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Snakes on a Plane

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Just got back from seeing this one. This movie was so awesome for so many reasons. It's completely over the top with the movie cliches, but not so much so that it gets corny. Samuel L. Jackson more then lives up to his name, and is great in the film. Plenty of action, and tons of suspense, lots of scenes that will just have you cringe in terror. I'll give the director credit, pandering to the Internet crowd that was going gaga over this flick was a risky gamble, but it worked out quite well. What could have very well have been another boring action film turned into one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had at the movies so far this year. See it.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

I'm going to see it Saturday. Have fun at Material Girls, bob_barron.

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I took Friday off so I could go see it with all my friends. I got my shirt and wrsitband, and I got tickets already. We are all seriously so pumped to see this.



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I'll wait to download it. While it seems entertaining and all, it's not something worth a movie ticket.


The dvd should be hella awesome, though, with many features devoted to the 'net hype.

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I was watching Henry Rollins's show, and he had a good rant about how there are so many quality "Cult" movies out there, that people should go seek those out before spending $10 on a movie that acheived it's fake "cult" status before it was even released.

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At this point, the term cult movie has been thrown around so much, it's lost much of it's meaning. A movie like "Snakes on a Plane" is not a cult movie, because everybody and their mother has heard about it. Ditto with "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Rocky Horror Picture Show" (a movie I always personally hated.), because everybody has either seen or heard of them.


If you were to ask me, movies like "Wild Zero", "Pootie Tang", "Messiah of Evil", or "I Drink Your Blood" are cult movies. Not many have seen or heard of them, but most who have are fans of such movies. That's a cult movie.

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It's still a cult movie. Everyone may have heard about it, but it still only appeals to the sensibilities of a limited audience into kitsch and cheese, however limited the internet truly is since that's the intended audience or how artificial the movie may be.

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At this point, the term cult movie has been thrown around so much, it's lost much of it's meaning. A movie like "Snakes on a Plane" is not a cult movie, because everybody and their mother has heard about it. Ditto with "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Rocky Horror Picture Show" (a movie I always personally hated.), because everybody has either seen or heard of them.


If you were to ask me, movies like "Wild Zero", "Pootie Tang", "Messiah of Evil", or "I Drink Your Blood" are cult movies. Not many have seen or heard of them, but most who have are fans of such movies. That's a cult movie.


To be fair, Chainsaw WAS cult at one time. It's just they grew bigger because more and more people found out how awesome they were. That's pretty much why they still get called cult films. If a cult film such as say "Evil Dead", achieves a bigger audience, doesn't take away from the fact it was at one time a cult film. Some films don't grow out of the realm of "cult films" but some become "films with cult followings". That is the category that "Evil Dead" residents, as does "Rocky Horror".


"Snakes" isn't a cult film, it is more or less the singing David Hasselhoff of films. It's an internet raised baby. "Snakes" has more of a chance to fall in with ROAD HOUSE as 'film so bad that you are positive it was made to be intentionally bad so it's great'.

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I don't think will have the enduring popularity of Road House though, but maybe I'm wrong. Road House works a gray area where its target audience of redneck trash can watch it and take it seriously, while everyone else can watch it for the cheese factor.


My birthday is on Sunday. I'll probably go see this.

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At this point, the term cult movie has been thrown around so much, it's lost much of it's meaning. A movie like "Snakes on a Plane" is not a cult movie, because everybody and their mother has heard about it. Ditto with "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Rocky Horror Picture Show" (a movie I always personally hated.), because everybody has either seen or heard of them.


If you were to ask me, movies like "Wild Zero", "Pootie Tang", "Messiah of Evil", or "I Drink Your Blood" are cult movies. Not many have seen or heard of them, but most who have are fans of such movies. That's a cult movie.



Everyone's heard of Heaven's Gate, does that not make it a cult (well, not anymore I guess)? But it was at the time, and is still considered one. Same goes with cult movies. They are movies that had a following of devout fans. It's something that is not meant for everyone and has that core group of supporters. I don't know if SoaP is a cult movie, but things like RHPS are and TCM was back in the day before it became such a favorite among the general populus.


