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Guest TysonTomko420

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Austin has stated 1,000,000 times that he'll put anyone over if it makes sense and is good for business

You don't really believe that do you?



I don't see why you wouldn't believe it. He doesn't have a terrible record putting people over when it was called for and made sense. The main reason he didn't do it more was partly because he wasn't always in a position to. The only name I can think of (Brock withstanding, he had a valid reason) that he vetoed was Jeff Jarrett.


As for whether he's actually able to physically wrestle, that's the only thing he said that I'd really doubt. I'm sure any ex-wrestler who can still walk 'believes' they're still physically able.

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i was watching tv last night, and the ad for backlash was played, and not one mention of randy orton was on the ad. he wasn't even in the video package.....


i mean, take it for what it's worth, but that's what i saw.

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Guest robrabies
Austin has stated 1,000,000 times that he'll put anyone over if it makes sense and is good for business

You don't really believe that do you?



I don't see why you wouldn't believe it. He doesn't have a terrible record putting people over when it was called for and made sense. The main reason he didn't do it more was partly because he wasn't always in a position to. The only name I can think of (Brock withstanding, he had a valid reason) that he vetoed was Jeff Jarrett.


As for whether he's actually able to physically wrestle, that's the only thing he said that I'd really doubt. I'm sure any ex-wrestler who can still walk 'believes' they're still physically able.


IIRC, he was vetoing matches that would result in him losing before the Lesnar match. I think the most notable occasions were between the Guerrero feud and before the start of the Lesnar one.


Here's a quote from Stuart Carapola from 411mania. I think he's a fairly smart wrestling mind:


"For all intents and purposes, his big run at the top lasted from mid-1997 until mid-2002, minus time spent on the shelf recovering from neck surgery and walking out and sitting at home because he disliked booking decisions. That's another factor: he's unreliable. There have been several instances, including as recently as last fall, when he had already committed to and been booked into storylines and matches only to pack up and go home when it wasn't booked to play out the way he wanted it to."

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IIRC, he was vetoing matches that would result in him losing before the Lesnar match. I think the most notable occasions were between the Guerrero feud and before the start of the Lesnar one.

Vetoing stuff in the Guerrero feud (as short as it was) makes no sense since Austin himself requested to feud with Eddie, IIRC.

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There wasn't even going to be a Austin/Lesnar feud. That's what made the idea of jobbing out Austin to Brock even more dumb. The job was only going to further the feud between Austin and the Flair/Anderson/Benoit/Guerrero faction. I think that's another reason Austin put the kilbosh to it. Austin thought Brock deserved better than just some throwaway match that wasn't even going to be acknowledged in a month.


Also, yes, the creative team saw Austin was very upset with the booking and let him book his own angle entirely with an opponent of his choosing. He chose Eddie Guerrero, and that's where the Austin/Guerrero feud came from. The two were supposed to have a match at King of the Ring 2002 until Austin bailed due to the Brock controversy.


The only instances I can think of Austin was in 1999 when he refused to do feuds with Jeff Jarrett and Billy Gunn. And honestly, who wasn't glad he did that? Refusing to drop the title to HHH at SummerSlam 1999 was questionable (thus having to bring in Foley to win the title and drop it to HHH the next night), but HHH wasn't really ready at that moment.


Austin did a lot to put over Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, & Rob Van Dam in 2001. Austin did a clean job to RVD before RVD had even hit the 2-month mark in the WWF. He saw RVD was already getting insane crowd reactions and felt the situation was perfect, so RVD pinned Austin clean on Smackdown. I doubt he was happy with how certain people HHHandled his career afterwards.

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I don't know if this has been posted yet, but this Orton thing is not just because he trashed his hotel room, but it's because the damage done to the room was massive, in the excess of $50,000!!! That's been reported at WrestleZone, and it's been reported on other main sites as well.


I have also heard that Randy Orton was found passed out in his destroyed hotel room, and that it's all tied to drugs and/or alcohol. I have not heard that from a site like PWInsider, 1wrestling, or WO though so take it as you will.

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Austin did refuse to feud with Jarrett, but he never refused to feud with Billy Gunn. What happened with that was he was booked to wrestle him the day after a PPV and Austin felt too banged up from the match the night before, so he got the match canceled. Austin didn't refuse to drop the title to HHH at Summerslam. He had long agreed to drop the title to him. Mankind was put in there so a babyface could win the match and Jesse Ventura wouldn't have to raise a heel's hand at the the end of the match.


That 411 quote posted is a joke. It makes it sound like Austin repeatedly walked out with no warning, when he only did that twice. Once the night after WM XVIII, because of the Scott Hall deal, and the second time later that year over the Brock Lesnar deal. Austin has walked away a few other times, but that had nothing to do with wrestling (basically, over the rights to the Steve Austin name in non-WWE stuff that Steve might want to do) and came after talking with Vince, so it wasn't like the company were blindsided.

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That 411 quote posted is a joke. It makes it sound like Austin repeatedly walked out with no warning, when he only did that twice.


