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Guest TysonTomko420

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Even doing some other illegal activity while pinning would be a nice change of pace. If you can get the blocking right with the ref, one could be gouging out another's eye, or even busting out the rarely used testicular claw.


Barry Windham had a good one at Superbrawl IX, when he used his belt to choke out Malenko while pinning him.

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I posted this in the ECW thread, but I might as well stick it here as well.


From PWInsider:


-Monty had a new name because Vince simply wants to own the name and character, so no surprise there. Dave Lagana tried to tell Vince not to change Monty's name. His reasons were common sense, saying that he's a known name, main evented PPVs in the past, and actually played in the Super Bowl in the NFL, and if they changed his name then they wouldn't be able to use that footage to show Monty off. Vince didn't even want to hear any of it, and didn't care at all about any of those reasons. Also, his move will not be called The Pounce anymore either, even though he had Pounce on the back of his tights. The move will be given a new name also.


And just for fun:



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So, apparently WWE 24/7 starts on Cablevision this week. I've heard nothing about this before now but dudes on the Death Valley Driver board are saying that it's happening.

really? I better check then.


by the way a quick comment, when did Jillian Hall turn heel? I mean one week shes a face then suddenly shes teaming with the heel kristal an dlast week she did a heel promo and faced ashley. I mean is wwe so lazy they cant even book a heel turn properly?


its like when Candice turned face out of nowhere last year and no mention was made.



EDIT: yes 24/7 is available here THAT REEKS OF AWESOMENESS. I looked at the listings and it has 2 monday night wars, the 2000 rumble ppv in the big ones section, some old msg stuff hall of fame on jyd and others. to name afew, plus its only 6.95 a month CRAP I got to get my own cable box for my room

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Like I said though, I went to three different Wal-Marts in a 2 mile radius and only found those few at one.

You have THREE of those within two miles of your house? Jesus.

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Like I said though, I went to three different Wal-Marts in a 2 mile radius and only found those few at one.

You have THREE of those within two miles of your house? Jesus.


For me, there are 6 Wal-Marts within 10 minute drives from here. I think we have more of those then we got McDonald's.

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King interviews David Arquette in the latest Superstar to Supersar interview on WWE.com


Jerry Lawler interviews David Arquette

Written: January 17, 2007

For the fifth installment of WWE.com’s Superstar to Superstar, the one and only Jerry "The King" Lawler took a few minutes to catch up with standout acting star and former WCW World Heavyweight Champion David Arquette. The former Scream star is also appearing in the new ABC comedy, In Case of Emergency. Check out a transcript of their conversation.


Jerry "The King" Lawler: Everybody has their ups and downs in life, including The King and the rest of the WWE Superstars. Tell us how that makes for good comedy in your new series, In Case of Emergency, and with your character, Jason.


David Arquette: He’s a guy who’s caught up in an Enron-type scandal and facing a lot of jail time. He’s kind of suicidal, but can’t go through with it, and instead shoots himself in the foot. He ends up in the hospital, where he meets Lori Loughlin’s character. He eventually becomes a volunteer nurse so he can be near her and try to steal her away from her fiancé. As far as life’s ups and downs… life is just crazy and nuts, what do you think, Jerry?


King: It definitely is, my friend. At WWE, I try my best to stay under the radar to keep things moving along nice and smooth. Getting involved in too many things can only come back to haunt you.


Arquette: You guys definitely have a crazy thing going on over there. I know exactly what you mean. I love the wrestling business, King. I’ve been a fan for a long time. I remember going to the Los Angeles Sports Arena and seeing Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant fight. It’s just such an amazing world, and there are so many great people involved.


King: I know you’re a big fan, and we’re going get into that in a minute, but let’s get back to Hollywood for a second. You and your wife Courteney Cox are the executive producers of the new FX show, Dirt, which she also stars in. Tell us what goes into that.


Arquette: We started our production company, Coquette, a few years ago, but this is our first hour-long scripted show. We came up with the original concept and pitched it to FX. We picked a writer, we read the shows and outlines, give notes, and provide feedback. We handle everything with the network, help with the publicity. It’s like our baby.


King: You’re part of a long line of entertainers. People don’t realize that, going back as far as your grandfather Cliff Arquette, your dad, and you are the youngest of five acting Superstars. One of my sons grew up in the wrestling business and became a wrestler, and it seems like your family is the same way…


Arquette: I guess so King. We all are carnies at heart. We’re all characters and we’re all entertainers. It’s so much fun to be able to do this as a living.


King: Actually, what we don’t tell people is that this beats having to get a real job.


Arquette: Yeah of course, but it opens the door to a lot of other things you don’t normally have to put up with in other jobs, like having to watch your wife do a love scene with someone else.


King: What’s that like? How do you separate seeing the love scenes from real life? Do you even watch them?


