or, hell, when one person does 4 or 5 clotheslines in a match and the opponent gets straight up, and then JBL does one and gets a three count. Hell, Hogan only ever used a boot and a legdrop, the difference being Mysterio does other stuff in the match. Is it less business exposing then the "Five Knuckle Shuffle" or The People's Elbow? Even using business exposing as an argument is weak, because everyone knows wrestling is staged, it's not a bloody secret to anyone anymore.

And if you really believe that stuff about Mickie James and the Boogeyman, you're just a jackass.


I can't take a guy 6 inches shorter than me, and more importantly shorter than my mother, seriously as a World Champion in the WWE, especially when he has no amateur background. There's a difference between being undersized like Benoit or Eddie, and being a midget like Rey. Rey doesn't win with skill or cunning either, he wins every match by making his opponents look like lumbering fools and with the weakest looking offensive moves imaginable. When a smaller than his opponent wrestler can't use basic moves like a suplex or a bodyslam because he can't do them, it makes me lose interest in watching him. If you like seeing him as the champ, that's great. I don't, and never will, mainly because I've grown tired of Rey the underdog wrestling the same match for a decade, especially now that he can't do it as quickly or as crisp as he once did. Barring his supposed workrate in this day and age, he has no character to speak of, and he can't cut a promo to save his life. How is that any better than the alternatives SD is working with?

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I'll never understand the Booker T situation. To me, he's a guy who should almost always bee in the main event scene.


He got stale as a face, because the WWE doesn't know how to use him right. Atleast WCW knew how to book him as face, where he always stayed over.

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Booker T is never going to get a World Title reign in the WWE... he's finally realized that, which is why he's focusing more on his character and commentary. You're more likely to see a Mark Henry title run than a little one month reign for Booker.

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I'll never understand the Booker T situation. To me, he's a guy who should almost always bee in the main event scene.


What has he done in the past year or so to warrant being in, much less staying in the ME scene?

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I'll never understand the Booker T situation. To me, he's a guy who should almost always bee in the main event scene.


What has he done in the past year or so to warrant being in, much less staying in the ME scene?


That's the point.


I don't see why they've ever had him be a midcard guy, or even lower at times. He just looks like a guy that should always be pushed hard. If not always in the title scene, and I'm not saying he should always have the title or always be fighting for it, then at least always in somewhat high profile angles.


They have a perfectly fine main event worker, and they never hardly use the poor guy in that role.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel
he wins every match by making his opponents look like lumbering fools

No, no he doesn't, they usually have him win with skill and cunning.

Barring his supposed workrate in this day and age, he has no character to speak of, and he can't cut a promo to save his life. How is that any better than the alternatives SD is working with?

It's better because of his workrate. Besides, Mark Henry can't cut a promo without stopping for breath after every word. Orton can't cut a promo without mixing up his words or repeating the same thing over and over again. Mysterio's promos may not be great, but they're decent enough, plus he can work a good match, which is his advantage over JBL, who can cut a good promo, but can't really have a good match with anyone other than Benoit, and maybe Finlay.


As for Booker T, I think they keep him down the card because he's a 5 time WCW champ, and they have to show how inferior that title is, even someone who won it 5 times can't touch WWE's title.

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plus he can work a good match, which is his advantage over JBL, who can cut a good promo, but can't really have a good match with anyone other than Benoit, and maybe Finlay.


I know JBL isn't the best worker, his character makes up for anything he lacks in the ring in my opinion, but to say that he can only have a good match with Benoit and maybe Finlay is pretty damn stupid. I really liked his matches with Taker, I loved his matches with Eddie and Cena, he's had one or two pretty cool matches with Mysterio, he won a six-way match a while back that was pretty entertaining, etc... There are certain guys who shouldn't work with the guy since his style is a brawling type of deal. The guy isn't a great wrestler in any sense of the word, but that doesn't mean he can't have a pretty good match with any number of workers. Hell, if I remember correctly I believe the matches he had with TBS and Angle were pretty good.


The only two feuds that he's been a part of that didn't produce a good match at all would be the Boogeyman feud (come on now), and the horrible, horrible Batista feud.

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You are in the minority in liking JBL/Taker matches. I only recall one good one from SD earlier this year. The ones from '04 all sucked.


That said, I'm fine with JBL becoming champion again. I liked his first run and as Downhome said, what he lacks in wrestling skills he more than makes up with his character and ability to talk. He can sell a match on the mic better than in the ring.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

Well, I meant on the current SD roster, and I wasn't really a fan of his stuff with Taker, I do like a lot of his past stuff, it's not a knock against him.

