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Steve J. Rogers

Has it really been 5 years allready? 9-11-2001

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Guest JustPassinBy

The war against Islamic Facism must be won at all costs.


Trying to tie a 20th century secular totalitarian movement with a 21st century religious crusade is at best a statement of historical ignorance, and at worst a blatant attempt to mislead people.


The intended end results are the same from each movement.

That is, the destruction of western civilization, freedom, and democracy.

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Guest JustPassinBy
Honestly, I'd rather not. That day was terrible and the continuing fallout has been just as bad.


What exactly has been 'just as bad', as 3,000 innocent lives being taken?


Is that a stench of a little liberal elitism, combined with defeatism, and pray tell...bitterness?


No wonder you guys never win elections.

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Honestly, I'd rather not. That day was terrible and the continuing fallout has been just as bad.


What exactly has been 'just as bad', as 3,000 innocent lives being taken?

More than 3000 lives being taken since 9/11?

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The war against Islamic Facism must be won at all costs.


Trying to tie a 20th century secular totalitarian movement with a 21st century religious crusade is at best a statement of historical ignorance, and at worst a blatant attempt to mislead people.


The intended end results are the same from each movement.

That is, the destruction of western civilization, freedom, and democracy.


So does that also make the Islamic terrorists Communists? Or militarists?

They also saught to end western civilization, freedom, and democracy. You can't run around saying that things are the same just because they have a few similarities. Fascists believed that the national state was supreme and everything needed to be done for its glory, and wanted servitude to a secular government or dictator that answered to no one. That is not what Islamic terrorists believe. One is a movement based on nationalism, a secular movement. The other is based on a religious ideology.


Since there is a clear contradiction between the two concepts, the only other reason to use the term "Islamic fascism" is to intentionally mislead people into equating our current predicament with World War II in order to arouse a sense of patriotism. World War II and the War on Terrorism are not comparable. Unlike the Germans and Italians, our current enemies wear no uniforms, claim no borders, and do not use the methods of conventional warfare. They are unlike any enemy we have ever faced, and to continue to pretend we can fight and destroy them using conventional military means is an exercise in deluded bravado. But, if you confuse the public into thinking this war is just like World War II, because our enemies are just like those we fought in World War II, you can only succeed in mustering public support while losing the war overall.


This is NOT World War II. This is a completely new kind of conflict that cannot be describe with conventional language any more than it can be fought with conventional warfare. When the hell are you people going to wake up and figure that out?

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The war against Islamic Facism must be won at all costs.


Trying to tie a 20th century secular totalitarian movement with a 21st century religious crusade is at best a statement of historical ignorance, and at worst a blatant attempt to mislead people.


The intended end results are the same from each movement.

That is, the destruction of western civilization, freedom, and democracy.


So does that also make the Islamic terrorists Communists? Or militarists?

They also saught to end western civilization, freedom, and democracy. You can't run around saying that things are the same just because they have a few similarities. Fascists believed that the national state was supreme and everything needed to be done for its glory, and wanted servitude to a secular government or dictator that answered to no one. That is not what Islamic terrorists believe. One is a movement based on nationalism, a secular movement. The other is based on a religious ideology.


Since there is a clear contradiction between the two concepts, the only other reason to use the term "Islamic fascism" is to intentionally mislead people into equating our current predicament with World War II in order to arouse a sense of patriotism. World War II and the War on Terrorism are not comparable. Unlike the Germans and Italians, our current enemies wear no uniforms, claim no borders, and do not use the methods of conventional warfare. They are unlike any enemy we have ever faced, and to continue to pretend we can fight and destroy them using conventional military means is an exercise in deluded bravado. But, if you confuse the public into thinking this war is just like World War II, because our enemies are just like those we fought in World War II, you can only succeed in mustering public support while losing the war overall.


This is NOT World War II. This is a completely new kind of conflict that cannot be describe with conventional language any more than it can be fought with conventional warfare. When the hell are you people going to wake up and figure that out?



