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OAO The Great American Bash Thread - July/23rd/2006.

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Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. Jamie Noble & Kid Kash open the show. Kendrick pinned Kash after a sunset flip off the top rope. Kash tried to block it but London dropkicked him. Good opener.


In the surreal moment of the night, Teddy Long said that Bobby Lashley couldn't wrestle because of an elevated liver enzyme count. Lashley came out, all suited up, and said he wanted to wrestle and that there was nothing wrong with him. Long told him he'd like for him to wrestle but it's for everyone's best interests. Fans of course booed this.


Finlay wanted to win by forfeit but Long ordered Finlay vs. Regal for the U.S. title which is up now.


Sorry for the computer problems. Finlay won after the Mini stole Regal's boot, gave it to Finlay and he hit Regal for the pin. Crowd was chanting "boring" when they weren't quiet. Stiff hard hitting match but crowd wasn't into it at all. Too much comedy and midget interference so it wasn't nearly the match they could have had.


Gregory Helms b Matt Hardy with a schoolboy holding the tights. Good match, although crowd wasn't into it until the finish with lots of good near falls.


Big Show and Khali attacked Undertaker backstage. It was a weak attack. Long ordered Show to face Undertaker and booted Khali out. Weak.


Undertaker vs. Show in the Punjabi cage is up now. It's two bamboo stick cages. Cool looking structure. There is a cage around the ring and a 20 foot cage around that one on the floor. You have to escape both cages to win. The inside cage has doors but the outside cage doesn't have doors. They went 20:00 of a horrible match with a weak finish. Undertaker did a cross body from the first cage, not high on it, but more middle rope level, into show and the second cage simply opened. I think the idea was the impact was so much it crashed through the door, but it was so weak and the cage opened up anyway. Both guys juiced and that was about it. The only thing I kept thinking as bad as this was, is how they possibly could have even tried this match with Khali. They both went through the cage and ruled Undertaker as the winner. JBL had to go on and on here saying that this proved Undertaker was back.


Booker & Sharmell are kissing since Booker is attempting to become king of the world.


Bra & panties match is up now. Rules were the first woman to get stripped to the bra & panties, the one who strips wins. Kristal got stripped as Jillian held her and Ashley pulled her small t-shirt off. Then Jillian & Ashley took the others' skirt off. Michelle McCool was wearing two skirts so nobody got to see her bra or panties. Crowd was probably less into this than any bra and panties match ever. Just seemed like nobody cared about the four personalities involved and it was just faceless strippers rolling around in mud.


Batista vs. Kennedy is up now. Kennedy bled like a pig. The first time was from being run into the steps right away and if he bladed, he sure hid it well because it didn't look like it. Later he went at 100 miles per hour into the post, shoulder first, but came up just drenched in blood. Batista started choking him with his boot and was DQ'd. Post-match saw Batista use three spinebusters and a Batista bomb and Kennedy was left laying covered in blood.


Mysterio vs. Booker for the title is up next. Good match, but nothing special. Nick Patrick was bumped and Rey did the frog splash but no ref. Booker went for a chair shot but Rey ducked and dropkicked the chair into his face. Chavo ran in and hit Rey with a chair and Booker covered Rey for the pin and the title. Good chair shot. So Booker is now the king of the world.



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The Prison match was just horrible. I'd say a contender for worst MOTY. Meltzer pointed out the same thing I was wondering... if it was this bad with Big Show, how bad would it have been with Khali? 20 minutes of build, only for them to both lightly fall through the cage wall. I liked the sound effect at the end of 60 second door intervals, though.


The main event was good enough, and Chavo's chairshot was sick. How about that random shot into the crowd and the John Cena kid yelling "YOU CAN'T SEE ME."

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So, Booker T is the World Heavyweight Champion (awesome). Batista was I believed announced as the Number 1 Contender. And tonight, Kennedy, albeit not in the best manner defeated the #1 contender.


Wonder if this means Kennedy vs Batista vs Booker at Summerslam.


Unless they're just gonna say Kennedy's win didn't count as a win. I'm torn between what I want to see happen. As much as I want to see a good one on one main event World Title match, between two top stars like Booker and Batista, I want just as much to see Kennedy get a World Title shot. Even though I want Booker to retain. So it's a toughie.

