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News Flash - USB Keyboards are now supported in the Shop Channel, Message Board, and the Settings Menu.

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Covered that in my edit to my post, but I guess it wasn't too clearly visible.


The update also warns it might brick a modded system, which is nice to at least inform you of. People using Wii-Key have reported it works fine after the update, though. I can't vouch one way or the other for Freeloader.


Game Informer showed a Wii Action Replay was going to be released this month. Presumably with built-in freeloader support of some time. I guess back to the drawing board/tweaking period is in order.





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Is there actually a freeloader out for Wii yet or is it just the GC one? I'd hope there'd be no problem with the GC one seeing as the GC compatibility is almost completely seperate from the Wii.

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I love that indignant Kotaku post:


"What gives, Nintendo? Freeloaders have been around for years, legally, and have been of great comfort to both importers of Japanese titles and PAL users fucked over by a dawdling release schedule. If this breakage was accidental, fix it. If it was not accidental, this is not cool. Fix it."


Yeah, fixing an unlicensed product that Nintendo surely would rather didn't exist. I'm sure they'll get right on that.

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Is there actually a freeloader out for Wii yet or is it just the GC one? I'd hope there'd be no problem with the GC one seeing as the GC compatibility is almost completely seperate from the Wii.


It's just the GC one, for playing GC games. After all, now is the time to clamp down on people buying GC games from other regions and *gasp* playing them on GC.


Also, Nintendo has been doing this kind of crap for years. They made later models of the SNES (I believe 1994 onward) incompatible with Game Genie, ditto with the N64 and the Gameshark I believe (I didn't see it documented anywhere, but several different ones just don't work as they should), and they released several versions of the GC while Datel kept pace with new Action Replays as well. The last Action Replay had a freeloader on board, too.


None of those devices let you play copied games (Freeloader doesn't either, at least not by itself), either, but Nintendo has a problem with them for some reason. They sued Galoob because they claimed Game Genie allowed gamers to create "unauthorized derivative content."


Fortunately for Genesis owners, Sega gave Game Genie an official license. One of the coolest things they'd done at the time, IMO.


Yeah, fixing an unlicensed product that Nintendo surely would rather didn't exist. I'm sure they'll get right on that.


Amusing, but it would suck to be in that position. Nintendo's stance on region locking with the Wii has been the most utterly backwards out of the 3. PS3 is region free for games, some 360 titles are, but every damn Wii title is region locked, and it treats GC titles that way too, of course. After DS, many thought Nintendo might loosen up. Fat chance, of course. So yeah, Nintendo screws PAL gamers as much as Sony or MS, but at least they often still have some relatively-easy importing options with those other two.

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Sadly I have a high speed connection now, however the EV-DO usb modem I got isn't supported by regular wireless routers so Id need to shell out 400 bucks for an EV-DO router to share the connection to my Nintendo and thats just not happening anytime...ever.




I have no idea if the usb dongle thing would work.


I already tried a LAN-USB cable and it doesn't work because you need a router for it, even though I can share the connection over ethernet to another computer. I was assuming I could connect my nintendo directly into my computer via the LAN cable adapter but that doesn't work, so Im skeptical that the USB dongle would either.










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Just received the Blue Light of Awesomeness...


You can download a video preview of Metroid Prime 3 for free in the WiiWare section of the Shop Channel

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Some folks on GAF are reporting that after the update you can't even use the Gamecube Action Replay for just the Action Replay, let alone the Freeloader. Can anyone confirm this?

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All of the sudden I'm not able to connect to the net via the Wii, which I found funny because someone in our group of friends just bought a Wii and for whatever reason cannot get it online. I keep getting "Error 51040" and in doing some (very limited) research, this seems to be a Nintendo error that has been bothering people since the recent firmware update (server overload). Anyone else having problems?

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So in my trying to get everything connected again, I somehow lost all traces of my computer recognizing the WiFi connection (maybe because I accidentally clicked on the installation CD? I don't know). Briefly, my Wii let me connect to the net but then I received an error number much bigger than 51040. That's when I went to my computer and noticed the little blue WiFi icon vanished.


