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Atticus Chaos

RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

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I was hoping that the two would get fired immediately and thus save their careers. But as usual, WWE will bury them hard before axing them so they can't draw anywhere else.

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RVD = Matt Hardy


RVD wont get a push now, he'll be doomed to doing jobs. Nice work there Rob.

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They'll push RVD when he returns from this 30 day suspension....I mean they'll kinda have to. Truth be told, if this ECW experiment just folds in August it'd probably be better if he just got released. If the new ECW survives, he's obviously going to have to get revenge on Heyman and the Big Show, since that is where the entire angle from last night is leading.

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I agree cabbage. I think they have to push RVD when he returns based on the current angle. Also, doesn't this arrest just further RVD's "street cred" because isn't his gimmick a guy who smokes dope on a daily basis? Hell, didn't one of the recent DVD releases have a segment of him sharing a freakin' peace pipe with Tatanka?

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Guest Overworked

lol probably split RVD and Sabu up though, after all these years of them being apart RVD for all we know has been at least clean and maybe a bit sober, but now that Sabu is around again, he is like that enabler...


"Come on Rob, whos to know, we're in a car have some weed man, look the Shiek approves" (pointing skyward)


"Wow you must be high that is the most I heard you spoke in twelve years. This must be good stuff."

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Guest Princess Leena
Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the best look in wrestling. Rob does not.

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Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the best look in wrestling. Rob does not.


HAHA..wait a second..HAHA..ok..no..HAHA..ok.


Orton is hardly mr Professional either, and if he keeps having things given to him on a silver platter despite his screwups than he'll be no better than RVD in his 30's either.


And Orton still has that Vanilla "Everybody has to look the same" look circa 2003..


And a mime could be better on the mic than RVD, so thats not much to brag about.

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Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the best look in wrestling. Rob does not.

Well, Rob's more interesting to watch than Orton, and is immensly more entertaining, and I'm not even a big RVD fan. That's saying something.


Oh, and please, quit calling him Randall. It makes seem even more gay.

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Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the best look in wrestling. Rob does not.


Like Randall hasn't displayed unprofessional behavior? What was he just suspended for again? RVD was pulled over with 18 grams of marijuana and will be back once the smoke clears, fines are paid and the story is no longer noteworthy. Randall's behavior was supposedly so bad that there was actual talk of never bringing him back.


Randall can not speak on the live mic. He's bland. He may deliver the lines of his scripts slightly more convincingly than RVD but he's never pulled a "money" promo, the closest was probably his work with Mick Foley and that was because of Foley.


Randall's best look in wrestling keeps male fans from cheering him and also does little to help protect him from the ridiculous amount of injuries he's sustained in the short time he's been with the company. He was out of action more in his three years with the company than RVD has been his entire career.

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I was hoping that the two would get fired immediately and thus save their careers. But as usual, WWE will bury them hard before axing them so they can't draw anywhere else.

If they're fired with cause, they can't go anywhere until their contracts are up. This probably isn't a problem for Sabu...RVD is another story. How much time is left on his current deal, anyway?

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I've been pulled uover with way more then 18 grams of weed and 5 Vicodens before.


All you gotta do is eat the shit, Jesus, it's not hard. I've known that rule sice I was like 11.


Oh well, if they want this ECW thing to work at all, RVD has to come back in 30 days and get on another roll, winning titles left and right, and Sabu needs to be pushed hard while Rob's gone.


Hopefully we get a CM Punk/Big Show title program, and Punk can carry Paul to a good match. Or Sabu ins the title, and he and RVD fued over it when he returns.


This whole thing will be straightened out after the court date.


Vince just doesn't want to go up against the government again over his champ doin' drugs. Especially after he's repeatedly mentioned defeating the government over the steriod trials.


If they stick RVD back in the title scene as soon as he returns, and Sabu, 'Show, Punk and a returning Angle are in the title scene, it could work. Hopefully Edge gets back on Tuesday Night RAW.

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I was hoping that the two would get fired immediately and thus save their careers. But as usual, WWE will bury them hard before axing them so they can't draw anywhere else.

If they're fired with cause, they can't go anywhere until their contracts are up. This probably isn't a problem for Sabu...RVD is another story. How much time is left on his current deal, anyway?



I think he just resigned before his surgery, while he was out for surgery, or somethin'.


So he's probably got a pretty long contract.

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Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the most generic look in wrestling. Rob does not.


Edited for accuracy.

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Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the most generic look in wrestling. Rob does not.


Edited for accuracy.




Vince: This is worse then that time when I was Randy Orton's magic mirror.


