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Somebody has way too much money to be bidding over a thousand bucks for that.

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Heh, I never knew anyone who had the ROB...a friend of mine had the one that came with the Powerpad (thing you could run and jump on), along with the standard two controllers and light gun, though. It also had the three game cartridge, which was neat.

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I'm not suprised it's at such a high bid right now.

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Guest Princess Leena

I could see if there was one idiot paying this much for it... but, there's 6 of them raising the price of this to crazy levels.

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Guest guerillagenius

His sister is kinda cute. Too bad she's prolly not legal.


You are a very sad individual, indeed.


She's not even cute.

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Mine came with the transparent purple one too. My friend had the special yellow Donkey Kong 64 controller though.

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I almost shit a brick when I opened my NES back in the day. I would never have spent $1000+ for this, but having this kid's 64 would be quite the little bragging right, since this video has achieved such notoriety.

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His sister is kinda cute. Too bad she's prolly not legal.


You are a very sad individual, indeed.


She's not even cute.


It's not even that. It's the fact that this douchebag even feels the need to post a statement like that regarding a minor. Seriously, if that's the only thing that pops into your head upon first glance, then you've got some fucking issues.

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Seriously, if that's the only thing that pops into your head upon first glance, then you've got some fucking issues.


I was going to post a *Forget looks, I just focus on their racks, or the spot where they will become developed in a few years.* response, but instead I'll just applaud spman and guerillagenius for their efforts. God job gentlemen.

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When I got my Sega Genesis, it was hiden in my grandma's yard during the annual Easter egg hunt.


That shit ruled, and I'm sure I FREAKED THE FUCK OUT when I found it.

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