So, in following instructions I found on some forum when researching the 51040 error, I uninstalled my WiFi connector stuff and set up to reinstall it. Unfortunatley my computer refuses to acknowledge the WiFi connector dongle now, ending the installation process after telling me it wasn't installed to the USB port (after acknowledging it WAS just a minute earlier as part of set-up). I tested the port with my camera and it worked fine, so I have no idea what the problem is now.

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So in my trying to get everything connected again, I somehow lost all traces of my computer recognizing the WiFi connection (maybe because I accidentally clicked on the installation CD? I don't know). Briefly, my Wii let me connect to the net but then I received an error number much bigger than 51040. That's when I went to my computer and noticed the little blue WiFi icon vanished.


So, in following instructions I found on some forum when researching the 51040 error, I uninstalled my WiFi connector stuff and set up to reinstall it. Unfortunatley my computer refuses to acknowledge the WiFi connector dongle now, ending the installation process after telling me it wasn't installed to the USB port (after acknowledging it WAS just a minute earlier as part of set-up). I tested the port with my camera and it worked fine, so I have no idea what the problem is now.


Longshot, but have you done any Windows Updates recently? There's a chance some updated component is giving you grief.

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Some folks on GAF are reporting that after the update you can't even use the Gamecube Action Replay for just the Action Replay, let alone the Freeloader. Can anyone confirm this?


...and checking around several sites concludes, yeah, everyone is reporting it doesn't work.


I guess I'm done buying VC games, as I'd be forced to update.


For folks who already have firmware v.3, there's a minor update available now to prevent the locking up at the wii shop channel.

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I finally switched my router to channel 11. I kept having problems doing updates (it couldn't find my connection), downloads took forever, Internet Channel was so slow, Shop Channel wouldn't load (kept giving me error messages), so I finally got fed up w/ it. This is so much better now, I don't know why I didn't do this before.

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There's some talk of the new Metal of Honor Wii game on IGN. While the interview seems like a bunch of PR speak it did communicate a few ideas that I thought were pretty cool.

I like that it has an on rails game designed for the zapper along side the regular fps game. Plus 32 player online on the Wii is a good sign.


I don't know, all the fps games so far haven't lived up to potential (though Metroid's going to give the genre a major kick in the ass), could this one be alright?

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i recently got s 26" LCD tv and wii component cables. And i dont know if its me, but when i tried zelda and resi evil 4 on it (after setting the system to 480p) the games look worse imo than when i was using composite cables.


is there anything that could be goin on?

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i recently got s 26" LCD tv and wii component cables. And i dont know if its me, but when i tried zelda and resi evil 4 on it (after setting the system to 480p) the games look worse imo than when i was using composite cables.


is there anything that could be goin on?


No, that's the way it goes. Unless the game was specifically designed with an HDTV in mind, then it's probably going to look worse on an HDTV than it does on an SDTV. Having the component cables clears everything up so that you can see all of the flaws in the graphics.


That said, I don't think either Zelda or RE4 look that bad at all using component cables - but I guess it's a matter of preference/expectations and how much stock a gamer puts into graphics.

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I got RE4 Wii Edition. I missed the game on GC and the PS2 version really looks long in the tooth now despite the extra features. Since I've been catching up on great games I missed last gen, this looked like a great choice.


The game is certainly very good, on any system. However, I can't help but think how much better it would be if it wasn't so rigidly RE4. You're still using two buttons to aim and shoot. You still cannot shoot while running. There still is not even a rudimentary lock-on feature. The "quick turn" seems like a natural thing to let you activate with nunchuck shaking. You still have to use the control stick and hold a button to run which should have been more or less barred from games when analog sticks were popularized.


I guess it would make the game ridiculously easy, and the game didn't need a complete overhaul, but why does a game with a constant on-screen cursor require an "aim" button and a "shoot" button? Why does a game that uses an analog control stick for basic movement require a button to be held down to run? Why can't I attack unless I'm standing still?


