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New Metallica Song

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No Title, and lyrics not all the way finished. I like it, it has promise, but needs polished up. Miles ahead of any of the St. Anger stuff...and *gasp* a solo....


Audio:(fan recording, not the best quality, but from the 5 minute mark through about 6:45 or so...just good shit)






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Whoa, that song is actually really good. I didn't think Lars still had it in him to play like that.


Lars can give a good effort when he wants too...lol

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Kirk did a good job.


But really, the song is uncreative. Any band could come up with that. Aren't Metallica supposed to be, you know, good?


Wait, are we still stuck in 1989?




Lars sucks, like always.

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Kirk did a good job.


But really, the song is uncreative. Any band could come up with that. Aren't Metallica supposed to be, you know, good?


Wait, are we still stuck in 1989?




Lars sucks, like always.


Well to be fair, the song isn't finished. It was a rough version which I thought sounded pretty good. It obviously needs work, and to be cut down by a few minutes.

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Hrmmmm...intro's decent...sounds like an 8-minute long version of "Fuel" after the intro, though.


Though the more I listen to 80's Metallica, the less I like it. Sad, since that's what I used to consider the epitome of metal.

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It seems kinda hokey to me...like Godsmack or something. The blonde retard in front of the camera seemed to really dig it though, which is nice to see.

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One of those Metallica concerts overseas is being called one of the Top 3 Metallica shows EVER.


The Rock Am Ring show was a very good show. First show with Puppets in its entirety. I got a DVD rip from MTV over in Germany or wherever it was...great quality and a great show.

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Hrmmmm...intro's decent...sounds like an 8-minute long version of "Fuel" after the intro, though.


Though the more I listen to 80's Metallica, the less I like it. Sad, since that's what I used to consider the epitome of metal.


I think it will be cut down a good 2 or 3 minutes on the final version, at least I hope so. I still am waiting for a soundboard quality bootleg to fully judge even the version that is out now.


All the boots I have, including the one I posted here, are from someone standing in the crowd holding up a recording device..lol


Also 80's Metallica > anything else at that time. Anything up through Justice is classic.


I do dig most of the newer stuff to though(St. Anger not included), just a different vibe and different type of music.

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Also 80's Metallica > anything else at that time. Anything up through Justice is classic.

Classic: yes. But better than anything else at that time? Ehhhh...Maiden's owned Metallica in regards to great albums their entire career. And everything Metallica did was one-up'd by either Slayer or Megadeth. For pure speed and aggression? Slayer murders Metallica. Reign in Blood eats Master of Puppets for breakfast, and Slayer pits are a riot compared to a Metallica pit that involves a few shoves and some headbanging. For musical precision and instrumentation? Dave Mustaine has 'em beat by himself. Megadeth may not have been as popular as Metallica, but Metallica wouldn't have been the same if it weren't for Dave heavily, HEAVILY influencing their direction before James and Lars booted him.

I do dig most of the newer stuff to though(St. Anger not included), just a different vibe and different type of music.

I agree fully. If Metallica had called it quits following Justice and just changed their name, maybe gotten rid of Kirk and Jason and gotten two new members, nobody would really have a problem. The best bands never last for much longer than 10 years initially, anyway.

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Also 80's Metallica > anything else at that time. Anything up through Justice is classic.

Classic: yes. But better than anything else at that time? Ehhhh...Maiden's owned Metallica in regards to great albums their entire career. And everything Metallica did was one-up'd by either Slayer or Megadeth. For pure speed and aggression? Slayer murders Metallica. Reign in Blood eats Master of Puppets for breakfast, and Slayer pits are a riot compared to a Metallica pit that involves a few shoves and some headbanging. For musical precision and instrumentation? Dave Mustaine has 'em beat by himself. Megadeth may not have been as popular as Metallica, but Metallica wouldn't have been the same if it weren't for Dave heavily, HEAVILY influencing their direction before James and Lars booted him.

I do dig most of the newer stuff to though(St. Anger not included), just a different vibe and different type of music.

I agree fully. If Metallica had called it quits following Justice and just changed their name, maybe gotten rid of Kirk and Jason and gotten two new members, nobody would really have a problem. The best bands never last for much longer than 10 years initially, anyway.


I'll just agree to disagree. I don't think anything touches what Metallica did from 83-88 (KEA thru Justice), by any band during that time period. Not Maiden, Not Megadeth, Not Slayer....

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I am really hoping that they can get back on track. Re-Load and St. Anger were *such* disappointments to me, musically. They don;t have to remake everything they have done from 84-91, but they do need to get back to sounding like themselves... after Load, they definitely wandered far afield.

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Fuck...after Puppets they wandered far afield.


Justice was just as good as Puppets. Black Album = Meh. I loved Load, it was a different style, but it had Bleeding Me and Outlaw Torn, which are two of the best Metallica songs ever regardless of era. Reload was mostly fillers. St Anger = Crap.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Load, while an excellent album in its own right, was too much of a departure from what came before. ReLoad, even more so. I would have liked Load much better if Prince Charming was on it. That song was about as close to "classic" Metallica as they have gotten since the Black Album.


I will agree with you somewhat Corey, though Justice was the nadir of their "progressive" era. I remember reading an interview with Hetfield when it first came out and he and Kirk were talking about how during the recording they were basically jamming riffs together to make them fit. That's why though I like Justice just fine, it sounds a little artificial to me. Never mind that Jason was hidden throughout the enture album.


