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Steve J. Rogers

Has it really been 5 years allready? 9-11-2001

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Guest JustPassinBy

Iran-- Having nuclear weapons, intimidating its neighbors, is conventional warfare. The Soviet Union did it for 40 years.


However, I believe if Iran were to get nukes, they would in fact try to take over the entire middle east under the guise of a superpower Islamic State whose sole purpose is the extermination of all infidels. Iran's leader has already stated this. He wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.


How exactly is that different, from what Hitler tried to do with Germany?

Should the US wait until that is actually happening before doing anything about it?


Go watch Team America.

Speficially listen to the speech about pussies, dicks, and assholes.

The more I read this board, the more that speech is completely 100 percent spot on.


Uh, Iran isn't a Islamic Extremest nation.



And Germany wasnt filled with Nazis.

There were just a few there, that happened to be in power at the time.




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Guest JustPassinBy

America is right. Radical Islam is wrong. Something Liberals cant quite grasp, bc if they did they would have side with the President and the rest of the US.


Just what polls are you looking at showing even half of the US with the President right now?


Oh well. I enjoy being in a complete power and being right at the same time.


It's a tough job but someone has to do it I suppose.


House- Check

Senate- Check

President- Check

Supreme Court- Check


So why aren't they trying to stop abortion or do many of the other things people voted them in for?


No one wants support pussies.

At least after 9/11, they dont.






Nothing says credibility like putting Dan Rather in your movie's trailer. biggrin.gif


Michael Moore and Sean Hannity were busy.


Good idea that you brought up the media:


Whats wrong with Sean Hannity?

Again, there's a reason why Fox News destroys every other network in the news in terms of ratings.


When you have Matt Lauer questioning the President about the means by which Americans extract information....uh he's assuming his audience is sympathetic to these pooor muslim terrorists....booo fuckin hoo....Lauer is totally oblivious to what mainstream America actually thinks. Thats why they change the channell on him and Keith Olbermann, and instead watch the O'Reilly factor.


MSNBC with Lauer/Olbermann will one day realize that Americans dont give a rats ass about these Muslims, and if it takes a broom stick being shoved up their asses to save 1 American life, then its worth it.


Trying to further their liberal agendas (anything to gain back some power in washington) through generating sympathy for these poor muslim terrorists.....LOL its so laughable its bad. No one buys this shit. Yet they think it works.


But hey, if you dont believe me.

Wait till yet another election day.


No one is going to vote for pussies.

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looking back at the past 5 years, as much as a mess that's been made, the guy I would kick out if I had a chance is not even Bush or Cheney, it's Donnie Rumsfeld. A lot of the fuck-ups that really burn my ass (and its the fuckups that're burning my ass, not the anal fissure I got from a too-hard shit last week, honest!) especially as it regards troops in Afghanistan and Iraq in the respnoses to 9/11, can be traced directly to Donnie's decision making. This guy is the biggest fuck-up I've ever seen. You're doing a heckuva job Donnie.

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Guest JustPassinBy

Iran-- Having nuclear weapons, intimidating its neighbors, is conventional warfare. The Soviet Union did it for 40 years.


However, I believe if Iran were to get nukes, they would in fact try to take over the entire middle east under the guise of a superpower Islamic State whose sole purpose is the extermination of all infidels. Iran's leader has already stated this. He wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.


How exactly is that different, from what Hitler tried to do with Germany?

Should the US wait until that is actually happening before doing anything about it?


Go watch Team America.

Speficially listen to the speech about pussies, dicks, and assholes.

The more I read this board, the more that speech is completely 100 percent spot on.


Bin Laden is the leader of NO nation, and is in hiding from the US Marines. So I think the War on Terror = WWII argument is debunked yet again.




This isnt a war against Bin Laden.

Its a war against the beliefs of people that think like Bin Laden.


Iran is full of these people. They finance Hezbollah and other terror networks.

Their leader espouses the same thoughts as Bin Laden.

If thats not a "terror state", I dont know what is.

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Guest JustPassinBy
In school if I had to deal with a bully...I didn't want to know how to make the bully like me...I wanted the bully to leave me alone. If that meant hauling off and punching him, so be it.



Thats just common sense.

But MSNBC, CNN cant grasp that, bc it means supporting the President.

They're liberals, so they cant.


This issue is something they cannot win on.


If Liberals wanted to win elections, they'd say something like "We want to pull the troops out of Iraq, put them all in Afhganistan, Pakistan, and go after Bin Laden full force, then when thats done confronting Iran directly". That is a message that would appeal to people upset with Iraq, but also want to fight against the Islamo-Fascists.


But they wont say this. Bc they are morons. They're still pandering to the far left hippies that believe changing for the bully, is better than standing up to the bully.


Whoever runs the DNC and most of the liberal media, are complete idiots when it comes to changing the public's perception. Complete morons.


As long as idiots are running the other side, it doesnt matter how many mistakes the GOP makes. We're still the best alternative and the public sees that.

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Guest wahoo
wahoo: shut the fuck up. Oh, and watch this Not that it will convince you.


Uh, did you confuse me with someone else's post? What does that video have to do with anything I've posted?




JustPassinBy - My main point is that Bush and Clinton are good buddies and see past all the weird right wing vs. left wing stuff. Most Americans easily see past all this also and are united. You and other extremists are the minority and somehow turn every issue into a bizarre argument. If Clinton was president right now doing the same thing people like you would be complaining saying he is liberally spending all our money as welfare for the Iraqi people.