Can it be described with eubonics?

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So of course to mark the occasion, at 8:30 AM EST Headline News is going to reair their original broadcast of their 9/11 coverage uncut and unedited. Why they would want to make anybody relive through that I have no idea.


Its one of the worst tragedies to ever happen and even though politics has caused the world to hate us, I'm glad to know through such a sad event, it brought the American people closer together and to be prouder of being in this country. Too bad IMO our President is a fucking douchebag.

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MSNBC has been doing it all day

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I think it's important for people to remember that day. I think people forget how awful it really was. Time heals all wounds, but sometimes we have to remember tragic events so that we remember to learn from them.


Where are the 9/11 conspiracy theorists today, anyway?

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Guest JustPassinBy
Islamic radicals have caused the terrorist states that harbor radical Islam to hate us,




Liberals dont want to remember 9/11, bc they'd rather bury their heads in the sand and claim America is the problem for everything-- They want to state America is the problem, bc of course everyone in power now is a GOP'er. They must state America has problems, even when it doesnt.


They are self-hating group.


Fuck em.


There's a clear line between right and wrong here. America is right. Radical Islam is wrong. Something Liberals cant quite grasp, bc if they did they would have side with the President and the rest of the US.


Oh well. I enjoy being in a complete power and being right at the same time.


House- Check

Senate- Check

President- Check

Supreme Court- Check


Its like liberals are the biggest pussies on earth when it comes to making decisions and calling a spade a spade. Their fence straddling pussies.


No one wants support pussies.

At least after 9/11, they dont.


Thats why you dont win elections, but do provide entertaining bitterness, sniveling, and overall ignorance on messageboards.

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Guest JustPassinBy

The war against Islamic Facism must be won at all costs.


Trying to tie a 20th century secular totalitarian movement with a 21st century religious crusade is at best a statement of historical ignorance, and at worst a blatant attempt to mislead people.


The intended end results are the same from each movement.

That is, the destruction of western civilization, freedom, and democracy.




Unlike the Germans and Italians, our current enemies wear no uniforms, claim no borders, and do not use the methods of conventional warfare.


Iran-- Having nuclear weapons, intimidating its neighbors, is conventional warfare. The Soviet Union did it for 40 years.


However, I believe if Iran were to get nukes, they would in fact try to take over the entire middle east under the guise of a superpower Islamic State whose sole purpose is the extermination of all infidels. Iran's leader has already stated this. He wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.


How exactly is that different, from what Hitler tried to do with Germany?

Should the US wait until that is actually happening before doing anything about it?


Go watch Team America.

Speficially listen to the speech about pussies, dicks, and assholes.

The more I read this board, the more that speech is completely 100 percent spot on.

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I posted about it today. No, it's not a cheap plug, it's just my thoughts.


Oh, and JustPassinBy: You are an idiot.

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I have an honest question wahoo: Do you really think that the government blew up the world trade center, or that they somehow caused the events to take place via some kind of criminal mastery?

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Guest JustPassinBy

Where are the 9/11 conspiracy theorists today, anyway?


Just where should they be?


Here's the trailer for 9/11 Press for Truth, featuring 9/11 widows

Those wacky 9/11 widows... they must hate Bush or believe in bigfoot or something. Hopefully Popular Mechanics or geniuses like Opie and Anthony put them in their place.


Nothing says credibility like putting Dan Rather in your movie's trailer. :D

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Man, the quality of this thread went down fast. Thanks for nothing JustPassinBy and wahoo, for ruining this thread.

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Guest wahoo
America is right. Radical Islam is wrong. Something Liberals cant quite grasp, bc if they did they would have side with the President and the rest of the US.


Just what polls are you looking at showing even half of the US with the President right now?


Oh well. I enjoy being in a complete power and being right at the same time.


It's a tough job but someone has to do it I suppose.


House- Check

Senate- Check

President- Check

Supreme Court- Check


So why aren't they trying to stop abortion or do many of the other things people voted them in for?


