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WWE News and Notes - 8/7

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Guest The Great Muta


There was a lot of unhappiness over the crowd at the Hammerstein Ballroom, mostly, but not solely, down to the obscene chants. Production had to turn down the crowd audio due to the obscene chants and the feeling was the crowd was smart enough to know the chants would be a problem and did them anyway, though apparently it would not have been much of an issue if they had not crapped all over Batista, who is one of their handpicked guys. Batista letting it get to him as bad as he did didn't help, and the reactions made it very likely the 12/3 PPV would be moved to Chicago.



Umm, yeah, this is why I said wait until Meltzer reports it, regarding Vince and Co's reaction to the crowd at Hammerstein Ballroom crowd. This report is the opposite of PWInsider, which said Vince was happy with the crowd and felt that the crowd made the show special. Of course this report is also more specific, breaking down the crowd reaction for different segments.

So what is the true story? PW Insider's or Dave Meltzer's???

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One item from the Observer I missed was the story behind Gunner Scott/Brent Albright being demoted. When he was called up they had no idea what his strengths were. They tried to make him Benoit's protege but after Benoit was put out of action Albright was lost and, apparently, Finlay buried him for some reason.

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The match in question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ16lett0N8


And I assume, Credible USED to work at target...when he had no job.



That was a good little match. The crowd was into, it was smartly worked , Val sold the leg being worked on throughout the match, fuckin COACH even did a decent job of putting Punk over on commentary. I loved Venis' 10 clotheslines in the corner.


It's a shame Val will never be used correctly.



And Credible working at Target and screaming at the fans as he drove by about it fucking awesome.



The only thing I didn't like about that match was the finish. Val got very little offense in for the STO-type slam to really have had that much effect (the gutwrench powerbomb earlier should have kept him down longer than that). Even if you add in the powerbomb and the STO, there was too much in between them (and most of it was Punk on the offensive and hardly looking weathered).


Had they even given an extra minute or so to Val's comeback and lead into the STO after a rope running segment or something, then it might have looked better. CM Punk flapping on the mat didn't help either, but that's fairly normal when the finish is of the top rope variety.

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i saw the match, he did a good job working the leg for the majority. So it was alot less indy than the match with Credible. I dont see anything in it to bury him


What should have been buried is the team of Coach and Grisham. Reminded me of Cole and Kevin Kelly, except without the coolness

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One item from the Observer I missed was the story behind Gunner Scott/Brent Albright being demoted. When he was called up they had no idea what his strengths were. They tried to make him Benoit's protege but after Benoit was put out of action Albright was lost and, apparently, Finlay buried him for some reason.


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One item from the Observer I missed was the story behind Gunner Scott/Brent Albright being demoted. When he was called up they had no idea what his strengths were. They tried to make him Benoit's protege but after Benoit was put out of action Albright was lost and, apparently, Finlay buried him for some reason.


Wow they really do their homework don't they? Jesh I cannot believe that people who probably get paid a good deal of money can be so damn bad at their job - "No idea what his strengths were", it's someone's damn job to know.

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It's not like he's some indy that they just picked up and debuted right away either. The guy was on a developmental contract for months and was the OVW Heavyweight Champion for fuck's sake.

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Albright was in OVW for like two years. I think his problem is that he doesn't really have one standout strength to his game. He probably should have been brought up in a tag team, but with the push they gave him he ended up looking like a 2nd rate Benoit immitator and was dead in the water when Chris got injured. The writing team is too busy writing dick and fart jokes to research new talent (not that they'd know how to spot and classify workers anyway), they probably watched two OVW shows, saw his look and saw him using a couple Benoit moves and decided they had Benoit Jr. on their hands.


-- had no role for Noble? If you have the most talent depleted roster on tv and someone is sent home because 'they have no role' then the creative team needs to be suspended


Yeah, there's at least a dozen better ways to handle it. Why not come up with a kayfabe suspension for Kash and continue with Kendrick/London and Noble by having Noble try out different partners every week. Heck, maybe him and a random partner manage to win the belts, then when Kash comes back he and Noble just jump the guy and claim themselves as the champs. Better than doing nothing.


