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OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

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Is it me or does it seem this crowd was muted for precautionary reasons? I mean, whenever they would pan to the crowd, it seemed they were chanting "ECW" or at least SOMETHING, but whenever they went to the wide ringside shot, you couldn't hear the crowd worth a damn.


I was wondering the same. At some points the crowd seemed loud and hot, and at others, they were more dead then a KC Royals game.

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Kind of a weak show. If they're going to take the main event to a double DQ, they really need to have at least one extreme rules match on the undercard. They were counting on RVD's return to make the show, but when he botches his big move on his "surprise" return, it really hurts it.

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RVD's fault for botching it, Angle's fault for selling it.


I don't know what I hate more, the wrestler selling a botched move that doesnt' even hit, or the announcer selling it. King and JR do that all the time. :(



Well, what do you expect them to do? Say that the move missed and they have no idea why Angle just dropped down to the ground in pain? Have some common sense

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Tonight shows exactly why they need ECW only shows, so they can get that rabid crowd.


As far as tonight, I have no idea what to think of any of this. No CM Punk after his hot debut last week (though lord knows we have to see Kevin Thorn).


Did it seem like Angle was practically yelling spots in the match with Sabu? I couldn't make anything out clearly but you could tell he was saying stuff.


As far as RVD's goofy missed Van Daminator, it was kinda funny but at least he didn't do like Orton and flat out repeat the spot. We'll chalk it up to possible ring rust. In terms of attacking Angle and Sabu, this needs some explanation next week. I think I know vaguely why, but it needs mention.

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Why are they bothering to debut new people when they don't even have enough TV time for the guys they currently have.



Why does Mike Knox get ANY TV time, let alone 2 segments?

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At least they didn't replay it like the Sabu jump back around the ONS or whatever the PPV after that was time.


On the ECW vs. WWE show where they replayed it because the fucktards didn't even know he botched it?


And I don't care what anyone says, nothing will ever top this:




Not only did he totally screw it up, but he went back and did the exact same spot over again just to get it right.

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Why are they bothering to debut new people when they don't even have enough TV time for the guys they currently have.


I suspect that they're doing so in order to have enough of names "out there" in case they get a two hour ECW only show after this initial 12 episode deal.

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At least they didn't replay it like the Sabu jump back around the ONS or whatever the PPV after that was time.


On the ECW vs. WWE show where they replayed it because the fucktards didn't even know he botched it?


And I don't care what anyone says, nothing will ever top this:




Not only did he totally screw it up, but he went back and did the exact same spot over again just to get it right.



Jackie Gayda says "Hello"


She waited 2 hours to sell a bulldog that completely missed. I would say that is the worst botch EVER

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Other than the finish, I thought Sabu/Angle was actually pretty good. Stiff match which should have been extreme rules though, of course. Here we go again with fuckin Vince making another "point" to the fans. A DQ in the ME of an ECW show is like a walking contradiction, or at least should be. Good to see RVD back, would guess we might see a four way at the ppv perhaps, although I wouldnt at all be shocked to see Sabu v. RVD and Angle v. Show at the ppv either.


Rest of the show was kind of there. They are trying to build heat for the Dreamer/Sandman stuff, but Test and Knox are just uber un-charismatic, especially as some sort of team just thrown together. I'm just plain and simply not interested in this feud any further.....they would be much better off having the Bashams just work against Dreamer/Sandman instead.


Thorn squash was just there.


Big Show promo was boring WWE style shit that didnt need to be there, nor had a real point.


Was amped to see what they were going to do with Punk, and then they did basically nothing but a decent promo, but expected more than that.


Overall just a kind of "eh" show that wasnt really insulting, but just really seemed like it was on "lets not really do much of anything this week for no good reason" mode. After the impressive stuff last week with advancement of angles and characters, this really fell short of anything close to a quality followup from last Tuesday. I dont understand the value of having Rene Dupree on the roster either.

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I watched the 2 ECW episodes on the 24/7 service yesterday. One thing came to mind. If they are going to insist on having matches with normal rules then someone needs to be ordering this, a la Bill Alfonso in 1995. He was DQing people then, but it had a point and purpose and got him over as a heel. I actually like that Heyman ordered that Sandman match tonight as not extreme rules since it is the first official mention that it is Heyman's doing (rather than some higher up thing).

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although I wouldnt at all be shocked to see Sabu v. RVD and Angle v. Show at the ppv either.


I bet that's what we get. Didn't Sabu, in theory, lose the match since RVD attacked Kurt Angle first? Just wait until next week, that'll be the first thing we see on the show from Paul Heyman.

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Orton's botch is the worst botch ever because he RAN BACK ACROSS THE RING in Jericho's plain sight and exposed the business even more than his fuck-up did.


Almost as lame as when GM Orton said "Tonight, it'll be La Resistance against Eugene and William Regal for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!"

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Not to mention that Jackie Gayda is, well, Jackie fuckin' Gayda. What do you expect out of her other than a horrible botch or two, especially at the time.

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Not to mention that Jackie Gayda is, well, Jackie fuckin' Gayda. What do you expect out of her other than a horrible botch or two, especially at the time.



Ok, good point from the last couple of posts. Rk-UhOh wins. Talk about exposing the biz!!!! We're supposed to believe that Jericho saw Orton miss, get back up and run to the ropes again, but Jericho decided to keep his back turned to him and keep the Walls of Jericho on with no worries.



On a side note, Is it me, or is Mike Knox just ultra fuckin generic?

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Orton's botch is the worst botch ever because he RAN BACK ACROSS THE RING in Jericho's plain sight and exposed the business even more than his fuck-up did.


