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Guest JustPassinBy

What are you a total geek about?

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Guest JustPassinBy

Does this describe you?


You live in the midwest and when there are tornado watches, you find yourself in anticipation.


When there are hurricanes brewing in the Atlantic, you check the NHC website for updates, if the storm is getting stronger, new pressure falls, etc..(even though the storm couldnt possibly effect you).


You've driven 10 miles out of your way just to chase a storm.


You think baseball size hail awesome, just as long as you have your car in a garage.


You find lightning shows intense.


You watch The Weather Channel at least 1 hour a day. Granted, its easy considering there's some total babes on there.


If you had a choice between seeing an F5 tornado up close, or getting laid, you'd choose the tornado.


Does this describe anyone here?

I think if I could describe one total geek thing about myself, it would be an addiction to weather.

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Guest Felonies!
I'm a complete and utter map geek. I own at least a hundred, and I find them all mesmerizing. When Google Earth was released, I nearly fainted.

I was a map geek when I was very little, like four or five. I used to make my mom buy me all the maps of greater Chicago. To this day, I'm the family authority on getting anywhere. I still have a few maps on my wall at home, but just one of the U.S. and one of the world.

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I'm a complete and utter map geek. I own at least a hundred, and I find them all mesmerizing. When Google Earth was released, I nearly fainted.

Same here, but I don't own more than 15.

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Horror. Don't matter if it's books, movies, games, tv, etc. If it's horror, I'll check it out.

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I'm a complete and utter map geek. I own at least a hundred, and I find them all mesmerizing. When Google Earth was released, I nearly fainted.

Same here, but I don't own more than 15.

I got a ton of them from my dad, who's probably a bigger map geek than me and had a whole bunch of National Geographic maps lying around that he gave me.

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Wrestling easily because no matter how un-impressed with the product I am, I can't stop watching, at least not for too long of a period of time.


Movies, but not in the way you think. I have this retared disease that makes me point out the stupidest things in movies, obscure shit going on in the background that probably no one else notices except my buddy Shawn. For example take Karate Kid, the scene will have us concentrating on Daniel and Ally on the soccer field, but my disease takes over and has me noticing "Thug #3" or in this case "Dutch" in the background making a-hol faces at Daniel.


Message Boards - Spend way too much time on them, if not posting...lurking.


Politics - You either love 'em or hate 'em, but the more you learn, the more it draws you in.

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Guest Princess Leena

I'm also sort of a map geek. I can get entertained too easily by Google Earth, at times.


Other than the internet addiction that's ruining my life, I'm not really geeky about anything else. Unless casual gamer still counts today.

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Guest wildpegasus

Wrestling ....















With women.

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Guest Vitamin X

Film, it's my career choice, and what I love to do and immerse myself deeply in. Gadgets. I don't think a day goes by that I don't check out gizmodo, engadget, or the local tech news. Also a total geek about football.. while I like other sports a lot, I'd been obsessed with football for the longest.


I also like reading the newspaper or reading the news online frequently. I hate, damn near refuse to watch TV news, but I love to stay informed. I used to be a total geek about car audio as well, but my current car doesn't allow me to be such a geek about it (since everything can and has been stolen from it in the past). So really, just about anything with electronics in general.

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I'm not a total geek about anything, I'm a little geeky about a lot of things.


Though I still read comic books at 25, so thats pretty fucking nerdy. I play through a video game like twice a year now. Watch lots of movies. Watch very little TV now (Basically The Office, Veronica Mars and whatever FX show is on.) Don't really watch wrestling anymore, though I buy a tape or DVD about once a year.

Oh, and I've seen my good share of anime, though I don't think I've watched anything besides a couple Miyazaki movies in the past year.

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I bought a car today because it was green. Well, not just becuase of the color, but that had a lot to do with it. So yeah, Green Lantern rules it.


Pro wrestling's pretty cool, too. Wrestling and Green Lantern.

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I'm not a total geek about anything, I'm a little geeky about a lot of things.


Though I still read comic books at 25, so thats pretty fucking nerdy. I play through a video game like twice a year now. Watch lots of movies. Watch very little TV now (Basically The Office, Veronica Mars and whatever FX show is on.) Don't really watch wrestling anymore, though I buy a tape or DVD about once a year.

Oh, and I've seen my good share of anime, though I don't think I've watched anything besides a couple Miyazaki movies in the past year.


well, I dabble in wrestling, movies (Star Wars especially), cartoons (Transformers especially), games, computers, comics (though I haven't picked one up since the late 90s)...pretty much the same as any other guy. While I know stuff about all those categories, I'm by no means an expert in any of them so I don't consider myself a total geek in any of them.

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Canadian spelling where applicable. Not so much English, but colour, centre, manouevre, tonnes - I get really anal about those.


Also, political geography. If someone says Finland is a part of Scandinavia, I lose it.

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I'm too lazy to be a total geek. I've got almost 20,000 posts on a wrestling message board, so there's that, but that doesn't take a whole lot of effort and to be a geek you've gotta put effort into it. But then again, I know way too much stuff about wrestling for me not to be a gigantic nerd. But it's not like I go out of my way for wrestling as most of the shit relating to it I do on a whim, and it's not like there's this organization of things which tends to also be a geek deal.


I once went to a Star Trek Convention, which is probably the geekiest thing I've ever done and while I am a Star Trek fan, I went there for a Firefly panel discussion and then left shortly afterwards. I'm not one to be too cool for school, but I don't see me going back to one of those deals again.


MMA is probably the geekiest thing right now. I'm willing to spend lots on MMA, whereas with wrestling if it's over $20, it's too much.


And TV. Television Shows are probably the most geeked out I get. Gilmore Girls, Lost, AR, 24, etc. When I enjoy a show, I enjoy it to absurd levels which can only be considered pure unfiltered geekery. I own more TV shows on DVD than I do movies and music put together and I am trying very, very, hard not to put any of my pay to buying more DVD's mainly because if I start I might not stop until I have no money left. Maybe I am confusing geek and junkie, or would they be interchangable?

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Oh yeah, I forgot hockey.


I must have the ability to watch every game or I'll fucking lose it.

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I'm not a total geek about anything, I'm a little geeky about a lot of things.



Seconded. I geek for World Cup soccer and WWE promo video pakages. I can't get that damn Shinedown song outta my head after buying the WM22 DVD.

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