*Flash to Randy's apartment*


Randy Orton: Magic mirror, how can I look like a douchebag today?


Vince: Well Randy, um first of all, I would say spike your hair, pop your collar and act like a sleazy near-pedophile jock.


Randy: Ok, I will.


Vince: And you just snorted blow off Candice's ass, right?


Randy: Yeah.


Vince: Uh, I would say just go ahead and threaten to fuck Hulk Hogan's almost underage daughter.


Randy: Um...ok.


Vince: So let's see, we covered the hair, the sleaze, popped collared shirts, ... um... oh! Don't forget to walk around with an undeserved sense of accomplishment.

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Frogg, I'm not sure how wise it would be for RVD to eat the weed plus the 5 Vicodin and then Sabu to eat however many pills he had.


Incidentally, how is RVD unprofessional? I don't know of any huge heat he has with guys in the back for refusing to do a job. Or sexually harrassing the divas. Or shitting in people's bags. In the past he's done some interviews criticizing the company, but again this is stuff that has no real bearing on WWE and is outside the ring (and also who knows how much he was working and how much he was shooting).


Now if RVD showed up for matches wasted and injured someone, that would be unprofessional. RVD landing on HHH's throat= accident. RVD landing on HHH's throat while high on weed=unprofessional.

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Vince: This is worse then that time when I was Randy Orton's magic mirror.


Someone watches a lot of Family Guy...

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Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the most generic look in wrestling. Rob does not.


Edited for accuracy.




Vince: This is worse then that time when I was Randy Orton's magic mirror.


*Flash to Randy's apartment*


Randy Orton: Magic mirror, how can I look like a douchebag today?


Vince: Well Randy, um first of all, I would say spike your hair, pop your collar and act like a sleazy near-pedophile jock.


Randy: Ok, I will.


Vince: And you just snorted blow off Candice's ass, right?


Randy: Yeah.


Vince: Uh, I would say just go ahead and threaten to fuck Hulk Hogan's almost underage daughter.


Randy: Um...ok.


Vince: So let's see, we covered the hair, the sleaze, popped collared shirts, ... um... oh! Don't forget to walk around with an undeserved sense of accomplishment.


Coming this fall to NBC..its..Dysfunctional Family Man staring Vince, Linda, Shane, Stephanie, HHH, their baby and Bluto the dog. Its the McMahons like you've always seen them...just in hilarious sitcom form.


HHH/Steph's baby could be just like Stewie except instead of initially wanting to take over the world..its wanting to take over the WWE.

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Given WWE's track record, I"m not expecting RVD to make a huge "hero" comeback on Big Show and Heyman when he gets back. Show will probably be to busy with Test anyways.

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Randy Orton is WWE home-grown...RVD is not. There is the difference. Orton's reputation was built up by Vince, Van Dam had his rep built well before he joined Vince's dysfunctional family that is the WWE. That's why Orton is about to do a program with Hulk Hogan and Van Dam is about to get jobbed out to the Vampire.


Or it's because Randall is in his 20's, Rob is his 30's and continuously shows unprofessional behavior. The fact that he was so over in 2002 is probably the only reason he's still employed by WWE.


Randall can speak on a live mic. Rob cannot.


Randall has the most generic look in wrestling. Rob does not.


Edited for accuracy.




Vince: This is worse then that time when I was Randy Orton's magic mirror.


*Flash to Randy's apartment*


Randy Orton: Magic mirror, how can I look like a douchebag today?


Vince: Well Randy, um first of all, I would say spike your hair, pop your collar and act like a sleazy near-pedophile jock.


Randy: Ok, I will.


Vince: And you just snorted blow off Candice's ass, right?


Randy: Yeah.


Vince: Uh, I would say just go ahead and threaten to fuck Hulk Hogan's almost underage daughter.


Randy: Um...ok.


Vince: So let's see, we covered the hair, the sleaze, popped collared shirts, ... um... oh! Don't forget to walk around with an undeserved sense of accomplishment.


Coming this fall to NBC..its..Dysfunctional Family Man staring Vince, Linda, Shane, Stephanie, HHH, their baby and Bluto the dog. Its the McMahons like you've always seen them...just in hilarious sitcom form.


HHH/Steph's baby could be just like Stewie except instead of initially wanting to take over the world..its wanting to take over the WWE.


I'd watch it.

