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ECW Shirt Poll

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ya they are THAT bad

Compared to most WWE shirts that have been put out...no they aren't.


I'm not saying they're PERFECT or GREAT, I'm just saying they're not TERRIBLE.

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They suck compared to the old "ECW in barbed wire" shirt.


I'd go with #1, but without the "Extreme since 1993" on the back.

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Why is there a ... bee on the 4th one?


And I guess I'd pick the 3rd, if at all.


But EC F'n W is where it's at...

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I like them all. I didnt get the 4th one at first but its cool how the bug sucks the blood. I could probably wear them alle xcept for number 3. I think it looks good but its not my style really.

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They all suck but if I had to pick one, it would be the first one.


The 2nd one looks like the Andre the Giant handprint with the ECW logo over it.


The 3rd shirt looks like a rehash of Edge's rated R shirt with some minor differances


The 4th shirt, just makes no sense.

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I took the bug in the fourth one to be a cockroach.


And like a cockroach, ECW just won't die (although the new version might finally do the trick).


If that's actually a cockroach, then I like it. A lot.


If not, it sucks.

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#4 is very symbolic. The mosquito is sucking the blood out of the ECW logo, much like Vince has sucked the lifeblood out of ECW.


As a shirt, it sucks.


None of them are that good, really.

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I'll never understand why they have these polls...


Why make a shirt, and then not distribute it? Why not just make a lot of all, then that's even more sells for them.

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I'll never understand why they have these polls...


Why make a shirt, and then not distribute it? Why not just make a lot of all, then that's even more sells for them.

Going by their sick, twisted logic...


This is the way that they prove that they listen to the fans.

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With #3, and Edge's new shirt, and one of the options for Angle's new shirt, it looks like they've hired some cookie-cutter designer who likes to use the same all-over print theme and placement of images over and over again.

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These would all be quite allright if there weren't the "ECW"-text.

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The classic shirts were the best because they didn't try and go overboard with the logos or surrounding art. Out of these ones, I'd wear #3. #1 aint bad, but I'd take out the "give blood" and make the logo bigger, and on the back I would keep "Extreme Since 1993, but make it in plain white or red lettering in a bigger font. Also, I like how it features a blade for blading, lol.

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I can't believe anyone would wear #3. I assume these same people probably wore Hypercolor shirts back in the day, or possibly even still.


In fact I'm not even sure Mick Foley would wear that shirt.

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I can't believe anyone would wear #3. I assume these same people probably wore Hypercolor shirts back in the day, or possibly even still.


In fact I'm not even sure Mick Foley would wear that shirt.


Or those awful button-up short-sleeved shirts that have hotrod flames or dragons and kanji characters on them. They're like the new Hawaiian shirt. For big fat party animals only. :P

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I can't believe anyone would wear #3. I assume these same people probably wore Hypercolor shirts back in the day, or possibly even still.


In fact I'm not even sure Mick Foley would wear that shirt.


Or those awful button-up short-sleeved shirts that have hotrod flames or dragons and kanji characters on them. They're like the new Hawaiian shirt. For big fat party animals only. :P


And Matt Young.


None of these shirts are any good.

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1 or 2, since they're the simplest ones in design. The designers ought to remember "less is more."

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I'll never understand why they have these polls...


Why make a shirt, and then not distribute it? Why not just make a lot of all, then that's even more sells for them.


WWE hasn't made these t-shirts yet. They've simply designed them. Designing a shirt costs very little since WWE surely has in-house people.


Printing thousands of shirts, however, does cost money. And if you print thousands of shirts that don't sell, it's bad for business.

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They're nowhere near the quality of the actual ECW shirts. But, of these, the best is the white one with the bloody handprint. Nothing stupid on the back (at least nothing that's shown), and it's a wrestling shirt that isn't black.

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