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Guest Smues
I didn't know Sonic Spinball was hated. That was an addictive game.


But, shame on Nintendo. There's a double whammy with that already being available on GC and PC.



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Guest Queen Leelee

Has anyone here played Tiger Woods yet?


Reviews are mixed.


People say it's difficult on Advanced mode, so that's a plus.

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Nintendo is rumored to be releasing a Hard Drive sometime soon..if you believe everything you read and all.


What would the purpose be behind this? More storage? Wouldn't they just rather have you buy another SD Card?

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Nintendo is rumored to be releasing a Hard Drive sometime soon..if you believe everything you read and all.


What would the purpose be behind this? More storage? Wouldn't they just rather have you buy another SD Card?


The biggest Virtual Console rumor du jour is that VC will get Saturn emulation and NiGHTs.


However, considering the state of Saturn emulation currently, I think it's BS.


But, whether or not that day comes, Nintendo doesn't want people to run out of space for VC games, thus, why they'd want to release one. Yeah, you could just delete the games and download them later, but it's nicer to have access to them all.


You can't run the VC games off the SD cards, either. They'd have to do a new firmware update if they want to do that.

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Splatterhouse (TG16) and Beyong Oasis (Genesis) are up on the Shop channel now. Not sure if there's anything else coming out, though, since there hasn't been any press release yet.

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Beyond Oasis and Splatterhouse are on VC now. Third game most likely will be TMNT for NES.


Also, Excitebike is stealth launched onto the VC: Look on Page 2 of Newest Additions. There it is, in the middle of nowhere.

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Guest Queen Leelee
Nintendo is rumored to be releasing a Hard Drive sometime soon..if you believe everything you read and all.


What would the purpose be behind this? More storage? Wouldn't they just rather have you buy another SD Card?

There's been rumors of a demo channel, as well.


That I'd be interested in. As long as I could install my own HD...

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Beyond Oasis and Splatterhouse are on VC now. Third game most likely will be TMNT for NES.


Bah, I hope it's TMNT 2.


I'm downloading both Beyond Oasis and Splatterhouse now.

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Splatterhouse and Beyond Oasis both seem like good games. One of my friends is actually going to give me money to buy Splatterhouse, that's how excited he is for it's release.


I guess I have to wait another week before I can play the awesomeness that is known as TMNT for the NES. Hard, yes, but a fun hard. If you like Super Ghouls and Ghosts, there's no reason you should hate the NES TMNT.

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Any word on Godfather or TMNT which come out tomorrow?



Nintendo Power hated TMNT Wii. They said the fights are basically you shaking the wiimote like a spaz, and that the level designs are really weak.


I'm going to try to rent the PS2 one, though.



Here's a Beyond Oasis gameplay vid, BTW:


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I already played Godfather on PS2, yet I'm trying it out for the Wii. I think I may like it more for the sole fact that I hadn't seen the Godfather movie before I played the PS2 version, but now I have seen the movie.

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Sega announced three new games for VC:


Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle. The second best Alex Kidd game.

Wonder Boy in Monster World. That's the one everyone loves, right?

And Virtua Fighter 2: The Shitty Genesis Port. Yay.

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Guest Smues

The Genesis version of VF2? Wow. I've heard that was so awful I might just have to buy it and see the awfulness for myself.

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Guest Queen Leelee

Alex Kidd in Miracle World was the best.

Alex Kidd and the Lost Stars was made by people on wonderful drugs.

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VF2 Genesis is better than Tekken Advance.


I think Wonder Boy 4 is the one everyone loves. I'll be glad to defer to anyone a bit more learned on the subject.

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The thing is,VF2 Genesis isn't so horribly ad that it's laughable or anything. It's just that in the early days of the series, the main appeal of VF was the mere fact that is was 3D, and without that, what is there?

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By the way, I still can't find a Wii anywhere.


GameStop's insistence on lining stores with Wii boxes that say "$249" while not actually having any in stock is quite the annoying practice. I guess the key is looking for the red sign that says "Now in stock!" on the display boxes as they were on every PS3 box display at anystore I went to in Dearborn, MI yesterday.

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Surely they should be able to resolve the supply issue soon. 360s were beginning to be readily available by this point, after all.


Although nearly every single time I visit a Gamestop, typically at least one person comes up to the counter and asks for a Wii, is turned down, and given a vague estimate of when new ones will be in.

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Concerning Alex Kidd -- I've only really played Enchanted Castle. And I felt...pretty much nothing. The game just feels really, really old and uninteresting. Way more than even some mediocre NES games. It has decent visuals for the time, I suppose, but the levels seem kind of dull and the controls kind of suck, IMO. I just didn't really find any reason to continue playing it much. It's just kind of there. Does the level design / play mechanics take a sharp upswing later in the game?


I *hate* the rock-paper-scissors crap, too.

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Guest Queen Leelee

I really hated the rock-paper-scissors bullshit, also... but, it was easy to get by since it was the same sequence for every battle.

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I really hope Romance of the Three Kingdoms is not the only game. I've never been a fan Koei's work or strategy games, and I don't think RotTK is a strong enough series in the states to carry a VC week by itself like a Zelda, Mario, or Sonic game would. I was sort of hoping for Star Fox 64 or TMNT, but I guess I have an excuse to get Beyond Oasis this week now, and perhaps Splatterhouse.

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Guest Queen Leelee

Hopefully, the slowdown with the VC games means Nintendo will now be relying on releasing actual Wii games and such. About fucking time.

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