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Triple Threat would be a good way to go, that way Booker can "steal" a pin on Kennedy and save Booker/Batista for Survivor Series. That way Booker holds onto the title for more than a month.

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Kennedy injured at The Great American Bash

July 23, 2006


At The Great American Bash, Mr. Kennedy was busted open during his match with Batista when he was rammed into the steel ring steps.


When examined in the locker room, he was found to have a severe laceration of the scalp that exposed his cranium. According to WWE physician Dr. Ferdinand Rios, Kennedy required more than 20 stitches to close the wound.


From WWE.com. Heh, the opening page caption is pretty funny, because it's beside this picture of him with this huge cocky smile on his face.

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Ok, I didn't order the show, so anybody have pictures of the cage and what Kennedy looked like after the match? The only photo I found was a B&W one on the WWE website.

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Was Greg Gagne the booker for the show? There was too much punch/kick action and every heel won by cheating or holding the tights. What was the deal with the Batista vs Mr. Kennedy, Kennedy match ending with the 5 count ref stoppage? That is the type of BS finish that should be done on the weekend midnight show that nobody watches like Shotgun, Metal, Velocity not PPV! And WTF was the deal with the Undertaker vs Big Show match that had JBL saying "THIS IS NOT THE SAME UNDERTAKER...THIS IS NOT THE SAME MAN FROM MONTHS AGO.....HE IS A SHELL OF HIMSELF" then he goes and wins the match by botch suplex cage breaking spot!?!?! And did Sharmell have to say "HAIL KING BOOKER" for 10 minutes nonstop after getting the pinfall SHIT you could still hear the banchee shrills during the instant replays!

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I checked out the show:


Good opener, lots of great psychology, Kendrick and London looked like stars.


Shitty Taker/Show match, as usual. Horrible.


Batista/Kennedy was an odd pairing, but Kennedy's massive bladejob was cool.


Hardy/Helms had a terrible ending, good match though.


4 Way bra & panties was awful. Jillian looked HIDEOUS. Kristal and Ashley's catfighting looked authentic, at least, they're very energetic.


Regal/Finlay was absolutely boring and dull. They brought no brutality and stiffness, no WCW '96 brawl, no holy shit this is cool moments, just some comedy, European uppercuts, and restholds.


Booker/Rey was cool, felt important. Chavo's chairshot was STIFF.



JBL on commentary, 4 things:


He's absolutely really funny sometimes.




His bringing up history of wrestler's, titles, and events was very good.


He repeats himself ridiculously too much.

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Wow, I know a lot of people were saying this was pretty much a 'WCW One Night Stand' PPV. But...


Looking at the above post, only people who had no connection with WCW were Batista/Kennedy and Hardy. I know that wasn't all the matches, but still, wow. (plus you've gotta add Noble)


Who would have thought years ago, that you would be seeing Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guererro, and fucking Paisley! involved in the main event of a PPV. Damn.

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I felt overall the show delivered. This certainly for the past GABs being complete utter shit. The Punjabi Prison structure truly was awe inspiring and had that certain WOW factor much like the Elimination Chamber.


Hardy / Helms was the MOTN IMO. They really hit it off.


On Sunday, the WWE has a chance to make a star. Although we will likely see Batista squash Mr. Kennedy, they can pull of an almost Rocky like story with Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy doesn't need to win, all he needs to do is go the distance and take Batista to the limit. All the seeds are there, an unproven challenger steps up as a last minute replacement, a replacement likely to be destoryed. Have him go the distance with out using too many cheap heelish tatics and boom, new #2 heel for Smackdown. I'd go as far as to not have him do the name thing, because he is in the zone and focused. That would make for some great TV and gives Rey someone to face after King Booker wins the championship. It won't happen because Kennedy has reportedly fallen out of favor with management but with Smackdown's roster so thin they really need to.


After going back and reading this, IMO I felt that's what happened and I enjoyed the match. I was surprised Kennedy won. Sure, he got dominated, but I'm really grateful it wasn't a 5 minute squash like I feared. Kennedy makes a great foe and I'm hoping he'll feud with Batista after SummerSlam if Angle / Benoit / Taker aren't planned to feud with Animal.


Just curious, did they bring back the Red,White and blue ropes?



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You could've probably watched a WCW pay-per-view during the never-ending Punjabi Prison match.


I loved how they built so-called "psychology" around ESCAPING THE BAMBOO prison before the doors closed...for like 20 minutes.