Arquette: I try not to watch. It used to be a lot harder for me. I used to be super-jealous so it was pretty hard, but things have changed since we had our baby. It’s not quite as difficult as it used to be. It does gnaw at you though, so you have to keep it all in perspective.


King: Okay, let’s talk about wrestling. I know you’ve been a fan all your life and you’re actually a former WCW Champion.


Arquette: Yeah, even though the fans didn’t like it. [laughs] I know the fans weren’t crazy about how that all went down, but it was a lot of fun. I have a lot of respect for all the wrestlers and the business, and it was a blast to just be a part of it.


King: I remember that you once sat behind JR and I at the front row of a Raw show, and you had a sign that said “Former WCW Champion.” What was that all about?


Arquette: That was a lot of fun. It wasn’t meant to be serious. I was just trying to joke around with it. I still have my belt, and I love holding it and showing it off. Some people take things a little too seriously, though. I remember one little kid saw it and gave me the finger on the spot! I do have to say that the K-Fed stuff has been pretty entertaining, and for the record, I went on TRL and called him out!

King: Speaking of calling people out, I was one of the first wrestlers to be involved in that kind of cross-over promotion. I once fought and beat the hell out of a funny-man named Andy Kaufman.


Arquette: That was hilarious.


King: How do you think you’d fare against The King?


Arquette: Well, I don’t know about that. I think Hollywood has learned its lesson.


King: How about a tag team - Arquette and The King?


Arquette: That’s more like it.


King: All right, we’ll have to see what we can do. Let me ask you a little something about your personal hobbies. I love to draw and I collect Coca-Cola memorabilia, and I’m a huge Cleveland Browns fan. What are you some of your outside interests?


Arquette: I love art as well. I also like to paint and draw. I try to find things that I can do, and can also be part of my business.


King: What kind of art do you do?


Arquette: Acryilic paint mostly; I’m too messy for oils. I like to paint figures, stuff like that. A lot of the time nowadays is art that I do for charities. They send me stuff to paint, and I do it and send it back.


I also love collecting stuff as well, King. I have tons of wild costumes, but the one thing I’m missing from my collection is a Ric Flair robe. That was one of my favorite things about wrestling… getting drunk with Ric Flair. What a memory that was.


King: That’s definitely the ultimate right there. You’re talking about getting drunk with one of the best of all time.


Arquette: No kidding. A lot of people were upset with me by the second time I was there after I got the title and everything. But Ric was really cool with me, and he was impressed because I could handle my drinks. A few times, though, I ended up under the table.


King: I don’t doubt it. I have one final question: Whether I’m doing color commentary or wrestling, I always say it’s good to be The King. So what’s it like being David Arquette these days?


Arquette: It’s pretty good right now. I can’t complain. Having a baby, and being able to wake up and see her dancing around every morning, you can’t beat that. I have a beautiful wife and a great job, and great friends, so I’m doing okay right now. I’m very grateful for that.


King: Sounds good David. Thanks for participating in Superstar to Superstar.


Arquette: My pleasure.



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WWE Hall of Famer The Iron Shiek suffered alcohol poisoning during a recent trip to Boston where he was doing some video interviews. He seems to be fine now though.




After a backstage battle between Vince McMahon and ECW head writer Dan Lagana over what Monty Brown should be called, Vince's "Marquis Cor Von" won out since, ultimately, it comes down to him. One of Vince's reasonings for the name change was that he didn't want anyone to Google the name "Monty Brown" and discover TNA.

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Yeah - it may upset the smark crowd but that reasoning is astoundingly logical by Vince. Anyone that's been following the trend tracking by Observer (I think specifically stuff Todd Martin has mentioned on the website) shows that a lot of people attending WWE events don't seem to even be aware of TNA. Even the last WWE show I left at the Joe Louis Arena had people scratching their head when TNA was mentioned, and most people said "what is this?" to the flyer being handed out to them after the show about Bound for Glory before throwing it on the street.


Of course, the flip side is anyone googling Marquis whatever will probably be directed to something mentioning Monty Brown in TNA, but the thought was there.

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And the WWE fan will think "okay, so that's what he did before he showed up," and that'd be it.


But wait until they find out that TNA now has Christian and KURT ANGLE...


That's 4 more rating points for TNA, and 7,000 more PPV buys.

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"Oh, you mean the scrub that played second fiddle to Jericho and got pwned by Cena so he left? And that other guy with the goofy mouthpiece and shoes? He doesn't do anything exciting, all he does is just like, hug the other guy and roll around on the mat."


You're really overestimating the verve for quality that anyone who would be enough of a WWE fan to look up stuff about their new wrestlers might have.

