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Okay...there's this awesome little game coming this fall, with a really cool art style, where you control a wolf and its squawky companion...oh, and its on PS2.




I had *heard* about it, and it looked mildly interesting. Then I played the demo, and was very much impressed. I didn't want to psyche myself up too much, though, because it is a demo. However, the import version has been scoring very well (including a 90 out of Famitsu, which is comparing it to Zelda), and now it looks like there's going to be yet another fall title I'm looking forward to.


For $4.99 you can try it on Jampack #14, plus there are playable demos of Shadow of the Colossus, Ratchet: Deadlocked, Shadow Hearts From the New World, Tomb Raider Legend, Beatmania, Steambot Chronicles, and MLB 06 The Show.

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Guest Smues

I saw a preview of this on X-play last summer and thought it looked amazing. I was kind of skeptical about the gimmick with the paintbrush (seems like something more suited to the Nintendo DS), but from all reports it works just fine. Can't wait for this to come out and I need to play that demo.

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I've wanted this game ever since I saw the G4's preview on it at the last E3. The constant delays are annoying (especially considering that I pre-ordered it some time ago and had expected Capcom to stick to their initial release date of the day after KHII), but if any games looks to be worth it, this is the one. The art style developed for Viewtiful Joe is obviously being used to its full potential for Okami, as it's one of the prettiest games I've seen in quite some time.

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I saw a preview of this on X-play last summer and thought it looked amazing. I was kind of skeptical about the gimmick with the paintbrush (seems like something more suited to the Nintendo DS), but from all reports it works just fine. Can't wait for this to come out and I need to play that demo.


Well, despite the fact that the DS could not pull it off graphically, when I first used your analog stick to control the brush, I thought the same thing. However, you don't need super-precision, mainly you gotta know when and where to use it. In the demo, though, there's no guesswork. They tell you when to use it, just to familarize you with the play mechanics.


While I don't make it a habit to reference Game Informer, I have to admit they have a good hands-on import preview here:



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This game is finally, FINALLY coming out tomorrow. I'm gonna hook my PS2 up to the family big screen TV and play it all day.

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-The developers said that they created the game specificly for the PS2, and that they are not going to be bringing this to a system like the DS or Wii.


-I got the demo in my new OPM the other day, and it's flat out awesome. I can't wait to dive into this one.


What with Yakuza being released recently, now Okami, and Guitar Hero 2 pretty soon, the PS2 is still going strong.

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It's a lot like the gameplay of the Zelda games, only with the cool brush control and the fantastic art style.


And unlike the 3D Zeldas, you have a jump button.

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It's Thursday and I still don't have this game.


*No* stores in the area have it. Not EB, not Wal-Mart, not K-mart, and I forgot about Target but I'm guessing not.


EB expects this afternoon on it, but a lot of good that does me since I'll be working.


Ditto on Rocket Slime, but I don't feel obligated to get Okami at EB since I didn't preorder it, unlocked RS.


I'll likely have it this weekend because I'm shooting to go out of town on Saturday, but anyone have it yet?



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It's "out" in the sense that the "ship date" was Tuesday and the game is technically in some consumers' hands.


Although I have yet to find a retail copy.

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Grabbed mine yesterday. Even got a little Capcom Calligraphy Pad as a pre-order bonus.


I haven't gotten too far into the game yet, but what I've played, I've loved. The art style is as beautiful and majestic as promised, the gameplay is fun and intuitive, and the characters exude a certain kind of charm that even makes up for the complete lack of voice acting. My only complaint is that the camera isn't quite the way I like it; the player can move it around as much as they like, but it always bounces back to the same overhead view that doesn't show enough of the landscape for my tastes.

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Guest Princess Leena

This game is awesome. It's just beautiful and there's so much to do. Just buy it, everyone.

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Flik, you lousy baka.


Rocket Slime will have to tide me over until I can go Saturday.

I'd have more money, but I spent $300 on a manga collection. Well, 350 Canadian, which equals 300 US, but anyways, I spent it all.


I have yet to play this game because family came over (damn my family), so I will now spend the rest of the associated night playing the life out of this game before needing to get ready at 6am for something that's called work.


...I think this work helps me have cash, but I have yet to validate this, as its all gone before my next check.

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I'm having a lot of trouble finding it as well. Didn't pre-order, because I was stupid and thought there would be plenty to go around. Some EB's in my town have it, but only the exact amount for pre-orders, and Futureshop tells me they have them, but they can't seem to find exactly WHERE they have them. So, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get it.

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Wow, this game is amazing. I love it. The art is just awesome, the gameplay is just phenomial, and I just got killed by some stupid flying fish that of course puts me back at the last time I had saved.


...which was about one hour ago. :( Damn, I haven't been so involved in a game that I absolutely lose all sense of gaming sense and remember to save often. This game is just that good.

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Guest Princess Leena

Yes. This game is simply amazing. It even finds a way to make loading screens fun. I can't wait to play it again.

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You know, at first I didn't care for the gibberish talk by the people because it wasn't real talk. But then, I'm like "man, I've gotten spoiled with VAs." Since then I really love it.


Also, this actually feels like a true dungeon crawler is supposed to be. An adventure that tests your reflexs, your wits, and makes you think.


...am I the only one who notices that the Wood Sprite's, Sakuya, ass is clearly not clothed? At first I thought it was me just trying to be a pervert about it, but it really is not clothed.


Oh and Cherry Bomb + baddies = major fun. ^_^

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It's Thursday and I still don't have this game.






I have a giftcard at Blockbuster, so I'll be picking it up there whenever they get it in.




Well, I just called BB and they told me that they have it in stock now. I might go pick it up after SD goes off, or wait until tomorrow. Either way, I'll have it pretty soon.

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