Then, as soon as Taker GETS trapped in there, he no-sells the entire concept of the match by climbing over the "deadly, spike ceiling cage" in like 10 seconds.

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Sounds like an interesting show that made the most out of what it had (which admittedly wasn't very much). I'm surprised at the move of making Kennedy the #1 contender. Obviously, it won't stay that way, but throwing him in the Summer Slam ME isn't a bad idea. He has nothing else to do on that show.


I'm also disappointed there was no UT murder. I was really hoping they would make that an annual tradition.

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Signs of the night


619 will be out of service after tonight


Lashley can have my liver

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ABout Page 4:


JBL does mention Hardy/Helms breaking into the business together.


JBL mentions taking an opponent lightly, and The APA doing just that and losing the WWF Tag Titles to Matt Hardy.


JBL says Helms is the best thing on Smackdown!.


JBL mentions Helms is the ONLY MAN to be WCW and WWE Hardcore Champion.


Helms won by dropping Matt jaw-first onto the top turnbuckle, a roll-up, and handful of jeans (which Cole repeatedly said were tights).


JBL: "C'mon Matt! Why don't you have your internet fans send you an e-mail and help you win! They can text message you and help you get back into it!"



Also, Michael Cole says that the bout is a non-title match, due to Hardy gaining weight since his last run as champion.

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ABout Page 4:


JBL does mention Hardy/Helms breaking into the business together.


JBL mentions taking an opponent lightly, and The APA doing just that and losing the WWF Tag Titles to Matt Hardy.


JBL says Helms is the best thing on Smackdown!.


JBL mentions Helms is the ONLY MAN to be WCW and WWE Hardcore Champion.


Helms won by dropping Matt jaw-first onto the top turnbuckle, a roll-up, and handful of jeans (which Cole repeatedly said were tights).


JBL: "C'mon Matt! Why don't you have your internet fans send you an e-mail and help you win! They can text message you and help you get back into it!"___


Also, Michael Cole says that the bout is a non-title match, due to Hardy gaining weight since his last run as champion.






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JBL also mentioned he was a member of the Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness tonight.


He was referencing EVERYTHING, from the WCW Hardcore Title (Helms) Harlem Heat's performances at the Bash in the past to Finlay & Regal's WCW brawls 10 years ago.


Michael Cole was horrible, as always, but JBL and him work well together.


:::during the Finlay/Regal match:::


Cole: "That damn little troll under the ring!"

JBL: "He's not a troll, he's a leprechaun!"

Cole: "A LEPRECHAUN!?!?!?! Come on, there's no leprechaun.

JBL: "Remember 2 years ago when I won the WWE Title here at the Bash? The guy you announced that show with was also a leprechaun!"

Cole: "Well, haha, yeah."

JBL: "I wonder how many of them live under the ring!"

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JBL is really growing into an excellent announcer. He's heelish without being blindly stupid, he puts over both heels and faces, references all sorts of cool shit, plays really well off of Cole and his idiocy and he stays in character. Some people here have criticised him always interjecting himself and his career into the commentary but I don't think that it is always necessarily a bad thing. He's gone overboard a few times and put himself over rather than the talent in-ring, but when he's not overdoing it I feel that it gives it even more credibility when he talks up a guy like Gregory Helms. He also seems to be something of a mouthpiece of WWE management with his comments about guys like Hardy, Kennedy, London, Kendrick, Kash, Noble and Helms.

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A decent PPV. London/Kendrick-Kash/Noble was good(these teams really work well together). Hardy/Helms was also impressive. Finlay/Regal was a real disappointment(it had the potential to be match of the night). Taker/Big show was interesting mostly for the design of the prison, but it wasn't bad. Kennedy/Batista had a crap finish, but at least it wasn't a squash. Rey/Booker was good, but it didn't improve greatly from their match on Smackdown. I'm glad Booker is champ though, and Chavo's chairshot was cool.


Considering the changes to the card, this PPV was decent.

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The Punjabi Prison match totally needs to be used again with guys who can do more with the gimmick. It was a really cool concept for a match.


Also, while the show was good overall, did anyone else think that the theme of the night was lame finishes? I don't think any match had a particularly good one. At least 3 matches had exceptionally bad ones (Hardy/Helms, Taker/Show, Batista/Kennedy), and the rest were just lazy booking.

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