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Wally Balls

Your dream WWE

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It seems like we all agree and disgaree on certain things. So I just want to know what all of you would like to see happen with the WWE in the next year.


Personally I would love to see...


Paul Burchill get a push...he gets good pop when he makes his entrance so its obvious that the fans like him...unless its canned heat which I doubt it is.


Carlito get a huge push as well. He has too much talent and charisma to just keep following Maria every show and not actually wrestle.


The Rock to make another appearance or two. Considering the lack of a 100% popular superstar, The Rock making an appearance would be amazing.


Make the tag team division serious again. The Spirit Squad and the Odd Squad are cool an all, but we need a hell of a lot more serious teams.


John Cena to start rapping and become a tweener once more.


Another draft lottery is needed as well. Raw is obviously the superior show right now so something needs to happen to spark intrest back into smackdown.


Thats about it

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The only reason RAW is superior is that Smackdown has had tons of issues with wrestlers dying, being injured, etc, and the WWE hypes RAW and denigrates Smackdown. RAW is like the "event movie" you want to see even though you know it will suck, just because it's been hyped so much it becomes a phenomenon.


Pretty much agree with your list.

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Stephanie McMahon booted from the creative director position.


Paul Heyman inserted in said position.


That would solve a lot of problems right out of the gate. What Heyman did with Smackdown in 2002 was awesome.


And I hate to ruin a dream of original poster, but PWI announced that Paul Burchill's pirate character has been scrapped. The creative team is in the process of finding something new for him, so expect him to be released in a few weeks when creative "had nothing for him".

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Guest Princess Leena

Smackdown is better than Raw. Just because their roster has lost all star power, it's much easier to watch than the usual stupid angles and filth on Raw.

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Ok Im gonna break this up into sections:


People I want WWE to push (more than they are):



Haas - pushed as a wrestling amchine, maybe get him a mouthpiece?

Eugene - as Nick Dinsmore or something else that is serious

Rob Conway - Repackage him and give him another chance

Val venis - At least try one more time with something new he can do

Finlay - He's got a good push but he could be pushed abit higher still

Matt Hardy - He does deserve better than to be a jobber. He could easilu be in US/IC title level.

Paul Burchill - Future main eventer. Nuff said

William Regal


People I would get rid off:


All the Divas who cant wrestle and isnt a good valet/manager.


Great Khali

Boogeyman - I have enjoyed some skits with him but he's awful in the ring and the gimmick is very limited.



Road Warrior



Some people like the Bashams and Sylvan and others I havent seen in a looooong time so I wont say alot about them.



Big changes:


Its clear that Vince dislikes a crusierweight division. So break that up and make the crusiers into tag teams. It seems like Vince tollerates them as teams a whole lot more than as singles competitors. Along with this make SD the tag team brand with the only tag titles. Of course tag matches can happen on RAW as well but not for any kind of title. It will be good to gather the tag teams on one brand now when the divisions are so small.


With tag teams championshi exclusive to SD RAW needs something of their own. I say build up the womens division. They had come a long way right before they fired most women that could wrestle. Rehire Molly (is she wants), Jazz, Nidia (she was getting better and better), Gail Kim etc. Then hire some Japanese Joshis. They can both work with the american ladies and learn them stuff as well as being portrayed as on-air charachters.



Small stuff:


Make RAW and SD look very different. I was never a fan of the ramps on the regular tv shows. Rather I like it minimalistic and I loved the old days when the entrance was pretty narrow and the fans all ahd their arms outstretched. The heel did all they could to not touch the fans while the faces clapped the fans hands. Then the bigger shows had bigger entrances.


Make HBK heel. He's not interesting as a face. His charachter totally sucks and its pretty boring. Make him heel and move him to SD.


Take Vince McMahon off my tv.


Of course they need a draft or some solution as to why SD gets alot of the bigger names. IM all for keeping the rosters static (not to many jumps) since that increases interest when someone changes brand but SD desperately need more main eventers.

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Smackdown is better than Raw. Just because their roster has lost all star power, it's much easier to watch than the usual stupid angles and filth on Raw.


Agreed! I also enjoy SD a whole lot more than RAW. However people dont seem to think like me and without main eventers the ratings are bad and Im thinking its threatening the show. The best would be if both RAW and SD were on about the same level. Competition wise I mean.

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end john cena's title run already

dont end the brand split but just have one world champion...its one company

if hhh gonna be a part of the wwe front office after vince dies...have him retire and go to school and train and what not

develop more faces instead of every single newcomer aside from lashley and gunner scott being heels

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Aside from the obvious (ie. Steph gone from the creative team), I would like to see the three brands go in completely different directions.


Turn RAW into an Attitude-esque, style over substance, sportz entertainment heavy show. The live atmosphere would benefit this type of show as well.


Turn Smackdown into an old-school NWA/WCW-esque promotion with emphasis on the in-ring competition and less convoluted storylines/more realistic gimmicks.


Leave ECW as the niche show and farm system to the other two, similar to what it was at its peak from 1995-97.