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From wwe.com:


WWE responds to charges against RVD and Sabu

By Ed Williams III

July 5, 2006



World Wrestling Entertainment earlier this week announced it was investigating five violations, including drug possession, levied against Rob Van Dam and Sabu by the Ohio State Highway Patrol. WWE announced today that based on information gathered over the past few days, Van Dam has been suspended without pay for 30 days and Sabu has been fined $1000. These actions are consistent with the Wellness Policy at WWE.


According to the Ironton Tribune, Rob Van Dam and Sabu were pulled over on U.S. 52, near Patrick Street in Hanging Rock, Ohio at about 10:15 p.m. Sunday night. The two were apparently driving from their performances at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena earlier in the evening.


According to the Ohio State Police, as reported by the Ironton Tribune, Van Dam was initially stopped for speeding. When troopers approached his vehicle, they smelled marijuana and performed a search. Troopers found RVD in possession of 18 grams of marijuana and five Vicodin, prescription pain pills. Sabu was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and also had nine pills that were not immediately identifiable, but were known to be controlled substances, according to the OSHP. Both were cited and posted bond at the scene.


It's surprising that, compared to RVD, Sabu only got a slap on the wrist.

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Van Dam had actual drugs on him. Sabu only had paraphernalia. That would probably explain the different penalties.


Still, it's foolish to believe that Sabu wasn't doing the same things in that car that Rob was doing.

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Sabu being fined $1000 in theory sounds like he's getting off relatively light here, but as already noted he didn't have actual drugs on him. I have to wonder, was the paraphernalia actually his stuff? Hell, I bet RVD gave it to him or loaned it.


Van Dam should have kept the MITB briefcase as a place to store his stash.

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PWInsider have got some stuff on their hotline about future plans for Sabu and RVD if any suscribes?


I'll give it a listen really quick...

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A few quick bits:


-Quite a few other wrestlers were pulled over for speeding in the same area that RVD/Sabu were stopped.


-RVD will be gone for 30 days, but he's in line for a huge push on his return next month.


-It's been said that RVD and Sabu are taking their punishments like men, and not complaining at all since they know it's their fault.


-Sabu's push will continue.


-So, obviously, neither men will be fired over this issue, and after this month, they'll be moving forward as if it never happened.


-The reason Sabu isn't being suspended is because the drug paraphernalia found on him had not been used, he simply had it.


-Vince McMahon loves Sabu so much right now that Sabu doesn't have anything to worried about in terms of getting fired or being de-pushed. Vince loves the oldschool type of wildman character, as well as his in ring work.


-RVD had a bad knee months ago, and he's been needing time off anyway, so this is almost a good thing for him.


-RVD was originally going to transform the WWE title into the ECW title, so that's why he got both titles. He was going to drop the WWE title at Vengeance, but then they had the idea to do it on the SNME show. In the end, he only lost the belt just under two weeks early.


-There was never any plans to have RVD drop the ECW title.


-Kurt Angle is taking time off because of personal reasons. As a matter of fact, Kurt has been suspended for 30 days as well, but they are not sure why. The reason he didn't come back now that RVD is off the show for now, is because he's officially suspended because of some sort of personal reason.


-The creative meetings recently, because of everything that's happened, have been totally brutal. They went well into the night on Sunday night, and then all day on Monday.


-The Al Snow/Test match was originally going to be a competitive back and forth bout, but it went short because they wanted more time for the main event.


-The network was behind them saying that Tony DeVito wasn't actually a priest there at the end of his little rant. They didn't want it to be viewed that they were really beating a priest.


-The "ECW Rules" thing was totally Vince's idea, and his alone.


-Internally, they decided to put the strap on TBS, and many thought it was the end of the RAW crossover. But no, the "ECW Only" show was just a one time thing for now. The RAW crossover stuff is not done with at all.


-Kelly Kelly - We see her every week because Vince McMahon loves her and thinks she does a great job.


-Kelly has been very vocal about not wanting to go back to OVW, because she's annoyed with the fans asking her about what it's like to be on the main roster now. She also hates all of the attention that she gets down there now.


-A lot of people internally are wondering what happened to the Ken Kennedy push. They say that it's possible that "that ship has sailed" in terms of his push. Backstage recently, Kennedy was blaming Super Crazy for the recent match at the SD taping being sub-par (a lot of editing has been done to put it on TV for this Friday's SD show), saying that it was Super Crazy's work that caused the match to be a let down.


-Gunner Scott is not popular at OVW anymore at all. When he left in the first place, he had an attitude where he acted like he was above OVW after being brought up to the main roster, and now that he's back down there with that group, he's not really being accepted because of how he acted towards people back when he left to go up to the SD roster.

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