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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO Raw Thread - July 10th, 2006

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My landlord just called me and told me to quiet down from yelling curses after seeing Vince get rolled up.


Ok, thats not true, but I haven't sworn like this from wrestling since HBK put the sharpshooter on Hogan last summer.

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As one of the biggest supporters of the random shit WWE puts out (what can I say, I'm easily entertained)...this is such bullshit. And just so fucking stupid.


Hell, Eugene completely no sold a five man beating. It's not like the destroyed, but he got in the ring and rolled Vince up like he wasn't feeling a thing. Just fucking stupid.

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At least the DX crap was cut SIGNIFICANTLY tonight.


Replaced with excess Eugene and bad promos from cookie cutter stanks.



The lone highlight of the night was a drunk Edge.

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Guest JustPassinBy

That might be one of the worst Raws I've seen in a long long time.

The overrun was just terrible.

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At least the DX crap was cut SIGNIFICANTLY tonight.


Replaced with excess Eugene and bad promos from cookie cutter stanks.



The lone highlight of the night was a drunk Edge.


That's true.


Oooh, Shawn of the Dead on HBO! Now the night gets entertaining!

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It was cool when the DX music started, then just died. They were setting up a net to land on them? C'mon that' was stupid in '98 in WCW, it's sort of funny on cartoons, but it's really lame now

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Shelton/Cena was decent


Same for Cena/Edge interaction


Even though it seems wrong for Flair to be involved with ECW, I liked the way it was setup


Trish/Melina stuff was OK


Everything else I could do without

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Shelton/Cena was decent


Same for Cena/Edge interaction


Even though it seems wrong for Flair to be involved with ECW, I liked the way it was setup


Trish/Melina stuff was OK


Everything else I could do without


C'mon you know Val vs. Randall was the MOTN

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Guest InuYasha
Well, Psych looks interesting...


Only 2 minutes in.

Yeah, it's a prety good show. They struggled going 90 minutes with the pilot, but the rest will probably be good.

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What do you guys mean? That main event was gold!


I like the guy up in the thread who said Smackdown is now better than RAW. Rip Van Winkle, is that you?


The last interesting thing on RAW was Batista turning on evolution. That was a very well-scripted and booked angle, a nice slow build with a great payoff. The culmination at the contract signing was great. After that it's just been total garbage. Angles started and then randomly aborted, Cena and his horribly booked run, etc. They've just been meandering aimlessly since that time.

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Shelton/Cena was decent


Same for Cena/Edge interaction


Even though it seems wrong for Flair to be involved with ECW, I liked the way it was setup


Trish/Melina stuff was OK


Everything else I could do without


C'mon you know Val vs. Randall was the MOTN


I missed it b/c I was trying to catch the HR derby and kept it on a little long.

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I used to rush home in 2002 to catch Raw after work. And it wasn't very good then.


Seriously, this has been the worst year ever in WWE history. Ever.


I know Smackdown! has produced a couple good matches, nothing great, every year in WWE history has produced at least a few excellent matches, IMO. This year hasn't.


It's the most fan insulting, talentless, dissapointing year ever, with poor PPV payoffs, cornball humor, and shitty workers.


This is the last Raw for me for a while, probably until the generally pretty decent December to January period.


I'll give Smackdown! one or two more tries.


Hendricks, Umaga is awful but has gained 'net support for being so stupid he's cool on a ship full of scurvy.

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Why does everyone have such a hard on for Umaga? He's shit with the same shit gimmick every single week. Ooh! Thumb to the throat of death!!


It's not about Umaga. It's about AAE. He's the IWC hard-on of the month.

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Why does everyone have such a hard on for Umaga? He's shit with the same shit gimmick every single week. Ooh! Thumb to the throat of death!!


It's not about Umaga. It's about AAE. He's the IWC hard-on of the month.



Well, that's cause if the hard on lasts for more than four weeks, we have to see a physician.

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Why does everyone have such a hard on for Umaga? He's shit with the same shit gimmick every single week. Ooh! Thumb to the throat of death!!


It's not about Umaga. It's about AAE. He's the IWC hard-on of the month.



Well, that's cause if the hard on lasts for more than four weeks, we have to see a physician.


Yeah, i'm sure most smarks can't afford health insurance :D .

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So, is it safe to say that a night of poker with my friends was much better than what would have been if I would have stayed at home and watched WWE?

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Guest JustPassinBy

I think the most irritating thing about Raw is listening to JR try to sell the show.

That, and Cena trying to copy Stone Cold Steve Austin out of the ring, and trying to copy The Rock when he's in the ring.


Edge and Foley are the only bright spots right now.

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