Almost as lame as when GM Orton said "Tonight, it'll be La Resistance against Eugene and William Regal for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!"

I still don't understand the main complaint with Orton's botch. What should he have done? Just wait for Jericho to fall? (In which case it would be just like Angle tonight and there would be a ghost sell)


And I don't think a simple "Oh well, *punch him in the face*" would have worked because the whole point of that spot was to actually take Jericho out for the rest of the match I believe.

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Honestly I blame Jericho almost as much as I do Orton for that spot. Orton was a dumbshit barely out of OVW who didn't know any better. Jericho was a veteran and should have thought of something there that did not involve a blatant repeat of the spot. As in drop the Walls of Jericho, they do a little bit of stuff, then Orton hits an RKO out of nowhere.


Jackie Gayda wasn't even trained at the time, and besides the blind sell of a bulldog is a tough spot I would think. Especially for someone who had no idea what to do.


Anyway, RVD tonight wasn't on that level. He blew the Van Daminator, then quickly hit Angle with something else and then nailed Sabu. The crowd forgot it 30 seconds later. He didn't grab the chair back from Angle and then retry the spot or anything.

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There's a million things that Orton could have done other than doing the same spot over again exactly the same. It wasn't up to Jericho to do anything, he was locking in his move, he was doing his part. You know good and well that he thought that since he was working with a third generation worker that he thought this other guy would be able to come up with something to fix things really quickly.


The one thing you are never to do is try for the exact same spot right after you botch it. I've seen indie guys improvise far better than Orton did that night.

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It could have been worse for RVD.......he could have been tied up in the boiler room as Kane botched lighting up a single match, and then walked away out of camera sight to try again....still unable to do it, as RVD tries to hold his laughter in.



Oh wait, that DID happen? oh, nevermind then

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"I gave everything out there and I got love from the fans that I didn't even get from my family! You can't keep me from the ring. I will return! I am C.....M......Punk!"


"camera pans back to see Punk standing in line at a fast food joint"


".............But sir, all I wanted to know was if you wanted your burger with cheese or not!"



eh, I was thinking that when I saw that promo. har har

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Orton's botch is the worst botch ever because he RAN BACK ACROSS THE RING in Jericho's plain sight and exposed the business even more than his fuck-up did.


Almost as lame as when GM Orton said "Tonight, it'll be La Resistance against Eugene and William Regal for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!"


But hes, like, so cute. And, he poops on girls' stuff. That's hot, right.

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No matter what happens to RVD from here on in, at least I don't think he'll be tied up and almost set on fire like the Kane feud. The funniest aspect of that sad feud is that it was the semi main event of SS 2003, right between the Angle/Lesnar WWE title match and the Elimination Chamber. And I don't think it was meant to be that piss break match before the main event like a woman's match would be.

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Orton's botch is the worst botch ever because he RAN BACK ACROSS THE RING in Jericho's plain sight and exposed the business even more than his fuck-up did.


Almost as lame as when GM Orton said "Tonight, it'll be La Resistance against Eugene and William Regal for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!"


But hes, like, so cute. And, he poops on girls' stuff. That's hot, right.

I suppose if you're into scat it is.


It wasn't up to Jericho to do anything, he was locking in his move, he was doing his part.

No, he wasn't. Or should I say no he didn't. Wrestling is a cooperative sport. You can't just do a move (in most cases) without the other person's participation.


The same argument came up a while ago, and I said if Orton had or at any point really "legit" grabbed and held on to the person's neck, if that person doesn't cooperate, that could easily be a broken neck. Look at the angle he came with that move, if he pulled an unwilling Jericho, that could seriously do some damage. Jericho's job in that case, was to fall. So no, I don't think he did his part.

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I was at the show, (as the second post claimed) it was decent. I was definitely on camera when the show opened. It was a pretty good show, the crowd was not as hot as it was for Smackdown, and it definitly was not a full arena. Mixed reactions for the main event, and not much to go on. But RVD coming back wasn't as big a shock as it was supposed to be

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"Hi, I used to be a french tickler........I'm known for sometimes having hard-ons while i wrestle men..... I did a very unmanly dance, and I used to walk a poodle to the ring before every match of mine. But i'm tough now because i'm in ECW. Now check out this pathetic intense stare from me as the camera pans away.....cause my name is Renee.....Dupree"

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It wasn't up to Jericho to do anything, he was locking in his move, he was doing his part.

No, he wasn't. Or should I say no he didn't. Wrestling is a cooperative sport. You can't just do a move (in most cases) without the other person's participation.


That's the case when you're in an actual move with the other person, or working a spot together in which both of you are to totally work together.. In this case it was Jericho doing his part, being distracted by having his move locked in on another worker, and Orton's part of the spot was to somehow take Jericho out because he's distracted. That was the story being told right there.


After Orton missed, he could have simply stood up really quickly and turned right around to clothesline Jericho in a way to where it was safe for all involved, including who Jericho had in his move. Had Orton done something like that, or anything else, then I'm sure Jericho would have worked with him as much as he possibly could to have took whatever the bump was.


After Orton missed, and went running back again, I can just imagine Jericho going something like "holy shit, this fucker is actually going to redo the entire spot, my God".

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I was at the show, (as the second post claimed) it was decent. I was definitely on camera when the show opened. It was a pretty good show, the crowd was not as hot as it was for Smackdown, and it definitly was not a full arena. Mixed reactions for the main event, and not much to go on. But RVD coming back wasn't as big a shock as it was supposed to be

Any chance of SD spoilers, slimm?


edit: and he does as I typed the question.

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