No one wants support pussies.

At least after 9/11, they dont.






Nothing says credibility like putting Dan Rather in your movie's trailer. biggrin.gif


Michael Moore and Sean Hannity were busy.

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You still haven't answered my question wahoo

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The idea behind Fascism is for the state to have authority over the individual. The concept of Islamism is for the laws of Allah to be the supreme law of the state...and all are beholden to the state as a result. Therefore...the term Islamo-fascist makes perfect sense, whether anyone cares to believe it or not.


The bottom line is that while they may only represent a small fraction of Islam and don't reflect Allah's teachings, this is a serious threat and it needs to be dealt with. These people don't want to reason with us, they don't want to negotiate with us...the only thing they want from us is either to bow before Allah or be killed as an infidel.


All I hear is we need to understand why they want us dead...forget that! In school if I had to deal with a bully...I didn't want to know how to make the bully like me...I wanted the bully to leave me alone. If that meant hauling off and punching him, so be it.


You can disagree with the way we're fighting this war...but at least they're doing what they feel is needed to take care of business. It sure beats the alternative.

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Iran-- Having nuclear weapons, intimidating its neighbors, is conventional warfare. The Soviet Union did it for 40 years.


However, I believe if Iran were to get nukes, they would in fact try to take over the entire middle east under the guise of a superpower Islamic State whose sole purpose is the extermination of all infidels. Iran's leader has already stated this. He wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.


How exactly is that different, from what Hitler tried to do with Germany?

Should the US wait until that is actually happening before doing anything about it?


Go watch Team America.

Speficially listen to the speech about pussies, dicks, and assholes.

The more I read this board, the more that speech is completely 100 percent spot on.


Uh, Iran isn't a Islamic Extremest nation. They might have that there, but doesn't mean that they are all evil... And, um, half of the UN wants to wipe Israel off the first of the earth. France seems to be leading that fight, yet another non Islamic Extremest nation. Besides, the US/Iran cold conflict has been brewing for like 27 years. Bin Laden was a nobody at the point.


Hitler wanted a Germany superpower, yes. But there is one big difference between Hitler and Bin Laden. I can go on a map and find where Hitler was and know which nation he was leading. Bin Laden is the leader of NO nation, and is in hiding from the US Marines. So I think the War on Terror = WWII argument is debunked yet again.


And by the way: What is the difference between the KKK and Al Qaeda? Both groups use religion to justfy their killings and both groups want to lead holy wars against who they feel distroying the holy life on earth? Does the color of the sheet and where its place make one ok and the other wrong?



BTW: Jerk said it best, this war isn't like ANY other war in history. Mainly due to the fact that not all terrorist of from the Middle East of the world. Its not as clear cut and dry as you try to make it out to be.


Yes, and when Matt and Trey are you source for info, you know you got it correct.

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Guest wahoo
I have an honest question wahoo: Do you really think that the government blew up the world trade center, or that they somehow caused the events to take place via some kind of criminal mastery?


There is no proof of that so I don't think that. However, there are many unanswered questions and it is public record that the hijackers were allowed to come to and stay in the USA, despite having known ties to Al Queda. One FBI agent warned his supervisors 60 times about them and each time the response was "back off, leave them alone." For more info you can look at Republican Congressman Curt Weldon's testimony :


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Um, the US Gov't has NOTHING to do with it. There aren't many unanswered questions. The Gov't did not just allow them to attack. It isn't a loose change level of "OMG the Gov'ment out to get us!"

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wahoo: shut the fuck up. Oh, and watch this Not that it will convince you.

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I never saw that video before. Wahoo should check it out, but will probably say that his computer won't play, thus protecting his blind beliefs.

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I don't think Osama bin Laden sent those planes in to attack us because he hated our freedom. I think he did it because of our support for Israel, and our ties with the Saudi family and all our military bases in Saudi Arabia. You know why I think that? Because that's what he fucking said!


Calling a spade a spade.

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