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OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

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Let me see here:

ECW arena fans booed Vince's ECW house show out of the water.

ECW now is coming to Philly for a tv taping with RVD vs Edge for both the belts.


Yeah, this should end well.

Have Edge throw the ECW belt in the trash on live T.V.! C'mon, Vince you know you want to! bury the new ECW just like you destroyed them during the invasion angle, and the old WCW.

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Kayfabe wise, what's the point in this match when there's a title match with same contenders already booked at SNME. Whoever wins this one, it's gonna be inconsequential come SNME.

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For those of you saying "Holiday Show" and saying it won't be historic or important:


Wasn't the "Superkick Heard Round the World" that started WWE 2005's biggest feud of the year on...July 4, 2005?


I doubt it. I remember watching that episode and there is a 0% chance I was home on the 4th of July watching wrestling.

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Hasn't anybody figured out that the point of having the title match on July 4th is because they're trying to avoid getting the low holiday rating?


It won't work, but that's what they're trying to do.

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For those of you saying "Holiday Show" and saying it won't be historic or important:


Wasn't the "Superkick Heard Round the World" that started WWE 2005's biggest feud of the year on...July 4, 2005?


I doubt it. I remember watching that episode and there is a 0% chance I was home on the 4th of July watching wrestling.

It most certainly was last July 4th when that took place.

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Yeah and it was ultra retarded last year to do such a huge angle with far less people watching. The rest of that Raw was really horrible too, so I was stunned something as important as Michaels turning on Hogan went down.


Anyway, Edge is jobbing.

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For those of you saying "Holiday Show" and saying it won't be historic or important:


Wasn't the "Superkick Heard Round the World" that started WWE 2005's biggest feud of the year on...July 4, 2005?


I doubt it. I remember watching that episode and there is a 0% chance I was home on the 4th of July watching wrestling.

It most certainly was last July 4th when that took place.


Okay, so I totall misread the first post. When I read superkick and biggest feud I was thinking of Lance Storm and the WCW Invasion. Disregard what I said earlier.

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I say RVD will retain by hook or by crook on ECW TV, as Vince probably wants to save the big dramatic situation/title change for a WWE show like SNME.

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I don't really think that the title will change on SNME either. Where would Vince like to save the big dramatic title change more than anyplace else? Summerslam. Let's face it, the top angle on the new ECW right now is this RVD/Edge/Cena situation. If RVD simply loses on July 15 then where do you go with the remaining weeks on Sci Fi? If Sci Fi wants that WWE crossover appeal then they might get pissy about the Raw guys suddenly not being on the show.


In other words I think RVD will keep the belt until ECW is safely on Sci Fi for an extended contract.

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Kayfabe wise, what's the point in this match when there's a title match with same contenders already booked at SNME. Whoever wins this one, it's gonna be inconsequential come SNME.


Because this is for both belts, and the SNME match is for the WWE title only. It does seem like it would make way more sense though if they would have at least waited to announce the SNME match until after RVD/Edge. Shit, if they were really smart, they could have had Edge get a title match last week with the explanation that Heyman "owed" Edge for saving RVD, had Cena interfere to screw Edge, and then make SNME a triple threat with the logic that all three men need to be in the ring together so that they don't screw each other and keep there from being a clean finish. Then, we could have had RVD/Angle to see if Angle gets into the triple threat this week when the SNME match had already been announced on Raw.


Instead, they basically announced the triple-threat to the non-net audience in Angle's promo with no reasoning behind it whatsoever, and are no just throwing around a bunch more matches without even bothering to explain to why they're taking place. I don't know why they always get these little things wrong like this.

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Kayfabe wise, what's the point in this match when there's a title match with same contenders already booked at SNME. Whoever wins this one, it's gonna be inconsequential come SNME.


Because this is for both belts, and the SNME match is for the WWE title only. It does seem like it would make way more sense though if they would have at least waited to announce the SNME match until after RVD/Edge. Shit, if they were really smart, they could have had Edge get a title match last week with the explanation that Heyman "owed" Edge for saving RVD, had Cena interfere to screw Edge, and then make SNME a triple threat with the logic that all three men need to be in the ring together so that they don't screw each other and keep there from being a clean finish. Then, we could have had RVD/Angle to see if Angle gets into the triple threat this week when the SNME match had already been announced on Raw.