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Aside from the obvious (ie. Steph gone from the creative team), I would like to see the three brands go in completely different directions.


Turn RAW into an Attitude-esque, style over substance, sportz entertainment heavy show. The live atmosphere would benefit this type of show as well.

Turn Smackdown into an old-school NWA/WCW-esque promotion with emphasis on the in-ring competition and less convoluted storylines/more realistic gimmicks.


Leave ECW as the niche show and farm system to the other two, similar to what it was at its peak from 1995-97.


And call it WCW NITRO with Tony Schiavone & Ric Flair...It would work.

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Smackdown should be nothing but cruiserweights since UPN is changing its name to CW and Rey Mysterio should be a long term champion.

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Look on the bright side: if they fire Burchill maybe he'll go to TNA and be an athletic big man who kicks ass. And then he can feud with Samoa Joe, which would make me happy.

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Smackdown is better than Raw. Just because their roster has lost all star power, it's much easier to watch than the usual stupid angles and filth on Raw.


Agreed! I also enjoy SD a whole lot more than RAW. However people dont seem to think like me and without main eventers the ratings are bad and Im thinking its threatening the show. The best would be if both RAW and SD were on about the same level. Competition wise I mean.


I also think SD is the better show. The best way to put both shows on the same level is to make Smackdown a live show.


PPV-wise, Judgement Day was better than Backlash. That shows you SD can deliver.

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Smackdown becomes ECW.


All cruisers to ECW.


Randy Orton fired.


Mark Henry released.


JBL in a non-wrestling role.


Matt Hardy get a nice push. At least at the US/IC title level.


Undertaker retires at WM undefeated.


Male managers.


Stables once in a while.


Heel HBK.


A new generation of Hart wrestlers.


Cena as a full blown heel with a new look. He doesn't need a full make over. Just little things. Grow out some hair, lose the jean shorts, sneakers, etc,.


Continue to keep Edge with Lita (heels) and make him a regular World/WWE champion.


Build a real tag division. If they need to throw random guys together at first that's fine, but they need to look and work like a real tag team. MNM actually having tag team moves was great. It shouldn't be that hard.

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Oh boy...here we go:


- No McMahon final input in the new ECW...let Paul Heyman run wild so it feels like a whole different company...I see no problem with the latter as long as Vince is handling the paychecks.


- No more brand split. Since ECW is coming back, it should be the "other one".


- Since the brand split is over, the belts should be (World, IC, Tag, Cruiser, Women's).


- Make a competitive cruiserweight division. Ditto, tag team division.


- Speaking of which, the wrestlers should wrestle how they do best (technical, spotfests, brawling, etc.)...not just WWE style. That's what I prefered from WCW back during the wars.


- The Divas who can't wrestle shouldn't wrestle. They can be used for other things besides in-ring competition. Although, a bra and panties match here or there doesn't hurt...as long as it's not on a PPV card like Mania.


- John Cena...heel or face doesn't matter...just get your damn EDGE back...and that doesn't mean more gay jokes.


- Change in Shawn Michaels' stale as hell character...heel turn possibly.


- No more McMahon's as characters. No Steph on the booking team.


- Less talk more wrestling. For an example, Smackdown does it just fine but Raw...dear God.


- No wasting 20 minutes on talking. Rarely does an angle need THAT much time to get a point across.


- If you wrestle full time, you can't have creative input too. That means you Hunter.


- Make the WWE more logical and realistic. No more omnipresent camera to share the heels dastardly plans with the world. No more hearing Kane's thoughts and shit like that. Let's not forget continuity too.


- Don't let politics get in the way of business. (i.e.: Christian getting no push and a half-ass feud with Cena despite his crowd reactions, the MNM breakup despite lack of teams, etc.)


- Have a jobber match per show to let the up and coming wrestler show off his skills (IMO, it's working with Umaga).


- Different sets for the shows...they have gotten too GAUDY over the last years. No more "Across the Nation" for Raw's opening too. I HATE that song.


- Reduce number of PPV's. One every two months per brand. (i.e.: WWE has 6 per year...ECW the other 6 months)


- WWE's policy of JUST looking for wrestlers that are at least 6'2"/250 pounds is gone. They could pass over the next Hitman, HBK or Macho Man with that.


- No more gimmicks like "the mentally challenged wrestler".


- No more mandatory boob jobs or haircuts. Fuck the generic OVW graduate look.


- Variety in PPV main events (i.e.: HHH being in every World title match for 2 years and, more recently, Cena vs. Edge again?!?!)


- Managers!


- Try and have a use/character for all wrestlers. As much as I hate him, Vince Russo would not have 30% of the roster (for example: Val Venis, Stevie Richards, Doug Basham, Rob Conway, Cade and Murdoch, etc.) doing nothing right now.


AND this is all just off the top of my head. Why do I even keep watching? Oh yeah! My Fantasy team! :P

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I'd love to see some kind of CW Anderson/Ric Flair interaction, be it a one-off match in ECW or some kind of union if Anderson gets promoted to Raw. There's an easy history to mine there, what with CW having the Anderson (sort-of) connection.