As far as AA rumoured as being down on Punk, you've got to remember where his bread is buttered. He's Flair's boy, and Flair is in HHH's pocket. If Michaels and Hunter come to him and say they had x, y and z problems with the match is he going to disagree with them? He's not above being a stooge, and you don't want to get on those guys' bad sides. But is it not just as likely that they didn't air it because they decided they didn't want Punk's first TV match to be a loss, and fed that story to the sheets to keep up his 'street cred'? I mean, if guys with clout are going to bitch and moan about that match then practically every match on RAW should fail to see the light of day.


I didn't see anything particularly wrong with the match, except maybe Punk using the ringpost and an Indian Deathlock. Those are reserved for main-eventers.

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Guest aural angel dust

It wasn't the Val Venis/Punk match that HHH and Shawn Michaels slated. When Punk was signed they taped him on Heat with Mickie James as his valet going over a jobber, but THAT was the match that didn't end up airing.

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As far as AA rumoured as being down on Punk, you've got to remember where his bread is buttered. He's Flair's boy, and Flair is in HHH's pocket. If Michaels and Hunter come to him and say they had x, y and z problems with the match is he going to disagree with them? He's not above being a stooge, and you don't want to get on those guys' bad sides. But is it not just as likely that they didn't air it because they decided they didn't want Punk's first TV match to be a loss, and fed that story to the sheets to keep up his 'street cred'? I mean, if guys with clout are going to bitch and moan about that match then practically every match on RAW should fail to see the light of day.


I didn't see anything particularly wrong with the match, except maybe Punk using the ringpost and an Indian Deathlock. Those are reserved for main-eventers.


The long-time criticism of CM Punk has been that he "imitates" a wrestling match instead of "working" a wrestling match. He has also been cited as a guy who tries to shoehorn a storyline into his matches, even if it's just 5 minute filler. It's completely plausible that an old-school guy like AA would be down on that sort of thing because he was raised on realism in his matches. It doesn't necessarily mean he's a toadie for HHH.


Just because the internet likes the guy doesn't not mean he's above criticism, and just because HHH and Michaels had issues with his match doesn't mean they are openly burying him. It's not as black and white as the internet tries to portray it.

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With the way all of Michaels' matches are EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME these days, I really don't think he should criticise anyone's ability to tell a story in the ring.

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Telling a story in the ring isn't as important as it used to be. Different fanbase. They want results, quick, then comedy and divas.

I've always wanted to meet you, Mr. Russo. What was it like working in WCW?

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Guest DRH 502
Telling a story in the ring isn't as important as it used to be. Different fanbase. They want results, quick, then comedy and divas.


Go watch the Angle/Benoit Royal Rumble match from I think 2002. Go watch Shelton Benjamin vs. Shawn Micheals from last year. Go watch Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit Owen Hart Tribute match. That was in front of a WCW crowd who could give a fuck about wrestling, but through storytelling by the end of the match they had the crowd in the palm of their hands. Bret vs. Austin was a perfect story that arguably started the move to WWE dominance in the Boom Era. Wrestling has always been about storytelling. Thats what you are doing, you have two dudes in the ring. They are fighting. For what? Depends on the story. Sometimes competition, sometimes to "hit da pay windah ©Dusty*", sometimes for a belt, sometimes to settle an old grudge...wrestling IS storytelling.

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Personally, I thought making Gunner Scott into Benoit's protege was a pretty good idea. It seemed like something they haven't used in quite a while, and fit in with his ring persona, IMO. Of course, this writing team seems to completely derail any wrestler that gets temporarily sidetracked due to an injury or something.

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With the way all of Michaels' matches are EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME these days, I really don't think he should criticise anyone's ability to tell a story in the ring.


Telling a story in the ring isn't as important as it used to be. Different fanbase. They want results, quick, then comedy and divas.


I've always wanted to meet you, Mr. Russo. What was it like working in WCW?