Instead, they basically announced the triple-threat to the non-net audience in Angle's promo with no reasoning behind it whatsoever, and are no just throwing around a bunch more matches without even bothering to explain to why they're taking place. I don't know why they always get these little things wrong like this.


Slow down there little fella, now this ain't no time for you to be runnin 'round with all this "makin sense" and rational thought business. Dis 'ere is da Dubya-Dubya-EEEE!! We believe in retards and live sex shows... not common sense...

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On the subject of "The Champion," thats what Heyman and RVD refer to the WWE title as on the 1st ecw show. They dont call it the "WWE" Title in ECW, its "The Championship." Joey's called it that a few times.

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Regardless of his drawing power, you have to admit that RVD is proving a lot people wrong now who say he can't work a good match unless being carried. Ever since ONS, IMO of course, he hasn't had a bad match, or non-entertaining match. Plus he has usually been working two high-profile matches per week, (Raw and ECW). I will never confuse him with a drawing superstar, but he is definately making the WWE/ECW Championship belt look good with all the good matches he is having.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

If Van Dam is gonna lose the ECW title tonight, I hope they forget about the double title RVD/Edge match, and just let a guy who is actually on ECW's "roster" win the title. It would be pointless for Edge to win the ECW title aswell tonight, as they could've just made the Triple Threat last night for both titles.


Probably Big Show. Or they could debut Test, and have him BOOT Van Dam right in the nose, "This is a Test, this a DRUG TEST, motherfucker".


Outside chances being, Punk, Sandman, or Dreamer.


Maybe Funk has "one more match" left, and begins a title feud with The Zombie.

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If Van Dam is gonna lose the ECW title tonight, I hope they forget about the double title RVD/Edge match, and just let a guy who is actually on ECW's "roster" win the title. It would be pointless for Edge to win the ECW title aswell tonight, as they could've just made the Triple Threat last night for both titles.


Probably Big Show. Or they could debut Test, and have him BOOT Van Dam right in the nose, "This is a Test, this a DRUG TEST, motherfucker".


Outside chances being, Punk, Sandman, or Dreamer.


Maybe Funk has "one more match" left, and begins a title feud with The Zombie.


You don't think Vince would have Angle squash RVD (maybe not squash, but beat convincingly) just to put the belt on a "safe" guy? Not only a WWE guy, but someone Vince is pretty sure (emphasis on "pretty sure") won't get caught with weed, or snorting blow off some hooker's stomach, or something else that might sully the sterling reputation of the company? I could definitely see that happening. But yeah, Show's on my short list too. Another guy Vince probably sees as "safe". I just personally don't think they've built him up enough for the ECW crowd. Pummelling Dreamer every week will only get you so far. Gotta show something new.

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If they put the belt on Test, I am not watching this ECW again.


I'll agree with you there....but since I live in Canada I can't watch it regardless yet anyways

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Whether we like it or not, Test will probably be a pushed upper-midcarder-lower-main-event type in ECW. Mainly cause the WWE fans that happen to be at the tapings will boo him and not just sit on their hands, regardless of any hand-sitting they did the last time he was around.

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I REALLY hope the Philadelphia crowd shits all over this show. If they can sustain a "This Show Sucks" chant throughout the entire hour, I will call them the greatest wrestling fans in history.

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If Edge wins the ECW title tonight, expect the riot we would have gotten had Cena won the title at One Night Stand.

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For those of you saying "Holiday Show" and saying it won't be historic or important:


Wasn't the "Superkick Heard Round the World" that started WWE 2005's biggest feud of the year on...July 4, 2005?


I doubt it. I remember watching that episode and there is a 0% chance I was home on the 4th of July watching wrestling.

It most certainly was last July 4th when that took place.



It sure was because Me, Ced, Darthtiki and Dangerous_A were AT THE SHOW!!!

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I'm still trying to figure out why everybody at WWE seems surprised that RVD got caught with marijuana in the first place.

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In all honesty I don't think the crowd will riot if Edge wins tonight. They all by now know the deal with RVD. You know, isn't it funny that Jim Ross was sticking to the "Cena is soooo controversial" crap last night on Raw? His opponent just got arrested for drug possession!


Man, drug related arrests. Potential riots after his matches. RVD is becoming the biggest anti hero in wrestling. He makes Austin circa 1998 look like Pat Boone.

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Guest Princess Leena

I'll be watching tonight, solely on the hope that TEST~ returns.


If he doesn't, I'll hate all of you for teasing me.

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