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Bitches please. Their match in Toronto at SummerSlam had C-Bacon at ringside during the chokeslam on the limo with his "MUGATaker" and "Lita is a Dumas" signs. That's worth *** alone.

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Bitches please. Their match in Toronto at SummerSlam had C-Bacon at ringside during the chokeslam on the limo with his "MUGATaker" and "Lita is a Dumas" signs. That's worth *** alone.



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Vince made the call to bring back ECW on 4/20, while flying to Europe.


Meetings have taken place with all departments to get ready to revive ECW, which will come off of the upcoming ONS PPV.


Most of those internally were negative, especially Stephanie and Linda, but Shane was positive for the idea.


Many of those against the idea were likely telling Vince what they thought he wanted to hear, while some, like Stephanie, were against the idea because they don't think it will work, but also because if it does work they'll look bad because of Raw and Smackdown not clicking.


One source says Vince planted different stories around the company, but they all noted the quick sellout for the PPV, as well as increased website traffic. Also mentioned were the many merchandise opportunites. Vince phrased the stories in such a way that others were positive to the idea, and he made the call on 4/20.


There was speculation that a lot of this was down to Vince feeling the promotion was complacent.


The main programs are booked through the Great American Bash, but things will likely change at the end of June.


Dave feels the obvious nature of the launch is to create controversy off of the RVD vs. Cena title match, and that it's so obvious they have to do something different, where they do something like an ECW refree declaring RVD the winner and a WWE referee declaring Cena the winner, or RVD winds but then Vince gives the belt back to Cena.


At this point, ECW will primiarily be a familiar name for a higher level developmental territory.


If they can get used to working in front of 1,500 fans, more than in OVW, and working more often than in OVW, then they'll be more ready when making the jump to the main roster.


Paul Heyman will be the main booker, with help from Tommy Dreamer and Koskey helping.


Heyman is under a short-term contract extension, his second, and WWE has an option to extend it.


Heyman hasn't signed a long-term deal because it would preclude outside projects he is interested in.


The plan is to start house shows around 7/1, with the arenas being considered mostly ones that ECW went to.


One key reason this was done this year and not last year is house show business was dead, and it was felt house shows wouldn't be able to draw, but with house show business up, it's felt they have a chance to draw now.


The first shows will likely do well, but the follow up ones will have trouble, because no matter what is done, it can't live up to the mystique of the original.


As of now, there is no TV deal, and the show would air on the relaunched ECW website.


Vince is against adding another day of taping per week, as he feels there is not enough time, but a lot of what ECW did, brawling, blood, tables, etc, if done before Raw or Smackdown, would burn out the crowd.


For the sake of bigger shows, they won't be able to outshine or out stunt the later matches.


Those involved recognize the taping schedule will stay the same, as Vince wants it, but are still trying to convince him to add another taping, and if they have success then they are more likely to get what they're asking for.


The expense of adding another day of taping would make the venture a major money loser. WWE spends $500,000 per day of taping, and they wouldn't want to recreate the production values of ECW as they would be deemed not good enough.


Heyman has always been negative against Styles and says his ECW success was down to five hours of preparation and Heyman directing him on the one-hour shows.


No plans are in place for PPV's, but it's assumed if house shows do well then two or three PPV's may take place per year.


The idea is to hire around 14 former ECW stars for authenticity, with it being widely assume Van Dam would be the face of the company.


Sabu has agreed terms on a one-year deal, reportedly for around $175,000. TNA wouldn't guarantee more than $70,000, though he'd be working fewer dates and could still take international bookings.


At press time, he had verball agreed a deal that would begin on 5/1, and was told he would probably be on Raw that night (Obviously, that part didn't happen)


Others talked to and who have verbally agreed to be there at the start are Sandman, Tommy Dreamer (as a wrestler as well), Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney, Francine and CW Anderson.


Justin Credible hasn't agreed yet, as he could be part of the MTV venture, so can't yet join.


Lance Storm is willing to work some dates, but not a full schedule, and Masato Tanaka and Yoshihiro Tajiri are going to contacted about working as much as they can outside of their Japan dates.


Also being talked about to come in is Ikuto Hidaka, and Roadkill might also be a part of it.


Rhino has expressed an interest in returning, though he is leery of coming back after what went down in Nassau with him and Tajiri, where they were told to slow things down and Vince came to the ring and ripped into them for being boring. He was also very down for the rest of his tenure, as he was in a doghouse he wasn't going to be able to get out of.


The role for most of the names will be to put over the developmental guys and make them the next generation of ECW stars.


The contracts all give WWE an out to cancel them at any time for any reason.


Psicosis may play a part as the plan is to break him and Super Crazy up.


It's believed wrestlers under contract but not being used would be sent to ECW, as well as talent that isn't getting over, with the idea Heyman can repackage them and get them over.