I do agree that it is thrown around a wee too much though.

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Guest Felonies!

Cult popularity has nothing to do with awareness of a religious cult's existence, you dunce.

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Cult popularity has nothing to do with awareness of a religious cult's existence, you dunce.


That's the point I was trying to make, you mistake of a childbirth.


I was trying to say that just because everyone has heard of it doesn't not make it a cult, be it of the film, religious, or whatever variety. I stated that it has to do with what kind of following it has. Lovecraft was putting forth the argument that general public awareness is what differentiates a "cult movie" from just being a movie, and I disagreed. I simply went with the religious angle because that is where the film term is derived from.

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Guest Evolution

Not a very good movie, but not a horribly bad one, either. It'd be a lot worse if you went to see it alone or in a theater with very few people.

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I saw it tonight at 10. I came in with pretty low expectations for this, but man, that was so much fun. Everone in the audience was going nuts the entire time. GREAT MOVIE. See it in theatres. It was a surreal experience to see it in the theatres.

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I went in expecting the entire audience to shout along with "I've had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!" and was not dissapointed. Great movie to see in theaters.

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Saw it at midnight, AMC 24 in Hamilton, NJ:


****ECW (1996) LIKE CROWD****


All the shitty previews (including Texas Chainsaw remake XMMCVII got boo'd.


Going in BEFORE the previews, like 40 drunks kept yelling "YOU READY FOR THE SNAKES???" to any people that walked in looking for seats. Anyone that responded got a thunderous "YEAHHH!!!!" from the entire theatre, anyone that didn't respond was boo'd and had shit thrown at them.


The first half of the movie was great.


The second half of the movie was boring and sucked.


Still, AWESOME for the atmosphere, but won't be the same on DVD or a repeat viewing.


Everyone went crazy for the snake attacks.


There was "SSSSSSSS" hissing during like every 5 minutes. Everyone popped for tits, the one tit shot in particular (you know it), and all the other cool moments.


Still, this movie wasn't without flaws:


This was a PG-13 movie as it was originally made, as you should know. It was re-done (poorly) with some more bad language, a gratuitious tit shot (ALBEIT A FUCKING AWESOME ONE WITH THE SNAKE~!), and some more cursing and CGI shots.


KIDS CAN'T DIE! Come on, even after the one kid gets BIT BY A FUCKING KING COBRA HE LIVES FOR HOURS AND HOURS! Randy Savage would be proud.


"Paris Hilton Character" was kinda lame, although I missed her, she was the new Cher from the Clueless TV series.


I give the movie a 9/10 for the atmosphere and 5/10 for the actual film.


Had a great time but it won't be duplicated on TV and DVD.




I started a clap session for Cobra Starship's "Snakes on a Plane" (Bring It) song at the end of the film. The whole crowd started clapping along and it was surreal to have an entire theatre going apeshit for the credits.


Well worth the ticket.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
I'm going to see it Saturday. Have fun at Material Girls, bob_barron.
I'm seeing Material Girls tomorrow morning and then sneaking into SOAP.

You crafty devil.

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Cult popularity has nothing to do with awareness of a religious cult's existence, you dunce.


That's the point I was trying to make, you mistake of a childbirth.


I was trying to say that just because everyone has heard of it doesn't not make it a cult, be it of the film, religious, or whatever variety. I stated that it has to do with what kind of following it has. Lovecraft was putting forth the argument that general public awareness is what differentiates a "cult movie" from just being a movie, and I disagreed. I simply went with the religious angle because that is where the film term is derived from.

Surely a religous cult is defined by being different from the more established religions (as in the idea itself is the cult, not the following), whereas a cult following is (obviosuly) based around the following.

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Fuck fuck fuck, I knew I should have gone last night.


Is there still a chance that a lot of drunken rowdies are going to be headed to the theatre tonight? Because I want an experience, man. An experience.

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Oh yeah, there was also these 4 people that walked in dressed as snakes.


There were also people with scary snake masks, and tin-foil "planes" around their chests.


The 4 I am remembering though wore green sheets with red tongues sticking out. Simple but hilarious. They got "LET'S GO SNAKES!" chants.

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