Go watch the Angle/Benoit Royal Rumble match from I think 2002. Go watch Shelton Benjamin vs. Shawn Micheals from last year. Go watch Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit Owen Hart Tribute match. That was in front of a WCW crowd who could give a fuck about wrestling, but through storytelling by the end of the match they had the crowd in the palm of their hands. Bret vs. Austin was a perfect story that arguably started the move to WWE dominance in the Boom Era. Wrestling has always been about storytelling. Thats what you are doing, you have two dudes in the ring. They are fighting. For what? Depends on the story. Sometimes competition, sometimes to "hit da pay windah ©Dusty*", sometimes for a belt, sometimes to settle an old grudge...wrestling IS storytelling.


These are all very good points, but also keep in mind location plays a key factor. IMO East Coast fans in general cared more about actual in-ring performance than West Coast fans.

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Telling a story in the ring isn't as important as it used to be. Different fanbase. They want results, quick, then comedy and divas.

I've always wanted to meet you, Mr. Russo. What was it like working in WCW?



I didn't say it was good, and I was talking more about on weekly television.

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I've missed the Highlanders the last week or two, if they've been on I didn't see it. What kind of reactions are they getting. One positive I see is that they're too similar to break up and feud like happens too much with teams now. I can see them as heels eventually, might as well go all out and make them the modern version of the pre-WWF Sheepherders-not the Bushwhackers. How about a heel stable with Umaga and the Highlanders, managed by this board's favorite right now. It wouldn't have to be anti-American, just wildmen beating people senseless.



*I put this in the wrong topic, if a mod can erase it I'll put it in the one I meant*

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Guest Human Highlight Reel
Telling a story in the ring isn't as important as it used to be. Different fanbase. They want results, quick, then comedy and divas.

That explains why the crowds are so electric for the D-X skits and Diva Search, and all the dead heat during matches like Benjamin-Michaels on Raw last year, and Taker-Angle on Smackdown this year.

Wrestling fans want wrestling, no matter what Russo, Stephanie, or the failed sitcom writers want us to believe.

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I think some of you aren't getting my point. The fans that pay to go to the matches, the fans that pay to order pay per views, yes, they probably want more wrestling. The fans watching at home, might want to see Divas as much as a 20 minute match between Benjamin and Angle everyone here would enjoy. The people that put the shows together aren't stupid, even though it might seem that way sometimes. They know what draws ratings, even if those ratings aren't as high as they used to be. As far as not telling a story in the ring, I'm talking more about match length, not being able to work on an arm or such, or fans will start chanting boring unless it's one of the top few talents or if it's a huge feud.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

I'd bet the people watching at home are of the same fanbase as those who go to shows. If they wanted to see women and comedy, they wouldn't be watching wrestling for it. If there are people like that, they're worthless to WWE, they're not supplying them with money, and they're not the ones you should be basing your promotion around.

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Telling a story in the ring isn't as important as it used to be. Different fanbase. They want results, quick, then comedy and divas.

That explains why the crowds are so electric for the D-X skits and Diva Search, and all the dead heat during matches like Benjamin-Michaels on Raw last year, and Taker-Angle on Smackdown this year.

Wrestling fans want wrestling, no matter what Russo, Stephanie, or the failed sitcom writers want us to believe.

I don't know...I don't know why, but there are shit load of both DX signs, and t-shirts. As shitty as it is...people are eating it up. Of course I'm sure the camera likes to catch where the most supporters are, but even then, it looks like the better half of the arenas are covered in DX merch.


And I think it's pretty obvious not all fans want wrestling. Different strokes for different folks. For example, ,the last PPV I actually watched on TV, was with a bunch of friends, Vengeance. I believe it was the Nitro/Carlito/Benjamin match (which wasn't that bad of a match), and everyone I was with was like 'God, this is boring', 'Why is this taking so long?'...before someone eventually went to sleep going 'wake me up when the Kane match comes on, that's all I want to see'.


Of course, my thoughts are what the hell. But, it's simply not everyone likes the same thing. And that includes wrestling, even to wrestling fans. (I can't even count how many Paul London arguments I've had, when people start complaining to me, as to why he's taking up a wrestler spot on DOR or SD >_>)

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