WWE previously didn't want talent seen before they were ready, as they wanted the first impression of them being on Raw or Smackdown, so this represents a change in philosophy.


No decision has been made on what talent would be used in OVW, or what would be done with OVW.


There is a brewing dispute with OVW and WWE regarding the television show and videotape library.


OVW is owned by Dan Briley (Danny Davis) and Jim Cornette, with WWE subsidizing OVW, but far less than you think. Davis is paid a salary by WWE, and WWE pays the developmental guys used on their television. OVW owns its television shows, but WWE won't let them sell the shows overseas, or even outside of Louisville/Lexington, because while OVW own the shows, most of the wrestlers on them are under WWE contract. This has forced OVW to turn down deals over DVD sales and overseas channels. WWE has talked with them for some time about purchasing the tape library, but, like most other deals, WWE never get back with a price.


While not talked about, it's possible that if WWE and OVW break ties, OVW could sign a similar deal with TNA, and Cornette would then be back in charge of television, and while TNA has done nothing of this sort before, it would be disastrous for WWE to lose it's only system that hasn't destructed.


It's late because it obviously took a while to type up.

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I'm still curious as to what they're going to do with the United States Title when JBL beats Mysterio. Another tournament? A Battle Royal?


I'd have Booker win KOTR by cheating, JBL brags about being double champion on Smackdown, Lashley comes out and challenges him, Long says that Bradshaw has to defend the U.S. title, Lasley wins thanks to possible Mysterio interference.


You can do a rematch with Booker and make King vs. U.S. Champion and continue the stuff with Rey and JBL until whenever Batista comes back.

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This new "ECW" sounds better every day.


For the sake of bigger shows, they won't be able to outshine or out stunt the later matches.


WWE style ECW! Awesome! "Well, you can't do this and this. Oh, and this is out. Certainly can't do that."


The expense of adding another day of taping would make the venture a major money loser. WWE spends $500,000 per day of taping, and they wouldn't want to recreate the production values of ECW as they would be deemed not good enough.


I love this one. "We're not going to present ECW the proper way, we're going to present it OUR~! way. And since OUR~! way is too expensive, we can't give ECW its own night of tapings."

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I'm with the "Rey's moveset sucks" crowd. It works fine for other cruisers, but in a company where no-one under 230lbs usually even gets a SNIFF of the World Title he looks out of his depth because while i could see someone the size of Angle get beaten with a pinning rana or a seated senton (although that one's still iffy), someone the size of JBL, Taker, Henry, Lashley, or most of the rest of the uppercard just doesn't work for me.


Contrast this with someone like Paul London or Spanky - not THAT much bigger, but their movesets have enough 'snap' to make it believable that they could beat bigger guys. Rey's moves are basically designed to confuse and disorientate opponents to the point where he can pin the dizzy bastard, but when his opponents are hosses that sort of momentum-based attack doesn't work. You need to paste the buggers in the head a few times.

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Guest SetsunaMeioh

JBL as champ again? Thank God I stopped watching SD after Batista got injured. And as much as I love Rey, I knew this wouldn't last long. :(


As for ECW, I never got into them the first time around (was like 8 in their heyday and couldn't stay up that late to watch) but I'm willing to give it a chance before completely shitting on it.


BTW, thanks for posting!

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I guess I'm the only guy who liked JBL / Taker Last Ride match.


It's believed wrestlers under contract but not being used would be sent to ECW, as well as talent that isn't getting over, with the idea Heyman can repackage them and get them over.


Well, thats good to know.

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One problem with JBL getting the title back is Batista is due back sometime in the summer. If it leads to JBL vs Batista again, it may effectively kill SD.

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Nice posts, HTQ. Thanks.


There is a brewing dispute with OVW and WWE regarding the television show and videotape library.


OVW is owned by Dan Briley (Danny Davis) and Jim Cornette, with WWE subsidizing OVW, but far less than you think. Davis is paid a salary by WWE, and WWE pays the developmental guys used on their television. OVW owns its television shows, but WWE won't let them sell the shows overseas, or even outside of Louisville/Lexington, because while OVW own the shows, most of the wrestlers on them are under WWE contract. This has forced OVW to turn down deals over DVD sales and overseas channels. WWE has talked with them for some time about purchasing the tape library, but, like most other deals, WWE never get back with a price.


While not talked about, it's possible that if WWE and OVW break ties, OVW could sign a similar deal with TNA, and Cornette would then be back in charge of television, and while TNA has done nothing of this sort before, it would be disastrous for WWE to lose it's only system that hasn't destructed


A late addition to the OVW video library dispute, PWInsider now reports that WWE has in fact purchased the OVW video library.

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