Simon Dean given a decent singles worker to manage. It's too late to save him as a wrestler, but given a large, powerful heel (body courtesy of the Simon System, of course) to speak for, Simon's charismatic enough to get someone over, given mic time (something he doesn't get with the Gymini). Certainly better than re-hashing Nova in ECW, especially as any new viewers would wonder how he went from fitness guru to high-flying "innovator"


A real push for the Smackdown tag ranks. With Kendrick/London, Mexicools, Kash/Noble, Gymini, FBI and Scotty/Funaki they have enough teams to make a decent division. Reform the Bashams (Danny is hardly lighting up Raw, or even appearing to be exact) could help, as could pairing some of the new signings- Jindrak and Palumbo could work as a good unit.

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- No more mandatory boob jobs or haircuts. Fuck the generic OVW graduate look.


^^^^I second that...individuality is the key to success in wrestling

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Anyone else think that Vince McMahon was the biggest hypocrite ever in his criticism of WCW? He always attacked the fact that WCW had older stars in the main event, yet as soon as those older stars were available on the market he brought them in at a record pace.


Ric Flair in late '01

Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall in early '02

Roddy Pipe in early '03


We also shouldn't forget the fact that the same problem WCW had which Vince McMahon constantly made fun of, their inability to create new stars, is now what has McMahon's company on a slow and steady decline.


I would release every talent on the roster that was a main-eventer in WWE or WCW from '97 and earlier. No more Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels, etc.

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Here are the main improvements I want...


- DO SOMTHING WITH CARLITO! He's much more useful then him following Maria all day, he has The Rock-Like charisma and is very over. Atleast stick him in an IC fued with Benjamin or an Upper mildcard. If they are not going to do anything with Carlito on RAW, then please send him to Smackdown.


- Give Benjamin a manger ASAP. I like the guy, but damn, where did the promos skills go? Back in 2004 before he got injured, he was cutting good promos, and looked to be the potential WM main eventer, but damn man, what the fuck has happend? He needs to get a manger, because right now he's not comfortable on the mic. If Paul Heyman wasn't tied up with ECW, or Teddy Long wasn't busy with GMing Smackdown, they would be the perfect. I think that bringing back Ric Flair as manger/mentor type to Shelton Benjamin would be the perfect idea. Shane McMahon would also be a good promo man for Shelton, remember in 2000, I thought he did an awesome job as Benoit's manger.


- Give Booker T the World Heavyweight Title. He's the most over heel right now, and Rey Mysterio shouldn't be champion anymore longer. The WWE has been shafting Booker for years, and everyone thought he was done and should hang them up. But if anyone has ressurect their career so far, Booker has. He is one of the main reasons to tune into Smackdown, and he has made Bobby Lashley more over then he has his whole short career. If Booker T isn't champion by the end of 2006, then the WWE once again fucked up.


- Time to get over the Eddie death. I loved Eddie, he was a great wrestler, but damn stop using him for storyline purposes, just let his legacy live on.


- Spice up the tag divison. Getting rid of one of the only legit tag teams in MNM doesn't help. Tag Team divison has needed help since after the TLC days.

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-Edge as WWE champion with Cena and/or whoever else chasing the belt

-Keep Edge and Lita together, they are a fantastic combination

-Vince off TV except for very special occasions.

-Coach either as GM or Shelton's manager a la the guy in Jerry Maguire

-Women's Championship defendable on both shows but based on Raw.

-If Divas can't wrestle, then keep them out of matches. There are plenty of other things for them to do (valets, interviewers, etc). If they're seriously being trained then ok but not if its only a half-assed few months in OVW.

-Use Victoria properly for the love of god

-Kane vs Umaga feud

-Kenny and Johnny split from the Spirit Squad and pushed

-Charlie Haas pushed

-Flair retired from the ring for good. It's beyond a joke now. Make him GM or something if he won't go away.

-Harry Smith pushed



-Carlito moved to Smackdown and pushed

-Ken Kennedy pushed and Randy Orton booked properly as ME/upper-card cocky heels

-Matt Hardy pushed

-Paul Burchill pushed

-Lashley take down Mark Henry and Khali

-Rey drop the WHC to Booker T

-Booker/Regal/Finlay stable

-Get serious about the cruiserweight division, keep it based primarily on SD



-Tag division unified under the WWE Tag Team Championships, defendable on both shows

-Fire the Boogeyman, Road Warrior, Gymini and Chris Masters. I never want to see that boring sack of crap wrestle again

-I totally agree with the get rid of the mandatory hair cuts and boob-jobs sentiments. Huge tits do not necessarily equal a hot woman. e.g. Stacy Keibler compared to Beth Phoenix

-Same thing goes with the policy of hiring tall, big guys. Benoit, Bret, Malenko, Jericho and Eddie are all cases of fantastic guys being outside the WWE "norm" sizewise.

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