To be fair, twice is more than most.

True, but if you're going to use a quote to back up your argument, such as it is, it helps to make sure the quote is accurately describing the events it talks about.

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Is the Jesse Ventura thing true?


I used to cite it when defending Austin, but I've always wondered if that was just a cover to defend Austin.


I remember hearing Austin was very hard to work with toward the end, but he blamed it on his neck problems and other stuff.

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Is the Jesse Ventura thing true?

I've heard nothing credible to make me doubt it.


Look at it like this:


They don't want to beat Hunter, because he's their chosen one

They can't beat Austin, because Ventura can't raise the heels hand.

They want the belt on Hunter, but can't have him beat Austin for it for the reason stated above.


So, what do you do?


Put Mankind in the match so he can beat Austin, so that Ventura can raise his hand, and so that Hunter can beat him the next night and the title can be on the person they want it on in the first place.

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Guest robrabies
IIRC, he was vetoing matches that would result in him losing before the Lesnar match. I think the most notable occasions were between the Guerrero feud and before the start of the Lesnar one.

Vetoing stuff in the Guerrero feud (as short as it was) makes no sense since Austin himself requested to feud with Eddie, IIRC.



I didn't say it was with Eddie, it was between that Angle and the Lesnar blow up. You don't have to have a set program to refuse to job. Creative pitches a lot of ideas, and a guy w/ Austin's clout would have had his ear to the wall for all of them.


FWIW, He know he left after WM X8, Before the KOTR blow up w/ Lesnar, and before the JR/Coach fiasco.


That's at least three times that he's taken his ball and went home.

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I'm not completely clear on the Hall incident, but if it was over jobbing to him, then that makes sense because just about everybody knew he wouldn't last long (which he didn't). Jobbing to Lesnar on free TV made absolutely no sense whatsoever and the JR/Coach fiasco was a complete waste of time. Austin isn't an idiot, unlike the "creative" team.

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--The WWE web site gave this one line, saying "WWE has taken action against Randy Orton for unprofessional conduct." At this point he's being punished with what is believed to be a fine, but no suspension. There was a lot of internal strife regarding this. Vince was mad because WWE was the last to report on a major story on his own talent, but--he didn't want the story reported either, so Michael Cole was only allowed to put up one line.




Quite the 'punishment' for Randall.

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Didn't Hogan sign a lifetime contract with WWE? They should tell him to pull out just to fuck with him.


If you are refering to the contract that was part of an episode of his reality show, no he did not sign it.

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Guest robrabies

A legends contract has more to due with intellectual property and merchandising than a set requirement that the legend only wrestle for the WWE.

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Guest robrabies
What the hell does Randy Orton have to do to get fired?


Kill baby Aurora?


Nope...stabbing her with scissors in a hotel will do.

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Okay here is the one thing I don't understand about the whole Austin/Mankind/HHH thing. Why were they so desperate to put the belt on HHH to begin with? HHH had an extroidinarily heatless heel run in mid 1999. I wasn't really on the net much back then but to me HHH was a weak challenger for Austin that I figured Austin would simply beat and that would be it.


Of course this all sounds strange 8 years later, but HHH really had no heat as a heel back then. He seemed IC title for life quite frankly. His program with Austin was also coming off the massively successful Austin vs. Corporate Ministry angle that led to the final blowoff of the UT feud and also sent Vince packing for a while. After this HHH just seemed like some mediocre challenger to give Austin something to do for SS. It didn't help that Chyna actually challenged HHH for his SS title shot and WON the match and for a week or so had the shot.


HHH eventually hit his stride as a heel, but it was after Russo left for WCW. I can't say this for sure, but I never got the feeling Russo thought all that highly of HHH as a main event performer. He jobbed to Chyna, Vince, etc.

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Guest robrabies
Long story short, HHH had 'the look' and they were hell bent on getting him over.


And here I thought it was because of his association with "The Kliq" and the fact that he was banging the boss's daughter.

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What the hell does Randy Orton have to do to get fired?


Kill baby Aurora?


I doubt he could show up to a show drunk and actually be allowed to wrestle..but..god forbid he could and he actually went out there and hurt or worse killed somebody..


that would probably do it.

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He should lose a Loser Leaves RAW match to Edge the night after Backlash, and be sent to OVW. Orton would take it as the ultimate insult and probably go one of two ways. Clean up or completly lose it. Either way, you can pick a direction.


I dont think anything he has done is grounds for firing in the fucked up world of professional wrestling. In normal life, sure. But this isn't normal and no one should treat it that way. Its in its own world, we have to deal with that.


Therefor, the WWE would be best off pushing him to the edge of the cliff and see if he jumps or recovers. If he recovers, then its back on the Orton push trian that they want. If not, well, your off firing him now and save him from "losing it" when you give him the keys like Lesnar (diffrent circumstance, but bottom line, 2 years of a moon push for fuck all)


I like Orton a lot, and thinks he adds to the company. But getting in shit every 6 months cuz he is a shit head is doing no one any good.

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