The Black album was a return to better and simpler songwriting, and they sounded much more like a band. I will give Bob Rock credit for that album, and basically telling Lars and James that they needed to give Jason his own sonic space.

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That's why I don't care for Justice too much. It's just James riffing for the sake of riffing and not for the feel of the song. Kill gets away with it because it was their first full-length (and I'll forever feel that the slow "break" part of "The Four Horsemen," the Kirk-written solo, is completely unnecessary and just pure masturbation), but Puppets and Lightning had songs that were long but had a purpose and didn't drag. I JUST realized that "Fade to Black" was nearly 7 minutes long the other day. The years I've spent listening to it, and it's always just seemed to fly by.


I think the only song off Justice that has the kind of flow that Lightning and Puppets had was "One," and maybe "Dyer's Eve." I'm a big fan of the closer. It doesn't get enough love. Probably their heaviest song, actually.


But yeah. Load is a good rock album, but it's not a Metallica album. After the standard they set with the first 4, and even with The Black Album, to go to Load was just too big of a transition. At least Slayer slowed down gradually from Reign to Diabolous, and the new track "Cult" seems like a decent-enough return to early 90's Slayer. Only, you know, with the awesomeness of Lombardo's drumming (I always give him the BJ when it comes to listing favorite drummers).


I hope the new album is at least on par with Load. That's it.

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I would be happy if they went at least that far. It would be too much to ask to back to Justice, much less Puppets or Lightning. If they got back to where it was during the Black Album, I would be ecstatic.


I'm almost afraid to listen to that mp3.

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I'm listening to it right now.


Intro is still pretty good, very Black Album-esque with a hint of Justice...then it turns into "Fuel" redux. Opening "main" riff is played a little too long, slight variation that would sound SOOOO much better palm muted. Verse has some decent flow, similar to "Ain't My Bitch" in sound with a little bit of "Frantic" thrown in. Chorus is pretty lame (which is sad since Metallica's strongest part of the song is usually the chorus).


Okay, I can't listen to it anymore. It sounds like a St. Anger song with a solo. That's all it is. A lot of promise here and there, but they resort to the same old "HEY, LET'S SAY 'FUCK OFF' TO PLAYING METAL AGAIN AND JUST START WRITING SOME BULLSHIT PSEUDO-GROOVE STUFF" that they've been churning-out since '95. Though I must say that the riff under the solo is pretty decent. Even if the solo sucks.

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I'll say this. There was a bigger change from AJFA to TBA then there was from TBA to Load.


As far as Slayer goes, and I have much respect for them, they are the classic example of staying "true" to your roots and still putting out mediocre/crappy albums.


As far as the new Metallica song goes, it needs work, and I think it will be cleaned up for the most part, but I dunno.


I just think the people who are waiting for another Puppets or Justice or Lightning are setting themselves up for disappointment.


Justice got a bit "over-technical" at times I agree, I think the band even admits as such today that the songs were them just tyring to show that they could play overly long/technical stuff. It still has some good stuff on it, and I love Blackened/Harvester of Sorrow/Frayed End of Sanity/Dyers Eve.

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Yes...mediocre and crappy albums...personally I'd rather have all of my albums since my golden years just be "meh" than be "oh fuck, that's terrible."


I'm not a fan of Divine Intervention, I think Diabolous in Musica sucks, and God Hates Us All showed a lot of promise. Kerry, Jeff, and Tom were fucking angry again. Christ Illusions has artwork done by the same guy that did the artwork on their trifecta of albums (Reign in Blood, South of Heaven, and Seasons in the Abyss), and "Cult" is actually a pretty good thrash metal song. I'm looking forward to it more than I am for anything Metallica could put out that wasn't an album covering NWOBHM bands and The Misfits.


And it's not really that Justice is overly technical...it's that it's too long. There's songs that are long because they sound better long and make sense long ("Master of Puppets," "The Call of Ktulu," "Ride the Lightning," and "One")...and then there's length for no fucking reason, which is what most of Justice was. "Dyer's Eve" was the right idea for that album: short, to-the-point, heavy, and fucking angry. It was an angry album, written right after Cliff died to help them cope and to show that they weren't breaking up just because a member died. It didn't need songs that are 9 minutes long, most of which is just repeating the chorus over and over.

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Yes...mediocre and crappy albums...personally I'd rather have all of my albums since my golden years just be "meh" than be "oh fuck, that's terrible."


I'm not a fan of Divine Intervention, I think Diabolous in Musica sucks, and God Hates Us All showed a lot of promise. Kerry, Jeff, and Tom were fucking angry again. Christ Illusions has artwork done by the same guy that did the artwork on their trifecta of albums (Reign in Blood, South of Heaven, and Seasons in the Abyss), and "Cult" is actually a pretty good thrash metal song. I'm looking forward to it more than I am for anything Metallica could put out that wasn't an album covering NWOBHM bands and The Misfits.


And it's not really that Justice is overly technical...it's that it's too long. There's songs that are long because they sound better long and make sense long ("Master of Puppets," "The Call of Ktulu," "Ride the Lightning," and "One")...and then there's length for no fucking reason, which is what most of Justice was. "Dyer's Eve" was the right idea for that album: short, to-the-point, heavy, and fucking angry. It was an angry album, written right after Cliff died to help them cope and to show that they weren't breaking up just because a member died. It didn't need songs that are 9 minutes long, most of which is just repeating the chorus over and over.


Well, at this point there is no use going around in circles since we are in different ends of the spectrum here.

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