Imagine running using the analog (like hundreds of other games)--boom. Smoother game. Imagine the ability to run and shoot, facilitated by the on screen cursor. Add some sort of lock-on. Boom--faster, smoother, more fun game. If you have to have the original game, make it just an option and make an improved version of the game a harder version (faster enemies).


At any rate, it's still the best version you can buy, and despite being a GC port it's still one of the prettiest Wii games (next to Twilight Princess, which is *also* a GC port). However, I agree somewhat with that fellow who bitched about the Wii version of this game. Companies shouldn't just make games that use the Wii controls, companies should make games that use Wii controls to make the game *better*, and that goes double for ports like this one.


I'm a bit disappointed the game doesn't support the Gamecube controller, although it does work with that Classic controller.


Question about the game tho: is it worth it / are there enough yellow herbs to upgrade Ashley's life bar? Or are they so rare that there's just enough to fully upgrade Leon himself?

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Games should look much, much better going from composite to component cables, even when you take into consideration that a SDTV resolution will look better on a SDTV CRT TV. If you're stretching 4:3 games to fit the HDTV, that would account for the games looking worse I guess.

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Games should look much, much better going from composite to component cables, even when you take into consideration that a SDTV resolution will look better on a SDTV CRT TV. If you're stretching 4:3 games to fit the HDTV, that would account for the games looking worse I guess.


I have games for the PS2 on my HDTV (non-stretched screen setting) that look better on composite cables than on component. GHII is on example. I get this wierd mesh for smoke effects when using component cables.. but normal looking smoke effects when using composite cables.

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Imagine running using the analog (like hundreds of other games)--boom. Smoother game. Imagine the ability to run and shoot, facilitated by the on screen cursor. Add some sort of lock-on. Boom--faster, smoother, more fun game. If you have to have the original game, make it just an option and make an improved version of the game a harder version (faster enemies).



If they added in running and shooting, that's not really a port and it adds a helluva lot more coding. Also, negatory on the lock-on thing. Games get way too easy when you have a lock on option, IMO.

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If they added in running and shooting, that's not really a port and it adds a helluva lot more coding.


Due to the game's age, more work should have been put into it to justify a new release of it. That's my point. It's a bit costly for a "budget" release, too. Should have been 20 bucks in its current state, or if they went with those enhancements I'd buy it full price and so would many others.


It's a good game as a port, but there's lots of wasted potential there for a game that was just dumped on there with wii controls.


Riddick for 360 and PS3 isn't going to be *just* a port, it's going to be heavily enhanced in game content and modes. If you're going to port something nearly two years later (just counting the PS2 version, mind you), a slight control enhancement alone doesn't cut it, IMO.


It could be argued Capcom sees it more as advertising for Umbrella Chronicles they got consumers to pay for than anything else.


Also, negatory on the lock-on thing. Games get way too easy when you have a lock on option, IMO.


Which is why I specifically mentioned that possibility and said that the game should be made harder to compensate. I also didn't mean so much a weapon lock on as a view lock on. Since the quick-look is activated by the d-pad and thus is impractical for most difficult fights something else would have been appreciated.


One of my suggestions--killing the run button, wouldn't even be that hard to implement. Tilt the stick slightly to walk, hold to run. They'd want to perhaps include some sped-up walking animations to fill the gap between the two, though.

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Question about the game tho: is it worth it / are there enough yellow herbs to upgrade Ashley's life bar? Or are they so rare that there's just enough to fully upgrade Leon himself?



Don't upgrade her bar. She isn't around enough to justify it.

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Question about the game tho: is it worth it / are there enough yellow herbs to upgrade Ashley's life bar? Or are they so rare that there's just enough to fully upgrade Leon himself?



Don't upgrade her bar. She isn't around enough to justify it.



Okay, thanks.


I was mistaken about the game not supporting the Gamecube controller. You *must* boot the game with the nunchuck or classic controller attached, then unattach it to use the GC controller. Otherwise you're stuck at a "connect nunchuck" prompt, even if you mash buttons on the GC controller. Of course, this isn't explained in the manual.

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