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Look for a possible change to the "feel" of Smackdown. From PWInsider:


-Andrew Goldstein, second in command to Michael Hayes, has been fired. He was informed by normal human resources, instead of by someone like Steph. On Smackdown, unlike on RAW and ECW, Michael Hayes dictates what he wants on the show, and then Goldstein takes all of that and puts it together in a format that can be televised. It's said that Goldstein is very popular backstage, always worked very hard, and was always a professional. Since Michael Hayes is of a more old school state of mind, he totally clashed with Goldstein, and Hayes got him fired, pushed him out the door. Many people are surprised and upset about this backstage. If the replacement for Goldstein isn't someone who can take Hayes' dictations and format them as we've been seeing over the past few weeks, you could see a dip in the value of Smackdown.

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Look for a possible change to the "feel" of Smackdown. From PWInsider:


-Andrew Goldstein, second in command to Michael Hayes, has been fired. He was informed by normal human resources, instead of by someone like Steph. On Smackdown, unlike on RAW and ECW, Michael Hayes dictates what he wants on the show, and then Goldstein takes all of that and puts it together in a format that can be televised. It's said that Goldstein is very popular backstage, always worked very hard, and was always a professional. Since Michael Hayes is of a more old school state of mind, he totally clashed with Goldstein, and Hayes got him fired, pushed him out the door. Many people are surprised and upset about this backstage. If the replacement for Goldstein isn't someone who can take Hayes' dictations and format them as we've been seeing over the past few weeks, you could see a dip in the value of Smackdown.


Sounds like it's going to be a quadruple of suck now: Raw, ECW, TNA, and Smackdown.

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So, apparently WWE 24/7 starts on Cablevision this week. I've heard nothing about this before now but dudes on the Death Valley Driver board are saying that it's happening.

really? I better check then.


by the way a quick comment, when did Jillian Hall turn heel? I mean one week shes a face then suddenly shes teaming with the heel kristal an dlast week she did a heel promo and faced ashley. I mean is wwe so lazy they cant even book a heel turn properly?


its like when Candice turned face out of nowhere last year and no mention was made.



EDIT: yes 24/7 is available here THAT REEKS OF AWESOMENESS. I looked at the listings and it has 2 monday night wars, the 2000 rumble ppv in the big ones section, some old msg stuff hall of fame on jyd and others. to name afew, plus its only 6.95 a month CRAP I got to get my own cable box for my room


Hey kids, check out the 24/7 thread in General Wrestling




I was saddened when the thread failed in November (I didn't contribute to it at first because I thought it might have) but it had a big rebirth in January and it sounds like more people have access to the channel now.

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It's said that Goldstein is very popular backstage, always worked very hard, and was always a professional.


Statement's like this seem to appear a lot in reports like "so-and-so has been let go by WWE."

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After a backstage battle between Vince McMahon and ECW head writer Dan Lagana over what Monty Brown should be called, Vince's "Marquis Cor Von" won out since, ultimately, it comes down to him. One of Vince's reasonings for the name change was that he didn't want anyone to Google the name "Monty Brown" and discover TNA.

If someone is going to take the time to look up something like that, then it's a pretty safe bet they already know about TNA.

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Michael Hayes shouldn't be recommending anyone to be hired or fired......in the last couple months 2 people he recommended to be hired quit in a week, now he pushes someone who apparently does a good job and everyone likes out the door.


If all the reports are true Michael Hayes comes off like a power hungry moron, who doesn't know what he's doing.

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King interviews David Arquette in the latest Superstar to Supersar interview on WWE.com


Arquette: That was a lot of fun. It wasn’t meant to be serious. I was just trying to joke around with it. I still have my belt, and I love holding it and showing it off. Some people take things a little too seriously, though. I remember one little kid saw it and gave me the finger on the spot! I do have to say that the K-Fed stuff has been pretty entertaining, and for the record, I went on TRL and called him out![/b]




That shit had me crackin up.



And the move to not find TNA was pretty smart.

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It doesn't matter if he's called Monty Brown or not, anybody who googles his new name will only find profiles that will say he is Monty Brown and was in TNA. The only thing to come out of this will be exactly what Lagana says, they won't be able to use his past to put him over in the eyes of their ignorant fans.


Apparently Vince thinks wwe.com is the only wrestling website on the internet now.

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Why is Monty going to be french??

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Look for a possible change to the "feel" of Smackdown. From PWInsider:


-Andrew Goldstein, second in command to Michael Hayes, has been fired. He was informed by normal human resources, instead of by someone like Steph. On Smackdown, unlike on RAW and ECW, Michael Hayes dictates what he wants on the show, and then Goldstein takes all of that and puts it together in a format that can be televised. It's said that Goldstein is very popular backstage, always worked very hard, and was always a professional. Since Michael Hayes is of a more old school state of mind, he totally clashed with Goldstein, and Hayes got him fired, pushed him out the door. Many people are surprised and upset about this backstage. If the replacement for Goldstein isn't someone who can take Hayes' dictations and format them as we've been seeing over the past few weeks, you could see a dip in the value of Smackdown.


I guess Vince and Hayes aren't fans of those cool little insert promos.

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