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Guest JustPassinBy

wahoo: shut the fuck up. Oh, and watch this Not that it will convince you.


If Clinton was president right now doing the same thing people like you would be complaining saying he is liberally spending all our money as welfare for the Iraqi people.


No, you're wrong.

FDR and Truman were both liberal democrats, and they both did the right thing in their time of war. FDR called the Pearl Harbor attack an "a day that would live in infamy", and would only take "unconditional surrender". Truman carried out those plans by dropping the bombs.


The media is what tries to politicize issues that have a clear right and wrong, such as this one.


FDR= Bush at this juncture of war.

Truman=Guiliani (when he's elected in 2008).


I cant think of a stronger message to send to Islamo Fascist terrorists, than electing the mayor of the city they tried to destroy.


Guiliani I feel will be much tougher than even Bush has been, and will not hesitate to drop the bomb. Just like Truman.

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Penn and Teller... kicking ass.


All I remember about the day is being numb all day, and I live in Utah. I even quit my job and Burger King because the night manager said something about, "Stop watching TV about stupid New York, and make more patties." I'd have shanked her if I had a knife on me, but tossing like a hundred burgers on the grill and tossing my shirt at her as I walked out the door was enough.

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Guest wahoo
No, you're wrong.

FDR and Truman were both liberal democrats, and they both did the right thing in their time of war. FDR called the Pearl Harbor attack an "a day that would live in infamy", and would only take "unconditional surrender". Truman carried out those plans by dropping the bombs.


The media is what tries to politicize issues that have a clear right and wrong, such as this one.


FDR= Bush at this juncture of war.

Truman=Guiliani (when he's elected in 2008).


I cant think of a stronger message to send to Islamo Fascist terrorists, than electing the mayor of the city they tried to destroy.


Guiliani I feel will be much tougher than even Bush has been, and will not hesitate to drop the bomb. Just like Truman.


I agree with a lot of what you are saying there, but if nuclear weapons are used the price of oil will go through the roof and the whole economy could get messed up, not to mention the reaction of the rest of the world.

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But hey, if you dont believe me.

Wait till yet another election day.


No one is going to vote for pussies.


No one votes period but Republicans. Hell look what happened here in florida. Democrats just don't care anymore.

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Whats the deal with this church that has been protesting at Shankesville, PA, carrying signs that say "Thank God for 9/11" and "God Hates Fags"? Of all the days you can do your stupid little protest, you just HAVE to do it while there are families and friends of the victims present?

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Guest Felonies!
Whats the deal with this church that has been protesting at Shankesville, PA, carrying signs that say "Thank God for 9/11" and "God Hates Fags"? Of all the days you can do your stupid little protest, you just HAVE to do it while there are families and friends of the victims present?

Haven't you heard of the Westboro Baptists? Do you live in a cave?

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His rant on on Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert was awesome. Thanks to the Daily Show etc they were condemning America to hell and it would burn like TOAST. Illustrated to his right is a picture of TOAST that had been burnt... shown twice. Comedy gold.

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The media is what tries to politicize issues that have a clear right and wrong, such as this one.






1. having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous.

2. having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous: She's so naive she believes everything she reads. He has a very naive attitude toward politics.

3. having or marked by a simple, unaffectedly direct style reflecting little or no formal training or technique: valuable naive 19th-century American portrait paintings.

4. not having previously been the subject of a scientific experiment, as an animal.

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I guess I have been living under a rock. I had heard of this Fred Phelps fellow before, but didn't know he was associated with the group that was protesting in Shankesville. He is truly a disgrace of a human being.

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Phelps is so gung-ho about how America has fallen, etc...has he ever stopped to consider if the Islamo-fascists were to miraculously take over America that he'd be one of the first ones that would be beheaded?

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Guest wahoo


According to an internal EPA report released in 2003, the Environmental Protection Agency was directed by the White House in the days after Sept. 11 to amend its news releases by adding reassuring statements and removing cautionary ones. Tests later revealed that dust from Ground Zero had high levels of fiberglass and pulverized asbestos.


Kaufman said the new document shows that former EPA administrator Christine Todd Whitman -- in addition to the White House -- was responsible for manipulating information and deceiving the public.



Giuliani Urges Healthcare for 9/11 Responders -






Bush says 9/11 mastermind plan included using explosives in buildings -



September 15, 2006 press conference


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks on buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out.


He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.

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I missed where JustPassinBy said that Fox News destroys everyone in the ratings. I think that may have been funnier than anything else he wrote. Well, that and the "America is right, Islamic Fascists are wrong." Glad you cleared that one up.


A serious query, if he still happens to click on this thread and check it out: What do you, JustPassinBy, think makes America right? This isn't some anti-patriotic liberal drivel. I want to hear what, to you, America actually is. Folks like yourself drape themselves in the flag and talk about how great the place is (which it is) and why we're better than our enemies (which we are) but rarely do you hear them say why it's great. I'm not talking some "because we're free" tripe. I can hear disposable responses like that by watching the daily press briefings at the White House. I want to know, from what sounds like a true rank-and-file neoconservative, why you're so darned adamant about being "an American" as defined by the Executive.

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